View Full Version : "A Daughter's Plea...A shade darker than black." (Finished)

Lord Soth
Jan 11th, 2003, 06:45:15 PM
Monique Baventor was the stunning young daughter of Colekon Baventor, Viceroy and Chancellor of Kellowpus. Monique was a student of the force and had exhibited remarkable skills at a very early age.

She set quietly by a window anxiously awaiting her father's arrival from the garrison Kayoc, fifty kilometers from the capital of Kellowpus. Her hands rolled nervously over one another as she tried to remember the exact words the Dark messenger had told her the night before. The messenger had made it painfully clear, that if her father would not stand down on his proposal of a merger that was to take place the next day between I.S.T. (Internal Strategic Technologies) and themselves, which in turn would directly align them with the Republic, impending doom was sure to come. Changing jurisdiction over this sector was critical, since the out lying regions where scattered with secured warehouses that prided themselves on manufacturing technical components and parts that where used in some of the most recent advancements of secret prototype starships and bulk cruisers. Trading with other rem-systems was common. Even the Correlian company had stock in the I.S.T., a resource that hadn't gone unnoticed!

Monique's encounter left her on edge. There was something deadly...something unsettling about the Dark messenger that pierced her. His word's of warning were cold and lethal. Oddly, Monique couldn't help but to think how polite his mannerisms were. Her room was strangely filled with a scent of roses, even long after he was gone, perhaps a subtle reminder. There was an air about him, she knew he was a force wielder, but to what extent eluded her. She could not make out what he looked like either, he spoke to her from the shadows of her room in some strange accent unknown to her. She couldn't think of how the shadowy figure gained access to her heavily guarded home, but didn't give it much thought.

"Monique, what is it, I received your message. What's so urgent?" came Chancellor Baventor as he walked through the doorway into the parlor, breaking her train of thought.

"Daddy, you made it, there's something I have to tell you. I'm worried for you.
Monique replied as she ran to her father throwing her arm's around him and bearing her head into his chest.

"There was a strange man who came last night, and he said..." Monique's words came out in a jumble.

"Slow down, it's okay..." replied Colekon as he pulled his daughter back from himself to look onto her eye's. She was crying, and almost on the verge of break down.

"Honey, honey, your trembling, come over here and set down and tell me what's troubling you." After a few moment's, Chancellor Baventor calmed his daughter down, and she recounted the almost cryptic warning's of the messenger the night before. After she finished her father gave her a whimsical look.

"Now, now, it'll be just fine, you'll be safe. This is just a scare tactic that obviously someone has planted to break confidence in our decision making." Monique slowly looked up to her father through teary eye's.

"You don't get it, do you daddy? We both knew this day would come. I could feel it, the force told me you were in great danger, but you never would listen to me! You said it was all in my head, and that the Force was admirable and all, but it wasn't like good 'ole common sense. You didn't believe me then, and you don't believe me now! This is not something you can just explain away this time! I'm not your young little naive girl anymore. After Mom died, you have been so wrapped up in your work, and..." Monique's word's fell on deaf ear's. The Viceroy stood up, then creased his daughter's cheek with the back of his hand.

"I love you, but, we both know that in my line of work there is a certain element of danger, like in all thing's. I assure you honey, this is just a ploy," came Colekon as he bent down and kissed Monique on the forehead, then turned to leave.

"I have to go, you understand. I'll be back home soon and we'll talk. And all of this won't even matter when I get back, you'll see. Colekon finishing his sentence in a reassuring way.

"He said that that you and your men's smoke would blow on the wind tomorrow." Replied Monique softly, barley choking back the tears, and fighting for the possession of her voice. The Chancellor stopped in his tracks and turned to his daughter.

"Humm, we shall see. Don't worry yourself further with these lies and nonsense my daughter." He smiled, then was gone.

Monique walked to the window and watched her father's shuttle whisk him away to Kayoc. She placed her hands to the window, then to her face. She cried uncontrollably, bitter tears of anguish fell to the floor. The cold warning of the Dark one made her shake as she collapsed to the floor, knowing all to well that this was the last time she would see her father again!

A smooth ballad played in Soth's mind, the kind that takes one to another place, another time. He could feel the cool wind blow through his long bluish black hair like gentle fingers caressing him. The oak's canape swayed with it's touch, and a fragrance filled the air, that mingled with the scent of black rose's. The moon light cast the landscape in an erie white setting as the moon bathed the green hues into a bluish tinge.

Soth was not alone as he stood there like a commander of old, stoic and unmoving was his demeanor. The Death Knight could hear the noise of a great multitude moving behind him, slowly, methodically, but surely. They emerged from the shadowy recedes of the forest. The smell of death was all about, near. Their once shinny armor was now blackened and soiled from wars past. Their eye's blazing a hot red hue from beneath there sooty helms. Armor and weapon's whispered with the wind, and the ground seemed to slightly tremble as the hoard of minion moved to rank behind there general of the Black Rose. The bluish grass under their feet withered and died at that very moment, on the area of ground on witch they stood! Faithful in death as they had been in life so long ago.

A figure came fourth from the rank's to stand next to the Death Knight. Captain Thayin, prized by Soth, was a most loathsome, vile being of the Black Rose order. Loyal to Soth from the time when the order was young. His superior tactic's and cunning for battle were genus, not to mention his ruthless and unmerciful candor on his foe's. It gave a new meaning to horror and vengeance. His very sight cast fear into those who looked upon him. His gaunt skeletal form gave him a mummified appearance, reeking with a stench of death. His lower jaw was missing beneath it's helm, it lent to his gruesome sight.

"We await your command my lord. The men are assembled at your signal to strike." Came Thayin in a cold hollow voice as he handed Soth his helm.

