View Full Version : It's In The Blood

William Lawson
Jan 13th, 2003, 02:56:31 PM
William Lawson sat surrounded by people, yet completely alone.

He was in a small café on Coruscant, in one of the more lawless areas. In front of him lay a folded newspaper and a mug of something hot, which sent little plumes of smoke up into the cold air. He shivered slightly and took a sip of his drink, sighing as the warmth filled him and spread to the chilly limbs of him body.

There was no putting it off any longer. He had been sipping on that same cup of coffee for twenty minutes now, topping it up when it was down to its last dregs. It didn’t matter how much he tried to calm his nerves, he was still going to be anxious about it all. Joining the Watch, that is. He was built for it, which much was obvious as he stood up and left his payment – and tip – for his drink. He’d been practicing the fine art of walking like a copper for a few weeks now, and as he departed for the Watch headquarters swaggered off down the street in that foot-swinging manner that all of the officers seemed to.

Adroitpolis Yard. It was truly a … unique building. He wasn’t quite sure whether to call it awesome or decadent. It stood out from the surrounding modern buildings like a sore thumb, with its aging steel work. None the less it commanded a fair deal of respect in the city. Unlike the Jedi, the Watch tended to be far less forgiving and far more brutal with criminals. A good deal of the officers had once been convicts themselves, or so William had heard, and had cleaned up their act to help out on the mean streets of Coruscant.

It was a hub of information on villainy, obviously. Any crime that occurred was assured to be brought to the attention of the Commander (renowned throughout the City for being the most ruthless of the whole band), and dossiers were kept on as many citizens as could be created. They even tried to keep an eye on the comings and goings of traffic, an immense task. Yes, it was an efficient machine, and they didn’t even collaborate with the Jedi.

The recruit strode up to the desk manned by a short man, who had the look of a rather inept guard about him; that is, the kind of man that would much prefer to be asleep or in the nearest pub rather than sitting on one post all day doing a whole lot of nothing. Of course when such a large, threatening silhouette hovered over his desk he couldn’t help but raise his gaze.

“… ‘ow can I ‘elp you?”

William shifted from one foot to the other, then stated in a defiant tone.

“I want to join.”

Brielle Acaana
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:21:26 PM
"Wanting to join and joining are two different things, Junior. Which is it going to be?"

Coruscant Watchs' forensics expert pauses behind Lawson, looking him over critically. Brielle was probably only two, maybe three years older than him but counting experience, she felt much older than that.

"It's the toughest job you'll ever love...or something like that but you've got to enjoy living dangerously if you take a job with the Watch. The names' Acaana, by the way, Brielle Acaana. Im the forensics specialist."

Holding out her hand, she gives his a quick, firm shake before breezing off down the corridor and into the lab. Pausing inside the doorway, she turns back to him.

"I didnt catch your name."

William Lawson
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:28:48 PM
“Ahum, L-Lawson, ma’am… Will Lawson,” the spluttered reply wasn’t anywhere near impressive, but looked like a million credits compared to the salute that followed it. He could read over those hand books a thousand times and still not be able to pull off the simple gesture in an adequate fashion.

Evidently, by the look on his face, the man behind the desk was equally unnerved by the woman. Perhaps it was the sudden appearance of a curvaceous figure that got him to be a little perkier about his job.

“I know all about Watch life, ma’am… I’ve read about it, studied it for months,” he called out after Acaana, rocking his weight onto one foot as he tried to spot if she was still there.

Hesitantly, and with a look of uncertainty from the desk clerk, he took a few steps towards the corridor that must have lead to the Watch’s offices. William could almost hear the cogs of the officers minds turning as they fathomed over the latest cases.

Brielle Acaana
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:54:18 PM
"You going to stand out there all day or come in and learn something? And just to let you know, Lawson, studying and reading what the Watch is like isnt the same as living it. Bullets dont fly out of books at you."

Acaana was busying herself at the black lab table that ran almost the whole length of the room and was an island in itself. Petrie dishes, test tubes, bunson burners, forceps. The usual items needed for testing were all laying about and Brielle was in the process of putting them to rights.

"So, tell me all about this desire you have to get your head shot off, Lawson."

William Lawson
Jan 13th, 2003, 04:00:00 PM
Knowing it wasn’t good form to argue with your superiors, especially on what could possibly be your first day in a new job, William jogged into the forensics room quickly. The smell of disinfectant hit him like a brick in the face, and he had to strain not to scrunch his face up in distaste. The room was like he had imagined it to be, full of odd tools that looked as though they would be more at place in a dungeon than anywhere else.

“I just want to try and uphold the law in Coruscant,” his voice said over her shoulder as he watched the experienced officer, mentally noting the way she arranged the itinerary in case he was tested on it in the future.

“Make an honest living, help the people of the city, wear the badge with pride.”