View Full Version : Something I never realised about the Golden Globes

Jan 13th, 2003, 05:57:58 PM
Did you know only 93 people vote on them?

Jan 13th, 2003, 06:00:49 PM
That's more than it used to be. A few years ago I heard it was like 88 or so.

It's not a big group, but it's a meaningful one. The Globes are considered one of the most prestigious awards there is other than the Oscars.

Jan 13th, 2003, 06:12:55 PM
and also, did you know a great deal of them have other jobs unrelated to films? One owns a car dealership :D

Jan 13th, 2003, 06:17:00 PM
Yep, I was aware of that too. They write American about movies/TV for other countries, but some also do have other jobs.

Jan 13th, 2003, 08:57:07 PM
Yeah I suppose they are now quite respected, but they have a rather grim history in some cases and have only recently regained their respectability.

I personally think the Globes have made better decisions lately than the Oscars, notably by nominating Jim Carrey for his great work, whereas the Oscars are totally idiotic and oblivious. I think Carrey is by far one of the best actors in Hollywood history because few people are that good of comedians and that good of serious actors, but he gets no respect because of talking out of his @$$ (literally) :)

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:36:16 PM
Yeah, I know they have a somewhat shady history, but they are one of the best precursors of Academy success there is, especially with Best Picture.

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:40:51 PM
Yeah, but it just makes me smile that 100 car salesmen's opinions are so highly reguarded ;)

WHen are they announced btw?

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:46:13 PM
The Globes are this Sunday evening.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:38:53 PM
yeah the almost the same time as the AFC championship game, guess, I will flip it during the commericials and maybe watch the end (I figure it will be on pretty late), I only care about who wins the big awards anyway.

Jan 14th, 2003, 04:15:30 AM
Personally I think every awards show like that, and the Oscars, should be 30 minutes long. You announce the winners, they come up and take their award WITHOUT A SPEECH, because that is forbidden, and then they go sit down. Next award. Announce the nominees. Announce the winner. Next award. Repeat process until complete. Then I might watch. But 4 hours of this Oscar nonsense is sickening.

I said when TPM lost the effects Oscar, which remains one of their dumbest and worst decisions ever, that I'd never watch the Oscars again. I still have not and don't intend to start now. I can wait to find out online without throwing valuable hours down the toilet like a moron.

Jan 14th, 2003, 08:56:00 AM
I personally enjoy the speeches, and I'll be wasting my life like a moron. ;)

The only thing I don't care for about the ceremonies is all the tributes. They usually have like 4 or so..if they reduced the number the show would move faster.

The Lifetime Awards and Honorarary Oscar's really slow the show down as well. I think last year they gave out two honarary's AND a Lifetime Achievement Award...that added at least 30 minutes onto the show's time.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:39:42 AM
I despise all those tributes, one year the thing went to like 1 in the morning and I knew it was getting long when they had a cowboy tribute. Why do they need them??? Just do one honoring the dead actor/actress and that is it that would save them an 1 hour I bet or close to it..