View Full Version : The Land of the Concrete Sky (Open)

Morgan Evanar
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:21:26 AM
Cont'd from here. (

Coruscant: the polished, rotting apple of the Galaxy. The further you go to the core, the more disgusting it gets.

Of course, its all a matter of context. Right now, the "Jedi Master" "Morgan Evanar" had none. Nor did he even know his own name. What one might consider to be a filthy hovel might be an improvement.

Morgan found comfort in a crumbling apparment building, with windows long broken. An inner "suite" whose's reedeeming feature was an extrodinarily dusty recliner became a night's (day's?) refuge.

It was a crapheap, but for someone who was routinely used as a punching bag, it was luxury. He fell asleep, and began to again dream of the woman with flowing red hair and eyes of living green.

Luxury was fleeting. Even though he had slept for the past 10 hours, the running from the past two days had been on borrowed money, and now the abused body demanded reparations. Food would have to wait, though.

Someone was in the hallway. Morgan threw himself behind the chair with the upmost grace and silence.

Denali Gue
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:44:01 PM
The beam of light bounced erratically, swaying slowly from side to side then jumping a foot or two into the air only to return to its former cadence. Occasionally it would swing wide to the left or off to the right but eventually the beam would find it's way pointed forward once again.

Stray, lazy particles of dust floated through the cool night air, brought to life by the high intensity beam and looking like so much plankton drifting on an ocean current. The night was deep here, silent and dark and only the most daring-or the very foolish-broke it deliberately. Large furred rodents scuttled between ports of safety, deperately trying not to draw the attention of the larger winged carnivores that also inhabited this place of desolation. A rat-like creature darted out from behind what remained of a once servicable recliner, snagging a roach between it's front paws and immediately biting the insects head off. Hanging out of the rodent's mouth, the six legs quivered thier last as the rat spun about, hurrying back to the cover of the chair. From an exposed plasteel beam high overhead, a leathery winged creature drops from its perch, claws extended. The bouncing of radar from prey and back has shown the bat exactly where it's next meal is at. Swooping down silently it latches onto the rodent, sharp nails sinking past the fur and into flesh as it rises, seeking another perch from which to enjoy it's meal.

Such is life in the lower levels of Coruscant.

Here and there, the beam of light pauses, coming to rest on the dust ladened concrete floor. The sound of a zipper opening echos up and down the empty tenement, followed by the sharp snap of something being opened then closed. Soft noises issue forth as the owner of the light works quietly, wanting to finish what was begun a few hours earlier. Twenty stories of this decrepit, abandoned building had been searched, leaving only this last floor. Thankfully.

Through discreet inquiries, the person now lifting the flashlight from it's resting place, had been hired to do a job. The company which owned this lovely establishment had become aware that multiple gangs were residing therein and wanted the building brought down. If the street roughs just happened to be caught inside during the ensuing explosions, so much the better. They had never known anyone was there.

Long blonde hair was pulled back into a chic and stylish ponytail but one irritating strand kept insisting on falling over intense blue eyes determined to wire one last vial of liquid explosive to the bottom of a metal beam. Lofting an eloquent brow, the demolitions expert realizes that the last of the tape has been used. This is where ingenuity comes in.

Pulling the wad of bubblegum from her mouth, Denali Gue stretches it until satisfied with it's sticky length. Smiling brightly, she presses the vial into the gum then wraps one end of the strand around the beam, holding the tube perfectly in place.

"I am a genius."

Looking down the hall at the last two or three rooms, Ali sighs softly. Almost finished. Picking up the flash, she trods carefully over the debris littering the floor, the beam of light mimicing her every move. Soundlessly, Denali shines the light in and all around the empty room and heads for the next one, door gaping open widely. Giving it the perfunctory once over, she turns away then freezes on the spot. Reaching into her tight fitting pink vest, she withdraws her small palm held blaster and spins slowly on her heels. Footprints. Literally. Someone liked living on the edge by going barefoot in this hellhole. One small cut in the skin and a misstep into all the raw guano would mean instant infection and more likely, death.

The dust was floating thicker in this room, meaning that someone or something had only just stirred it up moments before her arrival. Denali seriously doubted that it was one of the gang members, they all wore thick-soled boots. This was probably some old toothless vagabond who had nowhere else to go. But blowing away the homeless wasnt in her contract. Hesitantly she takes another step forward, her voice hushed as she calls out.

"I wont hurt you. It's alright, you can come out."

Morgan Evanar
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:04:13 PM
Morgan rose slowly two his full two meters and winced as the light hit him in his face. A pair of fellinoid eyes glazed over blue green before the light moved out of the way again, revealing a skinny, dirty man in an extremely ill fitting suit, which was far too loose in the waist, far too short in the limbs, and only a touch too wide in the shoulders. A month of being chained and malnourished had taken a hard toll on what was formerly a very fit body.

Not... hurt me? He figured it was a possibility as his eyes examined the blonde... she looked and smelled so different from his captors. Sounded different too. Part of him stirred, a simple, primal part responsible for perpetuation of a species, but it was largely ignored and drowned out by adrenaline and self-preservation.

Regardless, of her assurance, he kept one hand on the delapidated chair, ready to weild it as a massive club.

It took a moment for him to think the words: they were there, but they came slowly, like dripping cold insect-syrup. Getting his mind to work at regarding... well, anything but the past month was nearly infuriating.

"Put th' blaster down." he menaced in a mixture of a growl and a thick Tanaabian accent. If she didn't, well, Morgan would satiate his hunger. Denali probably was far better eating than any rat.

Dakota Gue
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:32:31 PM
Dakota kept to the shadows.

...Be the wall....you are..the wall....

Clad in black cat-burgler clothing from head to toe, her face darkened with a substance resembling shoe polish, but dull, taking away any sheen the light reflecting on her may catch.

She remained absolutely still. Just as she had done for hours now. Sheets of paper and consumer rubbish tumbled past her on occassion, once again wafting the smell of the city dregs to her nostrils. What a hellish place for anyone to be. She was glad they were blowing it up. It was a pit, that once a soul fell into it, they were lucky to be heard from ever again. Many a soul had probably fallen down this way, she mused. Poor things.

Dakota's discipline was complete, which would have surprised many that may have met her in her non-duty hours. Years of studying gymnastics from early childhood had brought a strength of both body and mind that allowed her to complete the task she had tonight.

Lifting dark night glasses to her mascared eyes, she looked up and down the back lane of the gang-house. Focusing, she looked in to the mauve-hued cityscape (not red, not green, but lilacy mauve, expecially lensed to appeal to her innate sense of prettiness). All clear.

Tucking the small night-glasses into their sheath clipped to her belt, Ko then glanced at the chrono tucked under her sleeve. 5 minutes to detonation time. Denali should be exiting any second.

Tilting her other wrist to her lips she spoke almost inaudibly.

"Good to go"

Short, to the point, no names. Standard procedure. Standard check in.

Dakota resumed her former postion, chanting within her mind once again, once more becoming absolutely invisible....

Be the wall....you are...the wall....

Denali Gue
Jan 15th, 2003, 12:00:09 AM
What rock did this poor sap crawl out from under?

He was a mess from head to toe. The only part of him which didnt look like he had bathed in dirt was his eyes and striking they were. Aiming the bright beam directly on him, the irises of his eyes seemed to leap out at her, catching and reflecting the light as though hidden mirrors were behind the orbs of sight.

Denali pondered briefly whether this man had killed for the clothes he was wearing. It was ill-fitting at best and hung limply on his slender frame, lending him a further look of helplessness by making him appear like a child who had dressed in his fathers' suit.

But he was no child, that was plain to see. Even now, his hands were tensed and clenched over the back of the chair, the veins standing out in stark relief.

He muttered something she couldnt understand and it seemed as if the words were forced, as if being alone for so long had taken his memory of speech to the edge of being forgotten. Foreign to her ears but his meaning was clear enough as he cut his eyes to her blaster for the second time.

Angling the beam of light away from his face, Denali slowly tucks the gun into the waistband of her pants, her eyes never leaving his.

"It's alright......see, Im putting it away. You dont have to be afraid of me, honey. Im not going to do anything to you. Can you understand what Im saying?"

Whisper-soft, a voice matching her own crackled through her earpiece. Ko was giving her the go ahead, letting her twin know that all was clear on the outside. Ali knew that she would be waiting for a quick reply, signaling that all was on schedule from her own end. But it wasnt. They had to finish the job and tonight had gone so well, up until now. What to do with this guy was the question. Denali held one hand out towards him.

"Sweetie, youve got to come with me now. If you stay here youre going to get hurt."

She didnt want to frighten the poor fellow but the urgency slipped into her tone nonetheless. The clock was ticking!

Morgan Evanar
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:42:36 PM
Large green cat-like eyes looked at her blankly. The only thing that made it across was a sense of urgency and something else he had so far been completely unfamiliar with: concern. But trying to figure out the words only made his head hurt.

Still, the fact that she had put her blaster away did measures for Morgan's comfort. The iron grip he had wrought on the chair relaxed. Something faint, too quiet for even him to hear clearly came from Denali's ear.

The blonde turned to him and said something again, holding her hand out.

His addled head rightly processed this as a sort of gesture of friendship. It was the kindest thing he had experinced in his month of memory. Then again, so was the person presenting the hand. A curvaceous figure topped with blonde hair and shock blue eyes were new, yet Morgan knew they were somehow normal. He held fast, still confused about everything: in his experince, everything else hit him or made poor eating.

Denali had not played by the short list of known rules. After a deep breath, though, a deep realization washed over him, along with an unfamiliar yet known smell: Melacycline Renzide. Melacyline Renzide was a very potent explosive with multipul purposes, but was commonly eschewed for military use due to its instability compared to other compounds. It still found use in the civilian sector for the very simple reason that it was very inexpensive, and not too dangerous if handled properly.

"Melacycline Renzide." Morgan's thick Tanaabian accent stuck, but the growl was gone, making for a somewhat coherent statement. Denali looked very suprised as he put a dirty gloved hand into hers, but the shock gave way to urgency: she knew very well that this would be a pile of rubble in about four minutes and forty-five seconds.

They dashed out the door, the light bouncing about, causing Morgan more disorentation than good, but few were blessed with his night vision.

Dakota Gue
Jan 15th, 2003, 11:49:40 PM
She had not received an acknowldgement from Denali of her transmission.

This was a little worrisome. Only two things could be reason for this. The communicator was not working, or Denali was unable to respond. Perhaps someone was around and it was dangerous for her to speak. They had been in this situation before, and Ko knew not to panic or react presumptiously.

She had a few minutes yet. Denali would make contact very soon, or else she would know Ko would come in search of her.

Crouching, she unhooks her small pack from her back, placing it carefully on the ground. Inside there was a small blaster, some spare detonation wiring, flashlight, rope and a tiny fluffy dog.

"Hi Mattie, are your doggles on?"

Lovingly, she reached in and snugged up the small dog-goggles to cover her little pet's eyes so no debris or smoke would hurt her in the upcoming explosion. Dakota loved her little dog Matilda, and took her everywhere. She was small, quiet and fit nicely in all Dakota's gucci purses.

Zipping back up the pack after removing the flashlight and the blaster, she strapped it back on, leaving an airspace for Matilda. Standing to her feet, Dakota was shocked to see Denali running out of the bottom story of the building, being pulled along by a scruffy, gangly looking fellow.

She shone her flashlight directly at his face, and levelled her weapon at him, not quite knowing whatelse to do and called out with concern.


Denali Gue
Jan 18th, 2003, 09:24:00 PM
"Melacycline Renzide......yes, but how did you......oh!!"

The man reached out and placed his hand into hers, the dirty gloved fingers curling around her pink manicured nails in a gesture of trust. His grip was stronger than she anticipated and she let out a sharp squeal of surprise as he darted out from behind the moldy recliner and charged out the door, yanking her along with him.

He must have explored the building days ago. His long strides were sure and confident as he dragged her towards the only functional exit on any of the levels, the stairwell. Denali had used the stairs to come up all twenty floors and had planned on going back that way, stealthily and unnoticed. It wasnt to be. Catman, as she now thinks of him simply because of his unusal eyes, stiff-arms the slightly open door and barrels down the steps, his pace increasing as they spiral downward.

Oh, why didnt I wear my sensible flats instead of these heels? Im going to break my neck at this spe....jump! Its like an obstacle course....why didnt these people throw thier things away??

At each turn on the landings, Catman would jerk his arm, propelling Denali around the railing like a whip. The once nice sleek ponytail that she had carefully arranged before leaving her suite that morning, was now a frazzled, tossed mess and her black bodysuit was now streaked with dust, dirt and grime.

Denali currently wore an unfashionable sheen of perspiration on her face and the thought that now she would find out if her deodorant was all it claimed to be, went scrolling through her mind as they relentlessly continued thier headlong death race down the stairwells.

Eleven..................ten....................nin e.....................the numbers flashed only half noticed before her eyes as they dodged and leapt over various detrius and debris in thier path. A forgotten chair, a discarded holo-screen, a thrown out kitchen table, all of these barred thier escape at some point and were dealt with accordingly.

On the fifth floor, one of Ali's high heels gave out in protest, as if boycotting the cruel and unusual punishment it was being put through. Wont I just be taking this back to Mr. Macy!

At any moment during thier flight, she had expected to hear sounds of pursuit as gang members picked up on the sounds the intruders made but all remained quiet as thier feet hit the bottom level.

"There, thats how I came in! The door is stuck though. We'll have to pry it op..........well, that works, too!"

As she spoke, Catman released her hand and flung his weight at the door, his feet scrabbling for purchase on the dusty floor. Lending her strength to their mutual cause, Ali threw herself against the metal hindrance and within seconds the door screeched open. Grabbing her wrist this time, Cat lunged out into the night and straight into the sights of Ko's blaster.

"It's me, Ko, dont shoot! Put the gun away and run! Time's up!!"

Morgan Evanar
Jan 19th, 2003, 02:20:56 PM
Morgan may as well have been looking into a mirror, and tripped over a downed street lamp. He let go of Denali's wrist, and neatly rolled back to his feet, continuing past the twin. Dakota lowered her blaster, deciding that being out of the debris ring was more important than asking questions.

"Ko" looked exactly the same as Denali. This was really bewildering. Sure, there were accessorial differences, like Dakota's bag, but...

A loose rock threw Morgan's footing, and brought him back to reality. His right hand found a clean purchase, and for a brief moment, he looked right back at the errily identical pair. Denali was lagging behind, running in a funny manner. Quickly, he guessed how far the building would collapse, and the amount of time they had: She was on the loosing end. When his feet hit the ground again, he turned around, closing the distance with unnatural speed.

Deftly, he scooped her up, skidded back around the other way, and past Dakota.

With a loud rumble, the building began to implode on itself. The ground shook, but Morgan's balance remained true.

"Up!" He tossed Denali into the air, over a 3 meter tall chunk of permacrete that had falled from the top layer and imbedded itself in the road. One twin airborne, he turned and observed in horror as the side facing him collapsed prematurely.

Dakota wouldn't make it... the pressure wave tossed her into the air amist debris.

Morgan caugh her, turned around, crouched down, and closed his eyes as the wave of dust and rock hit him.

Dakota Gue
Jan 19th, 2003, 07:47:18 PM
She had seen Morgan toss Denali up and safely over the protective barrier of permacrete. She thought it odd that someone who looked so ragged and disheveled was capable of such strength. About that same time, she felt her own feet lift off the ground beneath her and the violent 'hit' of impact from the explosion slam her from behind.

She must have blanked out for a moment, as the next thing she realised was that she was tucked safe from harm against Morgan's chest as a hail of rock and dust rained down around them.

"Wow, thanks - I thought I was a goner for a minute there"

The man smiled crookedly at her and the first thing she noticed about him (apart from the fact that he smelt really bad - he had to have been in those clothes a month at least) was his eyes. Even though they had a haunted and harrowed look about them, deep within, Dakota glimpsed what she was sure was the essence of the man. Kindness. She held his look as long as she could, trying to read more in those eyes, but there was no time.

Morgan felt a squriming wriggle beneath his hand as he supported Ko's back, and his face reflected a slight consternation. Smiling, Dakota leant forward and out of the small air space of the backpack poked at first two pointy ears, the top of a fluffy head and then a wet leathery button nose. Matilda stretched up on her little paws and licked Morgan's chin affectionately.

"Thats Mattie. She likes you. Thats a good sign...Mattie is very particular and wont lick just anybody you know."

Denali had gotten back to her feet and was picking her way across the rubble to come around the concrete block to join the other two.

"You guys ok?" Morgan and Dakota got back up also and walked to wards her, as Denali continued to speak. "We should get out of here pretty quick, - flee the scene of the crime and all that."

Dakota agreed and put an arm through Morgan's to hurry him along. As she got beside her twin, Ko looked down and her voice echoed the sadness she held in her eyes...

"Ali.....your poor shoes!"

Twisted-Shell Neydan
Jan 19th, 2003, 09:46:42 PM
A light ping sound ecoed within a apartment block or two across from where Morgan and the two Gue girls resided unheard by the small party, the ping belonged to Neydans infered goggles which would be usefull down in the lower layers of old Coruscant along with an alternate setting to night vision if need be. The dark figure hung upside down for a few moments seemingly suspended by a long black rope which scaled high and out of sight. Once the black casted figure seemed to be satisfied it flipped over and placed both feet fermly against the ground, unclipped himself from the cable and quickly crouched to the floor surveying the area.

The Ninja type figure did not move for a move while, but after a few long moments it pulled from a side holster a small knife, it was not your average knife however, it was a black bladed knife 5 to 6 inches in lengh which was very hard to make out within the gloom of the underworld part of the city. The figure cut something from the wire, a small pack it seemed like and quickly but quietly tired it to his black flack jacket and then once again holstered the knife. After a carful exsamination of his surroundings the figure moved away from his "drop zone" and into the darkness of lower Coruscant as if he knew exsactly where he was heading.

Without knowing it his direction would take him directly past the small gathering of people (Morgan and the Gue girls) but he would have to deal with that as and when the time come, at the moment the figure dressed in a skin tight black jumpsuit crept as quietly as possibly through the many ally ways and streets to his wanted destination the 2nd Coruscant Banks underbelly where it would be easier to infiltrate the building from. It would take time to travel and enter the building through service pipes and the like but he had that luxery or atleast he thought he did.

Denali Gue
Jan 20th, 2003, 08:29:16 PM
Twisting in mid-air, Ali landed in a crouch behind the large chunk of permacrete just as the building came down. Chunks of stone, fragments of metal pipes and shrapnel like bits of wiring zinged through the night, embedding in whatever it happened to hit. Dust fogged the immediate area as the structure huffed out it's last breath, coating everything in it's path with a thick layer of

Dakota and Cat were on the other side! Oh, no!!

Jumping up, Ali grabbed the ragged edge of the nine foot tall boulder and pulled herself easily up and over, flipping down on the other side. her blue eyes straining to peer through the thick haze.

"Ko! Ko, are you alright? Cat? Can you hear me?!"

Inspiration struck as she realized that she still held the flash in her hand and quickly switched it on, the beam doing its best to shine through the mist of dust. There, something moved just ahead! Stumbling over the debris in the road, Ali picks her way over, sighing with relief as Cat unfurls his arms to reveal Dakota tucked safe inside.

"Are either of you hurt? Can you walk? We should get out of here pretty quick, - flee the scene of the crime and all that. The Watch will be on thier way and I dont want to tangle with Vymes again. As soon as we're clear, I'll tell you all about my friend here."

Switching the light to her other hand, Ali tucks her arm through Cat's just as Ko does on his other side and together the three of them slink around the far corner and into an alley. Looking straight up, Denali grins. Parked high over the rooftop above them waits thier shock-pink speeder, customized for thier 'night jobs'.

"Go ahead, I'll keep an eye out and hang onto Cat. Hurry, Ko, hes not looking too good."

And indeed, he wasnt. Cat's eyes had started fluttering and his breathing was becoming more shallow and labored. Carefully, she leaned him back against the wall, making sure that if he began to fall it would be in her direction. Hearing the soft whine of the winch, Ali watches as Ko grabs the lowered cable and keys in the code on her wrist comm for it to retract, pulling her up with it. Scrambling over the edge of the speeder, Dakota engages the drive and whisks down around the edge of the alley as sirens break in the distance. Snugging Cat tightly against her, Ali wrestles with his sagging form, coaxing him the few feet to freedom.

