View Full Version : Final Planning (open to High ranking members)

Jan 13th, 2003, 11:43:27 AM
All was quiet within the secret discussion chambers of the sith order. A planning meeting hadn't been called for some time. TSO had been in dormant, but the time had come. The sun had begun to rise over the hills in the distance, and rays of sunlight barely snuck into the room above the window ledge. The long-marble conference table was empty save a dark figure slumped at the head of the table. His hood was atop his head and his face hid within it's shadows. He had spent years traveling in search of answers, in search of power. Many years of studying the numerous data archives throughout the galaxy provided many answers to him, but none as perfect as the one that came to him in his dream</p><center>Two nights ago in a dream.....</center>

The snow had just begun to fall in the forrest on the mountainside. The trek had been a long one and this snow was the only sign of anything remotely familiar. He was growing tired and there wasn't any sign of hope ahead. As the snow continued to fall it fell harder and faster. Visability was becoming minimal and it began to break his will. Each step was more and more difficult and more and more tireing. He noticed a cave in the distance within a rock formation that seemed to have grown from the ground. It was the only refuge he had seen since he began this trek, and was the ideal spot to rest for the night. He made for it as fast as possible, not saving any energy, he knew that once he reached it, he could rest.</p>

As he reached it, his legs buckled beneath him and he passed out. Hours went by and the storm ouside grew more severe. The wind whipped and whistled through the cave reviving him. He awoke only to find that he was still inside the cave. He couldn't make leave the cave, not yet, the weather was much too treacherous. But he heard something, very deep in the cave somewhere there was alot of commotion. Perhaps more relief. He removed his outer cloaking for it had become very damp in the snow and was very heavy and restraining. He also removed his saber from the belt of his tunic and clutched it firmly as made his way into the cave. He neared the source of the sound and he could now make out the familiar sound of droids and hydrolic arms. "Ahh the smell of oil and metal", he thought to himself. It was a a relief indeed. He had found his way to some sort of civilization.

</p>He noticed a dim light up ahead and headed for it cautiously. Civilization doesn't always mean friendly civilization. As he neared it, he noticed what seemed to be a factory, a very large factory infact. The cave was some sort of vent and at the end was a large grate. Below everything was busy. Droids, Scientists and Troops were moving about busily all in different directions. There were large vats of what seemed to be bacta and in the distance were a great group of tanks, but as he leaned into the grate in front of him, he noticed that they were Sparti cylinders. The lost cloning Cylinders. He leaned in further to observe and as he did, the weathered grate broke free from the rock wall sending him into a freefall into one of the vats below.</p>

He struggled to fight free in the thick liquid solution, but it was no use. Bacta had a different density than water, he couldn't swim in it. From beneath the surface he could hear the alarms above him. whoever ran this place knew that he was here. A great pressure was felt on his waist as a mechanical arm plucked him from the vat and dropped him to the durasteel floor. He stumbled to his feet covered in the ooze and began to run for cover. He could hear the footsteps behind him clanking on the metal surface. He ran past the last of the vats of bacta and down an aisle of sparti cylinders. As he turned to head down an adjacent aisle, his wet boots lost grips and sent him flying into one of the thick glass cyllinders in front of him. He struggled to get to his feet using the cylinder infront of him to pull himself. As he he made it to his feet, he was left face to face with the creature behind the glass. It was a horned biped, his eyes were closed, but he was obviously breathing. As bubbles shot from his nostrils. As Cloak looked down to his left he noticed a datapad. It controlled his life support. On it was his vitals along with some sort of code, an Id number. "TSO-Maul-IIc3680" it said. Cloak leaned in to look closer and it's eyes shot open sending Cloak bolting from his dream in a cold sweat.</p>

A glimpse into the future it was. Besides, Cloak rarely dreamt at all, unless the Darkness was trying to speak to him. He still sat slumped down in his seat at the head of the discussion table awaiting the arrival of the remaining high ranking officials of the order. His dream meant alot and he spent the last two days piecing the puzzle together. This was the eve of the Sith's return to power...............</p>

Live Wire
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:23:41 PM
Live Wire entered into the chamber there was an air of anticipation around the order the past few days and she was eager to hear what it was all about. After she had returned to the order she had noticed changes...one was the atmosphere of activity. People seemed ready to move...ready to take a proactive stance on their goals. It was encouraging to see...and now for the first time in a long time a mission meeting had been called. She looked forward to seeing the order once again become a powerful force in the galaxy.

