View Full Version : Telekinetics! A specialty of mine...(Jamel)

Jan 10th, 2003, 06:48:18 PM
Zeke walks in with a canvas sack bearing the odd label "Bag of tricks" and sets it down, opening it up and setting it aside. He's about to remove something from the bag when a sound echoes behind him.

"On time. How's it going Jamel?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 08:11:23 PM
Jamel walked in slowly, his hands placed neatly behind his back, as the draft of wind lifted up his brown traditional Jedi coating. Staring at his master as he heard the words, he smiled weirdly, as confusion came over him to how he knew that he had entered. Replying as best he could with the off-guard statement...

"Fine, what are we doing here today, Master?" He disoplently questioned, his hands in his pockets.

Jan 10th, 2003, 08:13:22 PM
"Telekinesis. Something I find I excel in."

He sets the bag aside for now and looks to his Padawan.

"You know what telekinesis is, right?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 08:24:30 PM
"Telekenisis....Telekenisis...." He said to himself, attempting to reach out through the information in his brain for the words definition but it had ran away from him at the moment. Looking down he came up with something.

"Telephathic you mean, I know what that means." He said, blurting out with his eyes wide, and innocent, without even the hint of michevious sacarsm. He didn't know at all, but he felt he was gettin' closer with the telephatic thing.

Jan 10th, 2003, 08:26:40 PM
"Close, but not quite. Telepathy is the ability to read minds. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with one's mind. Like this. Heads up."

A ball floated from the Bag of Tricks and zoomed for Jamel, seemingly of its own accord.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 08:30:16 PM
He reached forward, watching his Master's face quirk in some form, as the ball was pulled away from his hand. He blinked confusedly, unknowing of the reason completely at the moment. THen moving his head upward, he stared at his master, a question twirling in his head.

"So, this is all binded through the Force? You manage to do this with the help of the Force as well?[/i]" The boy asked, his hands ruffling over his coating and throwing it to the side as he prepared for some sort of work-out.

Jan 10th, 2003, 09:49:56 PM
"All this with the Force. First, I'll teach you Force Push. A useful skill, you can use it to push a foe away from you, move heavy objects by sliding them, push others out of harm...any number of things. To do it, summon the Force and direct it at an object. Usually a gesture will help focus. Try with this."

He calls a rolling garbage bin to himself and pushes it lightly at Jamel.

"Push it back to me."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:55:08 PM
Jamel focused himself, it was no longer as hard as it was during his first time summoning that of the Force, it was as if an instinct. He had been training during the time he had departed from his Master, and it was thoroughtly focused on the ability with the Force, and Force boosting. His eyes narrowed, and with a gesture of his hand, he moved the ball slightly. His focus had fallen quickly, and his mind wasn't clear as the Force beckoned him to be. The ball just levitated there, a few feet from where it was when pushed by his master.

"Try again?" He questioned his Master Zeke.

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:01:14 PM
"Sure, but forget the ball for now."

Zeke calls it back to the bag and gestures at the garbage bin.

"Push it to me."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:06:01 PM
Jamel hurriedly focuses, his mind intertwining with that of the Force and the positive neurons that reach to every branch of his body. Gesturing his hand in a swift, sly, effortless move his mind jumps back and forth, and then suddenly exceretes with the neurons of the Force gradually guiding the garbage bin off the surface, and then pushed slowly, and delicately to the hands of his Master.

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:08:10 PM
"You'd have an easier time if you didn't float it. Just shove it. It rolls easily enough. We'll worry with leviation once you can just move it in one direction."

Zeke shoves it back across the floor.

"Just slide it. No floating yet."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:14:17 PM
Nodding in response, he obeyed as charged. The telekentic thing seemed better for him, but he had to concentrate more then the Force boost, but it probably was because he had been training with force boost already, and he had manage to somewhat master it, or at least have an average ability with it, but it more interwtined with his energeticness, and agile body, as well as his study in the arts of teras kasi (a materail arts fighting style=Darth Maul).

Motioning his hand forward, a blowing wind shifted the item along the surface, dragging the cluster of dirt with it, creating a small path. Smirking toward his Master, he felt some what of confidence in his ability.

"I think Im getting a bit good at the shoving thing..Are we to continue?"

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:20:21 PM
"We're going to pull it now."

Zeke pushes outward, guiding the rolling bin toward his padawan, then retracts his hand, pulling it to him.

"Pull it along the floor to yourself."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:25:39 PM
Obeying the command, this seemed to be easier, the concentration was more of the same fashion. He motioned his hand before him, gesturing it in a graceful fashion along with his other hand, and then suddenly pulling his arm back. The wind shifted like that of a tornado, and pushed the item toward him, coming quickly, but weirdly slow. His eyes slowed the scene down for him like a void took over his mental stand-point.

The item came to a gradual, progressive stop, the dirt path carved by the garbage sides that digged into the surface during it's pull. He smiled at his accomplishment, but he noticed it wasn't that great. The concentration taken into it, wasn't as large, and meditated as possible. It could have been more sleak, and cleaner, but it was a start.

His smile quirking up into a slant, he glanced up at his Master. He had no words to say, his face already question what was next.

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:28:29 PM
"Not bad...now we're going to play tug of war. Whoever can get the garbage can close enough to touch wins."

Zeke sets the bin equidistant from both of them.

"On three...one...two...three!"

Zeke gestures lightly and the bin scoots slowly in his direction.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:35:29 PM
Jamel smirked at his Master, competetion always was what he had thrived for in the arts of a Jedi Canidate, learning the ways of the galaxy. Pulling his arm back, as he shifted his body forward, he glared at his master. Noticing that he was loosing, he grimaced and tugged, emotion expressed on his face at the up-most strenght he put into it, and concentration.

