View Full Version : Suggestion

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:20:33 PM
Would it be more realistic if the GJO did as the New Republic Senators adjusted for them, as they aren't their own alligences where they can control themselves. They bow to the Supreme Counciler, and he makes their missions, or suspessions, or normally all of them. Or even this was only on a few occasions, wouldn't it be also missions that were created by the Moderators, or Jedi Council. Like guarding someone to a certian place, or such as that.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:34:08 PM
We can't really have a Supreme Counciler, since they would put the direction and fate of the whole group in the hands of one person.

Missions are created regularly by people both on and off the Council, with various scenarios - aquiring lost items, guarding/escorting someone, investigating suspisious circumstances.

Usually when someone makes something like this they'll post about it either in here, or in Arcan IV, to let people know that they're welcome to participate - so keep an eye out for those threads - or even create your own. :)

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:52:00 PM
I think actually I could role play a Supreme Counciler, I would play him actively, and smartly. The fate of the group wouldn't be placed souly on my hands, as the approval of the Council in the Jedi Order on most missions. As well as that, a Supreme Counciler would be needed to regulate things, and possible it would create more Republic Laborers, and a stronger alligences. Also, how would you directly control that of the New Republic which has possibilities of attack.

If you allow me, I'm sure that I could role play the Supreme Counciler, I'm up for the challenge a 100%

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:55:59 PM
First off... you're new and most people wouldn't like to have someone new be in charge of something that some people here have been a part of for years. Yes that is actually yearS ...

Also, we have the Jedi Council that oversees the group IC .. we don't need one person doing that. One person in charge never works, hence the Council which is a group of people making IC decisions. They are also voted into their position by all members of the GJO ...

I do not like this idea. no offense :)

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 03:06:48 PM
Ah, I dont wanna sound offensive, but it worked in Star Wars, and I see no reason why it wouldn't work here. I mean, their are many role playing groups that can manage one over, and yet in this it's truly not one over it.

If it was to be an active enviroment there, and supported, it would be alot more then just one. It could very well be 10 to 5 Role Playing Government Senates, Presidents, and Kings & Queens. At that point there, it wouldn't be much different then the Council, as the Council had Yoda at the top, with everyone else falling behind him, but still in the same rank.

Supreme Council System would be very well the same, with people falling as Senators, Presidents, Kings and Queens, mattering what the planet they were of, and the government system and callings.

But, it's all up to the people, and also it doesn't matter if I'm new, doesn't mean I have never had role playing expirences. You cancel me out like I've never even role played in my whole entire life at all. And yes, I'm not scared by you having expirences in problem three years, I've had the same amount, probably more.

To end it on a better note, with a less offensive context, I dont want to start any trouble, I'm just suggesting as the topic says, but I have the right to back up my own words. I dont want to offend anyone at all, just I believe one person, or me could be the Supreme Council. I wasn't completely canceling out other Role Players you trust here, I was suggesting me as one as I brought up the idea.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2003, 03:29:56 PM
Someone claiming arbitarily a high rank in anything is not done here. Adn certainy, no one is goign to be allowed to clainm Chancellor when a) We have one and b) other long termers should get first bite at it if there wasnt. You earn your position and rank, when you are new you IC start from the bottom and earn your way up IC.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:53:56 PM
Ahhhh, the new person who has no idea how anything works suggesting all kinds of new things.

Just stay around for a while and you'll understand why we do things the way we do.

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:01:50 PM
Master Jamel, always remember that this place has been established for a very long time and that some players are highly experienced, some of the best roleplayers about habit this board. While suggestions are always welcome, be careful how you approach such suggestions. They also appreciate the freedom to roleplay as they wish, as do I. Your post reads as I "I know best, do it my way" kind of post and I will put to you, that goes down very badly here.

While the poeple who are here in the main are friendly and good, you must place in mind they have answered such questions before and the reason they do as they do is based on what they have found to be the best way to roleplay.

Syrius Cline
Jan 12th, 2003, 11:17:11 PM
If you remember... the supreme chancellor idea didn't work out too well in Star Wars. It lead to the Empire. :lol

I actually put an idea forth a while ago, and it was accepted by a few Jedis as a fun way to do things. You start a thread with the attachment of "benevolent forces". The threads are about your Jedi characters, individually or grouply, doing a "mission". Big and small. Delivering medical and food supplies to unfortunate planets, protecting government figures from assasination attempts, helping injured people in a catastrophe, etc. You made up your own idea and then could, if you wanted, say the council sent you out to do it. The reason for putting "benevolent forces" on it was so that it could be instantly regonised. A fun way to show unity. I'd look at the main RPing board and see three threads with "benevolent forces" going at once. Makes you feel like the Jedi are doing something to help mankind, other than fighting Sith.

Now, I also proposed an add-on idea. I can't remember if it was widely accepted, or if it was accepted at all. I just remember it never really happened. Or maybe I was going to propose the idea, but never did. The idea was to have council members get in a meeting over a fictional event. Like say, an imperial ship just blew up a city on a planet. The council could then decide on a number of jedi, and then the actually characters that would be depolyed to help. They could help aid the injured and get to trapped survivors. They could also split off and stop the attacking ship from doing more damage. Maybe this idea could be put forth again and the same effect you want be done.