View Full Version : I'd Like To Be An Active Member

Avolon Bisel
Jan 13th, 2003, 02:00:36 AM
I'd like to be involved in any NRSF RPs and anything related to the NRSF.

I'm technically part of the group, although I've never really been a part of a real RP. Atleast not one that I finished. I've been in a few, but honestly... I kind of went AWOL(ooc) in the middle of them, so they finished without me.

I'm a Lieutenant and part of the Black Panthers. General Tohmahawk signed me up. My character used to be with the Rebels and then left when the death star blew up. General Tohmahawk recruited me back into the Special Forces. I made up the rank of Lieutenant for myself and he said I was part of the Black Panthers. I believe it's a squad withen the NRSF that he is head of. Honestly I don't know much about military terms or going ons, forget my knowledge about NR military terms, etc. So I'm a newbie in this.

I'm the bartender at Yog's. Although I haven't RPed with this character in five months, I believe. I'm not certain of the time. This is actually my first post with this user name after a long break from RPing.

My character is supposed to be a wonderful pilot. Mainly through his ability to do things by the seat of his pants, not so much his technical skill. Though his main skill is field fighting. He's an extremely accurate shooter and excellent hand-to-hand fighter. His weapon of choice is a blast and smash rifle. It doesn't have a technical name because he pretty much assembled it himself. It shoots bullets and has a grenade launghing chamber. Hence the name "blast and smash". His overlaying attribute though is toughness. He's stared death in the face too many times to count and has been refered to as crazy for the risks he takes in getting the job done.

Anyway, I'd like the chance to RP. I know nothing about the jargon used in the NRSF or how to even RP as a NRSF member. Since my skills and rank are just made up, someone might want to assign me another rank and have me train. I don't know how it's done around here. From my background in RPing as Jedi characters at the GJO my instinct is to train to get my abilities made into reality, and to advance in rank. So I'd be glad in taking another rank or having to go through training. :) I just want to RP as a NRSF soldier.