"Come on, honey, you can do it, just a couple more feet is all you need, KitCat.........no, dont give out on me now!"

Cat stumbled heavily and slumped against the side of the speeder, his legs giving out beneath him like jello, pulling Denali down with him. A short spasm of rough coughs and he was out cold, putting the twins in a near panic. Throwing the vehicle in park, Ko climbs into the back seat and grabs onto the shoulders of Cat's suit as Ali struggles to lift his dead weight up to her.

"Ive got him, Ali, now grab his legs...ok....now push!"

Working as one, the girls pull and shove Cat's limp form into the backseat and scrabble for thier own as the flash of red and blue heralds the approach of Coruscant Watch officers sent to investigate the explosion. Gears whining, the speeder shoots forward and lifts sharply as Ko yanks back on the controls, grabbing at altitude. The highly tuned and pampered air car responds and clears the neighboring rooftops as the police turn onto the street below them.

Identical sighs escape as the twins slouch back in thier seats and look at one another. Too close! Turning for home, Dakota gestures to the unconscience male in the back and teases her sister lightly.

"Hes not your usual type, Ali."

Bent forward, Denali tugs off her shoes, frowning at the damage held in her hands.

"They just dont make them like they used to, Ko. Oh, him? I call him 'Cat' because of his eyes. He was in one of the upper rooms and I couldnt just leave the poor fella there to die. Once we get back to our suite, we've got to get him cleaned up and find something for him to eat. Nothing but skin and bones under those clothes."

Morgan Evanar
Jan 20th, 2003, 10:16:19 PM
Rain drummed steady down on his face. It was warm, and felt good against his skin. Morgan turned slightly, his head pounding. He winced, and opened his eyes.

Not rain, but naked in a white tub surrounded by pink tile. The towels, too, were pink, white, or red. He slid down into the tub rolled over, and let the sonic-assisted shower wash the acumulated dirt wash off his back.

"oooohhhh" he sighed in relief. He would celebrate this day the rest of his life, and started by not moving at all for ten minutes.

Morgan noticed an array of bottles at the end of the tub, neatly arranged. He scooched over, and started to mumble the contents as his alfactory proccessed them. All smelled different... and inapropriate for him except for one thing: it was simple and rectangular that didn't smell much compared to the other stuff.

Soap."Soap. Heh." Furiously, he scrubbed at his head until he got to the back, and winced. A nastly lump marked the spot where a 10 kilo stone hit him. After scrubbing himself, sat for another five blissful minutes, and the shower shut off.

Couruscant showers have a 30 minute cuttoff in luxury spaces, but Morgan didn't know it. He lexamined the thing quizically for a few minutes before feeling a bit chilled.

Three towels were draped on his body after Morgan left the bathroom. A pink one atop his head, a white one across his shoulders and over his chest, and a red one wrapped around his waist.

The first thing he noticed was the plush red carpet as it squished delightfully beneath his worn feet. White walls with pink trim and huge windows greeted him as he left the hallway and into the huge living room. The wrap-around sofa was coated in white, cushy leather while a glass table with a few pink magazines offered... something useful for someone else.

On cue, his stomach growled fiercer than any rancor. Morgan's nose went into overdrive, and led him right to a fruit bowl with namna and treth fruit on the kitchen counter. Grinning wide, he grabbed a treth fruit, and bit into it without peeling it. The peel was bitter, but it was the best thing he ever remembered tasting.

Dakota entered the room, and Cat spun, the tip mostly eaten namna sticking out of his mouth. He had already devoured half the bowl. Mirroring her wide eyed (human for both, green for him and that shock blue for her) look of surprise, he chewed a few more times and swallowed the rest of the fruit in his mouth, juice dripping down his chin and onto his towel-hood.

Dakota Gue
Jan 21st, 2003, 10:36:45 PM
The remainder of the Namna disappeared behind Morgan's lips and he wiped his chin with the back of his hand, green eyes following the twin's advancement into the living room.

Dakota had entered from the hallway to the left, a vision of baby blue fluff and flounce. Gone was the blackgarb of earlier. She was dressed in simple sweater and capri pants, both of the softest baby-blue shade. Around the little tight-fitted sweater's collar was a fringe made of tiny matching baby-blue feathers. The same was about the cuffs and the waist, and they seemed to shimmer as she moved. There was even a plume of the same little blue feathers on the toes of her sling-back sandles. Morgan looked on in wondered with all that feathery that she didn't become airborne when she walked.

For Dakota, she was once more struck by the man's eyes. They really were quite incredible. After a moment, she noticed the whole 3-tiered-towel action Morgan had going and a happy smile lit her face.

"So, its true - there really was a man beneath all that grime and grit. You look much better. Denali will be in soon - Arlington is just setting out some clothes for you. (He's your valet by the way) and Ali is making sure they are suitable.You know, so they dont clash with your eyes or anything."

She had walked over to maybe have some fruit too, but Morgan had eaten all the treth. She turned back about and offered,

"If you want more treth fruit, we can have some shuttled in for you. It will take about an hour - things are slow sometimes in the big city."

Dakota wasnt at all perturbed that there was a near naked man standing eating fruit in her living room. It wasn't exactly something that happened everyday, but as Morgan would learn sooner or later, the twins didn't let a whole lot of anything phase them very much. Except if they missed a "sale" - that could a disaster of titanic proportions.

The suite was a luxurious penthouse apartment set in the Regal Properties of Coruscant Main. It had everything imaginable to make life comfortable and carefree for the girls - they wanted for nothing. But both Denali and Dakota thought it meagre compared to the family Estate back home. "Daddy" thought it would make them better people not to be pampered everywhere they went as they were at home... but of course "pampering" was all relative. What Morgan would probably conceed as overwhelming luxury and priviledge, the girls considered it more of a studio suite, and they the poor starving muscians. I mean..they had to share a manicurist. Ugh, really.

"Once we get you dressed, we will get some real food into you. Maybe start slow though...you look like you haven't eaten properly for some time."

Dakota took a more serious tone, and smiled kindly at Morgan.

"Thankyou for looking out for us back there..you know, at the explosion. Ali and I could have been really hurt, and you kept us safe."

A smile again, and then she was back to the matters at hand.

"So, 'Mr. Cat".....do you have a first name?"

Right about that time, Denali walked in, trailed by the stiff and formal Arlington. Ali was dressed identical to Ko, feathers and all - only in the most lovely shade of lilac.

"Ah, Cat - you are out of the tub! Feeling better?"

Denali Gue
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:50:04 PM
Prancing into the living room, Ali beamed a smile at Cat and moved to stand by Dakota as together they looked him up and down. The bath had truly revealed a new person beneath all the dirt and grime and Denali was eager to see the finished results.

“Remember, Ko when Daddy was last here? Arlington and I have performed some mixing and matching feats of magic and I think both of you will be happy with the results. Come look.”

Taking Cat by the hand, Denali leads him back to one of the spare bedrooms and pushes the door open to reveal three separate outfits hanging from the louvered double doors of the closet.
Each piece was immaculate in both material and tailoring, their father wouldn’t have settled for anything less.

A casual three piece suit was first with pants, a button up collared shirt and lightweight jacket, while the second was even less informal. A deep sea green pullover long sleeved shirt with dark caffe colored trousers made up the two piece ensemble. Two pairs of shoes rested below the clothing, each pair complimenting the outfits above.

“What do you think, Ko? Wont the green just look yummy on him? I don’t think youd want to wear these around Coruscant for long, Cat.”

With a teasing flick of her fingers, Ali tweaks a corner of the towel on his head, causing it to droop over one of his eyes.

“If you want, why don’t you get changed and Dakota and I will go and whip up something especially tasty in the kitchen for you!”

Closing the door respectfully behind them, the twins hurry off into their chef-styled kitchen. Ko opens up the ‘frig, calling out the foods and Ali begins pulling out the corresponding pots and pans. In a minimum of time and with surprising efficiency, the girls have a delicious, well balanced dinner on the way, the scent wafting through the suite.

Between stirring, turning and poking, Denali regales Dakota with the detailed story of how she found Cat, complete with actions and sounds. Browsing through their wine cabinet, Ko selects a red wine, one that’s not too sweet and is sure to please their houseguest.

“Once he gets some food and sleep under his belt, we’re going to have to try and find out who he is and where hes from.”

Pausing as she sets the table, Ko looks up at her twin, a twinge of concern on her face.

”Have you given any thought to the fact that he may not belong anywhere? Its not like hes a pet we can just adopt, Ali.”

Morgan Evanar
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:20:35 PM
With the door closed, and Morgan took the time to fully examine the garments. The suit looked surprisingly well fitted since the tailor had never even laid eyes on him. His arms were a touch too long for his body, just like his fingers and hands were a bit too big. Just in case, he measured the suit by holding it up to him. Sure enough, they had noticed that his arms were a bit long.

Satisfied with the way the suit was, he put it back in case he had to use it later. Besides, the shirt and trousers looked much more comfortable, as did the shoes that went along with it.

Carefully, he pulled the shirt over his head, mindful of the lump there. Somehow, he knew that he should fill this shirt out better. The twins had also delivered a pair of boxers and socks, which he put on before the pants went on.

A mirror occupied a meter wide space of the wall next to the closet, almost from the floor to the ceiling. Experimentally, "Cat" looked at himself with the shirt tucked in. Then he tried it with the bottom free, and decided to tuck it in.

Morgan knew he was too skinny. His frame and mass felt wrong to him, but his skin is what bothered him most: it felt too loose. Even when he was under the heavy sedation and chains, at least he felt stronger. Unfortunately, there had been nothing he could do about it. His body had been mostly starved of all but the most essentials to stay alive, and the two day diet of rats hadn't done too much.

After a sigh, he simply gave up on it for the time being, and put on the shoes that were under the trousers he now wore. Immediately after standing up, his feet were keenly aware a mistake had been made. Morgan sat down immediately, and took the shoes off. They looked comfortable. Curious, he picked one up, and held it next to his right foot. The shoe seemed to be curving the wrong direction... but it looked like it would fit on the left foot. So he tried it, and it worked. Again he stood, with less trepidation, and his expectations played out.

The shoes were pretty comfy... but the smells from the kitchen were priority one now.

"Ooohhhh fooood." "Cat" annouced as he walked into the dining area.

"It smells good!"

Dakota Gue
Jan 22nd, 2003, 10:52:32 PM
Both girls had a spoon each lifted to their lips tasting the cream sauce that was just now reaching the perfect stage to top the dish they'd made. The spoons stopped in midair at the appearance of the newly attired 'Cat' into the room.


They murmured in unison, and both returned the spoons to the pot neither having tasted the sauce.

As they all sat down to eat, it was still very apparent that Morgan had been through some tough days recently. The tailored clothing couldnt hide the fact that he was painfully thin, and though refreshed, he still had a lingering weariness about him.

Dakota waited for Denali to broach the subject of the reason for the state they'd found him in. Ali hadnt replied to her comment about her "keeping" him. It was obvious by the way she was doting over him, that her twin intended to do just that. Which would be nice, but perhaps not an option.

Denali Gue
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:37:26 AM
Stirfry, heaped with fresh, crisp vegetables, rice and generous chunks of white meat filled one large bowl, the twins' own homemade sauce resting in a boat beside it. A tossed salad with made-from-scratch dressing rested in individual bowls beside each plate and to top it off, a light bread made earlier that day completed the meal.

Ladling his plate full, Denali hands it over to Cat with a smile while Dakota fills the wine and water glasses, then takes her seat.

"Dig in, Cat. We hope you like it."

Politely waiting for their houseguest to take the first bite, the girls eagerly tuck into their food, praising each other for their respective cooking talents.

A light banter of talk eases the meal along and after Cat has eaten most of his food, Ali broaches the subject of his identity gently.

"Cat, theres plenty of food, just go ahead and help yourself if youd like more.....do you mind if I call you 'Cat'? Is there something else youd rather be called?"

Identical blue eyes watch him curiously from across the table as he chews another mouthful thoughtfully.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 25th, 2003, 07:34:19 PM
Morgan stopped and swallowed his bite. Speech was really begining to return to him, although some words were still hidden behind the pain that happened whenever he tried to remember.

"Cat's fine. I dun't know my, uh, name." he said, with more than a hint of frustration and sadness. "I just got up one day... ... and was chained to a pillar, and some was guy hittin' me. I dunno how long I was down... I was drugged hard. But I lost a lot of weight."

"I sound... stupid... but I can't think on how to talk. It hurts." Morgan explained, slowly. It was obvious that he was in pain: his hands trembled when was about to speak or speaking.

After collecting himself with a big sigh, he began to resume his systematic elimination of everything food on and around his plate. By the time he was done eating, Dakota and Denali wore suprised looks on their faces. He had eaten about five plates worth of food.

"Um..." his hands shaking again, "Thank you for the... food. I... I..." Morgan gave up.

Dakota Gue
Jan 26th, 2003, 03:55:11 PM
As fast as Morgan ate his food, Dakota had barely touched hers. She sat mesmerised almost as she watched him eat, and told of the things that had happened to him. The way he spoke - he had been broken at some point, and she felt so sorry for him.

She was sure Denali felt the same. Maybe there was some way to keep him after all. She cheered up at the thought.

Dakota wanted to hurt the people that had done this to their new friend.

"You have any idea who did this Cat? You know...we got alot more explosives than what we had today. That was nothin. We could blast them all to smithereens for you, if you like."

Denali Gue
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:53:44 PM
On the plush carpeting beneath the table, Ali's foot began to tap. It started slowly then gradually crept up in tempo as she and Ko listened to Cat struggling to speak.

How can people be so mean to each other...those big stupid bullies!

The fact that she and her twin had just deliberately blown up a building with several gangs inside it didnt enter her mind and if it had, Denali would have a found a way to rationalize it. The street gangs went out of their way to cause trouble and their idea of fun was terrorizing the helpless and stealing anything that wasnt locked down. They got exactly what they deserved.

Scared, confused, gentle Cat was different. Someone else had forced him into being what he was now and therein was the difference. Watching him trying to form words and to keep his hands from shaking infuriated Ali. At Dakota's offer to get revenge, Denali nodded enthusiastically. Dont forget about a grenade up the kiester!

Her lips pull down in a frown as Cat runs a shakey hand through his hair and briefly rubs at one temple. Pushing her chair back, she rises and goes back into the kitchen, swinging open the cabinet door that houses their communal otc cure-alls and withdraws a blue colored bottle, carrying it back to the table with her. Popping the lid off, she shakes out two small blue capsules and places them beside Cat's plate.

"You take these, sweetie. They'll help your head and help you get a good nights sleep, alrighty? Dont you worry about a thing tonight. Ko and I will watch over you and tomorrow we'll all go shopping to get you some clothes of you own, okay?"

Morgan Evanar
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:02:03 PM
He sniffed the two blue capsules before replacing them next to the plate.

Morgan shook his head. At the pills, at the revenge. The pills would play havoc with sleep if he took them. Revenge? The thought hadn't crossed his mind. As far as he knew, he had killed, or at least nulled his primary agressor. Pasty, if he survived, hadn't much of a face now. That was enough.

Furthermore, "Cat" knew he had a home, and that it wasn't here. Part of Morgan's problem is that he never considered he had a home, at least for the past 14 years. The nomadic lifestyle he practiced during his slicing days stayed with him hard and fast. As such, he had a tendency to switch rooms every month or two, even in the same building.

This played hell with anyone trying to send him anything, which he found supremely amusing. As much of a Jedi as he was, Morgan still had a bit of feline in him, and occasionally took over for very brief moments.

Had Morgan been more aware, he would have contradicted himself. Home is where your loved ones are. The hug, the conversation, the good meal.

Since he couldn't much remember his own name, he couldn't bother to contradict himself.

As such, he excused himself from the table. Compelled twoard the bathroom, he unwrapped a toothbrush, used it to good effect, and went to sleep in the guest room he had been shown his clothes.

Jedi are suspected to dream more than the average critter. Morgan wasn't really average anything except for the dream: He dreamed about having fantastic sex with that red-head. Fortunately, Morgan also slept like a block of permacrete; silent and stone-still.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:24:18 PM
The next day, he awoke a few minutes before the twins, and fell into a morning routine he didn't remember, but found himself doing anyway:

Stretch for 15 minutes
5 minutes of pushups
5 minutes of sittups
5 minute shower
2 minutes, brush teeth
Get dressed (max 2 minutes)

The hunt for breakfast began, and the starters were easy prey: the bowl of fruit had been replenished, so he immediately devoured two treth and two namna fruits.

The twins emerged, dressed impecably as usual, and began to swirl about the kitchen while Morgan read the days news.

A few questions for the day formed in his head. First: what was for breakfast? Second: what were they going to do with the day?

Question one was simple, and answered in one word: good. Question two remained up into the air as Morgan worked through his first plate of food.

Denali Gue
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:34:01 PM
Though identical in looks and genetic make-up, Dakota and Denali did have one] major personality difference. Ko was the original 'Miss Sunshine' and rarely needed an alarm clock to wake her. One her baby blue eyes popped open, a smile was one her face and she was ready to face the day.

Ali, one the other hand, was the night owl. Her internal clock had never been set to the early morning hours and sometimes it took over an hour and a full pot of caffe to get her bleary eyes to focus. The twins accepted each others' strengths and weaknesses without complaint and filled in for the other as needed. Thats why Dakota took 'first watch' that night over Cat. As sorry as they felt for him, he was an unknown factor in their ordely lives and protocol demanded that until he could be totally trusted, one of them would stick to him like the glue on a pair of false eyelashes.

Both girls could go without sleep when called for but to make sure that she was fully alert, Denali took a short nap then was roused at 1:00 am and switched places with Ko. Around six-ish in the morning, Ali heard a door quietly swing open and peeked through the floor length draperies from her resting spot out on the balconey. Cat was up and on the prowl and from the direction he was taking, breakfast was on his mind.

Setting her portable mini-holovid player down on the chaise table, Denali stretches then hops up and slips back into the suite only to pause and smile in greeting at her twin who had just exited from her own bedroom.

[I]Morning, Sis. Is Cat up yet?"

"Only just. Hes raiding the fruit bowl again. Lets whip up something quick then start early today, you think?"

Nodding in agreement, Ko preceeds her into the kitchen where thye both greet their houseguest with warm smiles and a fast but nutritious breakfast. Volunteering to clear the plates away, Denali busies herself as Dakota questions Cat.

"There are some basic items that youre needing, Cat. Would you like for the three of us to do some shopping today? Maybe while we're out and about, something will look familiar to you."

Pierce Tondry
Jan 31st, 2003, 12:37:01 AM

Lieutenant Pierce Tondry, New Republic Intelligence, absolutely despised the owner of that voice. From his thick jowls to his ability to use information as leverage, Pierce loathed every bit of Airen Cracken.

Some of his men said that the two of them were exactly the same kind of person underneath. Of course, all it took was a simple reminder of one or two incidents to make them seal their wordports. If only they weren't smiling as they shut themselves up-

"Sir?" Pierce said dryly, turning around. "What can I do you for?"

Cracken ignored the wordplay and handed him a datapad. "This just came in from the Jedi Council. It's a request."

"Jedi Master Morgan Evanar is missing."

Images from the time Pierce had been Morgan's Padawan flashed into his mind, as well as the respect he had for the Jedi. "And?"

"And you're going to put together a team and they will find him."

"Why me?"

"As former Vice-Director of Imperial Intelligence, I'm certain you know some people who have good experience capturing Jedi. That kind of knowledge will be useful in finding those who can capture Jedi. You'll have full access to our Coruscant personnel to select this team from."

That was the second time Cracken had made that allusion. "But not go personally."

Cracken snorted at the statement. "You wouldn't have enough time in the day. You're already a Jedi Padawan and an operative. I won't let you divide your time further. Besides, the Council is sending some aid."

Pierce pressed his lips together. He knew that by not arguing now, he could gain some concessions down the line. "Fine. I'll draw up a list of people who can do the job and have it to you tomorrow."

"Good," Cracken nodded. "If the list meets with my approval, then you'll be debriefing them twenty-four hours from now."