"Well done captain, take no prisoners, destroy them all and take the spoils back to the Coven. There they will fill the coffers of my master!" Came Soth in a ferm voice as he placed on his helm. "If there Viceroy will not bend to our regional jurisdiction, so be it!" Soth's armored talon gloves glowed in sync with his eye's that flashed a crimson red, peaking to a brilliant red. Soth knew all too well that he could have opted to pummel the garrison of Kayoc from the stratosphere with his masters cruisers, but that would be too simple. The Death Knight wanted to send a cold clear message that struck at the heart. After all, fear was a powerful motivater, and indeed a tool Soth had used effectively in times past. It would force the diplomatic consort of this sector to comply to negotiate terms that would insure results. Procrastination was out of the question, now they would pay dearly for their indecisiveness.

Soth closed his eyes and took in the fresh air deeply once more. He raised his arms, his glowing fist clinched, hesitated, then dropped. Signaling his legion of troops to strike. After long moments the dark knight lowered his head and opened his eyes to see the withered path that lead to the ill fated garrison, cutting a path to Kayoc, beyond the horizon a mile or so away. A reminder to those who would find the fortress in ruins on the morrow. Unmistakably by its signature path that lead from the forest hills, killing all in its wake.

Seven Noghri now stood about the Death Knight in a unified way. It was a precautionary measure that Soth's master Saurron insisted upon after Chriton's recent assaults on the Coven.

The ballad continued to play in the death knights head, like a symphony that conjured pictures of victory and the dark beauty of it. Then all fell silent, the attack was swift and precise. Plumes of black smoke were carried on the wind that choked out the fragrant air as Kayoc burned. The horizon line glowed like an amber stain against the black back drop of the sky. The glowing fire reflected in Soth's eyes as a certain satisfaction crossed his face. Much like that of when after the music fades and dies, but still it lingers on the cool wind that blows to time.

Several weeks had passed since she had first encountered the Death Knight. Monique felt it when her father drew his last breath then slipped into eternal sleep. How she wept then for him but knew there was nothing she could do to stop the wrath of Soth. Now she found herself in a new place. How she came to be here was not known to her, but she sensed again the presence of the Death Knight and knew that it was his doing. The room was lavish. Beautifully furnished in dark cherry wood. The carpet was burgundy as were the drapes that covered the windows and the quilts that lay across the bed. This did not appear to be a prison but Monique knew better. For when she reached for the large door leading out of the room it was eternally locked, and not even her force abilities would allow her to see past it.

So too, when she opened the windows iron bars encased them. But the windows were indeed a wonder to her. At first, each day she gazed out of them. Never could she tell whether it was day or night, for a darkness seemed to surround the place she was in at all times. Only vaguely could she see the scenery, and even then it seemed to change with the passing hours. At times she could almost see strange figures whisk by outside in the night. Almost undetectable by the human eye were they, but Monique knew that they were not of humanoid form. This seemed to frighten her therefore she began to keep the windows locked most of the time, only venturing toward them when the torture of confinement made the room unbearable.

Never was Monique certain if it was her own sorrow and anguish that was causing this madness, or truely another who had sorrow that even surpassed her own. But deep in the night, when she lay in her bed she could hear the sad songs of another who roamed the confines of this everlasting prison. Whether it was real or not was beyond her comprehension, but it caused such pain for her that she had wept bitterly every night since her arrival. So painful was the being's sad songs that it made Monique forget about even her sorrow and wish she could seek the creature out and comfort her. If nothing else but to quiet the anguish so that she may rest in peace, forgetting about the prison which she was in.

But perhaps this was yet another punishment which the Death Knight had bestowed upon her. How she had angered him so, she knew not. But perhaps for his vengeance he would keep her in this place and allow madness to overcome her delicate psyche. It had been so long, it seemed. She was without contact from anyone, no one did she speak to since her arrival. This pained her deeply, for she was used to company and never alone when she lived on Kayoc. A luxury of being a chancellor's daughter. But now, aside from the maddening songs of anguish in the night, all she could hear were the faint whispers of those who roamed these corridors. But she knew she was not alone, for ever if she desired anything, the next morning when she awoke there it would be. This made the Death Knight's actions even more confusing to her. For why keep her comfortable in this prison but never allow her to leave?

Monique stood up from where she was sitting upon the bed and slowly began to pace the room, just as she had done every night since her arrival. She waited, perhaps for someone to tell her why she had been brought here. To tell her what crime she had committed to deserve such confinement. Slowly she approached the door, as she once again heard the faint whispers of those who stood outside. She wondered how they could stay in this place. How the voice at night, that undoubtedly to Monique, could be heard throughout the place she was in, did not affect them. How the madness had not overcome them as it had her many nights before was indeed a mystery to Monique. She approached her bed once more and lay upon it. Resting her head upon the pillow and shutting her eyes as slumber began to overcome her.

The Death Knight had kept a close vigil on the frail maiden since she had arrived at the Coven, unbeknown to her. He watched her through mirrors and the eyes of his undead servants. He had watched her from a place where others dare not tread. He would meet her in the realm of Dreams!

As a dark sleep fell over her soft innocent brown eye's, then Monique once again found herself in a strange place. A dark place with strange noises and unfamiliar smells that she was unaccustomed to. She awoke to this as moonlight bathed her surroundings in an erie pale blue light. She was in the forest outside the city of Kayoc! She arose, she cautiously looked about. Was she free? Did the Dark One set her free not far from her home? Had the Incarcerator bent his will for the sake of the his prisoner? She knew not, nor did it take Monique long to find out.

She gathered herself ducking under branches, around trees and through thick brush she made her way. She had to find the outskirts of the forest to know her location. But again a thought crossed Monique's mind. This all seemed so unreal to her as a branch snagged her dress pulling at her, tugging at her as to bade her to stay in the Dark confines of it's grasp. She momentarily posed, to tear her dress free from the claw like branch. Screeches from creatures and movement about her lent to the element of fear in her mind as she run quicker through the dense forest. She could not stop now. She had to put the Darkness behind her in footsteps. A limb scratched her delict skin of her cheek as she winced in pain. Would this nightmare ever end? Finally after what seemed an eternity. Monique stumbled out of the haunted forest into a clearing over looking the once great city of Kayoc. She stood there as her mouth opened and a gasp of despair left her lips. The smoldering runes of her fathers garrison caused her form to freeze in her tracks. Monique covered her mouth in horror as she dropped to her knees. She was to late. What was done, had already been done! Tears once again fell from her tender face as she stared in disbelief at what appeared to be a Dead path that lead from the forest to the now smoldering city. And she was at it's beginning. Like a road, it stretched over the rolling plains to Kayoc.

