View Full Version : End of the Line

Tyler Harris
Jan 12th, 2003, 06:32:49 PM
I'm not a bad kid. If you disregard the trips to bootcamp and the arrests, I'm a stand up guy. Of course, if you asked my father he'd tell you otherwise. he'd probably say (and has) that I am a grade A delinquent who's going to end up dead somewhere. Now, I take offense to that and I'm sure a lot of other people do to... After all, at my best I'm only a B.

A lot of his attitude towards me has to do with my older siblings. Ray Jr, my brother, is in jail. Colleen, my sister, is on the Deans list in college, a real egghead. Now, what does that have to do with me you ask? Everything. See, my Dad's real dissapointed in Ray Jr. And my Dad's real proud of Colleen. But my Dad isn't sure what to make of me. He doesn't know why I haven't taken Ray Jr.'s arrest like Colleen has and turned myself around, right into God's graces.

Which is how I ended up here. My Dad, who didn't trust me to come alone, is at the end of his rope (which doesn't explain why he's still alive) so he's decided that I need 'positive reinforcement'. Now, no one in our family is about to give that.... 'most half of them are in jail or dead anyhow. But see, my old man's a reader. Yes sir, he loves to read. And he read about these Jedi people... I don't know why he'd want to read about them when you can turn on the holo almost any day and watch about what they did for this person or how they saved that one. But that's not the point. The point is, my Dad thinks that I'm gonna benefit from spending some time here. But let me tell you something... If three years in a military accademy and eight weeks and boot camp didn't help, I can assure you that this won't either.

"Hello? I need to discuss a matter of some importance with the Jedi!"

See? There he goes, trying to sound important. Me? I'm just happy to slouch up against this wall and laugh at him in his fancy suit.

Jan 12th, 2003, 06:38:34 PM
"Matter of importance?"

Zeke is sitting on the back of a chair, watching the activity. Lately he's taken to hanging around the Recruitment Center...he finds helping the new recruits to be a good way to pass the time.

"Discuss away, friend."