"They're late."

"They're not late, we're early. Now stuff it."

A mismatched group of men stood in a private meeting room of the Palace Plaza hotel, an eighty-story building that still did not reach as far as most Coruscant skyhooks. Pierce lounged casually by a cooler, regarding the team that had been put together. "That's right, ladies," he told them. "You are early. Jedi, on the other hand, tend to be properly punctual to a T."

"Come on, Boss," someone said. "You promised us beer."

"Correct," Pierce said, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "I promised I'd buy you all a beer. I just never said when I'd give it to you."

One of them laughed aloud. "That's twenty creds you owe me, Grainer."

Yet another man swore. "Yeah, well, I never said when I'd give it to you."

Pierce laughed aloud. These were good men, if rough around the edges. He wasn't certain how the Jedi that were being sent from the Temple were going to interact with them, but he was certain that they'd be able to find who they were looking for.

Absently, Pierce checked his watch. It was almost time for the Jedi to be arriving.

Dakota Gue
Jan 31st, 2003, 05:46:00 PM
Ko made herself comfy on the sofa as Denali cleared up. Why her twin insisted on doing such menial chores was beyond Dakota. Just let the maid do it.

Everyone knew the first rule of life was finger-nail preservation and housework of any kind was a direct threat to that. Even cooking wasn't a favorite of Ko's. They had learnt to cook at Daddy's insistence, and both were excellent at it, but Dakota prefered to leave it to those who were employed to do so. Denali however, had a much more nurturing and nesting instinct than Ko. And it showed now in the joy Ali took to cleaning and straightening as opposed to her sister's leisurely perusal of the news holovid, flipping from the society page now over to sales.

"D'Starilis Designers are having an unbelieveable sale right now. Cat - you would look so good in their Man-About-Town line."

An emphatic "Oh absolutely" from Denali as she packed the last of the dishes into the cleaning machine, sealed the decision as to their destination.

"I'll have Trudeau get the limosuine ready" Dakota announced.

She sprang off the lounge to head out of the room, stopping to pick up Matilda as the little dog padded in. Mattie was trussed in a pretty fuscia bow this morning and looked newly shampooed and groomed.

"Mattie! You look beautiful. See, didn't I tell you 8 hours of good sleep is the best beauty secret."

The little dog 'yipped' and Ko cuddled her affectionately against her cheek.

"Say good morning to Cat, Mattie. I'll be back in a minute."
Dakota put the dog down and her clipped manicured paws made light pitter-patter noises as she trotted obediently to Morgan.


Inside the plush interior of the Gue Limosuine, Mattie was curled up comfortably on Cat's lap, while the twins sat opposite him.

The vehicle was beautifully designed and one could barely tell they were moving as the craft cruised through the traffic lanes of Coruscant, heading for the upscale shopping district known as "Maduone Heights."

Morgan Evanar
Jan 31st, 2003, 06:02:05 PM
Someone had a very, very poor sense of color, in Morgan's opinion.

The shopping plaza was, bright, shiny and mutlicolored, as it a rainbow had exploded and the bits had attached themselves to the paint on the walls. It wasn't just the paint, though: the place smelled a million different things at once, and to top it off, it was an excess of sound. Footfalls from every direction, with accompanying chatter in over 10 languages. Breathing, laughing, haggling, disputing, chatting, whispering. His nose gave up the battle, and just itched inside.

He should have sued for sensory overload and abuse, but instead he was very, very jittery, and tried to not pay attention to anything.

This turned out to be a Catch-22. Whenever he blocked out his surroundings as best he could, he started to run people over. It was hard to decided which was easier: running people over and apologising profusely, or a weird sort of gaudy input torture.

Ali and Ko insisted it was nice, and a good place to shop. Morgan insisted his head was going to explode, or he was going to hurt someone by accident.

"Nonsense!" they both said. Cat sighed, and followed them into the first store (Hjtik Arti), and headed for the pipedal section. The store seemed to sell a little bit of everything, but with an emphasis on clothing. There was a bit of a problem finding things in his size, partly because his arms were a bit long for his body, and partly because he had lost so much weight. Pants were bordering on impossible. If you were his height, you were also tubby. Morgan maybe had a 90cm meter waist. They did manage to find a few pairs.

His tastses tended to be somewhat subtle, or muted, with a definate emphasis on comfort. Blue, grey, green and brown seemed to be his prefered colors, earth tones mostly. One anomoly was a red shirt with a large yellow smiley face on the front, with "smile" in about 30 different languages written in the back, also in yellow.

The twins were determined to keep going after three hours, but he maintained he needed to eat something, or he would eat a passerby. Ko and Ali looked both a bit nervous and a bit amused at the same time. Despite his appearance, they knew Cat was rather sturdy. He grinned slowly, wider than an old hut was fat.

Denali Gue
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:04:30 AM
"Thats what we like to see! What a beautiful you smile you have, Cat!"

The girls beamed at him, pleased that their efforts were bringing about a gradual change for the better. Each store that they had made a purchase from also had it's own delivery system, which the twins often took advantage of. Sending the packages back to their suite would leave the limo free of clutter and more room to relax after a hard day of shopping.

Prompting Cat to chose which restaurant looked good to him, Ko and Ali treated him to a spectacular late lunch, complete with skimpily clad dancing girls and a magician of sorts. Though he seemed to enjoy the entertainment and the food more, the twins could tell that their friend was wearing down and needed a break from all the glitz and glitter.

"What say the two of you to a cruise around the city in the limo? Cat could kick back and just look around. Maybe something would be familiar to him."

Dakota Gue
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:58:32 AM
While Morgan gobbled down copious amounts of food, Dakota took numerous opportunities to ask her sister the same question.

"Are we really going to let him keep that shirt with the face on it? Really?

And as in the numerous times prior, her sister gave Ko a sharp jab in the ribs to quiet her and mumbled out the side of her mouth, "If it makes him happy, he keeps it." To which Ko could only respond with a very sad shaking of her head.

Denali paid for the meal with her credit card, the clerk swiping it and Ali signing with her own pink-inked pen.

The trio stepped once more into the chaos that was "the best place in the galaxy to shop." The girls with a thrilled smile of opportunity on their faces, Morgan with one resembling resigned terror.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:24:10 PM
"Are we really going to let him keep that shirt with the face on it? Really?"

Ko was, in theory, being discreet. Denali was firm in her decision though, and Cat was pleased. In his opinion, the world really could use the reminder to smile.

But he couldn't take his own advice right now. Colors, sounds and smells from the comercial carnival made him dizzy. Morgan stumbled after running to the car, and heaved a sigh of relief as he waited for Ko and Ali to catch up. It was quiet here in the lot, except for the faded sounds of Coruscant's perpetual rush-hour. He stared at the window for a moment, looking at the reflection from the sky briefly before looking at the sky itself.

Smooth purples, pinks, blues, oranges and gold surrounded the brilliant orange ball as it shimmered and drifted down. Slackjawed, he stared on as the pair crept up behind him.

"I've... I've seen these before." he pondered aloud and winced, rubbing his jaw.

Below, the skylanes began to come aglow with running lights, and the buildings, too. Night had fallen, and there were new things to do.

Denali Gue
Feb 2nd, 2003, 09:16:23 PM
Sympathy and compassion vied equally for expression on her face and Denali laid a gentle hand on his shoulder as the girls joined him.

"Poor Kit-Cat. We shouldnt have dragged you out to this place! Next time, we'll call the tailor that Daddy uses when hes in town, alrighty? Here, you get in first, Cat and take a seat by the window."

Though there was abundant seating in the limo, Ali was feeling bad about them subjecting their guest to all the hustle and bustle of the mall and wanted him to have the best view while they cruised about the city.

After the chauffeur had closed the door behind the Gue twins and had regained his seat behind the controls, the limo lifted and sped off quietly. Bemused, the driver glanced occasionally into the rearview mirror, watching as his charges pointed out sights of interest to the newcomer.

Wha' I wouldn' give t' be tha' man. Two o' the bes' lookin' gals ther' be in this city an' him not havin' a clu' as t' wha' t' do wid eidder o' 'em! A cryin' shame', it be!

Feb 3rd, 2003, 09:01:37 AM
Pierce Tondry and his men didnt have to wait much longer. A swishing noise was heard and two men walked in slowly.

Maximas was a fair haired Jedi and had a sense of arrogance about him as he walked in casually. Since he didnt much care for the usual Jedi robes, he was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and cream coloured combat trousers. At 5ft 8 he didnt seem very imposing but he did have a pressence about him. You always new when Maximas was about.

Max was accompanied by another Jedi. Plo Koon. If youd never seen someone of his race before, it would be easy to comment on how 'unusual' he looked. Maximas had himself in the past got a laugh out of it.

He walked over to the man who was obviously in charge.

"Mr Pierce Tondry?"

Plo Koon
Feb 5th, 2003, 02:47:27 PM
Plo fallowed Max as he enetered the bar. Koon clearly towered over his friend sine he stood almost 7 feet tall. He kept his brown jedi cloak closed with the hood covering his face. He stood behind his friend and let him do all the talking. He watched as the men stared at him, woundering where he came from. Plo thaught to himself "Hope these guys are good". Koon sent a message to Max through the force

"Are you sure these are the guys we are searching for?"

Dakota Gue
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:35:06 PM
They had been back at the Penthouse for 4 hours. Time enough for Morgan to have a nap, the girls to have a sauna and a massage and all of them recharge for the evening.

It was almost 8pm, by the wall chrono and of course..Cat was starving yet again. The man was a bottomless pitt.

Still, the twins happily reasoned - it was the perfect excuse to get Cat all dressed up in his new clothes and hit their favorite restaurant. Maybe even later take in some of the exotic clubs that the rich and famous flocked to Coruscant to indulge their many vices and appetites in.

Denali and Dakota were dressed to kill in identical little black dresses and three inch stilletoes.

"Ok Cat, we're ready to go."

Morgan smothered the urge to remind them that he had been ready and waiting for the past hour and fifteen minutes.

The two girls buzzed about him, their excitement and joy obvious.

"You look gorgeous Cat, honey."
Denali said as she brushed a stray thread off Morgan's shoulder.

"A real heartbreaker"
Dakota concured.

And once more they headed into the endless lights that was Coruscant.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:41:11 AM
Unlike previous trips about the car, Morgan seemed fully alert, and, for a change, extremely fidgety. He constanly looked out the windows, and behind him at the other speeders. His eyes, too, had taken on that mysterious quality they had when the twins first met him. Instead of rounded pupils, they were feline-like slits.

The Sae Ardriel Hotel, was, from the outside, an architectual tribute to opulance. Marble columns with ornate gold trim and precise engraving framed two large Uriginy wood doors, a dark red wood. The massive doors, too were detailed with gold and framed frosted glass paines.

Of course, a red carpet with real gold trim led right from the landing platform straight from the doors.

Cat had never been here before, and he might have been put off by it's opulance had he been more aware of himself. Instead, his eyes flitted about as the trio glided down the carpet, one of his arms lent to each of the sisters.

The twi-leki doorman smiled politely and knowningly at the twins, and looked briefly at Morgan, who's eyes again looked normal in the brigher lighting. Again, he smiled at the twins and opened the door.

"Thank you, good sir." he said in perfect twi'leki as one can without leku. Everyone involved was completely bewildered for a moment.

Inside the theme of stone, glass, Uriginy wood and gold continued, and were used to stunning effect. Stunning, and nauseating to anyone with a semblance of a consience regarding money. The twins had none, and Morgan's was well obscured by the brain damage the Fifteen had peformed on him.

After being escorted by the waiter to an already waiting table, they sat.

"When did you learn twi-leki?" Ali probed, fascinated.
"I just know it." Cat shrugged. "Some things are coming back." He added with a bit less of a studder than would have been possible the previous night.

Denali Gue
Feb 8th, 2003, 07:16:31 PM
Denali beamed with satisfaction, first at Cat then at her twin.

"If you keep improving as quickly as you have in the past twenty four hours...why, by the end of the week you'll be right as rain, Cat!"

He had been improving and it showed in his outward demeanor. More than one female head had turned to give Cat the once over as the trio had walked to their table. Even now, one raven-haired beauty was waggling her fingers at him from across, her long lashes flapping as she tried to look coy.

"Look at that hussy and the way shes trying to put the moves on poor Cat!"

Dakota hissed the words at her sister and in perfect unison the Gue sisters turned, matching blue eyes quickly cooling off any ardent hopes the other female had.

"Works every time!"

Ali traded grins with Ko and together they smiled at Cat, pinning him between the two with soft laughter.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 9th, 2003, 05:44:35 PM
Morgan blinked at both the girls and the brunette's sudden disinterest. He set his glass down before he spilled it in thought. Hussy?

"Its... really random. My memory, that is." he explained, and absently-mindedly rubbed the space between his fingers. It itched terribly.

"I.. ah, need to use the rest room." Ko pointed twoard the far end of the corridor their table lay against.

"First hall on your right. Should be labled." she added.

"Be right back." Cat said as he got up, and started twoard where he thought relief lay, but trouble actually waited.

Rigel Urpan
Feb 10th, 2003, 09:39:58 PM
It was a quick stop to the men's room to give himself a once over, then he'd be out with his date. She wasn't overly gorgeous, and she was a bit older than him, but looks didnt matter really. It was what was inside that counting. Inside her pocketbook that is. She was digustingly rich, of course. A few kind words, a flattering remark about her eyes, that was all it took really...

"Putty in my hands" he thought to himself as he turned to walk out of the bathroom.

Another man was making his way towards the bathroom as Rigel stepped out. He was tall, somewhat lanky, with the freakiest green eyes Rigel had ever seen. Or had he. As the man continued toward him, it clicked in Rigel's head who he has looking at. Immediately his face was overcame with anger. The man was taller, and a bit rougher looking, despite the suit, but the eyes gave it away.

Rigel stood their glaring at the man who had gotten him kicked out of college so long ago. He had stolen Morgan's thesis for the finals, and Morgan thought itd be cute to get him kicked out of school. The broken nose didnt sit to well on Rigel's mind either.

As Morgan walked by he glanced over and Rigel immediately made eye contact with him. Surprisingly enough, Morg merely blinked away and kept walking.

Anger welled over in Rigel's head as Morgan walked on by him..

"Evanar!" No response....

"Morgan Evanar!!!!" This time, he had his left hand on Morgan's shoulder, turning him back around. As he pulled Morgan around, his right hand clenched in a fist and immediately set a course for Morgan's nose.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 11th, 2003, 09:06:11 PM
He was now water, and flowed to the left of the punch in an amazingly casual manner. Rigel stumbled forward, so Morgan gave him a bit more than a pat on the back and an inconviently placed leg.

Urpan tripped into a heap. Captalizing on the situation, Cat pounced on him, and dug a large bony knee into his back.

"I've got a few questions." Rigel groaned.

"mmmm. Why did you try and hit me?"

"Go to hell, Evanar." Morgan blinked, and supposed this was someone who knew him. Apparently, it was also someone who really didn't like him.

"No." Morgan Evanar. It felt very familiar. "Who are you?"

At this, Urpan paused the same way a Tanaabian Tree-Cat pauses before landing on top of prey in Tanaab's equatorial jungles. He weighed the advantages and disadvantages. They were about even, but the truth had a slight edge because Morgan seemed to have little interest in revenge historically. Even if Morgan wasn't playing him the fool, and had, in fact, lost his memory he was still dangerous.

"Rigel Urpan."
"Mmmhhm. I have to relieve myself, so..." Evanar paused, grasping for words. "...leave me alone, or I hit you." While Rigel wanted revenge badly, he was badly outclassed in the physical arena. So, for now, he was grateful Morgan hadn't remembered what happened.


Evanar got up, and found an empty, isolated stall while Rigel groaned and returned to his feet.

When he finished, Urpan was gone.

"I think I just found out my name." Morgan announced as he returned to the table.

Pierce Tondry
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:49:47 PM
"That's me," Pierce confirmed, standing to shake the hands of his two new arrivals. "I'm assuming you're Estelle Russard's Padawans?"

When they both nodded (in unison, no less) Pierce continued. "Good to see you. I'll get straight to the point."

Pierce clicked a remote and a nearby holoprojector sprung to life, displaying the hologram of a sturdily built male human. "As you're aware, Jedi Master Morgan Evanar is missing and has been so for about a month. You all are going to go find him and not get drunk."

A loud groan came from the assembly of men and Pierce smiled.

"Gentlemen, these are Jedi Padawans Maximas and Plo Koon, studying under Jedi Estelle Russard. Padawans, this is Tau Team, CO- that's commanding officer- Nick Weimar is their leader. I used to work with most these apes back during my Imperial days, and I know their skills and weaknesses. Whatever you may think about them, they are the right men for the job."

"So let's get to the details."

"Morgan disappeared in the middle of some negotiations between Chandrillan Senator Ben Udomal and Bothan Senator Plett Ruo'Trey. Went out for lunch and never came back to the negotiating table. There seems to be a link to a criminal organization that we're still trying to flesh out, but what information we do have suggests that he did not go missing of his own accord. We are not looking at a potential turned Jedi Master, we are looking at a very, very, VERY difficult kidnapping. You can take your pick as to whether that's better or worse."

"Question." One of the Tau members was the speaker. "What's the status on this syndicate link?"

"Under investigation," Pierce said sourly. "And unfortunately may not be complete for some time. So we're here to burn the candle at both ends by going out and seeing if we can't track down anyone, or anything, that may have run across him when he went missing. The bad news is that the trail is already a month old. The good news is that we have a city-sector to start from, which means only 100,000 beings to question instead of 70 trillion or so."

"Sarcasm don't suit you, Boss."

"Stuff it, Nick, or I'll stuff you."

"Yes, sir."

Ignoring the grin on the face of his subordinate and friend, Pierce went on. "I personally can't join in the search even though I'd like to. I already wear two hats, and my field duty time is therefore limited to operations of critical urgency, of which Airen Cracken does not qualify this. And I have to admit, he's right- it makes me not like his face, but he's right. So you gentlemen are going to be operating mostly on your own. If you need anything official or if new information becomes available, I will be your point-of-contact. With the Jedi Council taking an active interest in this, you're likely to get whatever you need when you need it. If there are no questions, then this concludes the briefing. Sector ZZ-9-ZA is where Morgan was last seen. Good hunting."

Denali Gue
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:42:49 PM
"......it came back to you in the bathroom? Cat, Im not sure I want to know!"

Denali was teasing of course. Any and all improvements that their Cat made towards returning to 'normal' was welcome and greeted with enthusiasm.

Nudging her twin in ribs - Ko's attention had wandered off to the delectably handsome wine steward - Ali turned her bubbly excitement back to Cat, eagerly waiting to hear his revelation.

"Dont keep us dangling, Cat...what is your name?"

Dakota Gue
Feb 12th, 2003, 09:53:35 PM
Ko returned her attention to Cat, leaning forward in anticipation.

This was huge. Knowledge of his name could open the doors to everything about him. Where he was from, perhaps, and why he was treated so terribly. Maybe what steps they would need to take in order to further help him.

Like her sister, she could hardly wait for Cat to speak again.

Dakota so loved a good mystery..

Morgan Evanar
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:00:19 PM
They stared at him, four blue orbs radiating anticipation.

"Not exactly, Ali. Just short of the door. I'm still not sure, but I think its 'Morgan Evanar'." They smiled wide, beaming. It was as disconcerting as it was lovely.

"Some guy named Rigel Urpan called me that before he tried to hit me. Not sure about his name. He didn't smell like he was lying."

"Cat, I mean, Morgan, what did you do?" Ko asked, now concerned, more for Rigel than Morgan.

"Ah..." he though on the right word for a little bit and made hand motions. "...flipped him. Just bruised. I don't think he likes me." Morgan explained, and his stomach growled quietly.

"When do we eat?"

Feb 13th, 2003, 07:04:31 AM
Maximas didnt look as if he was paying much attention, although he was. He was smarter than he would let on and smarter than he gave himself credit for.

As Pierce went on Max took the time to look over the Tau members, trying to form some kind of judgement over them as he looked. Some looked trust worthy and others not so much. As far as he could tell, non of the group caught Maximas looking. When Pierce finished up, the padawan thought of a question. That was enough proof that he was paying attention, contrary to the way it looked. No one else looked as if they had anything to add or any questions themselves so Max spoke up.

