View Full Version : The forest or the quarters.

Narmo Loonia
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:11:20 PM
A cloaked figure walks into the living quarters of the jedi. Not a sound was heard as it walked through the halls. A small pack was slung over its shoulder and a gloved hand held tightly to it.

Following the figure was a black wolf. It kept an even pace with the figure as it aproached an open door. There was something odd about the wolf, something almost humanoid. It was always glancing around itself for anything that might harm the one that it was following.

The figured stoped outside the doorway and pulled her hood back, showing the elvish features of the woman. She steped into the door and looked at the empty room. It felt small to her. Like a cage or a cell. She sighed lightly and steped over to the bed. She droped her pack down beside it and sat down.

The wolf trotted over and lept up beside her. She smiled and kissed the side of his head. She wraped her arms around its neck and huged it gently.

"I guess this is our home now."

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:15:22 PM
Dinaer wagged his tail. I suppose.

He wasn't particularly happy with the room either, but at least the Jedi weren't making him sleep outside like other establishments had.

Dinaer nuzzled Narmo's face with his wet nose. We'll manage, my sweet

Narmo Loonia
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:26:36 PM
Narmo stood up and took a look around the room again. She removed her gloves and glanced at Dinaer. She smiled and walked over to her pack. She pulled her cloak off reveiling her silver armor. She took out a spare pair of clothing from the pack and kissed Dinaer on the head.

"I'll be right back."

She steped into the bathroom for a moment. After a while, she came back out in black pants and a dark green shirt. She placed her armor in the corner opposite her bed then walks back over to Dinaer. She lay down on the bed. It felt odd to lay on something like it. She was used to laying on a sleeping pad out in a forest or in a field or something like that.

Her mind drifted from the bed to a solution to the largest problem in her long life. How to cure Dinaer from the curse that was laid apon him years ago.

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:32:26 PM
Dinaer rested his head on his forepaws as he rested next to Narmo. He whined slightly.

I hope you find a teacher soon.

Narmo Loonia
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:45:57 PM
She looked down at him.

"All I hope for is that we find a cure soon. How were the sith able to figure out a way to shape change your body into this form to where we can not find anything to change you back?"

She saddly sighed again and closed her eyes. She rested one hand on his head.

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:52:25 PM
Dinaer was normally annoyed by people petting him, but when Narmo did it, it was actually enjoyable. Dinaer yawned and looked at his love.

I'm not so sure myself. But I'm sure if anyone can fix it, a Jedi can.

Narmo Loonia
Feb 9th, 2003, 09:36:14 PM
Narmo nodded. Her eyes slowly closed. Her hand continued to pet Dinaer but it started to slow down and then stop. She fell into a sleep and dreamed of when they finaly broke the curse.