View Full Version : BERSERK! [COMPLETE!]

Jan 13th, 2003, 12:15:30 AM
The Jackel snarls, his clawed hands crushing the throat of the man before him. This is supposed to be a high-security prison. He was arrested just yesterday for, well...being intimidating. He was practicing alone in a public park, well away from anyone, when a frisbee flew through the air toward him. Out of reflex he parried and sliced the disk in twain. Apparently it scares four year olds when their frisbees are bisected by evil dog men. So he was arrested. The NRSF guards have only riled his anger, ridiculing his fighting ability and his katana. This, coupled with constant shooting into his cell, has brought Inu-Aku to his breaking point. The bars flew off their hinges, his katana burst from the armory, and he killed the staff and inmates of the prison in their entirety. He's just finished off the last of them, but his berserker's fury won't let him stop. He looses a howl of rage and turns at the figure walking up the main road toward the prison. New prey. Let the fool come.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:07:11 PM
The dust under Neo’s boot clumped up in small clouds of brown before shifting away to join the bottom laying soil on the well worn prison backtrail. Not that he wanted to actually go to the prison; it was a routine trip around it to a contact about hidden information.

But the sudden klaxon of alarms from the facility drew Neo off the main path to climb the beaten trail to the back gates. Once the wolf-kind rose over the crest, the gates lay torn in twain with bodies of guards and prisoners strewn about mutilated beyond identification. Neo’s nose twitched as he took in the scent of dried blood, his ears flatted against the skull as he started forward again.

He couldn’t hear, see, nor smell anything living… but the long bladed zatochi sword in his back trembled, eager to be drawn in battle.

Jan 13th, 2003, 07:11:31 PM
Inu sniffs. A human/dog hybrid. Like himself. It didn't smell like his son, but it wouldn't have mattered to Inu if it was his wife coming up the trail towards him. He draws his sword with a roar, a sound equated more with wild dogs than men, and goes for the throat.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:27:38 PM
The sudden howl from nowhere and from all directions threw Makoto to draw the zatochi on his back. Instantly it flashed before his eyes and sparks flew like hell's angels upon the battlefeild.

Inu's blade had been blocked by the scorched blade of Neo's. Amber eyes stared into Mako's own ruby for a second before he pushed away.

"Well well... A crossbreed, had a little prison brutality streak here, nice style I must commend."

Jan 13th, 2003, 07:32:40 PM
The response is a guttural snarl and a quick snap with the blade at Makoto's forehead.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:34:21 PM
Again Makoto parried with speed, sparks flirting about. If the dog had this much fight in him, perhaps Neo would let the fight prolong abit further. That is if actual skill showed through..

Jan 13th, 2003, 07:37:56 PM
Another block. Berserkers by nature don't think before they attack, but the dog in Inu has enough instinct to make up for it. He gestures with one hand, a Force Push to throw his opponent off, and swings horizontally, with the intent of cleaving Mako in two.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:42:56 PM
The push indeed threw Neo's ballance into turmoil, but quick thinking sent the wolf into a quick duck and springing motion to 'spear' the beserker in the midsection. Rolling off and kipping to a standing position, Neo switched the zatochi to the dull edge and struck with a golfer like swing..

Jan 13th, 2003, 07:50:47 PM
Inu curls as Makoto stands, holding his entire weight on his shoulders. The blade swings by and he takes to his feet, plunging a fist into his opponent's chest while momentum forces a follow through. He steps back, hunching like a cornered stray, eyeing Makoto like a rabid dog. He sneers, curling his lip, showing off two fangs in his upper row of teeth. This opponent is stronger than most. Instinct puts him on guard.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:10:53 PM
Mako twirles the zatochi in his hand, the blade flashing in the brilliant sun. With each turn, Mako had been channgeling the force directly into the blade; the shaft quivering from the kenetic energies.

The sneer from the opponent pulled a toothly grin from Neo, soon the blade halted the circular pattern and pointed right at Inu. "Freeze, Pup."

Before any reaction could occur, black tendrils shot out of the blade and streight at Inu. They buzzed with electricity, enough to stun a full grown bantha but not enough to kill a human being - the offencive techique wasn't that developed yet - raced torrward the dog-man..

Jan 13th, 2003, 08:18:09 PM
Some form of Force Lightning? A memory flashes before him; a woman, cloaked as a Sith, firing bolts of lightning from her hands. He puts his sword up in a hurried defense. Some tendrils stop against the blade. Those that do electrify it, but he's saved by the hilt, which doesn't conduct electricity. The ones he fails to block feel as if they've set his nervous system on fire. In his berserk state he doesn't think much of it. Instead, he dodges right, evading as best he can, and throwing his blade tip first at Makoto.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:36:10 PM
Makoto was totally focused on the attack to miss the feint hint of the dodge. Too late! As Mako dropped the attack and made a move to dodge Inu's weapon sliced cleanly across his back. But instead of mauling the flesh, the sword encountered a metallic plate of armor producing a violet spray of sparks and thrown shrapnel.

"Krasst! I just had this thing rebuilt!" Mako cursed, rolling to his feet and brandishing the zatochi menacingly. The torn fabric drifted in the carrion filled wind, crows circling above for the two combantants to finish the duel.