"Mr Tondry. You mentioned Jedi Master Morgan was in negotiations with Chandrillan Senator Ben Udomal and Bothan Senator Plett Ruo'Trey. They are not names familiar to me and perhaps a few others here. Do you have any information about them? Do you have any details about what the negotiations were about? If Morgan has indeed been kidnapped then this could very well be the link to begin our search.

Is there a way to meet and talk with either Chandrillan Senator Ben Udomal or Bothan Senator Plett Ruo'Trey? Perhaps by asking them some questions, some more information will come to light."

Figrin D'an
Feb 13th, 2003, 10:11:45 PM
Note: Thread bridged from discussion in Avalon

A few short hours after the Jedi had dispatched to search for Morgan, Figrin arrived at the Senate building. The massive dome was a sight to behold for most off-worlders, and hence was a popular tourist attaction. At least from the outside. With the Senate in session, it was closed to all but official government personel...

Unless, of course, one was a Jedi Master who had the political inroads that Figrin had established over the years.

Senate security was generally quite tight, but Figrin had no difficulties walking about the long curved halls of the building. Some of the staff that he had worked with years ago were still in service, and recognized the Jedi almost immediately. Any help he could get on this latest problem would be of help, though he had his doubts if but a select few held any truely legitimate leads.

The Senate session was in recess for the day, and many of senators were in committee meetings or entertaining important constituants in their offices. It was those offices where Figrin would hopefully find some answers.

After walking for nearly a half an hour, and perusing the office-level directory, he located the office of one Ben Udomal, the senator from Chandrila. Figrin knew the man well... the Senator had served on the Jedi Relations committee several years ago, a group which Figrin had addressed on many occasions when he was the Jedi liason to the Senate. He was a consumate politician... always looking for the angle to give him the most benefit. It would be interesting to see how the man reacted to seeing the Jedi Master again.

The senator's primary aid was working at a desk in the entry room, and looked up immediately when the doors slid open and Figrin stepped through. The aid, a Chandrila female, gave Figrin a cautious but respectful look. The tradition brown cloak was a dead giveaway...

She stood and bowed gently.

Master Jedi, may I ask what brings you here today?

Figrin could hear voices coming from the adjacent room. The Senator was conducting a meeting, no doubt.

"I'm hear to see the Senator, madam."

She returned a quizzical look, and proceeded to dart through the Senator's daily calendar.

I'm sorry, Master Jedi, but I can't seem to find you on Senator Undomal's schedule. Did you have an appointment?

Figrin's face remain unflushed... something that clearly unnerved the aid.

"Inform the Senator that Jedi Master Figrin D'an is here to see him. I'm confident that his calendar will quickly become clear."

The woman slowly walked to senator's door and nerviously opened the door. In muffled voices, Figrin heard the aid inform the man of his new guest. A moment later, the senator exited his office with two fellow Chandrillians, thanking them for coming. While at first the pair appeared a bit put off by the abrupt end of the meeting, the quick site of a Jedi Knight was enough to make them think otherwise.

So, Master D'an, Undomal began, Shall I assume that you are not hear on a social call?

"You know me too well, Senator. Let's step into your office, please. I have some questions I need to ask you."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 14th, 2003, 01:01:06 PM
While Figrin D’an delved into the matters of the Senate in search of Morgan Evanar, others were grouping together to set out in search for their comrade. Among the small party of three was Dasquian Belargic, who had mere moments ago finished gathering what he needed for the search through Coruscant. On his back he carried a close fitting travelling bag that contained a three pack of bacta, a hand-held communications link and a downloaded map of the districts within Coruscant. On his hip was his lightsaber.

“I should imagine we will be done soon,” the Jedi Knight said to no one in particular; the remark more to assure himself than anything else.

His violet eyes had rose upwards from tightening his trappings as he had exited into the hall, meeting with Ryla and AB who were both now fully equipped also. It had been a while since the group had convened in the Council chambers, and thus each was eager to set off as soon as possible. Without stopping walking, the Knight looked over his shoulder towards Rie and questioned:

“Do you think it would be wise to travel as a unit or individually, Master?”

Feb 14th, 2003, 06:51:53 PM
:: AB had arrived sutiably packed for their serach at about the same time Ryla and Dasquian had shown up. The trio immediately set forth, walking towards the hangar bay where the speeders were kept. It was possible they may have to fly off-planet to find this Sith who had attacked them, but for now they were serach the lower levels of Coruscant and any leads the Jedi information center might have for them. ::

:: As they walked, Dasquian asked her a question which she pondered for a moment before answering. ::

Seeing as we are seraching for a Sith, I do not believe that seperating would be a wise decision. Although... it may be neccessary if this Sith proves to be difficult to find.

But let us hope we do not run into too many difficulties, as I'm sure we all wish to return home sonn, with Master Evanar in tow.

:: They reached the hangar bay, and selected a speeder. Once aboard, they set off for the lower bowels of Corucsant. AB, sitting at the drivers seat, explained to the others were they were going. ::

We're headed towards a small bar on the lower levels of Coruscant called Ferdy's Pub. A source back at the Jedi info center said the place had been blown up a couple of months back, and that two Sith had been seen leaving the bar after the explosion. Now while there are no facts to indicate the place is owned or run by a Sith, it is frequented by Sith on occassion.

And, yes, it has been rebuilt as of a month ago, so maybe the tender might be able to give us some information.

Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2003, 08:17:04 PM
Some of the members of Tau Team laughed out loud; Pierce just indulged in a smile. "Those are the first details anyone always thinks of," Pierce told him. "Suffice it to say, we've got those avenues covered by people well-suited to the task. Our job- and our only job, I might add- is to do legwork. Go out, ask questions, try and piece together where Morgan was last seen, and with whom. If you come on any information, relay it back to me and I'll get Analysis on it. Do not, under any circumstances, follow up on a lead without first confirming it with myself or one of your Jedi superiors. We've already had a Jedi Master go missing. Losing someone else in the process of finding him is not an option."

"Any other questions?"

Figrin D'an
Feb 14th, 2003, 09:21:19 PM
I'm sorry, Master D'an, but the last time I saw Master Evanar was when we broke for lunch. I met a very important Chandrillian businessman for the midday meal, then I returned to my office.

Figrin had hoped for something a bit more... informative, especially after a healthy half-hour of conversation carefully building up to his questions.

"And what happened then, Senator?" he quearied. "We're you not to meet again with the Bothan senator and Master Evanar?"

Yes, of course, he replied quickly, as if the response was prepared. I tried to contact Master Evanar to inform him I would be late to resume the negotiations. When he didn't reply, I contact the office of Senator Ruo'Trey. He stated he hadn't been able to contact Evanar either. When our aids couldn't track him down, we let security know, and they in turn contacted the Jedi when he couldn't be found. I've explained all of this to the Coruscant Security already.

"True, Senator, but I am not Coruscant Security," Figrin said pointedly. "I am part of cadre of Jedi assigned to finding out missing comrade."

Figrin turned away from the Senator's desk, looking the wide rows of books that lined the walls of the man's office. An impressive collection, even if most of the works were not to the Jedi's tastes.

"Did Master Evanar say where he was going during your respite," the Jedi continued.

No, he did not. Master Evanar is very private... we seldom engauged in conversation that was not part of official Senate business. I make it point not to get on a Jedi's wrong side, even if they aren't prone to revenge... something I learned from you.

Figrin smirked a bit at the comment, though with his face turned away from the Senator, the movement was not visible. The two certainly had a history... Figrin didn't completely trust Udomal, but he had a certain respect for the man that can only come through being on opposite sides of the political arena. The Jedi felt it likely that Udomal felt similarly about him.

"At what time did you try to contact Master Evanar,' Figrin continued.

It would have been about 13:30 hours, shortly before we were to reconvene. Why?

"Because it gives me a time window to help me determine where he could have possibly gone in that time," Figrin responded almost reflexively. "Tell me, did you depart for lunch before the Bothan senator, or did you leave at the same time."

The Senator though for moment.

Actually, I did leave right away... Senator Ruo'Trey lingered for a bit. I assumed he was going to meet someone, much like I was.

The next step was obvious. Figrin was going to get nothing more from the Chandrillian, and he was confident that the man had nothing else to offer.

"Perhaps then, I should pay a visit to Senator Ruo'Trey," Figrin thought aloud. "In fact, contact the Senator on the comm and let him know that I am coming. I want him to stew nerviously while he waits for me."

The Chandrillian laughed, and immediately started tapping buttons on the console, smiling the entire time.

I'll go along with anything to get on that furball's nerves.

Dakota Gue
Feb 15th, 2003, 04:06:54 PM
"Flipped him..?"

Dakota looked over to her sister, a pleased little grin on her face.
Men were just so yummy when they got physical like that.

Looking back to Cat who was scanning for the waiter.

"Maybe we should go after this Rigel guy - he might be able to tell us more. I cant say Ive ever heard the name Morgan Evanar before. How bout you Ali? But - its a nice name! Course, we can look it -you - up in the database back at the Penthouse. Something's bound to turn up on him, you."

She would have to get used to the new name. She somehow thought though, they would always think of Morgan as "Cat".

Denali Gue
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:02:22 PM
Ali nodded vigorously in agreement with Dakota, her blonde strands bobing in unison to her twins' suggestion.

"If we cant find it in our DB, Im sure Daddy will have something in his, dont you think, Ko?"

Their waiter approached the table with palm-pad in hand and after jotting down several dishes, he made to leave but Ko stopped him with a gesture. With a nod, she indicated Morgan.

"That was his order. We havent placed ours' yet."

An arched brow showed his surprise but he quietly took the girls' order and smiled apologetically once the twins finished, sending their requests in simultaneously through the pad.

With the waiter no gone, Ali turns back to Morgan, her expression curious.

"Did this Rigel give any reason for jumping you? Was anything said?"

Morgan Evanar
Feb 15th, 2003, 11:04:27 PM
"Nuh.He's not going to tell me 'less I beat it out of him." Morgan shook his head.

"I think that we'll be ok with... oooh." His soup arrived, and that became his first priority.

"Ca--Morgan, what?" Ali asked after a moment.

"sssslllluuuuulurrrrrrrppppp mmmm this is good. With the database.slurp."

"Oh." They said in unison. Cat was distractable around food, and the rest of his apetizers would be there soon. Unless directly asked a question, he would be far too engrosed in eating to respond. Despite that, he could tell you what you said for the past thirty minutes verbatim. The pair found him to be a fascinating contradiction at times. Amazing recall yet no memory of his past.

"Ooh, rolls!" A basket of fresh, warm rolls was delivered, and Cat immediately made it a priority to combine a few of them with his fish soup. Even though they had seen this since he had gotten there, watching him eat was a sight. Not because he was especially messy (with the exception of fruit in the morning, he was rather neat), but because he was so systematic and steady.

Morgan polished off the soup and had another roll while he waited for the rest of the meal.

"Ko, who's your daddy? You say "Daddy" but never his name."

Denali Gue
Feb 16th, 2003, 11:26:20 PM
"Daddy? His name is - oh, Ali, you ordered the vegetarian platter, too!'

In a short lived burst of quiet giggles, Ko and Ali grin at each other, their 'twinness' never failing to please them even over little things. Mindful of their manners, the girls start their meal and only after several bites does Ko remember that she had been answering a question for Morgan.

"Dandridge, thats Daddy's name and Mom's name is Desardra. Mmm, this is so good!"

Swallowing her properly chewed mouthful, Denali continues while Dakota takes another bite.

"If you hadnt figured it out, our entire family borders on the eccentric. For whatever reason, Mummy decided that all of our names should begin with 'D'."

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:22:50 PM
The seats on these speeders were never too comfortable, and the annoyance of my new tattoo's irritation on my upper calf only made me more cranky. I pressed it down and out of my mind, intent on staying alert, given the importance of our mission.

As Rie explained the location we were to be searching, I shot a smile towards Dasquian. Having recently been better aquainted with him, I felt much better having him as a partner on this mission.

Then, with a glance out the window as we began to decend through the thick swamp of clouds, I pulled at a loose thread in the hem of my shirt for lack of something better or more productive to do.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:28:22 PM
He fiinshed what he was chewing, and pondered the "d" bit for a moment.

"Oh. I see." Morgan immediately made a silent pledge to the universe that he would not subject any future children to a mandatory naming scheme, especially one that bizzare. Rich, and clearly very eccentric.

For the most part, small talk dominated between bites. Occasionally, one of the twins would bring up Rigel, and Morgan would immediately shoot that down, along with "can you remember." Through the whole meal, there was an undercurrent of anticipation. Ko and Ali clearly felt like scientists on the cutting edge, testing new equipment likely to lead to breakthroughs in thier field.

Morgan Evanar. It felt very comfortable indeed. After three plates of food, so did he. Cat sighed, slouching in his chair slightly, although it did little to diminish his height.

"The food was excellent." Ko and Ali smiled, their tastses in fine cusine reassured. He yawned.

"I could use a... uh" he paused. "a nap."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:03:17 PM
For at least a minute everything around them was obscured by greenish fog, though it dispersed in the wake of the speeder engines and soon unveiled the buildings below. The craft edged past a tall building as its path became angled off to the side, towards the bar that Rie had mentioned. Eagerly Dasquian leant out to the side to get an aerial view of the ‘establishment’ and could immediately tell it was not a place that the weak of heart would have attended. Outside there stood two hulking bouncers, each holding – or perhaps a better word would have been supporting – immense rifles on against their shoulders. They bore expressions of disinterest that suggested that there job as so dull they would have (literally) killed for one chance at letting off a round from their weapons.

There was a hiss as the craft touched the ground. All three Jedi climbed out and as Dasquian gathered his robes about his person Rie stalked ahead towards the entrance to the bar. The Knight side glanced at Ryla for a moment before catching back up with the Jedi Master.

“Y’u needa membaship to get in ‘ere, ma’am,” one of the doormen rumbled as AB inquired about getting into the pub.

This problem was solved quickly and efficiently, with the subtle gesture of a hand – the inn owner had obviously not planned well for dealing with Force users; a bad move considering some of his clientele were Sith.

Another heavy smog was now surrounding the group, but this time it was composed from the exhaled smoke of the customers. Every one in three was cradling a pipe or stim, whilst every one had a glass in his or her hand. Most conformed to the usual ‘shady character’ stereotype and huddled over their table with their drink in hand, muttering to their acquaintances. Quarrels started and ended in an instant over some drunken game of Sabacc, whilst the bar staff – who made the bouncers look like gentile, loving souls – ushered orders back and forth, grudgingly.

Behind the bar itself was a large creature, which Dasquian could only think to term as reptilian. He bore an impressive row of fangs as he chewed thoughtfully on some form of tobacco, darting his slim yellow eyes around the room. Though he did not seem on edge, he did appear to have a good grasp of what was going on in the bar.

“Greetings,” Dasquian’s voice and tone could not have been more out of place, even if he had tried. Still, it did have a certain quality to it that some criminals had perfected, that suggested that they no longer needed to be overtly aggressive whilst around people to cause them to stand up, salute and listen for fear of loosing their life.

“We would like to speak with the owner of this business.”

Feb 19th, 2003, 06:20:11 PM
:: AB stood just behind and to the side of Dasquian, letting him ask the question to the bartender. ::

:: The noises and smells in the bar assaulted her, and she suddenly felt homesick for the inviting interior of Yog's B&G. Unfortunately, finding the person they saught would most likely be found in areas as seedy as this. ::

:: She brought her green eyes to rest on the reptilian again after having surbeyed the bar, waiting for an answer. It snorted, eyeing Dasquian as though he were it's next meal. ::

"Who'sssss we?"

:: AB could already tell the bartender was going to send them around in circles. Either that or ask for money. And that she had come prepared for. She reached into a pocket at the side of her green suit and slapped down a few credit chits, repeating Dasquian's request. The reptilian licked his lips once with a forked tongue, covering the chits with an enormous clawed hand. ::

"I ssssseem to remember the owner having been by earlier..."

:: AB rolled her eyes and slapped down another two chits. Those also likewise disapeared like the first. ::

"Ah, yessssss, I remember now. He went into his back officccccccce."

:: The reptile pointed behind the bar, through a wooden door. ::

"That way."

:: The three Jedi took their leave of the bartender and headed towards the door. As they reached the door, AB patted her pocket, a good number of chits still in there. She whispered to her collegues. ::

Who knew the barkeep would be so cheap today.

:: With that, she opened the door and stepped through, followed by the others. ::

Dakota Gue
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:05:32 PM

Dakota halted her teaspoon full of lemon sorbet partway from her plate to her lips. Her mouth downturned into a disappointed pout. Ko had been looking forward to a night out, and dinner was only the prelude.

She looked to Ali to encourage her protest as well, but only got a kick in the shin from her beneath the table from her twin.

The pout changed to a chagrined sulk. Of course..it was too much to expect Cat to be back to normal. Far too soon. She was forgetting. He in fact had improved to an incredible degree from when they first found him, but he still needed to get much better yet.

Ko managed a pert smile that Ali thought was very brave of her.

"Of course, Cat. We should get you home."

Denali waved the server over so they could sign for the bill, and suggested that they could take the Park route home and atleast see the pretty lights of the city on their way.

Denali Gue
Feb 19th, 2003, 10:50:32 PM
In truth Denali was disappointed that Cat desired to return back to the suite. Like Ko, she had wanted to mix and mingle with the crazy assortment of nightlife that roamed the clubs and dance floors. It was always invigorating and at it's very best, dangerous.

Twi'lekk bumping with Rodians, humans grinding with Chiss - endless combinations could be found on any given night. The excitement laid in never quite knowing who was gyrating next to you or if you would be swept up into the middle of a brawl.

Once, Dakota had spent the night dancing and drinking with a rough-hewn but handsome looking male only to learn from GNN the next morning that he had been picked up and held on suspicion of blackmail and murder. Ko's expression had been priceless and Ali had snapped a shot of it, laughing hysterically the whole while and both girls agreed, 'Wasnt Coruscant just too perfect?'

Signing the bill, the three gathered themselves and went out the door, their limo waiting as they knew it would be. Clambering in, Ali slides next to Dakota and gives her arm a squeeze, whispering so very softly in her ear.

"Im sorry, Ko. I wanted to go, too."

Morgan Evanar
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:06:37 PM
"Just a nap." he explained as the climbed into the limo.

"I'll be good in a bit." The girls looked unconvinced as they flanked him. Morgan was good to his word. Before they had closed the doors, he was out cold, sleeping. They prodded him a few times, just to be sure. They ordered the driver home along the senic route anway.

The twins chatted about what to do, just in case Cat was true to his word.

Morgan's body fell as forward as the seatbelt would let him, after the limo encountered a spat of bad driving.

"Cat? Morgan?" Ali waited for a moment, but he was motionless. "Wow, he's out." Ko added. They stared for a moment more before resuming their theoretical night out, now thoroughly convinced it would never happen.

He streched ten minutes later, and yawned wide.

"Urg." Morgan had started to stretch his arms out but thought better of it. Instead, he rubbed his eyes for a moment, rotated his shoulders and popped his spine back into place.

"Where to now?"

Dakota Gue
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:35:41 PM
The girls grins were as big as they were beautiful, and Morgan thought it didnt get much better than when a man makes two gorgeous blondes so delighted so easily.

Four blinking baby blues were shining at him, and the twins each squeezed his arms.

"How about 'Ziggies" - thats always lively. Oh, and they have great dancing twi'leks up in suspended cages. You'll love it, Cat!"

Ko looked to Ali to see if she had any other ideas.

Denali Gue
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:55:59 PM
"Ziggies! Ko, youre a genius! Zig's will be perfect for Ca - Morgan. Up-beat but not overly so and the drinks arent watered down!"

Throwing an arm around each of their necks, Ali hugs them both tightly then lets them go, bouncing on the seat with impatience.

"Driver, cant you go any faster?"

Feb 20th, 2003, 05:02:38 AM
Maximas didnt care much for the laughter that sounded around the room. He didnt find it very funny at all in fact. He gave a couple of people a mean look before returning his attention to Pierce. Although he wasnt keen on being bossed about, Pierce Tondry new more about investigation and more about this mission than Max did so he nodded and listened to his instructions.

