View Full Version : The forest in a city.

Narmo Loonia
Jan 11th, 2003, 04:55:56 PM
The bar and grill was filled, like always, with people of this planet and city. Just another normal day between them all. That is until a young woman came.

Narmo walked up to the door and was quickly stoped by a guard there. A black wolf followed her and growled lightly at the guard. Narmo waved her hand at the wolf and it backed down but watched the guard. He asked for her weapons and she nodded.

Narmo removed two swords, several daggers, her long bow and a quiver of arrows and handed them to the man. He was a bit suprised at the make of these weapons for no others had ever been seen around here. They were the make of the elves.

The young woman nodded again to the man and steped in. She quickly pulled her cloak around her, covering the armor she wore. The wolf quickly followed her in. An odd thing happened when she stepped into the room. A breaze suddenly blew in with the scent of the forest in it. A rare thing on this planet.

Narmo walked over to a booth and sat down. The wolf rested its head on her lap and she gently smiled down at it, peting its head. She then removed her hood, revieling the pointed ears of her elven kin.

A searving droid rolled over to them and she asked for a raw steak for the wolf. She droped a few credits on its tray and it rolled away. The wolf stood and looked around the room then back to Narmo.

"Mani naa ta?"

The elvish slips from her mouth like water running over the smooth stones of a river bed. She smiles down at the wolf again.

Jan 11th, 2003, 05:05:46 PM
The wolf narrow's his eyes around the room again then back to the elf beside him. He speaks to her through their telepathic link even though she did not choose to.

-I do not trust these people, Narmo. There are too many eyes around here that will see through secrets.-

She only smiled once again at him and pet his head. He let out a soft sigh that would never have come from a normal wolf. He softly lept up onto the booth seat beside Narmo and lay his head on her lap again, closing his eyes. She leaned back and watched him.

Narmo Loonia
Jan 11th, 2003, 07:29:13 PM
Narmo looked around the room again as he lay down beside her. He was right, there were alot of force users that might be able to sense what Dinaer truely was. But she didn't see how it really mattered. She continued to slowly pet him.

"We will find a way to get rid of the curse, Dinaer. I promise."

She looked back down at him and smiled.

Jan 11th, 2003, 07:32:24 PM
Dinaer let out a quick breath through his nose and kept himself on alert. Narmo's smiled always made him feel better.

I look forward to the day I am free of this body. Then I can return your affection

Narmo Loonia
Jan 11th, 2003, 07:37:12 PM
"Maybe the jedi will be able to help us with it. I could think of no where else to go."

Narmo looked out the window at the city. Her smile faded lightly as she looked at it.

"But do we belong here? Two beings of the forest in an endless city?"

Jan 11th, 2003, 07:47:08 PM
Dinaer yawned and and scratched at an itch with his hind leg.

Probably not. But we will make the best of it that we can.

Dinaer didn't like the city any more than Narmo did, but he'd live there if it meant breaking the curse. He'd endure any hardship to see the look of sadness disappear. That sadness always hung in her eyes. It broke his heart. Dinaer licked her hand to try to comfort her.

Narmo Loonia
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:00:07 PM
A small tear droped down her face when she felt him near her. She quickly whiped it away and looked back at him. Her heart skipped a beat as she wondered if it would ever be posable to remove the curse. She pushed the thought out of her mind but she knew that he could sense what she was thinking.

"I will never loose hope as long as we are both alive."

Jan 11th, 2003, 08:04:10 PM
Dinaer could think of nothing to say, so he remained silent. He shut his eyes and enjoyed her scent, enhanced by his wolf senses.