Neo's eyes narrowed to slits, glowing with red fury..

Jan 13th, 2003, 08:39:07 PM
Inu pulls his throwing arm back and clenches a fist. The blade circles back, taking a fast spin as it cuts back across in Makoto's direction on its way back to it's wielder.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:48:03 PM
The incoming 'boomerang' slugged Neo clearly in the back, sending him crashing to the floor roughly. The zatochi flew from his hands and dug into the ground roughly North East of his fallpoint. Dust filled his nose from the prison ground as Neo let out a deep breath and stood back to his feet.

"Thats it.." he growled, clenching his paws to release dual two foot double edge swords from the armor under his drab of black. The blades, although thin, glimmered in the wind and had an obvious edge to them.

"Your stir-fry..."

Jan 13th, 2003, 08:54:01 PM
Inu stands to his full height and catches the blade's hilt, holding it above his head with a death glare in his eyes. He swings it down to his side, then puts up a defense. His legs twitch; he wants to press the attack, but he can sense something up Makoto's sleeve...the question is, what will he do? He growls irritably and barks a challenge.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:02:45 PM
The barked challenge was replied with a growl from Mako. The dust on his muzzle aggrivated his olfactory sences greatly, which in turn aggrivated his concentraion. But it could be worked around.

Neo stood relaxed, then held out his left arm and motioned the "Come and get it" hand sign..

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:05:03 PM
Inu shudders, instinct resisting berserk bloodlust, but in the end, bloodlust wins out. With Force-enhanced speed he closes the distance between him and Mako with a lunging stab.

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:11:37 PM
As Inu closed in, Neo enhanced his own speed and met the beserkers charge. Ducking to the downwards left, he batted Inu's blade up with the right hand sword before spinning on his heel, grasping his left wrist with the retracted right hand, and planting a harsh ebow into Inu's sturnum.

As Inu recoiled, Neo dropped to his rear and swept the legs out from under him before sliding back up to his feet and lunging back out of distance..

"C'mon, you can do better than that!" Neo taunted, a smug grin on his face..

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:14:05 PM
The dog man rolls backward onto his feet and reaches out, pulling with the Force. Makoto hurtles forward toward Inu's waiting blade. The kill is all he's looking for...

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:20:44 PM
The grin dissapeared as Neo was lurched forward, thankfully he was able to control his surprise enough to displace his weight enough to - Inu's sword digs deep into his left shoulder.

Yelping at the sudden pressure of bent armor and pain, Neo's left arm goes instantly limp as he pulled himself from the sword with a backwards leap combined with a force blast.

First Blood.

Rage, pure and uncut, lashed through the Knight's mind. His eyes glared at Inu from the corners, every curse from timbucktwo to alcatraz forming in his mind. A black orb formed in his right hand, pulsating with negative energy..

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:27:17 PM
Inu is thrown off by the Force blast, his sword thrown back behind him by momentum. He regains his balance shakily, watching the black ball with a cautious gaze...

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:34:09 PM
Neo noticed Inu watching the oblivion ball, which was nearly at full charge. If the beserker stood any hope, it was gone now.

The throbing pain and leaking blood only fueled to make the force attack stronger, deadlier, and more controllable. By now, the orb was the size of a softball, pulsing with no real form or shape. Blue currents of electricty, friction built, aced across the bubbling mass.

"Fire in the hole," Neo growled, drawing back the arm and chunking the ball directly at Inu like a professional baseball pitcher..

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:38:40 PM
The speed of it is tremendous. It catches the berserk dogman fully in the chest, dispersing in dark waves of unholy electricty across his body. He doesn't scream. He couldn't even if he wanted to; his whole body has locked up from the blast. The effect wears off, but the pain is there, burning, throbbing all over his body. He takes a knee, breathing heavy, the maniacal light fading from his eyes as his consciousness returns to him.

"What...manner of attack..."

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:44:26 PM
Neo hasn't the spare strength to reply, the wound in his shoulder had leaked into a puddle of dark red blood at his feet. Yet, dispite the massive blood lost, the Knight stood still. Of course, he was hanched over as if picking up a load.

'Force... enhanced... uhhn... destruction.. Mako telepathically 'spat' out...

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:46:36 PM
"It's...one I...should like to learn..."

The wolf hybrid blurs before him.

"I do believe...that since our bodies are no longer capable of fighting...we are at a draw..."

Makoto Neo
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:54:11 PM
'I can agree on a draw..' Neo responded, 'Perhaps... one day I'll teach you it... perhaps.. unnh..

Makoto dropped forward, banging against the dirt roughtly to spur up little clouds to join their brethren again. He's still kicking, just tired, he'd rest for a minute. Then cauterize the wound with his saber before setting off for proper medical treatment.

I hear sirens on the horizon. I can pass for a... eh.. victim for now...

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:57:16 PM
"I...I am the only inmate...to be caught...would be a bad thing..."

Inu shoves himself to his feet and staggers forward, leaning heavily on his sword.

"I look forward to our next bout..."

He makes a slow escape into the deep drainage ditch surrounding the perimeter. He'll hide here until they're gone...