No one else seemed to have any questions for the time being. No doubt more questions would arise as the investigation got underway.

"I think it would be a good idea for Plo and I to work together as a pair. As Jedi we can probably get into a few places regular people cant. Even if they require a little.... persuasian.

We'll begin asking questions in the sector where Morgan was last seen, see if we can pick up a thread. That ok with you Plo?"

He looked up at the silent Jedi, wondering if he had anything to add.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 20th, 2003, 06:31:44 PM
Cages? Morgan didn't like that idea one bit.

"Why are they in cages?" His eyes were wide with concern. It sounded completely cruel, only a shuffle from being chained up.

Of all things, they laughed at him. Cat was now terribly confused.

"Aww. Morgan," Ali remembered correctly after the smallest of pauses "they get in there on their own. Its part of the place's ambiance. The dancers get food and water and leave after the night." He still looked terribly confused, but guessed Ali was right.

"They're not locked in?"
"No, honey. They can leave anytime they need to." Ko clarified.
"Oh. I guess thats ok then." Why anyone would dance in a cage was a bit beyond him still.

The back of the limo was quiet for a while, until the small talk started up again a few minutes later. Morgan mostly stared at the city lights as they whisked by.

Without warning, he tightly wrapped his arms around the girls.
"LEFT!" He yelled as loud as he could. Stunned, the diver yanked left just as a rouge speeder dove through the horizontal layers of traffic. Police followed after the speeder with a bit more caution and confidence in numbers. Morgan slowly relaxed his grip on the twins and sighed very loud.

Dakota Gue
Feb 21st, 2003, 02:22:40 PM
The twins primped their hair back into place - (a knee-jerk reaction for the both of them during times of unexpected danger, or backseat flounderings) - and looked at Morgan with wonder.

"How could you have seen that coming?"

Ko asked, as she herself scanned the intersection through the back of the limo window.

"Yeah, its like you have that sixth sense or something. Or.." Ali halted, as her choice of words triggered a possibility she had not before really considered regarding Morgan."or the Force" both girls said in unison.

Dakota looked over Morgan's head to her sister, and thought maybe he's a jedi? Denali had a similar thought which only varied slightly from her twin, and returned her sister's look maybe he's a sith?

The twins once more looked at Morgan and the two girls slightly, imperceptibly drew back a little from him, very unsure as to how to procede.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 21st, 2003, 05:56:49 PM
The air of uneasyness would have easier to swim in than to breathe.

Morgan looked at each of them with genuine naievity, his mind starting to pile the questions up. Most of them were aimed at himself.

Sixth sense? Force?

Ko and Ali were uncomfortable, so he put his arms back, and set his hands on his knees. The girls seemed to relax a bit, but only an amount that could be measured with a microcsope.

"Whats the Force?"

Denali Gue
Feb 22nd, 2003, 09:38:34 PM
"Whats the Force?"

Ali echoed his words as they both looked at him then she burst into peels of laughter. Whoever he was, Jedi, Sith or just a guy who had a good handle on premonitions, she didnt care. That sharp zag through traffic had got her heart pumping and she was up for more.

"Wheeeeeeeeeee! Lets do that again!"

Ko however had a more thoughtful expression on her face as she studied Morgan.

"Do you realize youve saved us twice now?"

Morgan Evanar
Feb 23rd, 2003, 07:16:28 PM
Lets NOT do that again.

Morgan shook his head.

"No. I've saved you once. I nearly," he paused "nearly got you both killed." Ali was still laughing though. It made her breasts shake.

Why was he thinking of her without clothes? Cat ran a hand through his hair. So he had a name... and...

Two beautiful women, who smelled delightful. A touch of fear, a lot of adventure...

Boy those look nice.

"Touch em!"
Touch 'em, you dolt. You know you want to!
Well, they are really nice... Morgan stole a glance at Ali's rack.
Exactly. So, what are you waiting for?
But they're not mine.
Exactly! They're hers. And they want your hands.
Yeah... yeah. Wait. What about the red-head. I don't think she'd approve.
Is she here? Noooooo.
But... arghhhhh.

Morgan closed his eyes and put his hands over his face. They're not there if I can't see them.

Feb 24th, 2003, 06:16:47 PM
:: The trio of Jedi stepped into the back parlor and looked about. There was a single wooden desk against one of the walls, a leather chair behind it, and a single desk lamp on the desk illuminating the room in errie shadows. If it had been any other setting rather than a bar, AB coulda sworn she'd walked into the office of a gangster kingpin. ::

:: But, then again, who's to say they hadn't?. ::

:: The chair's back was facing them, and tiny puffs of smoke rose from the other side, indicating there was someone there, smoking a stim or otherwise. She narrowed her eyes and took a few steps forward towards the desk, clearing her throat. ::

We've come to ask you some questions. Questions on one of your patrons that frequents here.

:: The chair didn't move, while the puffs of smoke continued to rise. ::

:: AB dug into her satchel and produced a small suede pouch, dropping it on the desk. The distinct sound of credit chits hitting the desk and muffled by the pouch echoed softly in the room. ::

:: The puffs of smoke on the other side of the chair stopped, as the chair began to slowly turn around. ::

Feb 25th, 2003, 08:49:00 PM
The lighted end of a fat cigarre was the first thing AB saw as the owner of the bar swivelled slowly around in his chair. It, attached to the plump jowly face by thick pale lips, smouldered in a pungent haze of blue smoke that hung heavy in the air.

The large frame of the man AB adressed came full into view now, as the chair settled its 180 degree turn, revealing a shrewd-eyed individual who had slicked-back hair and very bad taste in shirts.

"The lady throws me money like Im a starving artist..."

The fat man looked luridly over AB and then spared a glance for her two companions standing stoically behind her, but it was clear he was not addressing any of them.

"Perhaps she doesn't know who I am."

A deep gravelled voice spoke out of the gloom from the direction the bar owner had been facing when the Jedi entered and interupted their conversation. They noticed a second lighted glow - smaller and easily discernible as a cigerette and not cigar - held in the hand of a man seated and hunching forward, arms resting on his legs, head turned upward to look at the company.

"Maybe..." Remkah replied, "But I know who she is." The pirate smiled for AB's benefit.

"Hello beautiful"

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:03:50 PM
:: AB placed her hands behind her back, hiding her balled fists as she recognized the man who had spoken last. She had to resist the urge to snarl, remembering how HE had been there when the Sith had interrupted Morgan and her picnic, and instead put on a negotionary smile, squelching the momentary anger that had risen. ::

We meet again.

:: The suede pouch hadn't moved from it's spot where she had dropped it, and she kept her mind's eye on it while speaking to the pirate. ::

You have some information which I am interested in possessing.

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:13:53 PM
"Is that so?"

Remkah's tone was level, but there was definite misgivings in his mind.

"Well, 'll help you if I can." he added smoothly.

The bar owner listened, while one chubby finger moved almost imperceptibly to tap the suede pouch on the desk as attention was focused on the two speakers. ..hmmm..

The Faene smuggler looked pointedly at Dasquian.

"Got a new boyfriend do ya?"

Feb 25th, 2003, 09:23:22 PM
:: AB ignored the question, the pouch the bar owner touched sliding just out of reach by use of the Force. Instead, she got down to the point, her voice and body language evidence she wanted no more idle chat, but facts. ::

About a month ago, you and a Sith ambushed myself and another Jedi. I want to know who hired you and why to murder or injur the Jedi known as Morgan Evanar.

:: She could tell the pirate was a bit uneasy, and having dealt with Force users, probably knew it wasn't wise to lie when asked a straight forward question. ::

:: Behind her Ryla and Dasquian remained alert, listening and watching. Either one was more than welcome to ask their own question if they thought of any she did not say. But for now, they all waited for an answer from the pirate. ::

(OOC: The two Jedi with me are Dasquian and Ryla, not Figrin. Figrin's on another mission.) :)

Ryla Relvinian
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:12:36 PM
The man was nothing more than a typical bar owner... coy and pompus but easily swayed by the more persuasive, or at least someone with money. While Rie talked, I discretely examined the room, taking in what sort of a man this one was, hopeful that my quick read of him was accurate. I had nothing to say to him, and I got the sense that he wasn't one for multiple questions at once.

All the things in the room said that he was concerned about his surroundings, and demanded the finer things even when they turned out to be a second-rate copy. The smoke from his cigarette drew lazy spirals in the low light, veiling his face for a moment as he pondered her question.

Denali Gue
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:26:24 PM
Her baby blues just crinkled at the corners as she laughed harder, her obvious enjoyment begining to spread to Ko, who now wore a huge grin, both sets of pearly whites flashing in the darkened interior of the limo.

Leaning slightly across Morgan, Ali grabs her twin's hand.

"Ko, remember the last time we were here? Some guy had been bragging how no female could out drink him so I took him up on the bet and drank all I could then slipped into the bathroom and we exchanged clothes? Then you went out in my clothes and finished the job!"

Dakota was now laughing along with her sister, Morgan's hand-covered face not noticed in the reminiscing.

"We won 100,000 credits that night and his custom-made speeder! I think that was one of our best times, dont you, Ali?"

Plo Koon
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:40:37 AM
Plo stood tall and silent behind max. He said no word for he wanted to obsorb all the information he could. He used the Force to search all of the mens minds to see what they knew and got a good impression of what was going to happen.

He kept his arms crossed and hood up, keeping a mysterious pressence with them. He listened as Max did all the talking for him. When Max had asked if it was ok with him he simply nodded.

He began to feel like they were useing up valuable searching time. He looked at Max and used the Force to talk to him

"I think we should start looking for him now.."

Morgan Evanar
Feb 26th, 2003, 10:22:31 PM
A frown played upon his face beneath his hands. That sounded, well, rather deceitful. Then again, it was hard to notice that they weren't a pair. Ko and Ali tended to travel together.

Futhermore, how did drinking figure into it? It was just liquid, right?

Slowly, he pulled his hands off his face, more confident in his ability to think clearly.

Pearly whites and four blue orbs shone in the dim lighting, while giggles bounced over the traffic noise. They got like this sometimes, and it was just as disconcerting as it was beautiful.

"So, um, whats all this about drinking?" he leaned back into the seat with his hands behind his head.

Feb 27th, 2003, 08:33:00 PM
"So this is about Nevyen is it?"

Remkah called Morgan by the name he was known as amongst the underworld, and a speculative glint came into his dark eyes.

The fat bar owner looked up at the mention of the name. It was one he and those like him had not heard in a great while. Sudden loss of interest in the suede pouch was replaced by a devils curiosity, and he eased his ample form to lean back deep into his chair. Folding his hands delicately infront of him, he allowed his cigarre to smoulder as he watched his Jedi visitors closely.

The SFF Captain continued.

"Missing is he?"

A slow draw on his cigarette as possibilities paraded themselves across his thoughts.

"Well, cant say's I can help you with the details you've just asked for. But I will tell you, there would be a lot of people - dangerous people - interested in getting their hands on him for, shall we say, his former deeds. The Hutts for one, The Albino-Kimiki Crei for another ."

Another drag and expulsion of dank smoke.

"Or maybe your Jedi is tired of the high road. Wants back in on a more lucrative game. Ever think of that?"

Remkah stubbed out his cigarette at last and finished without emotion,

"Maybe Nevyen wants to stay lost."

ooc: Thanks (and sorry)

Dakota Gue
Feb 27th, 2003, 11:23:59 PM
Ko was still laughing at the memory, and fell back in the seat along with Morgan, giggling delightedly. Yes, that was a good night.

::"So, um, whats all this about drinking?" :: he asked them.

"Drinking. You know, alcohol - evil water, liquid courage, the happy wappy."

Cat was looking at her blankly and Dakota was at a loss as to how to explain "being drunk". Everyone knew what being drunk was didnt they?

" .....No..? Altered state of being? Thinking you are faster, cuter, funnier than you really are because of an intoxicant..?"

She looked helplessly over to Ali, to see if she could be more help.

Denali Gue
Feb 27th, 2003, 11:56:35 PM
".....booze....you know, Morgan. Such as beer, wine, rum.... whiskey. Is any of this ringing a bell for you?"

It couldnt be possible that Cat had never tasted anything alcoholic. Why, even Jedi had been known to imbibe on certain occasions.

"When we get to Ziggies, we'll buy you a drink, anything you want, right Ko?"

Sitting back in the deep leather seat, they didnt have long to wait.
Whipping up alongside the skywalk, the chaffuer eased the Gue limo to a stop where a casually uniformed doorman ushered them from thier vehicle.

Each girl took the arm that Morgan offered, grinning at his chivalry as they led him through the dooway with the flashing neon lights.

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 28th, 2003, 01:36:22 PM
:: Sorsha generally despised Coruscant. It was civilization to excess, but nevertheless, here she was. Tirsa was off on the usual scam, and Sorsha was dressed to the nines. It wouldn't do not to try and blend with the richer set. As she walked back to her table, she spied someone walk in. It was Morgan Evanar, Jedi Master, with two blonde tralks in tow. The galaxy had finally gone mad ::

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/misc/sorshadress2.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR1.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Feb 28th, 2003, 05:41:23 PM
:: AB stared at the pirate, her green eyes boring into his. ::

I never said anything about him being missing.

:: She leaned forward, placing both fists firmly downward on the edge of the desk. ::

Which leads me to believe you know more...

:: Her eyes narrowed. ::

...and I'd hate to have to resort to the old fashion way of aquiring whatever else it is you know on the matter.

:: By "old fashion" she meant the useful Jedi mind tricks which came in handy when getting ifnormation out of stubborn people. It wouldn't harm Remkah in the slightest, but she saw the pirate visibly shift his weight, uncomfortable at the thought of having his mind probed. ::

Mar 1st, 2003, 01:46:16 AM
Remkah didnt like the threat AB made, as was revealed by his body language. But the smuggler knew such "tricks" were most effective only on the weak-minded. Something Remkah was not. However, she could do her little mind-dance. He didn't know where her pretty boy had gone, or what had happened to him. She'd not find the answers she was looking for.

The bar owner was checking out the view as AB thumped her fists on the table in front of him, and his chubby face spread in a sleazy grin. "Hey darlin, you can try your Jedi tricks on me"

"I dont gotta be a force user to see that you came in here, credits in hand, with your two pals and no Nevyen, looking for information. Of course he's missing"

Remkah stood up now, and sat on the corner of the table blocking the owners view and closing the distance between he and Amazon Babe to a intimate few inches.

"Whatever has happened to him, it has nothing to do with me, or the outfit I work for."

He smiled, trying to keep his cool while confronted with those who obviously held great ability in the force. AB gave no returning smile, and he could tell she and her companions would not be happy until they had something atleast to go on.

Remkah was anxious to finish the business he had with the bar owner and be gone. And that couldnt be done until the Jedi left. He stood up, giving his answer a form of finality.

"You could try a few of James Nairalix's bars. They are good spots to pick up all kinds of information. The more sophisticated scum frequent there - ones that would have the resources to snatch a Jedi Master. "The Mynock Room" or "The Hot Wired Club" even "Ziggies" is good for that kind of chatter."

Pierce Tondry
Mar 1st, 2003, 01:28:57 PM
"Right then," Pierce said. "The first lead we've got is that Morgan's fairly set in his habits. If he was going to get ambushed, it would've been somewhere between the Senate chambers and the Bar and Grill. Midway along that route there's a fairly popular clothing store with people connected enough to possibly recognize Master Evanar if they saw him. That is probably your best bet for a starting point. Good luck."

The group of soldiers stood up and began heading for the door, but their leader, Nick Weimar, stopped to talk with the Padawans. "I figure the two of you can do most of the question-asking," he said to Maximas and Plo. "My team and I will keep a low profile unless you need help or computer expertise."

Dakota Gue
Mar 2nd, 2003, 03:05:41 AM
The Gue girls were used to making an entrance.

Heads always turned when they walked by, or in, or past. It was just a given. They paid it no real mind. And as natural as it was to breath, it was every bit as natural to strut like they owned the joint - and deservedly so to their way of thinking - and soak up all the attention.

What made tonight different, was the the tall dark handsome man linked between their arms. He matched the twins for compelling presence and the threesome created quite a buzz.
The girls never noticed one stare more than another, and so the double-take of the elegantly dressed woman who walked passed them was lost on them as they made their way forward to the bar.

Dakota took it upon herself to order the first round.

"We'll have three Mandalorean Kamakazis. With cherries!"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 2nd, 2003, 04:22:54 PM
The lighting in Ziggie's seemed to defy the laws of physics. It was mutlicolored, shifting, like living jellos fleeing their bowls, mixing, and sliming to different bowls, only to start the madness again moments later. It made him feel a little sick to the stomach. He supposed it was the almost imperceptible flicker... and he decided to stop thinking about it.

Dancing girls in cages, and the music was too loud. Morgan frowned. Yes, they supposedly could just walk away: but then take it to the next logical step, and just have raised platforms with four bars, or maybe no bars, or one in the middle or...

Someone stared at him with an unnatural intensity. A sharp, brown eyed blonde. He blinked, and finally turned his attention to Ali and Ko, who were pulling him twoard the bar.

"We'll have three Mandalorean Kamakazis. With cherries!"

Blueish liquid held aloft a bright red cherry. It smelled heavily of alchohol and something else that Cat couldn't recall. Morgan held the cone-shaped glass aloft, into the shifting light. The glass raised to his lips, he paused: something was looking at him. Sorsha was doing more than just looking at him and sizing him up. Something else was happening. It was chilling.

He turned around, slowly, and took a gulp of the Kamakazi. It burned a bit going down, but tasted very different from a normal juice drink. Instead, it was almost spicy.

Morgan froze in Sorsha's gaze as their eyes met. She was holding his eyes in place, and looking into his head.

Mar 3rd, 2003, 01:49:28 AM
:: AB nodded and stood erect again, removing her fists from the desk and letting her hands fall to her sides. She felt he was telling the truth, and also felt that was all he could offer. ::

:: She let a smile cross her face. ::

Helpful suggestions. I thank you for your time.

:: She turned, leaving the suede pouch on the desk to let the two men divy it up. ::

:: The trio of Jedi left the hazey little bar, going back outside. Night had already settled over Coruscant, and they made their way quickly to where they'd parked their vehicle. Once there, AB turned to Ryla and Dasquian. ::

I hate the idea of splitting up, but we have ourselves three choices... The Mynock Room, The Hot Wired Club, and Ziggies... one for each of us. And I feel we can cover more ground and information if we try all these places at once.

:: She looked to them each. ::

Do you have any objections to slitting up and each of us picking a night club to go visit and inquire at?

Mar 3rd, 2003, 09:07:35 AM
Maximas couldnt help but feel excited about his first mission without his master. He would be responsible for his own actions and he would have to act upon his own initiative.

"Ok then Nick. You dont mind if you call me that, right? I think it would be a good idea to keep each other posted on any developments we have, as well as with you Pierce. That way, if anything should happen to us while were on this mission, we will all know what leads we are following up on. It wont be too difficult to pick up where someone left off."

Maximas took a look at his odd looking partner Plo.

"Shall we head off then? We'll make our way back to our speader first, then to the Senate Chambers. We can begin our investigation there. You want to lead the way?"

Plo Koon
Mar 3rd, 2003, 09:20:49 AM
Plo still keep his silence and comunicated through the force

"No...After you Max"

He gave a slight grin as he motioned for Max to go ahead of him. He saw that his ego was very outgoing and that he was good for the talking part. Plo fallowed as they made their way out towards the speeder

Denali Gue
Mar 3rd, 2003, 10:13:21 PM
"Kamakazis! Mmm!"

There was a tingle that Ali just adored as the blue, spicey fluid rolled down her throat and in two swallows the drink was gone. With a mischievious grin at the 'tender, Denali taps the bar in front of her, signaling for another.

"These are sooo good, dont you think, Mor....gan?"

Her smile up at him faded as Ali registered the expression on his face. Someone or something had caught Cat's attention and Denali had the feeling that the memories being dredged up werent good ones. She cut her eyes over to her twin.