Her soft sobs of anguish seem to be the only sound around her as time seemed to stand still. Then a voice came to her. A small voice in her mind that stabbed at her conscience.

"Maybe your father is still alive in the runes of the city. Maybe he's hurt and needs your attention. He needs you Monique...Go to him and see. He was a strong man! He must have made it. He couldn't leave her alone like this...Not like this. As she worded what she thought to be her own thoughts.

Monique stood slowly, stumbling down the path closer to the ruins. The stench of death was all around her. Distant screams could be heard, but were silenced in an instant. As she ventured closer toward the city she began to see the bodies. Some half eaten by what seemed to be a ravenous beast. Others still slightly alive and reaching out to her for help. As she walked past a smoldering home a young man burst from out of it and clung onto her. His face was half burnt and one of his eyes hang loosely from it's socket. Monique screamed in freight at the sight of him and cast him to the ground as she stumbled backward frantically. He whispered to her...begging for her help, but she had none to offer.

Instead she turned around and continued to walk down the path. Why she kept on she knew not. Fear crept upon her and a cold chill ran up her back as she placed her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide staring at that which she wished not to look at but could not help but do so. So many questions ran through her mind. She pushed on, the voice whispered to her once again. Her father was nearby...he had to be...she could hear him calling to her. She continued to walk slowly, trying desperately to avoid looking at the bodies which surrounded her. At last she came to a tattered building. It's exterior was in shambles and looked as if it could hardly hold itself up but she felt as if she must enter.

At last, she did so. The hallway was long and dark and she crept through the doorway, gliding her hand across the stone wall. At last she came to yet another doorway. She blindly searched for the handle then turned it slowly and entered the room. It was incredible. The floor was cream colored marble and in every corner there was a massive pillar reaching up into the massive ceiling. It looked almost as if it were some sort of conference room. The pure white table stretched across the length of the cream colored carpet that lay below it. Monique assumed that it could probably seat at least 20 people around it. Her eyes carried around the room slowly then at last rested upon a figure in the far corner which was standing in front of yet another doorway.

She rushed toward him quickly as he stepped out into the light. She flung herself into his arms and wept tears of joy for she knew it was her father who now held her close to him. He stroked his fingers through her dark hair comfortingly. She lifted her head slowly to look into his face. When she did she gasped and tore away from him. Stumbling to the floor and covering her hand with her mouth. It was the Dark one who had once again deceived her.

The familiar sent of roses filled the room as the Death Knight looked to her without expression. His eye's had a fierceness about them as he searched her feelings. The fear that Monique had encountered thus far seemed to subside. She slid along the smooth floor out of reaction more then fear. He was the last person she wanted to be next to she thought, as a plan of escape began to form in her mind.

Soth held out his hand to Monique in a gesture of comfort. She would not have it though. She then felt herself hoisted up from the floor. Strong arms pulled her to her feet from behind. She quickly whirled around to see what she already knew. She clasped her arm over her breast in a feeble defense posture, and the held her other hand to her mouth in a silent gasp. Monique slowly backed up from the Dark One. She knew there was no escape now. Her mind raced, she tried to remember what she had learned at the Academy. What was she to do in a situation of life and death? Did he mean to kill her. She had not her saber to call on. And she knew her powers would be no match for the likes of him.

"Monique, fear not young maiden. I am not here to harm you. I only wish to show you the truth in which you seek. You have my word of honor." Soth words fell on her ears like soft reassuring silk.

Monique narrowed her eyes slightly, as if trying to read whether this being could be trusted, but his mind was as a clean slate to her and nothing could she read from it through the force. This frightened her for she knew not if the words he spoke were the truth. Backing up slowly she allowed her hand to rest upon the large conference table that stood behind her. Many ideas raced through her mind as she studied the Dark One carefully. She still could not tell why he had brought her to this place...he had not a use for her. Even Lord Baventor being her father seemed not to have any bearing upon the reasons for this abduction. She sighed deeply, almost giving the impression of desperation as she feared there was no way out of this predicament.

His words echoed once again in her mind... "I am not here to harm you. I only wish to show you the truth in which you seek. " What did she seek? Her Father. What truth could be told to her regarding him? Monique's expression became hard, suddenly she had confidence for she could believe that the Dark One meant not to harm her. She would have the upper hand. Taking a breath she straightened her posture, as she had done countless times before when preparing for a debate in school.

"What could you possibly show me? You in all your great glory...you who are nothing more than a petty assassin who uses cheap hat tricks in order to deceive those who you perceive to be weaker than yourself. The atrocities you have committed these past weeks were wholly unnecessary and will never be forgotten by me or my people," Monique looked around the elegant room for a moment then pierced the Dark One with her gaze, "Do what you will with me but stop this illusion. I've had enough of your games."

The Dark Knight slowly rounded the table as he ran his index finger on it's smooth surface. He came to stand at it's corner. Then he looked up to her under his brow. A smile of amusement crossed his face. Her words were haste and she would learn the meaning of respect, even if it meant her life! He would show her that there was a fine line between love and hate. She would soon learn that her father, Chancellor Baventor was nothing more than a tyrant, and one who prided himself on the exploiting others at the cost of there regional stability.
Soth knew all to well the plans of the father she thought she knew her whole life. How he poised himself as an important aristocrat, and how he championed the people of the sector. He was a hero to them. Promising the potential possibilities of secure jobs to the needy, the poor would benefit from his wager with the I.S.T. This couldn't have been further from the truth! The Chancellors only concerns were to the ones he could find favor with and to those who would fund his projects.

