View Full Version : All council and Val Thorn. :)

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 11th, 2003, 05:09:40 PM
:DOk I started this thread in light of what has been said about Val's char. I want him to be able to get his opinions out and to also hear what others think. I have invited Swfans into it so he can give an over all board opinion. I want this to stay clean and not become a flam fest this is for our benefit because as you all know we have to rp with everyone on here. If the threads go out of topic and are not directed at what this thread is about I will delete them or move it to a new topic. Please everyone remember that this is to help us get a little more understanding on where we stand.

p.s. I need you to post the link to the thread Dios kk so everyone can read it thankie hun :)

Valirion Thorn
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:11:30 PM

there's the thread

I know most of you guys and this has been blown out of major proportion I would say. I agree that I have said "god moded." But that could've been avoided on my part and by theirs too. If they felt that something was wrong they could've pmed me right away, but somehow a flame fest developed in ooc in avalon. Straffe didn't have a problem with it, it seems, I have talked to him via pm since then. Xazor had made plans with me to achieve some plot or another for her character but those seemed not to fall through when she used her method of "fighting moding with moding." I do not think I have seen Xazor be called on god moding whether I did it or not. The topic was god moding at first, not me in general. Several topics were brought up to show I was a god moder. I will say that I, myself, did over do some things. I got a little caught up with it but it wasn't bad enough that it couldn't have been fixed.

Topics stated-

My symbiotic armor- My armor is part of my character, it was part of his past and the way he reacts to his armor is part of his chaotic attitude, the primal attitude of the human instincts are instilled in the armor. They react in situations with valirion and many people I have rped with can push for that one, I'm sure they have had the armor talk to them more than once, I like it and many people haven't had a problem with it. There's nothing wrong with a symbiote armor that can deflect lightsabers. The Yuuzhan Vong had living, symbiotic armo that resisted against lightsabers to a very high degree. That is part of the Star Wars universe right? If theirs can, why can't mine? The only goood point I saw was that how could my armor coexist with me if I was undead. Problem solved, the armor can adapt to my status, it doesn't need me to feed it, when I kill people it can just take what it needs too like I need blood, problem solved.
This link is for the background of my armor.

As for my abilities- I have the inate abilities of a vampire, force enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes. All strognly gifted to me from my character's master Alana Stormcloud. I had reason to believe that vamps were far stronger than garou, this is another thing I wonder, how do vamp vs garou compare? I thought I had the upside. But I got the mental tricks from Alana, that was the hereditary power I was given from being turned. Alana told me I was allowed to choose one power I was enabled one innnate power of my own, I chose raising the dead. I traioned with Soth and then in several threads I did simple feats of this ability. The zombies in the wall was a bit much, I could've laid off there, not a problem if I had been notified at the beggining. But they continued without a problem, there didn't seem to be one so we continued. Then I was accused of knowing Xazor was pregnant through ooc info. Any force user could sense that she had another thing in her. Not that hard I would assume and we watch the jedi closely, the way she acts ic, our ic characters would've known long ago she was pregnant, no prob. Plus I did training over IM with my master but it seems that that is not valid anymore. Though I have heard from others that that is what people have done before. Why aren't the word of my master good enough? Then Valirion is a crazed, fanatical, Sith knight that has nop patience for mortals, most of the ic are like that. When I rp, I'm evil, like the character is, is that not posting, I didn't just up and start being evil, Val was a pain loving crazy from the get go but after becoming a vamp and learning from Alana and Soth, he had an edge that made him very unlikeable to the friendlies I guess. The wound I gave Straffe was an overboard, I said it was unhealable, only five spots that were as big as my finger tips, but I meant to include that a jedi stronger than I could heal it with work on it. But Straffe didn't have a prob with that either, he didn't say anything until the arguement started up and even then he thanked me on the character development. I could've tuned down there but without notice until the very end, I couldn't fix it by then. I usually prefer just to go brute force when I fight and use my armor, but the intimidation is what I was going for with Val, required my force tricks. It was fun, no one had a problem until Xaz did 7 devastating moves that could kill. But I just flowed with her, I didn't want to argeu over it and I could roll with her so np, until she called gm on me.

My attitude and opinions- I hate ooc stuph, really, I love to rp, unfortuantely, these two things seem to come together. I know I could've tuned it down, thats fine. I would've too if I had been notified but that's okay. My jedi char quit the GJO because I don't like to mess with the people there. I was told that several people already think I am a blatant god moder. And I was told that if a certain person had known I was Valirion Thorn and Dios Kane, one in the same, they wouldn't have rped with me in the first place. What is that supposed to mean? Anyways, I really could care less, I already said that I would have nothing else to do with them. I wanted to just leave in as good graces as I could at the time and go. I also wanted to know why Xazor was not called on godmoding, whether I did or not? What does it matter if I did by her, it was not stated that in ooc, she is not an admin, so where does she get the right to just say that because I gmed by her call that she could throw her own at me without being called on it. She got a bit worked up there too. This might seemed worked up but I wanted to put everything I could in one so that I wouldn't have to say much else.

I ask that those who do read would please read it all, skimming could mean you miss something, I've talked to some of you so you know what I've already said andI've heard from you too and thanks for what you guys said.