View Full Version : Anyone notice Grima's tear in TTT?

Darth Viscera
Jan 11th, 2003, 07:47:37 AM
I just noticed that Grima Wormtongue is crying somewhat during Saruman's speech at the tower of Orthanc.

Saruman: The land will be stained with the blood of Rohan.......to war!!
*Grima stairs dumbfounded at ten thousand armored uruk-hai, a single tear runs very quickly down his left cheek*

It's very easy to miss, the tear is there for less than a second and I just now noticed it. Anyone else catch it?

See attached

Could this be remorse, or a happy cry?

This could explain something more as to why he kills Saruman in ROTK, other than a sudden burst of anger/insanity

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:21:06 AM
Yeah, I saw it. Think it's a bit daft though. :\

Jan 11th, 2003, 10:17:28 AM
I saw it. No dafter than the way he is the only one in Rohan who wears black and has an evil orchestra following him :|

j/k ;)

Darth Viscera
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:33:25 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
I saw it. No dafter than the way he is the only one in Rohan who wears black and has an evil orchestra following him :|

That's because he's likely (i'm theorizing) the descendant of Freca, a fat Dunlending whose family was declared enemies of the Mark by Helm Hammerhand.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:47:44 AM
I think its there to set up what you are talking about Darth, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Sanis Prent
Jan 11th, 2003, 02:12:45 PM
I saw it. Seemed a bit cheesy, but o well :)

Ishiva Ruell
Jan 11th, 2003, 02:26:07 PM
In the book, Grima Wormtongue never sheds a tear. But perhaps PJ included this scene as a foreshadowing and a lead-in to the climax of the story. But it is my understanding that PJ is not going include the Raising of the Shire. My source is as reliable as they come. But I will confess I have not had this checked-out and verified by investigating any of the plethora of fan-sites. Marcus???

Is Grima's tear a show of awe or a sign of remorse and regret? Or perhaps a display of conflicting emotions?

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 11th, 2003, 02:54:43 PM
Here's my theory. When they step onto the balcony you notice their hair blowing, especially Sauruman's. I think that on set they used fans to create the wind effects which may have caused Dourif's eye to water and that the camera caught it at just that right time. Peter Jackson might just've seen it and thought, "Perhaps we ought to leave that in. It looks natural."

Ishiva Ruell
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:40:29 PM
Hmm... I honestly think it was intentional. IIRC, the book never had a scene with Grima on the balcony overlooking the armies of Saruman. Somebody is borrowing my LOTR books so I am unable to investigate and confirm this.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:52:41 PM
There was never any scence with Grima on the balcony in the books. He arrived after the destruction of Isengard

The tear is one of pleasure and sadism to me. Of joy at seeing somethign that to him is so magnificent. And no, The scouring of the Shire was not filmed.

Ishiva Ruell
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:57:28 AM
What about Grima slaying 'Mr. Sharkey'? And the end of the Third Age commencing with the departure at Grey Havens? Any word or rumours on these.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:06:41 AM
Wizard shiskabob. I believe Grima pushes Sauramn out the window and possibly is then shot by Legolas. The Grey Havens do happen, but how... in this case I dont know. I think some sort of voice over at the end. I have to admit my exact knowledge of ROTK movie is limited as I am as of now avoilding spoilers liek crazy. But I understand ROTK is the least changed except for leavign out Scouring and also putting what was left otu of TTT into the beginnign of ROTK. Oh and I do know Jackson can deliver ROTK at more than three hours if he wishes.

Figrin D'an
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:07:41 AM
According to Jackson, the departure to the Grey Havens will be the final sequence of the film. Beyond that, little is known, other than the Scouring of the Shire will definately not be shown. It will be interesting to see how the end of ROTK flows without the Scouring.

Darth Viscera
Jan 12th, 2003, 06:49:14 AM
Sounds to me like the host of Uruk-hai are yelling "Sharku, sharku" at Saruman during the balcony scene. Does it sound like that to anyone else?

Ishiva Ruell
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:26:40 PM
Yeah I am trying to stay as spoiler free as possible too. Because I know PJ is going put in some new twists. He is definitely going to have to compensate for the absence of the 'raising' and concoct the death of Saruman. There is so much justifiable irony involved with the wizard's death in the ROTK novel, it's rather sad to see the movie deviate away from this. But oh well!

You may be right, Viscera. I am going to see the movie again later this week and will keep my ears attuned to what the Uruk-hai are shouting. It's pleasing to see Jackson put in all these small intricate details. Especially in the Gollum's case whom Tolkien in his personally recorded readings of The Hobbit and from the LOTR said, to paraphrase the author's rendering, the creature 'swallows' his name out. Similar in pronouciation to "Gulp'm" but minus the letter "p".

But in the theatrical vesion, Gollum chokes his name out like he is desperately needing a heimlich manuever. Kinda cool nonetheless!