Now was the time to lay the story to rest in her young and impressionable mind. Soth paid no mind to her petty statements to the matter at hand. The Knight could sense through the darkside of the force that she was grasping at straws.

"You m'lady what to her what you already know. How you longed for a fathers love that was over looked every day since that fateful day your mother passed? While you looked for what every child needs and should have...? Your prestigious father, the High Viceroy of the regional council, was in the planning of a conspiracy against the ones you call your friends and countrymen! If he could convince the council board members on a vote of no contest against the commoners of this sector. He could move forward with his agreement he struck with the IST (Internal Strategic Technologies), to move out the countrymen you so love and hold dear, into a mass exodus!"

"So tell me Monique, can a father who wishes to bar your own people from there own lands. The lands that your fore father built and farmed with there own blood sweat and tears, so he could build up an empire and a monopoly of factories in a well planned and orchestrated coup? Could he really show you the much needed love and affection you sought day after day? His arrogance and pride blinded him to no end's m'lady. You did as any other child would do. You warned him, I tried to also, but was shunned! You reached out for what was and should have been given without question. You were of his flesh... His own daughter! And what did you get in return? The words of the Knight stung her like a sharp blade that cut to the bone. Leaving her inner most feelings exposed. Monique could see the pain in his eye's for her. A look of compassion crossed Soth's face as he too could see her pain as he told her this.

Monique struggled to fight the tears that she felt swelling up inside of her. These things couldn't be true...she would not allow herself believe the cold words of an admitted assassin. She could feel the anger building up inside of her. "How dare this dark creature presume to tell her the sins of her father? How could he possibly know? By his own hand he would be guilty of far worse things." But Soth did speak the truth and she knew it...that was why it hurt her so. Her desperation was evident now, even to Soth as she walked toward him abruptly and rose her hand to strike him for his venomous words, but when she swung her arm he was already out of site. She found herself whirling around and began to fall but was caught by the Dark One's strong embrace.

She could no longer hide her tears of anguish. The years of deceit and betrayal committed against her all came out in a flurry of emotion. She sobbed bitterly for her loss...but not the present loss, for she knew that she had lost her father long ago. She no longer cared that she was being cradled by her Father's murderer, for perhaps this was the first man in decades who had told her the truth. Monique continued to weep as she grasped onto Soth's elegant clothing, pulling him closer almost fearing that he too would soon leave her alone as her father had done countless times.

"Is this why you have brought me here?" She asked accusingly in-between her sobs of self-pity and despair, "To break my spirit and watch me weep for the sins of my father? I had turned a blind eye to them before you came, what in your cold heart has possessed you to do this to me? You have punished Lord Baventor for his actions...must I also now be punished?"

Monique knew that this was not the case, but she could not let things lie how they were. For she had never before faced defeat and this was far worse than any other she had ever experienced. But the compassion she saw earlier in the Death Knight's eyes was real and her own stinging words to someone who was showing her kindness caused pain in her own.

The Nosfeatu Knight stroked her long beautiful hair with loving tenderness. He placed his head next to hers as he spoke to her in soft tones. Whispers, that reached the mind like cool waters on a hot sunny day. Her mind did burn with the thought of truth he had spoken. The truth seared her painfully. It wounded her youth. Her father had scared her with his thoughtlessness. These would be the scars she would now carry into adulthood. And Soth would heal that pain she know felt. And turn the scars upon her heart into regret. Regret that she had wasted so much time on a father who only cared for himself and what others could do for him! How base the thought Soth thought. But nevertheless powerful indeed as a tool to a young and naive hurting girl.

"M'lady, I don't accuse you of any wrong doing. I stand accused. Yes, it was I who sinned against you dear one. But know this Monique, I moved out of compassion for the people I also love in this region. I seen there oppression, I had to do what needed to be done. Who else would stand in for the people of Kellowpus? Again I ask, forgive me m'lady, for the sin's I've committed against your innocent heart." Soth pulled back from her just enough to look into her eye's. Monique could see the deep pain of remorse sketched upon his face. He turned from her quickly as if he didn't want her to see the pain he exhibited. He leaned his body weight on one arm against the wall. The noble Knight hung his head low as if he could not bare the thought of it any longer.

Monique could almost hear the faint sobs of one who seemed so confident just moments before. One who seemed so powerful in the way he carried himself. It forced her to reconsider the possibility she accused him of. Maybe he did have a heart of compassion. What she thought him to be was insensitive and cruel. But it was pain in his eye's she saw. Could she have wrongly misjudged him? As she had misjudged the father she thought loved and cared for her.

Slowly Monique ran her fingers through the Death Knight's long bluish hair as he leaned against the wall, his face riddled with guilt. She opened her mouth several times to speak but the words simply would not come out. Her own tears seemed to cease but she still felt the need to comfort him. What was this attraction she felt toward the Dark One? Only hours ago her hatred for him was all that she could concentrate on. Now everything seemed to have changed. His words and actions were not that of one who's heart and soul were blackened. On the contrary, he seemed exactly the opposite.

"I forgive you..." Monique said at last as she turned Soth to face her.

She could no longer remember why she'd been so angry with him to begin with. Slowly she slid her arms around him and held him close to her as she rested her head upon his shoulder, gently caressing his neck with her soft breath. She knew that now would be the time to ask him if he would release her and send her back to her people. But sadly enough she no longer wished to be parted from him. Had his words and actions affected her that much? It would appear so as she now found it difficult to think of a time when she was not being cradled in his arms, much less being separated from him eternally.

The Death Knight's plans had been brilliant thus far. He had plans for the young woman. And Monique would take the offer she was handed, like candy to a child. He would give to her the things she was neglected and deprived of as a young woman. Show her the true meaning of what power could grant her if harnessed in the right fashion. Soth knew that the Academy she attended on her home world was but a perverse doctrine. It taught the student to become one with the Force. To serve it, and in turn by using it to help others the reward was in it's self. Soth frowned on this notion. He too once thought this way as a Knight of the Order of Light. But that was long ago. He cursed the thought of such a weak and controversial stand point. He would, in time, show her that it was better to follow one's own heart and to let the Force serve one's self!

