View Full Version : Show Me What You Got For Me [Open RP/Challenge]

Jan 11th, 2003, 07:31:22 PM
You're sneaky
From the corner of my eye I saw you eyeing me
I know that you're watching
Tell me
What would you do if I encouraged you
To get next to me
When nobody's watching

Evelyn danced in the middle of the crowd, in this popular club everybody had been talking about. Everybody touched her, rubbed against her, whispered sweet nothings in her ear, and she didn't stop them. Aevenon was still gone from her life, and though she was worried, she didn't know any other way to take her mind off of it, then by dancing. Dancing the night away. Sweat rolled down her cheek, on her porcelain skin, but she didn't stop it either. She listened to the song, moving to it, and feeling the floor move under her feet.

The way your body keeps moving
Is something that makes me weak
Let's start our own little secrets
For just you and me to keep
Too late to come off shy now
You've already gone this far
So baby make your move, take charge
Show me what you got for me

She breathed heavily. She tried to catch her breath, but it wasn't an easy thing. She continued dancing anyways, but slowly and discreetly, she made her way to the bar. Sitting down on a bar stool, she ran her hand over her forehead, wiping away a bit of sweat before ordering a vodka. Wanna keep going all night, she said to the barman, 'tis the only way I know how. He arched an eyebrow, confused, but bother to ask. Waiting for her order, she closed her eyes and still didn't let go of the music.

Baby, I can tell that you want to do more
Than just dance with me
And I don't mind you flirting
But honestly
Do you really wanna spend the whole night
Passing looks at me
Come over here and get to working

Where was Aevenon ? She didn't know. She just wanted to dance, dance with someone. A side of her wanted to fall down into tears, the other side wanted to get up, grab someone and tear that person apart. When was the last time she had felt the warmth of blood in her palm ? Such a long time ago, she thought to herself, how pathetic. Tonight, she needed to hurt someone. To hurt someone as much as she is hurtin'. She opened her eyes and her drink was right in front of her.

The way your body keeps moving
Is something that makes me weak
Let's start our own little secrets
For just you and me to keep
Too late to come off shy now
You've already gone this far
So baby make your move, take charge
Show me what you got for me

She drank the whole thing in one shot, then wiped her lips on her arm, licking them afterwards slightly. She nodded to the barman and stood up, pushing the barstool back with her feet only when she turned around. She marched back into the crowd, feeling the touching, the rubbing, the sweet nothings already. She had closed her crimson eyes once more, then without knowing, she bumped into someone's back.

"Oh ! Excuse me." She whispered, but wasn't sure if the person heard.

Jan 11th, 2003, 11:58:40 PM
"It's not a problem."

The place is packed, running into others is something that can't be avoided. The club's music isn't bad, but Rast is on his way out. Or maybe not...she doesn't look half bad, and she's the only one in the place that doesn't come off as a total whore.

"It's as much my fault as yours. Your name?"

Jan 12th, 2003, 04:55:54 PM
She lifted her crimson eyes to see more clearly who it was, but it was pretty dark. She concluded that it was a man she had run into, that's all she could figure out for now. She stepped back, as if she wanted to see more than just his upper figure and tilted her head to the side. They were the only ones who seemed to be just standing in the dancing crowd.

"Evelyn Noire. You ?"

Jan 12th, 2003, 04:59:10 PM
"Rast. Just Rast."

He wonders what to say next.

"You want to dance, or go sit down where we can see each other?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:06:16 PM
Jamel unknowingly entered the club, his young face sticking out in the weird, jumpy crowd as music played loudly in the background. He truly didn't know where he was going, he still was on an aimless walk through the City. Banging against a body, he fell upon the floor infront of two who had been previously conversation before his interuption by his observation.

Pushing himself to a stand, the Jedi Adept stared at the two, a smile coming to his face. His clothing sparking the concept that he was a Jedi of some sorts, with the white materail, crossing over on his chest. It was a traditional Padawan outfit, always worn in the Old Age of the Republic, but at times never in the New Republic Jedi Order.

"I'm sorry for my interuption, what are you two doing, and what is this place?" He questioned, placing his hands behind his back.

Jan 12th, 2003, 05:35:42 PM
Evelyn turned to face a Jedi, a young one to that. Immediately, she had stepped back, in reflex, her eyebrow arching. He was young, so he had probably not felt her aura very well, which was one of a Dark Jedi. She studied his physical features for a moment before replying.