Lady Vader
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:36:15 PM
*LV entered shortly after her sister of the Dark Side. The plan had been presented to those Elders of the Order with much enthusiasm. It would be good to once again do something as a whole. And the more chaos created all at one time, the harder it would be for the Jedi to place it all under order again. And that, in itself, was delicious to her.*

Nayala Palain
Jan 22nd, 2003, 01:54:47 PM
Not knowing if she was an Elder of the Order or not. Athena made her way into the chamber just after Live Wire and Lady Vader. She figured all the minds together had to be better then just one. She silently took the first seat that she came too and sat. Waiting for the others the Sith Master just watched in silence.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 27th, 2003, 12:38:53 AM
As the last to enter, Dyzm shut the door behind him with a loud clang. Looking around the room, Dyzm nods to his fellow elders, letting his eyes linger on Cloak. A grin slips across Dyzm face as he picks up on the general gist of Cloaks intentions.

"So, what do you have for us brother?"

Dyzm pulls out a chair and sits, still grinning.

Jan 31st, 2003, 08:39:36 PM

Cloak stands at his seat and bows to his brethren. He had long awaited this moment and he knew that this was the time. As he stood a panel slid away from atop of the conference table and a holo-projector emerged. It sprang to life to reveal a large orb, a planet in fact.</p>

"This is Balmorra, the Capital planet of The Balmorran Empire, an Imperial splinter group. It's Capital City is Bin Prime. In the heart of that city is a library. However, this is no ordinary library. It is an Imperial library with records kept since before the war on Naboo. Everything about anything is stored within this library. Infact, it is Admiral Taylor Millards personal library. We are interested in one thing within that library. It is information on a small scarcely populated planet called Kamino. This planet was the factory of the Republics great clone army during the clone wars. The information Millard has in that library includes schematics, lab tests and case studies. Once obtained it could serve as a step by step guide to reproducing the labs at Kamino and erecting a clone army of our own."</p>

Cloak locked his hands behind his back and began to pace in a circle around the conference table as he talked.</p>

"But this wouldnot be an ordinary army of clones birthed of the genes of a lowly Bounty Hunter. This Army would bear the genes of the great Lords of the Sith."</p>

Cloak stopped in his pacing and turned to face the conference table.</p>

"Within the Great Sith Temple is a tunic warn by Lord Bane himself. Darth Mauls Remains were salvaged on Naboo. Lord Vaders hand is under the custody of Grettah the Hutt on Tatooine. Lord Sidious' DNA is locked away in a maximum security facillity on Coruscant. All can be retrieved and all can be used to bring our great ancestors back to life again."</p>

Cloak returned to his seat and slumped down as usual.</p>

"This all starts with a file on Balmorra, an Imperial Capital."</p>

Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:50:28 AM
Just as the meeting was starting, a small shadow upon the wall began to grow bigger. Within seconds it resembled a gaping black hole. From this shadow, a figure walked forth. It was Malice. Stepping into the room, he bowed to everyone.

*I heard there was a meeting and couldn't resist. Forgive my lateness*

Taking a seat he basically probed the other's minds. Not dep enough to see any secret's, only skimmed the surface to know what they were talking about.....that he missed. Once done, he looked at Cloak.

*So then, we are to go and retrieve these files*

It was more of a statement then a question.

Nayala Palain
Feb 4th, 2003, 03:27:01 PM
The Sith Master listened to Cloak as he spoke. The words interested her.

" So how do you plan to get onto Balmorra let alone into the library? But if little or unknown to any of you, before joining with this Order, I had the privliage to join my cousin Taylor on Blamorra, learning of a past I did not know I had. So I will be more then glad to assit in any way I can. To get someone or just myself onto Balmorra for the information needed. And if I am not needed to get the information in the Library, then a trip to Balmorra would still be nice for myself. "

After thought for a few seconds Athena pondered.