Soth looked to her as the sadness was still evident upon his wracked face. Pain she saw that words fell short of explaining. He reached out to Monique and held her close. He whispered to her softly. His words whereas smooth as silk.

"Thank you m'lady...Thank you. But, know this fare maiden. I set you free. I wish it not, for I beg you stay. But you must choose. There are so many things I wish to show you. And so many things I could teach you. You are gifted. I have foreseen theses things about you m'lady...If you choose the right path that is. Soth pulled away just enough to look Monique in the eye's.

"If you just gave me the chance to do so, I know there would be such great rewards in store for you. It could mean helping your people out of there oppression. Think of the possibilities that could come from it." He then turned from her slowly and leaned his body weight on the marble table with both arms.

"But it would require that you give up your studies at the Academy. I do not wish that for you though m'lady. I too was once a student of the Force. And I once faced the decision that you now face. And I know what it means to you. But I do know this Monique, If I could teach you what I know, it would mean that you wouldn't be alone." Soth was cautious with his words. His intent was masked through the Darkside of the force. To powerful for one such as Monique to detect. The Dark one gently pushed the word into her mind. As a simple thought. A subtle thought. "Apprentice..."

Monique thought intently of the Knight's words to her. She did not wish to leave her people...but on the same token she wished with all of her heart to help them. She appreciated the Death Knight's sentiment as he expressed to her the importance of the Academy...but it was unnecessary. Her time spent at the Academy was only because her father wished it so, and now that she had come to terms with the things he had done everything that he touched seemed corrupt to her. Even the Jedi ways. For if one such as her father were to encourage her to become a Jedi, what then was the Jedi lifestyle if nothing but a cover-up to hide other motives...just like her Father.

She walked toward Soth and took his hand. She said nothing, for it was all apparent in her eyes as he looked in them. She wished to stay with him...to learn his ways. It was clear that he was noble, for if not then why help her to come to terms with the truth of her father? She trusted this man and was now so emotionally invested that she knew it would pain her to leave his side.

Suddenly she grew tired, it was overwhelming...unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She slowly set herself down slowly upon the cold flooring and fell fast asleep not knowing what lie in store for her when she awoke.

The young and beautiful maiden Monique awoke that next morning. She felt refreshed and rejuvenated. The long night of what seemed to be more of a night mare of horror and a revelation of things about herself and her dead father. It was the Death Knight Soth that had told her of these things. Oddly, Monique sat up in her own bed back on Kellowpus, but the that name. Soth, was that his name? She was puzzled over it. She couldn't remember asking his name or it even being mentioned at his encounter with him. But she somehow knew it. Was this a dream after all? Monique quickly arose from her bed and looked about her room. She had to touch some of the familiar objects in her room to make sure. She was home. She was free from the spell or dream that haunted her. Sunlight spilled into her room as she walked about it slowly, taking in the rays of the new day. A sun rise that would be her last. For she would never lay eye's on another.

Monique stopped infonet of her full length mirror. She posed as she took a look at herself in it's reflection. She almost gasped. There was a mark on her delicate skin. Her faint scratch on her cheek bore testimony that what had taken place the night before was true. "It did happen..." Monique muttered to herself. "He was here." She slowly took her hand and touched the place on her cheek were the branch had cut her in the forest. Then it hit her. The fragrant lingering scent of Black Roses still filled her bed chamber. Was Soth still there, somewhere in the shadows? She turned quickly to look. Nothing...but a single black rose on her night stand. He would be back. And the night would usher in a new beginning for Monique. One that would bring her to a place where life ends, and dreams begin.

The next week went by as a dream for Monique. She continued her studies and attended the Jedi Academy as usual, however everything now seemed different. As the instructors spoke, the words in which they uttered seemed less and less inspirational after what had happened to Chancellor Baventor and his men. Monique now only felt troubled when listening to the constant ramblings of the Jedi Master who she’d known since early childhood.

Jedi Master Kalan Neross spoke the ancient “Jedi Code” just as she had done everyday since her arrival on Kayoc however this time, the words nearly caused Monique to boil over in anger. Suddenly she found herself blurting out the words that she’d been thinking ever since the lesson had started.

“Where were the Jedi when my father and the people of Kayoc were being slaughtered?” Silence immediately fell upon the room as the teachers and students were shocked at the anger that seeped through Monique’s voice. Monique had always been a model student, someone who was always able to keep the greatest emotional control under the most difficult of circumstances. That is why her words this day shocked the people of the Academy. At last, after several minutes Kalan stepped forward toward Monique.

“Monique,” she said softly, “you know as well as I do that there was no way to stop what happened…we don’t even know how to explain it, much less have stopped it. Whatever it was that killed those people left their bodies mutilated and those who did manage to survive could do nothing more than ramble about the dead having come to life.” Kalan placed her hand upon Monique’s shoulder, “there was nothing any of us could have done.”

Monique quickly slapped Kalan’s wrist aside, “Dare you say to me now that even you with all your Jedi abilities could not sense the future? Could not see the face of the Dark One who would bring Kayoc to its knees? Perhaps your fabled Jedi abilities are not so useful as you would have us to believe,” Monique pinned Kalan with her gaze. Suddenly a flurry of images rushed through the young girl’s mind. Memories of only weeks ago it seemed…or was it just a dream? Monique could not tell at first, but as the thoughts went on they became more and more clear.

“You have seen him,” whispered Monique as she stepped closer to Kalan, “You’ve dreamt of him,” she said slowly, “Isn’t he a beautiful creature? Do you desire him, oh powerful Jedi Master?” Kalan was dumbstruck; never did she believe that Monique’s abilities had developed so quickly. All this time she thought her secret would be safe forever, “I…I don’t know what you speak of,” Kalan said slowly, trying desperately to regain control of her thoughts and emotions before more was revealed to the young girl.