Figrin D'an
Mar 4th, 2003, 01:34:41 AM
Figrin had walked at a slow and methodical pace to the office of the Bothan senator. Like the Senator from Chandrilla, the Jedi knew the Plett Ruo'Trey well. There were many senate sessions Figrin could recall Ruo'Trey casting about rather amusing ideas of conspiracies and devious plotting against his positions. Bothan paranoia was infamous, and the Senator from the Bothuwai was no exception. What set Ruo'Trey apart was simple... he knew how to transfer that paranoia to others, and work a room.

Fortunately, the Senator was a bit less convincing in a one-on-one setting, and the Jedi had talked the man down on past occasions.

Figrin opened to door the senator's office. The senator's assistant gave the Jedi a cautious look, but simply said, "He's expecting you."

Ruo'Trey sat at his desk, shifting in his seat a bit nerviously, but otherwise managing to put on a reasonably calm exterior.

Greetings Master Jedi. It's been some time since I've seen you walk these halls, the senator began, a bit of crackle in his voice.

"Indeed it has," said Figrin candidly. "My duties have called me elsewhere. And rest assured, my return is not mearly a social call."

So, what is your business then? Campaigning to get more funding for you and your order, Ruo'Trey quizzed. He had a sarcastic tone. A bold comment to make to Jedi.

Figrin cracked a slight smile. "Much more important, I assure you. I have questions for you, regarding Morgan Evanar, a Jedi with whom you are quite familiar."

The Senator tryed to brush the matter aside, as convincingly as he could. I gave a statement to the authorities about that days ago. Go to them if you want information.

"Very well... I see you wish to play this quaint game of coy ignorance."

Figrin would not allow the Bothan an opportunity to talk in circles, avoiding the issue. He outstretched his arms, and leaned on the senator's desk.

"Perhaps you'll understand this... I know you. I know you didn't give the authorities every piece of useful information, because you're either playing some pathetic little angle, or you are covering for yourself. I've examined the official account of your story. There's a time gap between the last time you saw Master Evanar and your arrival back here at the Senate complex. Perhaps you have an explanation for this that is perfectly innocent. Perhaps not. Either way, I can tell if you are lying. So, you might as well tell me what you know, or I can assure you... you just might find that your peers on the Senate Finance Committee will be inclined to pass a motion calling for your removal. We'll see how successul your re-election bid is without that feather in your cap."

Ruo'Trey was sweating, but he managed to spit out a quick, yet careless response.

Not even you have that much influence.

Figrin's eyes narrowed, allow a steely gaze to pierce the eyes of the fur-covered man. His reply was equally cold.

"Try me."

It took a few seconds to sink in, but Ruo'Trey cracked. He gripped the arms of his chair in a vain attempt to stop his hands from shaking. His voice, a mixture of a dry gasp and a high pitched gag, started spewing forth combinations of words that were nearly complete thoughts... but not quite.

I followed him... mysterious, very good Sabaac face... wanted to know more about him... negotiations not going well... needed an edge... thought maybe would see something useful...

"You broke for lunch and you tailed him," Figrin summarized. "For how long? Where did you go?"

The senator managed to pull himself together. He wove his way through some small streets and back alleys. I wasn't sure where he was going. I stayed back far enough so that he wouldn't be alarmed.

"And you saw something," Figrin proded. "Didn't you?"

Yes, but... I can't see how it's relevent. There was a woman... she was being mugged by a couple of street thugs. The Jedi helped her out... the thugs took off at the sight of a Jedi. He helped her up... made sure she was okay. They talked for moment.

"And that's all."

Well, I don't know. At that moment, one of the senate interns happened to walk by. I tried to shy away, but she recognized me anyway, and started talking. I didn't want to be rude... she might have suspected something. So I wormed my way through a couple minutes of... aweful small talk. When I turned back, your Jedi friend and the woman were gone. I walked over to the alleyway where they had stood. Nothing. No sign of either of them. So, I made my way back to my office, Ruo'Trey finally finished.

Finally, thought Figrin, we're getting somewhere.

"Where was this alley... what was around it. Landmarks, signs... anything you can remember," the Jedi questioned.

Well... at the other end of the alley, it opened up into a street again, and there was a restaurant at the other end... a Bar & Grill? Somebody named Yoghurt?

Figrin's mind mulled over this new revelation. Something had happened to Morgan, mere meters from the Bar & Grill, probably the second safest place in the galaxy for a Jedi besides the Temple itself.

"Very well, Senator," Figrin said after a moment. "Believe it or not, you've been helpful. I suggest you take the rest of the day off... you seemed to be a little out of sorts."

The Bothan mearly nodded as Figrin took his leave of the man.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:50:00 PM
:: Sorsha expected to hit a mental wall, and recognition at the very least. There was none. What she found as she turned the pages in Morgan's mind was even more suprising. The man seemed to have lost sense of himself. Beautiful.

She reaches out with a suggestion, one of remembrence. He knows her, not as his enemy, but as his lover. A feeling of comfort and longing washes over him as he stares into her eyes. The desire to come to her, to hold her, to feel her soothing touch, hear her voice, pulls at his heart strings ::

Morgan Evanar
Mar 4th, 2003, 06:14:05 PM
Something happened. He suddenly had a sense of who she was, but it wasn't like he had remembered. Morgan wasn't sure why, but it made a difference.


"I think I know her." he said tenatively, and drained the drink in a gulp. Red and squishy, the artificial cherry oozed inside his mouth as he walked over to Sorsha.

"This may seem a little ackward, but, I think I know you." Sorsha's eyes lit up bright. A little too bright. Immediately, she stood, and wrapped her arms around him.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 4th, 2003, 06:28:15 PM
"Yes Morgan, it's me. It's Lori."

:: takes his mouth in a passionate kiss before he can think or awnser her ::

Dakota Gue
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:14:48 PM
Dakota's voice was overly polite and seemed to clang loudly during the intimate moment she was intent on interrupting.

"Excuse me.." - "Us" Ali chimed in, also making her presence and disapproval known - "right, Us. But I dont think we've met."

Ko and Ali were standing on either side of Morgan. Dakota was tapping Sorha's arm annoyingly in an effort to distract the womans lips of their "Cat".

The twins had picked up immediately on Morgan's sudden shift of bearing back at the bar, and followed him like a pair of fluffy bull-mastifs as he made his way over to the brown-eyed beauty. He reminded them of a deer in the headlights for some reason.

They felt very protective of Morgan. Even though Cat seemed to know her, which was annoying to say the least. Something about her gave the twins the heebie-jeebies.

"Well? Who are you exactly?" Both twins arched a querying eyebrow in unison.

Denali Gue
Mar 4th, 2003, 10:31:46 PM
While Dakota was tapping on the female's arm, Denali was trying her darndest to squeeze her body between Morgan's and 'Lori's'.

"Public displays of affection are so tacky! Why dont you unwrap yourself from our friend?"

With a final grunt, Ali wedges herself between the two, smirking as Ko quickly slips in to stand shoulder to shoulder with her twin and eyeball to eyeball with Lori. Matching blue orbs trade stares with those of brown.

"You still havent told us who you are."

Simultaneously both Gues strike the exact stance, hands on hips in open defiance of this intrusion on their evening and their Cat.

Feeling particularly contrary, Ali looks Sorsha up and down, her smirk firmly in place.

"Your lipstick doesnt match your dress!"

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 4th, 2003, 11:10:54 PM
"I don't know... It might be more effective if we stick together. After all, we might encounter someone, or something, that could put any one of us in the same position as Morgan. We can't risk looking for two."

My reasons were personal as well. Although I was a Master, and fully qualified to take care of myself, the dangers of the city and its underworld were nothing to face alone, and my senses confirmed it with no uncertainty.

I looked around me, getting my position straight in this great city-planet. I never liked this place as much as an open forest, but I pressed my discomfort down and continued. "The Mynock Room is just around that way, we can check it out on foot."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 5th, 2003, 11:04:18 AM
Dasquian felt more than confident to patrol the streets alone, as he had done so regularly to pass the time and although Ryla’s suggestion to check out the nearby Mynock Room together seemed promising, he was eager to make progress on the matter at hand.

“I would prefer to split up. I’ve been to Ziggies before, I know a few of the regulars there,” the Knight said as they stood beside the speeder, looking out into the thin crowd of people wandering around the streets.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 5th, 2003, 05:11:46 PM
Morgan wouldn't have noticed that her lipstick didn't match her dress. It looked ok to him. He did notice Ali wedging herself between them.

"Uhhh..." he opened his mouth, quickly regreting it. Three sets of eyes looked at him expectantly. "This is Lori. I know her from... somewhere." He couldn't remember. This in and of itself wasn't odd at all: what was odd is that he didn't get a sharp axe of a headache when he tried to recall Lori.

"Lori, this is Dakota and Ali. I had an accident, or something. To be honest, I can't really remember. They've been looking after me for the past couple of days." They nodded defiantly. Lori looked unamused, and Cat looked confused. Smell was a different story alltogether; Lori was miffed, and the twins were very jealous.

Morgan decided the absolute safest course of action now was to be very quiet, and remain confused. Confusion was something he was sure of.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 5th, 2003, 05:35:05 PM
:: she looked fragile to Morgan, and intimidated by the twins as she backed away a step ::

"You ... you don't remember Us?"

:: Her sad brown eyes tugged at him. Stirred something in him, and a memory ripples up. The memory that she was his first love ::

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/misc/sorshadress1.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR1.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Morgan Evanar
Mar 5th, 2003, 06:05:00 PM
He had kicked the puppy by accident. Thats what the brown eyes told him. Who was he to argue? Certainly not the vauge implications of past sex his brain was hinting at.

"Lori, something happend to me, and I really can't remember any details." She seemed hurt, and stared at him with big watery brown eyes.

"I'm sorry?"

Mar 6th, 2003, 08:37:01 AM
Max and Plo reached the speeder.

"I'll drive!"

Max said taking control. They both hopped in and started off towards the impressive Senate building. It wouldnt take too long for them to reach their destination but it would be long enough for awkward silences and the like. Max drove with one hand steering while the other rested upon a ledge on the door.

"So... Plo. Hows you training going with Estelle? You settling in at the order?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 6th, 2003, 11:05:39 AM
"I never thought I'd see you again, Morgan."

:: a tear forms in her eye, and rolls down her cheek ::

"I always hoped that one day I would, but not like this ... not with them."

:: She gave a tiny sob as she turned away, and hurried out of the club. A wicked grin flickered upon Sorsha's face as she cleared the door, but it quickly disappeared into a pout ::

Plo Koon
Mar 6th, 2003, 05:58:02 PM
Plo watched as the other speeders drove by, seeing all different types speed by. He was taken out of his trance when Max spoke

"Its going good. I wish that I was able to train alot more though. I need to up hold my familys honor and rank as great Jedi Warriors"

Mar 6th, 2003, 06:07:46 PM
:: AB had to chuckle. So much for that. On one side she had someone that wanted to split up, and on the other she had someone that wanted to stay together. Note to self: Take a third person next time to break even votes. ::

:: She smiled at both, figuring there was a way to placate both. ::

Ok, how bout this...

:: She pointed to Dasquian. ::

You go to Ziggies as it's the closest to the Mynock's Room. You can talk to those you know there and question them. And if there's any trouble, we're about a block or two away, so you can easily call us via the Force if your comm gets jammed.

:: She then looked to Ryla. ::

As for us, we'll check out the Mynock's Room. We'll do the same as you, Dasquian, if we run into any trouble.


:: Both nodded in unison. ::

Alright. Let's do this.

:: Then everyone went their ways to check out two of the three places mentioned. ::

:: It wasn't too long of a walk to the Munock's Room, and both Ryla and herself made it there in a couple of minutes. Stepping inside, they saw the place was pretty plush and high class. Finding the manager in an establishment like this wouldn't be as difficult as a seedy bar. ::

:: Stepping up to the matridee, AB asked to see the manager for the Mynock's Room. The matridee looked both Jedi over once before turning to one of the waiters, shooing him to go get the manager. He then looked back at the two women. ::

The manager will be here shortly. If you two ladies will have a seat while you wait? Something to drink perhaps?

:: Both thanked the matridee for the seats, and AB declined any drink. Whether Ryla would want one was up to her. They then sat down and waited. ::

imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 6th, 2003, 06:19:35 PM
Wasn't often a Plant Lady and a Blue Woman, both extremely attractive, both walked into the 'Mynock Room'.

Cyrus Haman observed them from his seat at the bar, taking a drink from his rum as he did so. When the waiter walked by, Haman caught his arm.

"What's up Sal?"

The waiter looked at him, "They're lookin' for the manager."

Haman took a drag off his cigarre and picked up his glass.

"Well that's pretty much me. I'll go talk with 'em."

He smirked as he rose from this stool, Blue and Green ain't normally my color...but I can handle these two. Of course...I doubt they're anythin' like Hera and Nass...

Haman walked forward, the cigarre in his hand as he looked at them.

"I'm the manager here. How can I help ya?"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 6th, 2003, 06:28:46 PM
Morgan watched Sorsha leave, and could hear her sniffle.

"Oh... oh frell. I'll be back in a bit." he rushed out after her, leaving Ali and Ko behind.

"Ca... Morgan!" They called out together, but their voices were eaten by the crowd noise and music. He slid out the doors, past the bouncer, and into the street. After a quick glance back and forth, he couldn't see her, but he could smell her.

Left. His long legs ate up the distance to the street corner. She had just rounded it.

"Lori!" Sorsha turned. Tears streaked down her face, and her lip quivered.

"I didn't even know my own name until tonight, Lori, and that was luck. Someone did something to my head. Its scrambled." he tapped his temple. "Ali and Ko saved my life. I was eating rats until they came along. I'm sorry I can't remember you. What do you want me to do?"

Mar 6th, 2003, 07:21:45 PM
:: AB stood, looking at the man that had addressed them. She started to wonder if everyone in this town smoked. ::

:: Giving him a pleasant smile, she began to speak. ::

We're looking for a friend...

:: She produced a data pad from her satchel, showing it to the man. On the screen was a picture of Morgan. ::

Perhaps you've seen him, as he may have come by this way.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:51:19 PM
Haman looked at the picture of Morgan. Good thing, Remkah had told him to keep an eye out on these things.

"Nevyen, huh?" He smirked and set his cigarre down in the ashtray infront of AB and Ryla.

"Haven't seem 'im in here. Might've seen him elsewhere, tho."

He took a seat next to Ryla and flashed her a half-smile/half-smirk.

"So...you looking for this 'friend' too?"

Dakota Gue
Mar 6th, 2003, 08:51:57 PM
Ko frowned heavily and looked to Ali as Morgan followed after Sorsha.

"Well where does he think he's going?"

The twin was very annoyed. Did all that Namna fruit mean nothing??

"Really, that whole pouty, teary-eyed, girlie move is only fun when you or I are pulling it Ali."

Her twin nodded in agreement.

Denali Gue
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:02:08 PM
Pouting is exactly what Denali started doing. Crossing her arms over her chest with her bottom lip pooched out, she looked exactly what she was - a spoiled rich girl who wasnt getting her way. But she looked marvelous doing it.

Two seconds after Morgan was swallowed up by the crowd, Ali grabbed her sister's hand and began dragging her towards the door.

"C'mon, Ko! Neither one of us liked that Cat-stealer from the moment we laid eyes on her and Im not going to let her just take him away from us!"

Dakota Gue
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:12:21 PM
Dakota trotted along behind her sister, her little black pumps ratt-tatting on the floor and on numerous innocent toes.

"..Whoops, sorry, oops, excuse me, sorry, oops..."

A little wave of a dainty hand here, a flash of an apologetic smile there, and the crowd forgave the two pretty blondes as they bustled their way through.

Bursting back out onto the busy uptown streets of Coruscant, the girls took five milli-seconds to scan and locate Morgan who once again was locked in an embrace with Sorsha.

The twins increased the pace to catch up with them. Two sets of designer pumps drumming their stuccato beat on the pavement.

James Nairalix
Mar 6th, 2003, 09:50:08 PM
Ziggies was crowded tonight, any owners dream. It had been a few month since James was able to steal free time from his other affairs to come back and check on his businesses. Vilnaldi had kept things well in order. The kid had an amazing mix of knowledge, loyalty, and finesse, truly one of a kind. James could trust him to keep track of finances, and quell any problems without the name "Nairalix" appearing on anything. This made James' trips back to Coruscant that much more pleasant.

Tonight, James was enjoying the scene at Ziggies from his corner booth, with a glass of Cognac in his right hand, and a gorgeous blonde on his right arm. Throughout the crowd, one scene had sparked his curiosity. Three women and one man. From where James was sitting, it appeared that the man had made a major catch in the two twins, and had been caught red handed by a girlfriend. Security was almost invisible as they quietly started easing toward the group. If things had gotten ugly it would have been quickly broken up. These men were earning their paychecks. The scene was interrupted however, by James comlink. A bouncer at the Mynock Room had made an interesting find..

"Mr. Nairalix?"

"This better be important"

"Some people have come into the Mynock Room asking some questions"

"Law enforcement?"

"Doesn't look like it, but it looks more like an interrogation than a job offer"

"Who are they grilling?"

"A smuggler we've dealt with before, Cyrus Haman"

It took a minute for James to remember, but it all came to him. Cyrus was one of those "anytime, any place" types. It was doubtful that he'd rat anyone out, but James had to keep his bases covered. Snitches and his establishments didnt work well together.

"Has he squeeled?"

"No sir"

"Good, make sure it stays that way. If it looks like hes about to crack, throw him out.....You know the routine"

"Yes Sir"

James hit "end" and stuffed the comlink back into his coat. His attention returned to where the three women and the man had been earlier, but now they were gone, their spot on the floor replaced by the seamless crowd of people....

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:03:33 AM
I always mused that it wasn't for nothing I had my looks. Taking this into consideration when the manager was speaking with Rie, I took a delicate sip from my drink (after carefully checking with the Force to see if there was anything in it... I learned my lesson the first time) I decided to turnon the charm.

"So...you looking for this 'friend' too?" the manager drawled in my direction. I took another sip of my drink and looked him right in the eye.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am." I replied coyly, "Can you tell me where you might have seen him?"

Mar 7th, 2003, 01:31:41 AM
:: AB continued smiling, keeping it from gorwing wider at how Ryla "worked" the manager. She merely continued standing, listening to the two, but keeping an eye out in the crowd in the event Morgan happened to show up. ::

imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:34:06 AM
Haman smirked, "I dunno...I know a guy who knows a guy who might've seen him.

"But I might need some extra help, if ya know what I mean."

Mar 7th, 2003, 07:05:16 AM
Max laughed lightly within himself as Plo described his family as great warriors. Other than Plo's height, he didnt seem all that imposing to Max.

The two talked very little on their journey to the senate. Maximas had never even seen a picture of the building, let alone see it or be inside it.


Max put on his rather posh looking sun glasses and parked the speeder up. He got out and took a breath of the air. Not nice. Maximas's home world was very posh, clean and smart. Courascant was smoggy, dirty and too busy. Shame for a building like this to be situated on a plannet like this he thought to himself.

"Well, here we are Plo.


We know Morgan left here for lunch and we know he was probably headed towards the Bar and Grill. Pierce mentioned a busy clothes store midway along the route where someone may have recognised him. I think we should take the shortest route from here, to the clothes shop and see if we can discover anything on the way. If not, we start asking questions at the store."

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 7th, 2003, 11:38:03 AM
:: She looked past Morgan at the twins as they caught up, and her eyes narrowed ::

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 7th, 2003, 01:49:34 PM
It was not long before Dasquian arrived at ‘Ziggies’, as was ushered albeit reluctantly inside. The dull thump of the bass on a dance music track that was pulsing through the speakers caused Dasquian’s head to hurt, though he slowly began to block it out as he seamlessly weaved his way around the outskirts of the crowds.

From simply looking into the throng of moving people, the Jedi could gather nothing. The Force fluctuated, rising and falling like a wave throughout the whole room, though spots did stand out as being constant beacons. Somewhere in the center of the dance floor was a trace of what had once been a strong signature – two in fact, and both seemed similar, and though he could not place them it was highly likely that one was Morgan.

Dasquian stopped where he stood and realised that for the past ten minutes or so a large guard had been watching him. With a smile he approached the man and inquired into the location of the manager, though the man seemed more than hesitant to show him towards the owners table.