" And is that the only information of the Sith of the Past, or are those just the ones you or shall I say this Order plans on using? "

Feb 8th, 2003, 07:17:50 AM
"Everyone will be needed. We must assault a planet without being detected. We have to sneak onto the planet and take the file without them knowing that it's gone. Now I happen to know that this will be next to impossible. We are not getting into an Imperial Capital without being detected at all. That is unless they are diverted. If we can create some form of diversion, our steps will be invisible."</p>

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Feb 14th, 2003, 11:59:38 PM
Zakatiel, the true name of Dyzm, stands up and slams the table with both guantleted hands.

"By God! Must we sit here and continue talking this planned attack to death like the pathetic Jedi? Or do we charge forward with a lightning strike? We have an opportunity of a life time, and at the speed we are going, Cloning will be a forgotten technology before we get there! WE ARE SITH!!! Lets not forget that! With the power of the Darkside, no one can stand in our way."

Walking away from the table, Zakatiel watches the eyes of his fellow sith. Watching for the spark of interest they had lacked during the planning. He watched it finally catch on in some, and ignite with fury in others. Nodding in satisfaction, he begins again.

"I believe we wanted Sith Knights and Apprentices to start the diversion, but if none of them are willing to step forward later, then I will go. But we must start this soon. No matter how long we plan, things will go to pieces, for the enemy never follows your plan! SO let us attack NOW!"

Feb 15th, 2003, 06:52:59 AM
Cloak stood with Dyzm finally seeing someone as enthused as him was a great relief. However some were still unconvinced.</p>

"An assasination attempt on their Senator. Regardless of if he truely dies, it will draw every military official in the system."</p>

Nayala Palain
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:49:02 PM
Athena stood with the other two she indeed wanted to get this show started.

" An Attack on the senator? It would have to come from within. "

She thought about it. Interesting....

" Master Zakatiel you start the attack on Balmorra and I shall go for thier Senator. Indeed getting onto Coruscant will not be an easy task.... "

Feb 17th, 2003, 03:32:03 AM
*An assassination huh.....sounds like fun*

Malice stood from where he was seated, and looked at Athena.

*I would like to acompany you my'lady. Afterall, the more the merrier i always say. With more then one going after the senator, that will draw even more attention. Especially if we attack from different sides. We could spread their forces as well*

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:41:25 AM
**Zakatiel nods in agreement**

"We can cause disruptions for the distruptions. Athena, Malice, when you go, take the majority of the Apprentices and Knights with you. Send them off to cause trouble, and lure any annoyance away from your assasination attempt. Clearing you up, which in turn, free's the rest of us up as we strike toward the main base. Sending the apprentices off should give them enough practice for this to count as a training mission. It should generate enough confusion to through the enemies army into total chaos.
I also do not wish to be in direct leadership of this assault though, so I belive we shall leave it in DarkCloaks hands."

**Turning, Zakatiel faces DDC once more**

"So, as commander, when do we leave?"

Feb 17th, 2003, 07:03:54 AM
"One week"

Nayala Palain
Feb 17th, 2003, 10:17:08 PM
" Masters "

Athena was speaking of everyone here within the room.. Seeing how they all were Masters.

" Now I know that Coruscant is the home to more then just the Jedi. How many ships did you want Malice and I to take? "

She had to think of the best way to kill the Senator of Balmorra she knew almost all of the people on the planet now that she had been there so much.

" Malice we should plan this out as much as possible, understanding that more then likely nothing is going to go as we plan. "

Feb 17th, 2003, 10:32:28 PM
*Indeed. Maybe we could split into three groups. Me and you lead a group. Then find a qualified knight to lead the third. Once that is settled, we should all probably go on seperate ships and arrive at Coruscant at different times. Maybe a few minutes after one another*

He stopped there to hear what Athena thought so far. And if she wanted to add or change anything he had said.

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Feb 20th, 2003, 02:06:22 AM
"Just assign me to where you think I am needed, I will do everything in my power to cause Chaos"

Feb 20th, 2003, 07:27:09 AM
"I want you on Balmorra with me, your experience will be needed there."

Lady Vader
Feb 21st, 2003, 06:48:50 PM
*Assassinations of Senators. This reminded her very much of the time she and another Sith had been sent to assassinate Borsk Fey'lya... and had come out successful in their mission.*

Place me where you think best, as this is your plan.

But be it known I have had some experience in assassinations of high class beaurocrats.

*She smiled sinisterly.*

Zakatiel Rhinehart
Mar 8th, 2003, 04:13:35 AM