“Monique only smiled. She now looked upon the Jedi Master in a different way. She saw Kalan in a new light. “Yes, you are very beautiful. Indeed the Death Knight would desire to control someone like you.” Monique turned to face the other students, “can you not feel it?” She said to them, “the guilt is all over her face…ever apparent in her eyes. All her thoughts are out in the open for each of you to see.”

The students looked back and forth at each other in confusion. Never did they have the abilities that Monique had…and this was no exception. Monique shook her head in frustration then turned back toward Kalan, “You may have fooled the naive students here…the other Jedi…and even yourself, but you haven’t fooled me. I know what your feelings are and what you allowed to happen.” With that Monique turned around and stormed out of the Academy, never to set foot in their hypocritical walls again.

Later that evening, Monique laid in her bed and staired at the ceiling of her lavish room. It was an uneventful evening and she grew restless as thoughts of her bitter encounter with the Jedi Master and instructor, Kalan Neross. Monique had put that to rest now in her mind. She would be most content and it mattered little now if she never seen the woman again.

As Monique lay there, her thoughts fell on the Knight's words he had spoke to her earlier that week. He was right, What did she have now? The large mansion seemed a worse fate then the room that the Dark one had held her in. She had caught word from a servant girl she was fond of, and the young girl explained to Monique that her aunt and uncle were to come at the weeks end to collect her and take her back to their home on Hargodian. Monique hated the thought. It would only mean that she would be reenrolled at a new academy under the close supervision of the two. Monique was done with the Jedi ways, but it seemed to her that she had little choice in the matter now.

With a heavy sigh, Monique gathered herself and made her way to the outside garden that was located in the center of the Baventor estate. Reluctantly, and with slow steps, Monique walked the steps from the upper rotunda to the lower garden. She came here often when her mind was at odds with the hustle and bushel that an aristocrat life brought on. Even as she walked through the garden, she was under the eye's of the estate guards. Monique looked at one as she made her way down the marble staircase. "Go away...!! Don't you have something better to do then just watch me!?" she snapped as she stood there eyeing the guard. He made no move to her words. The guards where there to protect the Baventor family with there own life's if need be. And after her fathers death, there presence, was doubled by the chief commander. She wasn't free to do as she pleased. At one time she felt safe knowing that there was protection from them. But now, she just wished they would disappear.

As Monique walked slowly through the beautiful and lush garden, her thoughts once again fell on the Knight, Soth. "Where could he be?" She thought, hoping he could somehow hear her and know her dilemma. She stopped at a rose bush, it's fragrance filled the air as she took a tinder bud in her hands and began to open it's delicate peddles. It was just maturing, but it was not quite ready to bloom.

"It would be a shame to open something so beautiful before it's time m'lady," came a voice from the dark recedes of the hedges that was not far from Monique. Monique spun around startled as she took a step back. It was Soth! The Knight slowly emerged from the pitch black shadows. Night had fallen on the estate and the only lights were that of a few scattered lamp posts that ran through out the garden.

"I wish to speak with you Monique. I have pressing matters that I must address on the marrow," came Soth smoothly as he approached her. There was something in the Knights hand. And Monique was even more startled once she realized what it was as it came into view. It was the tunic of her late teacher, Kalan Neross. And it was now covered in what appeared to be her own blood! Monique just stood there as she tried to form the words that wouldn't come. Soth dropped the stained garment at Monique's feet as he looked deep into her frightened eye's. She looked quickly to see if the guards had noticed the two, but they seemed unaware of Monique's surprise encounter.

"You see m'lady, what you see is, and was the truth. Your teacher was weak and her lack of foresight and her indecisiveness proved to be her undoing." Soth noble eye's now had a fierceness in them that seemed to be provoked at the words he spoke.

Monique calmed herself. The Death Knight's arrival here was unexpected. Upon realizing what he held in his hand Monique was struck with immediate mixed emotions. She felt angry and confused...she disliked the Jedi and what she had done, but never did she wish her any bodily harm. Monique sighed slightly as she took a step closer to Soth.

"Why have you come here?" She asked softly with the look of suspicion ever apparent in her eyes. Surely the Death Knight had not come all this way simply to retrieve her. His business on Kayoc should have been concluded with the death of the Jedi Master Kalan. Suddenly Monique's expression became hardened, "Why have you killed Kalan?" She snapped, "Who has appointed you this great responsibility, what has given you this right? To kill when you desire, to be the judge and jury of people who have committed no acts of hostility against you."

Her words were sharp like that of a blade, yet Soth's expression remained smooth as always. Indeed she did not expect an answer to such false assumptions. In the back of her mind she knew that she was wrong...yet as always she tried to build up pretenses, almost as a defensive mechanism. Even perhaps to hide her true feelings toward the Knight. She was relieved to see him, despite her attitude.

Lowering her head she walked across the garden and sat upon a stone bench beneath a large oak tree. The sun had just gone down and there was a slight chill in the breeze. Monique gripped her shawl and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders. "Have you come to take me from this place...?" She looked up at the Death Knight hopefully. Suddenly she heard a noise from several yards away. It was one of her guards. He crept closer slowly, looking very much alert and on the defensive.

"Who are you talking to miss?" He called to her. Monique froze in fear. He'd seen her speaking with the Death Knight. Now Soth would be killed and she would be taken immediately to Hargodian, it was unavoidable. Jumping to her feet she looked back toward Soth, to warn him somehow that he was in danger...but...he was already gone. Monique sighed, not relieved but disappointed. She did not wish harm to come to him, yet she did not wish him to leave.

"Keep to yourself servant!" She snapped at the guard as she spun around angrily. She wondered why the guard had seen her speaking now when none of the guards had noticed when Soth first arrived. Shaking her head she took another step closer to him. "Is one not permitted to think out loud to themselves, or is that also prohibited? Leave me now or I will call the head of operations and inform him that you had abandoned your post!" The young man stumbled backward slightly then turned around and walked back toward the large manor.