James Nairalix
Mar 7th, 2003, 03:36:19 PM
The guard glared down at Dasquian from behind his shades, and replied to the question in a cold, dimissing voice...

"He's busy, make an appointment."

And he was in all actuality. You didnt just interupt a man's evening with no notice. It would be fairly obvious who was in charge though, with one glance toward James' table, as it was the only one with a loose perimeter of security around it. James had also noticed Dasquian by this point. While the rest of the crowd was grinding to the music, Dasquian was walking around like he was looking for someone. There had to be some sort of organized search going on, since the Mynock Room was being visited at the very same moment. For now, James kept his eye on Dasquian. If this was indeed law enforcement, then the situation had the potential to get very messy..

Figrin D'an
Mar 7th, 2003, 05:58:52 PM
Upon leaving the Senate building, Figrin chose to retrace the path that Morgan had taken from the meeting site to the alleyway near the Bar & Grill, as described by Bothan Senator Ruo'Trey. It was essentially an easy path to follow. Very direct and no nonsense... quite synonymous with Morgan's personality. Having a sizeable gait because of his height, Figrin imagined that Morgan would traverse the distance rather quickly, even at a "relaxed" pace.

The main prominades were fairly busy, although as evening rush on the skyways had yet to reach its peak, the crowds would likely grow within in the hour as citzens concluded the workday. Figrin scanned the many stores and businesses as he walked. Nothing grabbed his attention as a place at which Morgan may have stopped along his journey. At least, not willingly.

Figrin emerged into a sizable square, populated with street vendors, hundreds of casual conversations, and even a streetcorner preacher that had managed to attract a significant crowd. Nothing out of the ordinary for Coruscant. Figrin continued on, eventually spying a small, poorly light alleyway that seemed to attract little attention from the masses. Stepping over random boxes and strewn bits of garbage, the Jedi allowed his eyes to adjust for moment. On the other side of the alley, some 50 meters away, he spotted a familiar set of front windows that could only be the Bar and Grill. 'This must be the spot,' he thought, feeling reassured that the Ruo'Trey may have indeed given him something to work with.

The buildings on either side of the were quite tall, and positioned in such a way that large amounts of sunlight were blocked for all but a few hours of the day. With evening having ascended on this portion of the city planet, the effect was magnified. The permacrete was old and cracked. Graffiti covered portions of the walls on either side. It was a dank, dusty and wholey unpleasent place. It was tiny pocket of the otherwise relatively safe Outer Government District that time seemed to forget. It matched every cliche that Figrin could possibly imagine. There were times, however, that even the most universally acknowledged of cliches found astonishing accuracy.

He moved foward, step by deliberate step, using his Force enhanced vision to probe the most remote crags of his dreary surroundings. His intuition told him that he was close. There had to be something... anything... that could at least provide a clue. The ridiculous amounts of rubbish made the task all the more difficult...

At that moment, his danger sense flashed. Something from above...

Figrin darted to his left, hearing a large crunch of something smacking the pavement near his previous position. He turned quickly, a hand on his lightsaber...

"What in the...," he exclaimed quite audibly.

There was a large bag. A garbage bag... filled to the brim with rotting food and other assorted kitchen items... now lay on the permacrete ground. It had torn upon impact, and a rather putrid combination of food decay began to ooze from the opening. Figrin looked upward, spotting an open window, and a pair of hands, now proceeding to empty a basket full of shredded office paper. As disgusted as he was with such behavior, he had not the time to deal with the matter. Although a crime to dispose of waste in this way, such things were considered a waste of time by planetary policing agencies. Feeling compelled to do something, Figrin reached out with the Force, and slowly lifted the dripping bag of waste from the ground. He propelled it upward, towards the still open window, then, giving it a quick Force push, watched the bag disappear past the window sill. Figrin refocused on the task at hand, continuing his intense search. Though, a few minutes later, he did take a bit of pleasure upon hearing an obviously irrate voice yelling, "What the frell?! My new furnature!"

The Jedi searched for what seemed like hours, though chronometer check would likely have indicated otherwise. He was about to give up, when he spotted a small, metallic cyllinder, no more than a half centimeter in diameter, slightly buried beneath the grime that had built up. He wiped it clean with an old rag laying nearby. A small, but sharp point protruded from one end of the capsule-like device. The other end displayed a ridged, but flexible material around the base of the capsule. In the right size vessel, it would likely form an air-tight seal. Although he didn't know all of the current trends in live-capture bounty hunting technique, he knew enough to make several logical suppostions. He pulled a small forensic scanner from his cloak, and made a few passed over the pointed end of the capsule. It picked up traces of DNA, and cross referenced them with the chosen standard.

A perfect match.

Figrin rolled the capsule between in fingers, giving it one last close examination, before he grabbed the comm unit from his belt. He had to contact the Jedi search party.

Mar 7th, 2003, 06:33:30 PM
:: As Ryla dealt with the overly friendly manager of the Mynock's Room, AB's commlink chirped. She plucked it from her belt, turning away from the crowd to better listen to the voice on the other end. ::

Mystt here.

Figrin D'an
Mar 7th, 2003, 11:52:18 PM
Figrin heard the familiar voice on the other end, and wasted no time getting to the point.

"Rie, it's Figrin. Move to a secure area... I don't want anyone where you are to overhear this conversation." He could tell from the background noise that she was in a crowded place... a night club likely. The music was a near dead giveaway.

"Okay, clear," came her reply.

"I finished up my inquires at the Senate, and I managed to get some information that allowed me to retrace the path Morgan took on the day the disappeared. I've got evidence that indicates he was targetted by a bounty hunter. I found a high pressure tranquillizer dart in an alley across from the Bar & Grill. A DNA scan of tip gave an exact match to Morgan's genetic profile. My source said he saw a women being robbed, and the Morgan stopped to aid her. They both stepped into the alley, and disappeared. My guess is that the robbery was staged to give the bounty hunter a clear shot get Morgan off the street, and whisk him away unnoticed. From there, the path is a dead end... where he could have been taken is anyone's guess."

Figrin paused to let her digest all this information.

"Rie... this capsule was high-end tech, and there are only a handful of bounty hunters in the entire galaxy capable of taking a Jedi captive. Whomever is behind this... whomever paid for the job... has to have major connections to be able to hire a hunter like that and bankroll the job."

Figrin knew from the silence on the other end of the comm that she was worried. He had to admit... he was as well. The scenario was grim, by any standards. Caution was the theme of the night.

"Wherever you are... watch your back. There's no telling who or what we could encounter when start to hone in on Morgan and what happened to him. I should join up with you, Ryla and Dasquian."

He kept the secure comm channel open, waiting for her response.

Mar 8th, 2003, 06:17:14 PM
:: The news was indeed dire and worried her, but she kept her cool and her voice calm. Gathering her thoughts, she echoed Figrin's sentiments. ::

OK, if you could, meet Dasquian at Ziggies. Ryla and I are at the Mynock's Room and should be done shortly.

:: Her voice bcame thoughtful. ::

I have a feeling inquiring of the managers at these night clubs might lead us where your dead end is. If it's true what you say about the expense needed for the type of bounty hunters used, then these owners might just know where to look... if they aren't directly involved already.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 8th, 2003, 11:33:05 PM
Ko and Ali clacked to a halt.

"Lori, what do you want me to do? I barely remember anything, and they saved my life." Morgan frowned. The twins were really... something. He didn't know the word. They were upset about Lori, but relating to him.

Women are so confusing. He slouched, and sighed aloud.

"I don't understand what any of you want."

Denali Gue
Mar 9th, 2003, 01:53:26 AM
Poor Cat! He seemed so - unsure and frustrated and Denali had the feeling that she and her sister were part of the reason. But what had they done? Morgan was their friend now and their personal code of ethics demanded that they protect him until the time that was he was fully capable of doing so himself. Or until all the pretty girls stopped throwing themselves at him. Whichever came first.

With a defiant look at Lori, one that Ali was careful not to let Cat see, she laid a gentle hand on his forearm.

"Morgan, all Ko and I care about is you. If Lori can produce some physical evidence of a past with you, then we'll walk away and not say another word, right, Ko?"

Dakota's bobbed her blonde mane rigorously.

"Like in the restaurant. After that guy said your name, you remembered and said that 'it felt right'. Does she feel right, Cat?"

Dakota Gue
Mar 9th, 2003, 05:56:26 PM
Ko had a bad feeling about this Lori, and it wasn't just because she felt jealous and overprotective. Something was off and behind the big brown doe eyes, something dark was smouldering.

"I think we should all go back to the club..have a drink and get aquainted. Maybe Lori can fill in some gaps for us all...?"

Figrin D'an
Mar 9th, 2003, 09:14:48 PM
"My thoughts exactly," Figrin responded, already beginning a brisk jog, "With any luck, something will turn up at one of the major clubs. Radio ahead to Dasquian, let him know I'm on the way. I'm about 15 minutes away from Ziggies."

He clicked off the comm, reattaching it to his belt on the run. He his pace was quick, but not a full out sprint. It wasn't so much that the there was imminent danger. Dasquian could handle himself, and anyone that tried to mess with Rie and Ryla would wake up in a detention cell with broken bones and a bruised ego. It was that, even though he ran into a dead end on Morgan's trail, he made progress. They were a couple of steps closer, and it reenergized him.

His boots clapped loudly against the permacrete, his brown cloak whipping about behind him. The streets were more lively now, crowds of people weaving amongst each other in a ever changing traffic pattern. Most jumped out of Figrin's way as he moved swiftly along. There was something about seeing a Jedi in a hurry that most beings interpretted as "Get out of the way."

Mar 9th, 2003, 09:49:24 PM
:: AB nodded to no one in particular as she switched comm channels to that of Dasquian's. Dasquian was quick to respond. ::

Dasquian... just wanted to let you know that Figrin is on his way to meet you at Ziggies. We should be done here at the Mynock's Room shortly and heading in your direction as well to meet up with you guys.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 10th, 2003, 01:32:20 PM
:: Sorsha's eyes widen as she senses light side signatures nearing her location. These irritating tralks were bad enough, and now this ...

A shot fires from the rooftop, hitting 'Lori' right between the eyes. A second shot catches Morgan in the temple, and a third rings off and catches Denali in the chest. At least that's what Morgan and the twins experienced as their minds were clouded by mental illusion. To them the sight of 'Lori' falling to the ground, and the pain of their own gunshot wounds were very real. Time and motion seems to blur and slow around them as Sorsha slips away, in the opposite direction of the converging Jedi ::

Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2003, 10:15:36 PM
Everything went white with pain. Morgan hit the ground, and covered his head. His whole head felt it was melting off. As if it were on fire.

He didn't know how long he stayed still as the searing white subsided, but Lori had been shot. She was gone now. It had happend so fast.

Wired with adrenaline, every breath he took echoed in his ears, a bass kick at a concert.

Ali lay on the ground, whimpering, clutching her chest. Yet she looked fine. Ko, too, clutched at her own side, seemingly at nothing. Morgan rubbed his temple. It seard, but there didn't seem to be any damage.

"Ali. Ko." He said to the twins, firmly.
"You're fine." Cat tried to sniff the air, but found that his nose was numb. Fine white powder came off as he rubbed it. He couldn't tell what it was because he couldn't smell it. Confused, he picked Ko up gingerly. The pain had suddenly subsided.

"Ko, you're fine. Its all in your head." He poked her in the spot that had been "shot", and then set her on her feet.

"Cmon Ali." He said, scanning the rooftops. His hand figeted for something that wasn't there. Hands that itched terribly between the knuckles. Gingerly, Cat scratched at the space between his index and middle fingers.

"OW!" There was something rather sharp there. The middle finger on his left hand bled for a moment and then welled up, sealing itself off.

Dakota Gue
Mar 11th, 2003, 12:46:19 AM
"Help! Help!....Oh Ali! Oh no, Cat! Someone help!!"

Ko was quite beside herself. The shock of what had just happened was too much for her. Out of nowhere, out of nowhere!

The twin had collapsed to her knees, crying with bewilderment and fright as with panicked hands she searched her sister for the gaping wounds she knew must be there.

Morgan's calming words were lost on her completely until his strong sure arms lifted her and forced her to look at the real picture. No burns, no horrible mutilation of skin, not even a tear in her pretty dress - only a dirty scuff mark from the grungy Coruscant pavement.

Shock and bewilderment gave way to relief and Ko hugged Ali as if she would never let her go. Then, as relief gave way to revelation...anger and indignation pushed its way to the surface.

"It was that Lori! She's a Witch, Cat! A wicked, wicked Witch!"

Dakota's outbursts were garnering quite a crowd, not to mention a number of individuals who came to offer aid to her earlier cries for help.

Ko grabbed Morgan by his chin with one lovely manicured hand, and forced him to look into her and Ali's wide blue eyes.

"That woman only wants to hurt you. You hear us?"

Ali, fortunately was a little less overwhelmed by the circumstances, and her keen eyes noticed Morgan's winces. She took his hand in her own and looked it over carefully.

Denali Gue
Mar 11th, 2003, 03:33:40 AM
Her lungs felt like they were on fire and her chest had exploded. Both hands were pressed over the gaping wound but it wasnt enough to stop the flow of blood which still poured from between her fingers.

".......Ko.......Ko, help me......Im dying.........................."

Ali sensed a flurry of activity around her and the muted voices from above as bystanders stopped and watched, at first concerned then amused once they realized no one was actually injured. One heavy-set female, bedecked in gaudy jewelry had begun clapping at what she perceived to be an improvisational play performed out on the sidewalk.

"Bravo! It was wonderful!"

Dakota was beside her twin, grabbing her up and holding her tightly and instead of it creating more pain, as Ali thought it would, she actually began to feel better.....until Morgan helped Ko up and Denali dropped back onto the pavement.

"Ouch! Ko, you dropped my head!"

Lifting her head and looking down at her chest, Ali is amazed to find no hole, no blood - no nothing! Climbing to her feet, she dusts herself off, looks to see that Ko and Cat are alright then casts about for Lori who surely must be lying dead on the pavement.

"It was that Lori! She's a Witch, Cat! A wicked, wicked Witch!"

It took Ali a few moments to come up to speed but she quickly caught on that nothing had really happened and that Lori was gone.

As Dakota swung Morgan around by the chin, Denali saw a drop of blood forming on his hand, between his fingers. It was gone almost as quickly and she took his hand in hers, examining it closely.

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 11th, 2003, 07:11:35 PM
My previous occupational talents certainly served me well, and the subtle Force touches, combined with my own charm meant that the manager would soon be mine, if he wasn't already, that is. As I saw, from the corner of my eye, Rie slip off for a moment to communicate with someone, I laughed inwardly yet kept my face a mask of cool girlish intent. "Really? He might have seen him? He either has or he hasn't..."

Careful not to press to intently, I continued with his second comment. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, sir. What can I possibly offer to you to help me out here?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 11th, 2003, 10:57:40 PM
Haman felt something slightly in his head. Kinda...oh how did he describe it....a brush of some sort. Hera liked t'do that sorta thing during their...play time. It intensified the feelings, made 'The Name Game' even more fun.

The woman was a Jedi...so Haman decided to have a bit of fun.

She wasn't the only one who could flirt after all.

He leaned forward, a big smile on his face, and took her hand in his.

"You can read thoughts right?" he decided to let thoughts of his last "encounter" with Hera float up to the surface. Strip Sabacc was so fun to play.

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 12th, 2003, 10:57:44 AM
Although I do regard the body as a work of art, for the most part, there were several parts that should not have been that visible, especially in the case of the man I was talking to. Nevertheless, I fully concealed all of my thoughts and continued to smile, betraying no emotion as the sight of the aforementioned unpleasantries firmly implanted themselves in my brain.

"Why, what makes you think that? I'm just trying to get ideas of where my friend might be... maybe even get some ideas as to his whereabouts."

I leaned forward in the seat, inclining my head towards the manager. "Are you sure I can't offer you anything in a little... exchange?"

Mar 12th, 2003, 03:35:44 PM
:: AB slipped back into the crowd milling in and out from the entrance to the Mynock's Room. She made her way back to where Ryla was still seated with the manager. She was standing behind the manager's line of site, but was in direct line of site with Ryla and gave her a look that meant to hurry up but at the same time to get any info she could. ::

imported_Cyrus Haman
Mar 12th, 2003, 05:42:12 PM
Haman smiled inwardly. This Jedi was good.

"Okay then," his face then smiled, "What did you have in mind?"

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 13th, 2003, 02:34:54 PM
With Figrin on his way to meet up with Dasquian, he decided that he would scan the area for potential ‘high ranking’ staff of Ziggies, to pass the time. To be honest, it didn’t take much effort for him to find one. Any man who was crowded so thickly with women was bound to be in possession of a large amount of money, and here that meant that he no doubt had some sway in the club.

His eyes came to rest on Nairalix – and he noticed that the man returned his stare. With a small smile he headed off over towards his table, much to the amusement of the girls on the mans arms, who tittered with giggles at the sight of the oddly dressed Jedi.

“Good evening,” Dasquian stated loudly, above the chatter of the women.

James Nairalix
Mar 14th, 2003, 07:15:41 PM
James gave a subtle nod toward one of the security guards, letting them know it was ok, and the man would be allowed to talk...

"Good evening, how can I help you"

A warm smile crossed his face. After all, James was just your average, everyday business man, more than willing to help out the "protectors of the galaxy".

As some would like to think...

Morgan Evanar
Mar 16th, 2003, 06:44:26 PM
The tips of very small pointed came in the space between Morgan's fingers and thumb, barely sticking out of the skin.

"I need another drink. Lets get one and go home." he said as Ali looked his hand over. "Cmon."

Since antics ceased, the crowd had since dissapated. Morgan dragged the two girls back into Ziggies.

As they sat back at the bar and got another round, the last five minutes clicked into place for Cat. The memories that he had of Lori came far too sudden, as if someone had just put them there.

"I'm... so stupid."

Figrin D'an
Mar 16th, 2003, 07:51:27 PM
Figrin arrived at Ziggies as expected, and after showing his credentials to the bouncer, being that of a lightsaber, he made his way into the club. Weaving his way amongst the patrons was a challenge... most either were being selectively oblivious to their surroundings, or enjoyed getting in the way for the tiny bit of self-gratifying attention it gave to them. Either way, it served as a nuisance. Figrin would be glad to find Dasquian, look around the club, and leave in short order.

Maintaining his calm demeanor, he made his way to a small open area of floorspace, and scanned about the club. He spotted Dasquain near a table, talking to a seated man with two women hanging on him like like a cheap suit. The man himself was well-dressed, and was presumably someone of importance... perhaps the club's owner.

Figrin waited for a brief moment, until Dasquian felt his presence, and glanced his direction. Making quick shifting movements with his eyes and hands, Figrin indicated that he was going to make his way around the club as descretely as possible. Dasquian got the message, noding ever so slightly to avoid notice by the seated man, and continued to talking as a distractionary tactic.

The Jedi Master could feel another presence in the Force as he meandered, continually watching the crowd for a familiar face. It was a vague Force signature, though... there was something not quite right about it. There were other Jedi better trained in the ways of life-detection than he, but he could still sense... confusion.

They were close... he knew it.

Dakota Gue
Mar 16th, 2003, 08:54:12 PM
Dakota was no longer feeling in the "party mood."

In fact, having had time now to recover herself and consider what had just happened, she was actually quite angry and would have liked to get her claws into that "Lori" girl.

Her sister could read her like a book and smiled a little at her. Ko's thoughts reflected Ali's own.

They sat, all three of them at a table to the far right of the busy bar. Cat murmered that he was "so stupid" and both twins turned to give him their full attention, expecting him to elaborate.
It seemed to them a little peice of the puzzle was coming into place for him, and they were eager to hear it.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:30:13 AM
Dasquian watched as Figrin slipped off into the crowds for a brief moment, doing so as the man he was speaking too was elaborating on a question that the Jedi Knight had posed. Acting as though he were satisfied with what had been said, Dasquian thanked him for the use of his time and his expansive answers, before leisurely strolling off into the bar area once more.

Much as Figrin did, Dasquian expanded his mind to sense what was around him, and as a result lost some of his physical awareness and inadvertently bumped into a large Wookie on a bar stool. The creature let out a roar of displeasure and Dasquian apologized; though had succeeded in drawing attention to himself.