"Can't you see people dancing or hear the music blazing ?" He couldn't have been that young, she thought.

Jan 12th, 2003, 05:38:39 PM
"It's called a club, shitwit. People come here to dance, listen to music, and do whatever the hell they feel like."

Rast has no patience for the ignorant, much less ignorant Jedi.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:48:10 PM
Jamel glanced over at the two as their sacasm, and irritated comments shifted his way. He choose not the easy way out of this subject, and attack them and kill both of them as that was an act of the Dark Side, he wouldn't want to ruin his essence. Gandering down at the bar's drinks, he rolled them into a levitating state before him, all before the two he interupted.

"Maybe I could commence a better relationship with you two. These drinks would be okay, or would you rather have something else. I have a fair amount of credits, so I can buy as I wish." He said, aiming for amends, instead of aggresive offensive attack that could have been a dark alternative.

Jan 13th, 2003, 04:18:30 PM
Evelyn sighed, closed her crimson eyes for a moment before opening them again. She glanced up to Rast, but her attention was set on the Jedi. Finally, the corner of her lips frowned as she took the drink and drank it down in one shot. She licked her lips slowly, then held the glass up to him, letting it fall down to the floor, enjoying the sound of the glass breaking, though the music hid it a little.

"Not very safe for a Jedi to go brag around, little fella ..." She scoffed, before turning to get lost in that crowd again.

Jan 13th, 2003, 04:32:27 PM
Rast declines the drink without a word, simply a glare and a move after Evelyn. The Jedi's spoiled his mood, he doesn't feel like talking anymore. He starts back toward the door, following the path Evelyn cut through the crowd.

"Damned Jedi."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 06:26:51 PM
Mutter under his breath.

"I wasn't trying to brag.."

Interested in their situation, he headed down the path toward them through the crowd, a bit behind that of Rast. Glancing over his shoulder he saw the item fall to the ground because of his loose of concentration & interest in the objects. Changing his focus quickly toward the one he was before earlier. Running after them once more, he dashed bodies that were in the way.

Losing himself in the crowd, he found himself too far away from them. Managing his way out the place, he was back on the road through Coruscant streets

Aevenon Cloak
Jan 18th, 2003, 11:47:19 AM
Up in the roofing of the club, where the music was nothing more than a dull humming, where the dancers looked like little flickers of moving colour, a figure nestled against the wall. With wings spread like an ivory cocoon, his bright cerulean eyes watched the current of movement below…

Jan 18th, 2003, 03:21:57 PM
Hours had passed by. Finally, Evelyn couldn't stand this music anymore. She stumbled towards the emergency exit to the dark alley behind the building, being pushed and shoved around along the way. She pushed the door, making a slight creaking sound and sighed, leaning against the wall, she put her palm up, resting her forehead on it.

She was tired.

Aevenon Cloak
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:53:44 AM
A fluttering was heard from above.

A single white feather floated to the floor, the edge tipped in crimson. Aevenon’s movement from the inside of the club to the roof outside had been painful, to say the least, and had resulted in his wings getting trapped in a metal frame, tearing free a handful of feathers.

None the less, he spread his healing wings and jumped from the rooftop, causing a sudden whoosh in the displacement of air.

Jan 19th, 2003, 04:51:32 PM
Evelyn suddenly opened her eyes at the beautiful sound of wings flapping. She looked up, her body still leaning against the wall, trying to search for the composer. It couldn't have been him, she thought, her heart started beating faster.

"Aev ..." She didn't finish that name.

Jan 19th, 2003, 05:05:22 PM

Rast is on his way home, there's nothing left here.

"What are you talking about?"

Aevenon Cloak
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:25:04 PM
The toes of his boots touched the floor and one arm wrapped around Evelyn from behind, his hand covering over her lips as he made a very soft ‘shhh’ noise. Then, without so much as a peep of sound, he pushed himself back up on the gentle current of air, eyes watching the man down below to wait for his departure.

Jan 20th, 2003, 02:45:36 PM
Rast makes his escape. There's nothing more for him to do here.

Jan 20th, 2003, 03:36:35 PM
Evelyn arched her eyebrow, feeling someone's arm around her then that person's hand over her mouth. It was a secure feeling, and she was too tired to fight back. Whoever it was ...

Take me away.