"She's gone mad I tell you..." he whispered to his superior.

Monique's temper flared and lately she had noticed that it was becoming quite apparent that she was loosing control, self control. The death of her father and now that of her former teacher Kalan, of the renowned Academy of the Jedi Arts. She felt her teeth clench at the thought. Tears of frustration welled up in her brown eye's. Was she to hate Soth for all of this? Her mind reeled at the thought's she had not addressed, but oddly they washed over her in a wave that was sure to carry her out to the darkened water's of despair.

Then, as always, she felt his presence, his soft reassuring touch. His hand around her waist, and the other resting on her exposed shoulder. His breath was on her neck. The Knight whispered ever so softly into her ear and the fragrant smell of roses seemed to calm her. Rescue her in that very moment of hopelessness.

"Come with me Monique, I will show you why life is given and taken away indiscriminately. You must decide your own fate m'lady. This place, what dose it really hold for you now? Is it not truly the prison that holds you back from your true ambitions?" Monique felt his strong arms holding her, protecting her. But from what? Herself? She had little time to mourn her father. It was overwhelming to her. Her thought's were now fragmented as so her feelings. Soth turned her around slowly and looked deep into her eye's. A great look of concern was written on his stoic face.

"Just tell me Monique, say the word's and I will never bother you again m'fair lady." She could feel his raven black hair crease her cheek as a gentle wind blew through the courtyard.

Monique tore from the Death Knight almost defensively and walked several feet in the opposite direction. Placing her hand over her brow she swiped several strands of hair from her eyes then glanced back toward Soth momentarily. He stood there, waiting for an answer of some kind...but how could she make such an important decision on her own? It had always been her father to decide what was best. The schooling she'd received, the attendance at the Jedi Academy...it was all according to his wishes. Perhaps this pampered lifestyle had made Monique so dependent upon people like her father and caregivers that she no longer had the ability to weigh her options by herself.

There was also something else, she knew that. Even at this early stage in her Jedi training she was able to sense certain things, she knew the Death Knight's intentions and his wishes. In the back of her mind she knew that what he wanted was wrong, but something inside her forced her not to care. Three weeks ago she would have cared, she'd have fought tooth and nail for what she believed was correct...but now it was different. Perhaps the caring person that she had once been no longer existed. After all that happened to her, the deception by her father and the Jedi whom she'd trusted since childhood... it had affected her more than she would ever admit.

Slowly she turned around and gazed upon the Death Knight once more. Was this simply just another one of her childish crushes? She couldn't understand why the thought of being away from him caused her discomfort. But it wasn't attraction, not romantic at least and not this soon. She felt toward Soth the way she once felt toward her father. Only she knew she could care for the Death Knight and that he would never lie to her. At least that's how it seemed at present, she had no reason not to trust him and every reason to trust him wholeheartedly.

"I will go with you Lord Soth," she said at last. The words came out softly and with obvious hesitation. After all she was leaving her home forever, she was leaving the people she loved. Even now she could not help but think how her father would react to her decision...but it was already too late for regrets, it was done...she'd made her decision. Now it was up to Soth.

Soth slowly walked to Monique without a care or concern for the guards that now spotted him as an intruder. The Knight seemed to glide as if floating on the cool night air it's self. Monique found it hard to swallow and her mouth became dry as she beheld the site. "What fashion of a man is he?" she muttered to herself. His eye's locked onto hers as he embraced her passionately. His word's came to her ear's as soft as silk once again. "I will show you how to be truly independent, ... m'lady." But she was also aware of the centurion's that were rapidly closing in on them. Monique felt the Knight jerk from her as his gaze was torn from hers. And what she witnessed next, was to stay with her for the rest of her life!

The Knight held out his hand in a clenched fist with only his thumb and index finger extended. The guard was almost immediately stopped in mid stride. He clutched at his throat as if he were choking him self. The other guard descended on Soth with a force pike. It's prong's of the pike glinted with a deep blue glow, indicating it was at full capacity. In that split moment, Monique thought that Soth's distraction with the other guard would find him wanting in the face of his own defense. She couldn't have been more wrong. With movement to fast for the mortal eye to see, the Knight had ignited both ends of his duel saber. The pace in which the unholy Knight moved was mesmerizing. Tracer's of green light left long pattern of it's course and path. But Monique could not see Soth's body as it to blurred with it's motion. The pike that the man brandished was quickly dispatched as the head of it flew from the severed pole. Soth spun in a 180 degree spin inward towards the guard. Then he too, was then cut in twine. In the same movement, Soth violently stabbed backwards where the other guard was still standing, gasping for air on the verge of collapse. Monique in horror, held her hand to her mouth as she watched the final onset. The green saber was now protruded out the front side of the gasping centurion. The Death Knight retracted his saber, then the man fell forward dead.

Slowly Soth stood upright. Then turned to Monique in the same fashion. Fear and disbelief coursed over her. What he had just done was beyond her understanding. Not that he had just killed. She was taught at the Academy that life and death were element's to the path that all would face. Even she would know in good time it's painful lesson. The last few week's had taught her of it's unpredictability. And that death was no respecter of men! Monique at that moment knew that Soth was not of the Jedi order, nor did he practice it's philosophy. Jedi never killed in this fashion, without good cause. But the intrigue of what she had just seen summoned a deep admiration for the Dark Lord. His mysterious qualities only lead her to a deeper fascination with him. A darker inquiry that was already leading her to it's darker side!

"Do all of your guards treat your unannounced guest's as such m'lady? If Monique was not mistaken, she could have sworn that the Knight's eye's had just cooled from a light bloody crimson, to there former color, a pale baby blue.