Quietly cursing himself, he sat down and looked out into the darker shadows of the bar, sure he could sense something familiar…

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:08:21 PM
Never upset a Wookie, if you like your arms. Someone had bumped a wookie and survived. Morgan surved the blonde man as he appoligized. As he glanced up, his eyes glinted the dim light, similar to an animals, and then turned back to the expectant twins.

"Well, normally, to remember, it hurts. A lot. When I remembered Lori it didn't hurt. Which is very odd. So..." he shrugged, unsure of the conclusion.

"I'll go through the archives when we get back. Maybe we'll turn something safer and helpful up there."

Denali Gue
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:41:12 PM
She leaned in toward Cat and Ko, her voice low in a conspiritorial tone.

"Do you think she could have been a witch, I mean, really? The way Morgan says he remembered her but it didnt hurt? And the way she tried to lure him away from us? Theres more to this, dont you think?"

The question was directed to both and while Ko nodded vigorously, Morgan wore a more thoughtful expression as he mused over it.

"Three more Kamikazes', please."

The bartender eyeballed the twins then spared a wink for the man sitting between them. He had their drinks ready and placed before them in a flash.

"Drinks are on the house and if anyone is interested, I get off in an hour."

As he turned away, the 'tender bent down toward Morgan.

"I can put the girls in a cab then take you to this little place I know."

Mar 19th, 2003, 05:55:30 PM
:: AB stood off to the side of the couch where Ryla and the manager sat, leaning her tall frame against the wall. She was starting to think they would get nowhere with this man, and for the first time in long time of her Jedi carreer, she began to feel impatient. It was almost a foreign feeling, and she suppressed what she could of it, looking to Ryla. ::

:: She sent Ryla a message via the Force. ::

I don't think this guy is going to be much use to us. He seems to know exactly what your playing at. And...

:: She paused her thought and looked at the manager, wrinkling her nose slightly. ::

... he just reaks of player.

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 19th, 2003, 11:33:10 PM
Before I could reply, I felt Rie's comment in my head, and sent back a simple feeling of agreement.

Someone else was watching my conversation with this manager... I could not sense who or with what intentions, but felt a sudden instinct to tighten my mental shields. I also felt that my discussions with the manager were getting me nowhere, and so a drew back slightly from the bar, eyes cast down on the reflection of the manager in the counter's polished surface.

"Well, I can see that you aren't going to help me out here... Pity." I gave him one last look and turned around to head back towards Rie.

"I know he is hiding something, but we are being watched." I said softly, unable to reply to her message via the Force, a failing that had been troubling me in recent times. "Let's move on, we cannot linger here."

Figrin D'an
Mar 20th, 2003, 12:41:58 AM
Figrin continued to wander about the night club, surveying the crowd. He found himself slipping in between the droves of people, finding open spots in the crowded floorspace to linger for a moment before moving on. The Force signature was getting stronger. Yet it was still difficult to center on a person.

The loud music was pulsing in the Jedi's ears... it was beginning to give him a headache. The pain was more of a nuisance than an actual serious impediment. It seemed to be getting worse, though. The combination of stimstick smoke and efficacious perfumes and colognes melded together into something that would make a Hutt want to plug it's nose. How these people could stand it for hours on end, Figrin would never know.

The Jedi needed a better vantage point. He managed to make his way to the main stage, upon which the choice band of the evening was blaring it's "entertaining" sounds. Leaping easily, Figrin landed on the stage, off the right of the band members, whom seemed to ignore him. Some of the crowd, however, did not, and neither did two large, burly bouncers, whom moved quickly to remove him from the stage. He looked about the room, now a good meter or so above the mass of people in the club. Trying to pick out one individual, especially one the far side of the room, would be difficult at best.

A large hand grabbed onto the Jedi's leg, looking to pull him from the stage. Acting quickly, Figrin threw his hand outward, using a simple but effective Force Push. The bouncer was tossed backwards off his feet, toppling over backwards on top of his collegue, and causing several people to scattered in surprise. Acting as though nothing had happened, he continued to scanning the seats at the bar. His attempt at discretion was now gone, but with any luck, he knew it wouldn't matter.

The faces almost blurred together as his eyes switched focus from one to another. He was rushing... he knew it... but he had little choice at this point...

He spotted two highly attractive women, sitting on either side of a well-dressed, quite tall man. The women, the Jedi had never seen before. But the man... there was no doubt.


Figrin lept from the stage, moved past the still recovering bouncers, towards the bar.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 20th, 2003, 02:48:42 PM
"Drinks are on the house and if anyone is interested, I get off in an hour."

As he turned away, the 'tender bent down toward Morgan.

"I can put the girls in a cab then take you to this little place I know." [/QUOTE]

Whut. Morgan's brain ground to a halt.

"No thanks." it didn't sound like a very good idea. Also, the glint in that guy's eyes was nothing short of creepy. He looked over at Ko, who stared at the bartender strangely, and was about to ask why...


Great. Peachy indeed. Yet another person who knew him and was determined to screw up his life. Seemed like he had also managed to annoy the staff of the club. Getting douped had made him a bitter cynic, and therefore in no mood to be toyed with any further.

He stood slowly as the man came to a halt behind him, and growled. It was a low, reverberating rumble that would have started an avalanche. Cat stared down at the Jedi Master.

"What," he narrowed his eyes, "do you want?"

Mar 20th, 2003, 05:51:48 PM
:: AB nodded her head to Ryla in agreement, and without a second glance at the bartender, she made for the exit. She too had felt as though they were being watched, and it made her uneasy. The sooner they got out into Coruscant's night air, the better. ::

:: Stepping through the doorway, both Jedi women made for Ziggies. It would take them awhile to reach the establishment, but in the meantime, AB pulled out her comm and paged Fig. With any luck, the Jedi Master, already at Ziggies with Dasquian, would have had better luck at finding information on the whereabouts of Morgan. ::

Figrin D'an
Mar 20th, 2003, 06:46:50 PM
Morgan's stature could be quite intimidating to those not accustom to his presence. The sense of irritation in his voice was unmistakable. Figrin, however, ignored it for the moment. There was more pressing matters at hand... like why Morgan was here, and why he didn't appear recognize the Jedi Master.

"Morgan," Figrin began, "what are you doing here? We've been scowering to whole of Coruscant looking for you! For a while, we presumed the worst."

At that moment, his comm unit chirped. He swiped it from his belt, and answered it curtly.

"Figs here."

It was AB. He listened carefully for a moment as she informed him that she and Ryla were in transit to Ziggies. She asked about any new information.

Boy, was she in for a surprise.

"Well, believe it or not, we've found him. He's standing right here next to me. I just spotted him a few moments ago. There's something not quite right though... his presence in the Force is weak... almost like it's been... locked away into the recesses of his mind. For now though, just get here fast."

Morgan, being right there, heard everything Figrin said into the comm.

Dakota Gue
Mar 20th, 2003, 08:08:06 PM
As Figrin once more lifted his eyes from his hand-held comm, he was greeted by the dual-barrel perfume atomizers of both Dakota and Denali Gue.

The twins had enough of witchery and trickesters proclaiming knowledge of Morgan for one night, and were in no mood to take any chances.

Each manicured index finger depressed the spray-action pump of their respective scent sprays, and the pressurised mist shot forward into Figrin's wide eyes in a direct hit.

"Quick Cat! Lets get out of here while we can!"

Figrin D'an
Mar 20th, 2003, 10:19:20 PM
The spray caught Figrin square in the face. He recoiled as a reflex, and his eyes started to burn. The pain was annoying, but after moment he wiped his face on the sleeve of his robe and block out the sensation as best he could. His eyelids blinked rapidly, trying to flush the chemical from from his now red and irritated eyes.

The two women had begun to run towards the door, Morgan in tow, seeminly a big reluctantly. Dammit, I haven't come this far to be bested a couple of lounge floozies!, he spat silently. His eyes still irritated, he focused on a few unoccupied chairs along the open pathway being traversed by Morgan and his consorts. A quick motion in the Force, and the chairs toppled over in front of the trio. The ladies tripped and fell, one on top of the other. Morgan, being more fleet of foot, managed to avoid falling foward, despite the grasp of the twins. He tumbled backward a bit, catching himself against he bar.

He slowly walked towards the group while several other patrons back away in surprise. Figrin extended his hand, and in a deft Force Pull, snared the small bottles of spray perfume from the two women.

Figrin rubbed his eyes again, still blood red and stinging.

"I trust you won't be need these anymore," he said, dangling the perfume bottles in clear view. He placed them on the bar, well out of reach.

"Now... before either of you decide to do something else foolish," he glared at the two women, still struggling to their feet, "let me assure you, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a Jedi... and I need to talk to Morgan."

Deep down... he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be that easy to convince any of them to stay put.

Denali Gue
Mar 21st, 2003, 01:01:03 AM
Denali helped Ko to her feet, four blue orbs narrowing in sync as they eyed the newest interuption. Both girls take the few steps back to Morgan, stepping in front of him protectively with Ali immediately going on the offensive, jabbing her index finger against the stranger's chest.

"You may be wearing the robes, mister but a true Jedi wouldnt go knocking ladies down, would they, Ko?!"

"No, Ali, they wouldnt. We could have broken a leg or even worse, one of our high heels!"

Bending down, Denali rubs one of her ankles, an elbow lightly nudging Dakota's thigh. Her twin understood. They had done this before when needed and it had worked every time.

Ali throws herself forward and down behind the proclaimed Jedi's legs while Ko reacts instantly, shoving hard against Figrin and toppling him over Ali's back - right into the midst of a group beginning to crowd the bar.

"Run, Cat! Ko, take him back to the suite!"

Hopping up to her feet, Denali sets off the alarm, dumping out the contents of her small purse and tossing the empty reticule
on top of the Jedi who was busy fending off feet, legs and angry voices.

"Help! HELP!! Ive been robbed!!"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 23rd, 2003, 05:00:25 PM
It was abundantly clear anyone in his way was in big trouble. Although the Twin's methods were a bit deceptive, they got results. People started to edge twoards Figrin until there was an odd hiss followed by a disconcerting hum as Morgan barrelled towards the door, dragging Ko and Ali behind him. Something told me that noise was dangerous.

A thin blonde man slid between him and the door.
"Morgan, st..." Cat had had enough. He picked him up by the shirt collar and tossed him to the side, barely slowing down.

The doors exploded open. He stomped to the edge of the sidewalk, and looked back and forth.

"Where's the car?"

Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:05:26 PM
:: AB quickened her pace instinctively as Fig answered her call. Sudden relief flooded into her as she herad what Fig had to say, about Morgan being alive and there where he was. But the moment he said that something was amiss and that she should hurry, she sprinted into a dead run, dodging passerbys. She didn't bother answering Fig verbally, and instead gave the comm a double tap that she had recieved the message and understood. AB's sudden burst of energy caught Ryla somewhat off guard, but the blue woman was able to keep up with no problem. ::

:: They were nearing Ziggies, and as they got closer, AB focused her senses in that direction. She felt a bit of chaos ensuing from the general direction. She didn't want to assume the worst, but her imagination was starting to take a toll on her. Brushing her thoughts aside angrly, she rounded the corner, Ziggies only being a few paces away. The crowd was somewhat thick at the entrance, and somewhere inside the building, there were some shouts. ::

:: She was almost to the door, when a tall, very familiar figure, burst from the crowded entrance, causing her to come to a screaching hault, nearly causing Ryla to colide into her from behind. Her mind went blank for the briefest of moments as she watched Morgan look from side to side of the street, as she "felt" his Force signature. Something seemed odd about it... it wans't what she remembered. Finally finding her voice, she called out to him, amplifying her voice to be heard over the crowded walkway. ::


Morgan Evanar
Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:55:39 PM
He turned, and his eyes grew wide.

Her red hair cascaded down, highlighting vibrant green eyes. She had high, chisled cheekbones, and full, red lips. Her legs were long and elegant, her torso properly curvy. When he remembered to breathe, he smelled flowers.

Like in his dream.

He couldn't remember her name. Morgan cringed as he tried to remember. His mind was pounding with pain, but he kept going, a tear trickling down his face.

After thirty seconds, he could take no more. Morgan's knees buckled, and he wept.

Figrin D'an
Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:02:21 PM
Figrin, a bit stunned, but no worse for wear, shook his head. He was throughly annoyed now. It didn't show on his face, but he was looking forward to seeing those two... women... dragged off to a detention cell.

He lept to his feet, several objects rolling and sliding off of his person... the former contents of one of the twin's purses. Several patrons were screaming obscinites in different languages. A few others tryed to dry themselves after having drinks douse their clothing. On top of that, the two rather large bouncers, with whom Figrin had been "introduced" earlier, were now standing in front of him, looking particularly menacing. Perhaps they're braver than I thought... or maybe just really dense, he considered silently.

One of the bouncers extended an arm, attempting to grab the Jedi by the collar of this tunic. Just as the burly hand seized clothing, a sharp snap-hiss was heard. The bouncer's eyes glanced downward to the dark blue blade, humming softly, just centimeters from his neck.

"Back off."

The words were pointed, powerful, but showed no malice. The bouncer looked to his co-worker, then at the Jedi Master. Though his facial expression remained fixed in an angry forwn, the bouncer wisely chose to release his grip, and back away. Figrin brought his sabre down to his side, keeping it on. It had the effect similar to that of a dominant sabre cat roaring loudly amongst it's pride... it told everyone else to clear the way, and not to do anything foolish unless loosing a limb or two really was that intriguing a prospect.

Figrin emerged into the Coruscant night. He spotted Rie and Ryla, on rapid approach. Morgan lie on his knees on the sidewalk. The Jedi Master, confused himself, waited for the other Jedi to arrive before making a move.

Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:06:14 PM
:: She'd never seen Morgan look so vulnerable, and when she'd seen the pain on his face when she'd called out to him, it felt as though her own heart would shatter. It was then she realized what Fig had said about something not being right... what she had felt... that Morgan could not remember. ::

:: She covered the distance between them as he sank to his knees, going down on her own knees and cupping Morgans face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. His face was streaming with tears, and she had to fight back her own. She couldn't think of anything to say, as she was having trouble thinking. All she could think to do was hold him as he wept... and that's exactly what she did. ::

Dakota Gue
Mar 24th, 2003, 03:06:51 AM
Dakota looked down at the hug-fest between Cat and yet another "old friend".

She was beginning to draw her own conclusions about Morgan's past and thought perhaps he was a tad more social than she and her sister had assumed.

Her face reflected that of Denali's - quizzical wondering.
Ko shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, not quite sure what to make of the whole evening. A blue woman accompanied the redhead, but stood a little to the side, watching quietly.

Dakota looked from them over to Denali.

"Nice moves back there Ali. The old, "bend, push and drop" never fails."

The twins grinned at each other in self-congratulation. It sure was priceless to see that fellow go down in a flap of beige robes. Speaking of whom, he was now making his way toward the little group, and, though happy to see Cat and this new pretty red-head embracing, he spared an unhappy scowl for the identical Gues.

The two girls again closed ranks, all set to hinder Figrin should he try to interupt what they were now sure was a genuine freindly reunion.

Both lifted up their hands, palm outward in a stop-sign fashion.

"Hey there Mister, not so fast. Who exactly are you?"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2003, 05:31:54 PM
"I can't..." he choked through the tears, "...remember your name. I'm so sorry." All Morgan had was brief glimpses.

A moment of getting dunked in a river.
A walk in the rain.
A slow dance.
Lunch and conversation.
A sly grin.

She was so important to him. And he couldn't remember her name.

"I'm sorry." he repeated as hot tears of frustration rolled down his face. Morgan's eyes were transfixed onto the sidewalk. He couldn't bare look at her.

Mar 24th, 2003, 06:30:08 PM
:: She held him tightly, not wanting to lose him again. He was now found, but still in a sense lost. She had to be his pillar of light; his compas. She vowed to help him find his way back. ::

:: AB stroked his head gently as he apologized for not being able to remember her. She seperated herself from the embrace, looking at him, though his eyes remained downcast. She placed a hand under his chin and lifted his head, looking him deep in the eye. ::

There is no need for apologies. I will help you to remember. The memories are there... just lost.

:: Her lip quircked into a half smile, remembering how often Morgan had made her laugh, and wanting that again. ::

All you need is a good guide.

Figrin D'an
Mar 24th, 2003, 09:58:07 PM
Rie continued to reassure Morgan, helping him find his way through to torrent of emotion that was overwhelming him. With her help, Morgan would find himself... Figrin was sure of it.

He turned to the twins, both showing confusion and frustration on their faces. They still insisted on anomosity towards the Jedi.

"I told you before," he replied, "I'm a Jedi."

He motioned towards Rie and Ryla.

"These two ladies are also Jedi."

He finally gestured towards Morgan.

"And he... too, is a Jedi. Morgan has been missing for quite some time. Something has caused him to forget much of his past life. But he's finally starting to recall small things. He needs our help if he is going to recover."

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 26th, 2003, 12:14:22 AM
Oh thank the Force... Was all I could think to myself, watching the long-lost Jedi weep in the arms of my comrades. I didn't know the man personally, and felt slightly awkward as I explored his body for injuries through the Force. He was malnourished, incredibly confused and frustrated... His body was riddled with day- to week-old cuts and bruises, but no major physical damage that food, water and a long rest wouldn't heal. Confident that he was in good hands for the moment, I turned my attentions towards the blonde twins that Figrin had addressed mere moments earlier.

"Maybe you can shed some light on this situation, ladies. How did you come to find this Jedi? What has happened to him?"

While I awaited their reply, I focused some of my limited healing abilities on Morgan, working as best as I could to soothe the various injuries and help him calm down.

Dakota Gue
Mar 28th, 2003, 12:09:16 AM
The fact that Morgan is a Jedi caused a lot of chips to fall into place within the twin Gue minds, and Figrin and company could quite literally see the pennies dropping into the respective slots within the pretty blonde heads.


Dakota murmured and the girls nodded their heads sagely and in unison.

Their manner toward Figrin shifted now that they were certain he was friend and not foe and even graced him with their dazzling smiles.

"Well its good you got here when you did. We had to fight off this witch-woman. We were very brave."

Dakota had boasted without really thinking..and then wondered to herself if it was a sin to lie to a Jedi. Her face crumpled to a worried frown, afraid of a force-curse or bad Jedi karma..

Ryla spoke up, though, and saved her soul from its momentary torment with her timely question.

Denali gave a general run down of how they met up with Morgan, being very careful not to divulge the true reason the girls were in the old spice-hangout apartment building in the first place.

All in all..they were two saving angels who only helped from the goodness of their hearts. Which was mostly true.

"So - can we come?"

Dakota chirped in after Denali's acount of events and Ryla and Figrin blinked at them, not understanding.

"With you guys. To the Order. Can we come?"

Four bright blue orbs looked at them with excited anticipation.

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 28th, 2003, 12:19:25 AM
I turned back towards Rie and Figrin, and thought for a second. "I believe they may be of use, at least as familiar faces until we can help Morgan to regain his memories..."

Turning back to the blond twins, I replied, "Yes, you should return to the temple with us. We should probably start heading back, Is he fit to travel, or should I call a transport?"

Figrin D'an
Mar 28th, 2003, 04:56:44 PM
Figrin sighed. Though he was not enthusiastic about the idea of the twins returning to the Temple with them, he agreed reluctantly.

"You're probably right Ryla," Figrin responded. "Very well. We'll call a transport. Staying out here won't do Morgan much good."

He turned back to the twins.

"You'll be expected to answer any more questions we have about your association with Morgan. Even a seemingly small detail may help in his recovery."

Figrin glanced back at Ryla and Rie.

"The rest of Council is going to be in for quite a tale once we meet with them..."

Mar 28th, 2003, 06:15:37 PM
:: In the course of Figrin's, Ryla's, and the twin's conversation, Morgan had calmed down considerably. AB helped him back to a standing position, standing close to him. She nodded her head in response to Fig's comment. ::

Indeed they will.

:: She looked at Morgan again. ::

As will we, no doubt, as there is still quite a bit we don't know yet.

:: Ryla had taken the initiative to call the transport, also giving instructions to the tech's at the Temple to go and pick up the transport they had used earlier. Dasquian had already joined them, standing just behind the twins. ::