She could not speak. Her words seemed to be caught in a tight lump in her throat. And if she did not react quickly, the other guards would also be there soon, and in greater numbers! But Soth had plan's of his own. While Monique was pondering her future earlier, over the past few weeks, the Knight had seized all documents pertaining to her right over the estate and all the holdings her father had in the region. All the political affair's and affiliation's as well as her father's share in the I.S.T. and that of the Corellean corporation, were now secured in his hands. Soth, as a representative of her newly acquired holdings, would now have access to the distribution and manufacturing of two giant enterprises. He would persuade Monique to go before the representing delegation to demand her share in the profitable organization's. Everything was moving according to plan. The dark Knight would have the latest technology had to offer, and the material's to build up the fleet of the Coven it's self.

Hours seemed to pass like minutes as Monique's life began to take upon a new shape. She and the Death Knight now sat alone in her room, she solemnly wondered around trying to gather all belongs which see felt she must take with her. As she walked gracefully toward her dresser from her large wardrobe she spotted the only pictures of her mother which she had left. She could not fight the tears which swelled up in her eyes, spilling over and dripping onto the soft carpet below her feet, "I have failed mother," she whispered as the tears continued to drip down her delicate features, "I promised to keep all that you care for safe... but thus far I have done nothing for our people, I have been self serving..."

Her words were barely audible as she spoke them quietly to the picture frame, "I only hope that father is with you now," she said sadly, knowing in her heart that it was not so. Slowly she placed the slightly decaying photographic in the duffle bag with the rest of her belongings. She knew that she and the Death Knight would not stay here for much longer. Even she had a morbid curiosity regarding what the deceitful Knight had planned for her.

Sighing deeply she whipped the tears from her soft colored eyes and turned once more to look around the room. It was heartbreaking...the knowledge that things would never again be the same for her. Those who she loved and trusted would no longer be apart of her life...and the knowledge of what her father had been doing all these years hurt her more than anything else. She would never be able to remember him in the same way.

Moniques eye's shown of emptiness as she finally looked upon the Death Knight again. She knew it was time for them to leave, even though it pained her to do so...she felt as if she had no other alternative. So many emotions ran through her mind as she thought of what was to come. She reached out with the force, to see if it would tell her anything of the future and what she was to expect... but there was nothing to see. It was as if her future with this man was uncertain...and this indeed frightened her...

It had been exactly a year later to the date, when the Death Knight, Soth, had retrieved Monique Baventor from her home in Kellowpus. There he had killed her father and her late Jedi Master, Kalan Neross.

It was a dark time for Monique, but she had grown fond of the Sith Knight that she now called her Master. He taught her some of the deepest secrets of the force and that of the ancient lost arcane art, Sith Magic.

Monique had taken great leaps and bounds in her new knowledge as an apprentice under the evil Knight. She too, also learned the art of saber play and had become quite deadly in it's ways. The Death Knight Soth had tutored her on the finer points of this ancient deadly weapon.

Once shrouded in the light and a student of it's teachings, Monique now had laid aside what she thought of it as, the "weaker way of the force," in her own words. Even her dedicate fragile look and demeanor, her innocence, was now lost to her forever. Those who had known Monique on her home world and at the academy she had attended, and even that of her surviving relatives would not now recognize her as one of them. The transformation was now complete. She had now fully embraced the Dark-Side as her new farther and mother.

The time had come when Soth felt Monique ready to claim what was rightfully hers. He would journey back to her planet and demand her holding's and stocks in the I.S.T. And that of the Corrillean corporation. This in turn would secure his long term interests in what would unfold in bring favor to his Master, Saurron. This however would prove somewhat difficult now, as the new leaders of power in Kayoc had shifted. But the Death Knight had plans that would insure favor once they brought there case before the supreme delegates of Kayoc.

Soth watched as Monique finished her last complex movement on the train realm floor inside the great citadel, the Coven. She was indeed ready. Soth thought to himself. The metal was now ready to be tested and the fire had brought fourth a weapon that even he could not foresee.

Monique retracted her saber. Then bowed to an imaginary foe in front of her that she had just vanquished in her own mind. She then turned to the Death Knight, but her face was solemn and stoic. There was now a regarded fierceness and deep reserved look that took the place of her once soft innocent brown eyes. She had learned to control her fears and the rage that she now relied upon. The path to the Dark-Side was now her true ally. She hungered for it's secrets and her determination to unlock it's mysterys became an obsession that would lead her to a shade, darker then black!

Soth whispered to Monique's mind through the force. She invited his call to her. The knowledge of what he was teaching her was her true source of power. His words fell over her mind like gentle waves of confirmation of a job well done. The Knight was sever in his teachings with her, however, the reward of his pleasure in her was more precious to her then life it's self.

"Very good my apprentice...very good. You have learned much." Soth smiled at her as she walked up to him. She slightly bowed her head in respect to him. The Dark Knight eyes narrowed at her as he looked upon her. Monique never looked up to Soth. She could feel what she thought was to be a reprimand coming from him. For a wrong move or perhaps a mistake she had made.

"Monique, gather your belongings quickly, we are both to return to your home world. There you will go before the supreme senate. I will instruct you on what to say. We in turn will retrieve your father's holdings and put an end to the legacy that your father has left you with. The time has now come when we will claim what is rightfully ours." Soth stood there with his hands still folded behind him. He could sense her mind being flooded with questions, questions he was prepared to answer. But this in it's self was a test, a test that a master was always mindful of. Monique knew to question the Knight was a form of disrespect, but she also felt Soth inviting her to do so...Yet she held her tounge for now.

It was not long after their surprise visit back on her home world that Monique was granted her father's substantial holdings in the I. S. T. corporation. With some persuasion, the council gave in to the firm demands set before them...They had little other choice then to do so.

The young woman went on to serve the Death Knight faithfully were to this day she still train's under his dark shadow as one of his foremost and deadliest understudies...A shadow that was a shade darker then black, and a visage Monique learned to respect and honor. Wearing it proudly as all who venture and see the truer path for themselves. For there is nothing within the Force such as the Dark-Side it's self. Nor alike the magnificent power therein once tapped into that can be contended with when one who is properly trained to harnesses it when they are guided to do so...

Chronicles of Soth