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:37:38 PM
The can's forward motion slows as Jamel pulls, wavers, then slides back toward the Padawan. Zeke gestures again and the can stops still.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:46:18 PM
Devising a clean-cut plan, he gestured his hand slowly, but yet gracefully like a dancer from Tattonie. His eyes went over in a blink during that second, as his hand shifted forward with great thrust, throwing the item toward his Master, catching him off-guard. Then suddenly pulling it back with a single wave of his hand, meanwhile his concentration was on a heart-throbbing modification, but his mental state was clear, and precise-unwavered by uneasiness.

Confidence overwhelmed him at that very moment when the item came closer to him, and a pull came with the item coming very close to that of his Master. Gritting his teeth in focus, and over-concentration, he began crignign his finger, attempting to pull at it.

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:48:57 PM
Zeke blinks as the can hurtles toward him, but swiftly catches on as it moves back toward Jamel. Zeke flicks his wrist and the can resumes it's spot in the center.


Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:58:02 PM
Jamel knew one last trick that could possible get him out of this situation with the tugging. It would have to be very stealthfully done, and cunningly as well. Searching the surface as his mind continued concentrating on the tugging match, and the can. Finding what he wanted, he smirked cunningly. Forcing his hand forward in a commanding gesture, the can moved forward toward his Master. Levitating it up in a split-second, a sudden rock shifted off the ground, cleanly rolling past his Master's eyes, blind-siding him for that very split-second. Pulling his arm back, he pulled the levitating item toward him, gridning his teeth so it would come to the surface quickly, but delicately, so it wouldn't fall and the pull would be more concentration.

Placing it on the surface, he pulled, but in the middle of the field between them it was suddenly stopped by his Master. Blinking in confusion and puzzlement, he glanced up at his Master Zeke.

"Hmmm....." The boy gesture with his vocal cords a though process. It wasn't anything else in his bag of tricks, and he have nothing else but tugs to deliver, and that wasn't much compared to his Master's ability.

Jan 10th, 2003, 11:02:05 PM
Zeke snatches the stone from the air with his own telekinesis and deposits it in the can before casting the trash bucket to its orginal place.

"You seem to have a firm grasp of push and pull. If you want to continue, we'll float stuff, otherwise we'll call it a day."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:08:58 PM
Jamel looked down at his hands, and gandered up with a smile growing on his face.

"I would like to learn how to levitate objects...but lets do it slow, I wanna talk more.." The boy said, moving to a sitting position, wondering of his Master would agree and do the same.

Jan 10th, 2003, 11:14:01 PM

Zeke flopped over on his back and looked at the ceiling.

"Levitation is like Force push and pull...just vertical."

Two balls rose from the Bag of Tricks and one floated to Jamel, settling itself in the Padawan's palm. Zeke placed his own ball on his stomach.

"Focus up."

Zeke's ball bounced upward, then fell and landed softly on his stomach.

"Give it a shot."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:18:33 PM

He said nervously, rawly using that of the Force, motioning his head upward as well as his hand. Gesturing the ball slowly from his palm, only inches away, but very noticable-but in a matter of seconds it fall back down, hitting him hard between his eyes. Grasping for the ball, as his other hand was pre-occupied with holding the throbbing pain that had been increased from normal stability between his eyes.

"Ow, how...ow!" He grimaced in pain, shaking it off in a matter of seconds, and trying again.

This time he got a few un-noticed cetimeters higher, but he kept at it, but he couldn't manage a foot lenght through his 6 tries.

Jan 10th, 2003, 11:21:21 PM
"It's harder than push, b'cuz you fight gravity. Keep on. Focus up!"

Zeke's ball bounces again.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:37:28 PM
Jamel cleared his mind once more, concentrating upon the Force, as well intertwining that with his concentration of the gravity motion. To fight against that of gravity was a hard thing as his Master said, but it was harder to begin the exculade, and nearly as hard to maintain it.

Gritting his teeth, as his eyebrows narrowed down and sweat gradually trickled down his cheeks, and every particle of his face as his mentaly faught for every inch, it reached the point of 8 inches this time, and fell down with his head falling back. Huffing and puffing, he felt as though his mind just exploded or something.

"Man, that was hard, and weird too...I'm feeling a bit light headed.." He paused fo ra second, gandering over at his Master, suprisingly stating, " Can we take a rest for a while?" He inquired, blinking as chuckling at his own comment.

He felt kind of weird stating that, as he normally was the one rushing to get into the next training sesssion, trying his hardest to become superior so that he could help others. So that others wouldn't be in the same predicment as him when he was a child, or even of those who were in his mother and father's condition, and attacked. The eyes of the broken family were see-through like a mirror. It was a mirror into the past,and everytime you looked in, you could see the pain of that mirror.

Abruptly, he coughed, taking back a cry that was manifesting and materlizing as another trickle with his sweating drops, but his eyes were red and it was evident that he was somewhat anger, or troubled.

Jan 11th, 2003, 09:20:49 AM
"Sure, rest all you like. And don't worry about rushing from one lesson to the next," Zeke says, noting the Padawan's awkward expression. "There's a saying 'He who acquires his skills quickly is the first to lose'...so I wouldn't worry about learning as much as you can quickly. Also, 'Fear not the man who knows many kicks and practices them once a day, fear the man who knows one kick and practices it many times'."

Poor guy, he really wants to learn this, but Zeke won't let the guy continue if he's angry.

"Chill pal...what's with the angry face?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:49:25 PM
Jamel changed his expression quickly, and glanced down at his hand.

"I'm not mad, I'm just frustated."

Jan 11th, 2003, 04:17:05 PM

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:30:53 PM
The boy frowned in displeasurment of his inabilities, as he began to speak.

"It's the simple fact that I can't do it, I can't move it up at all. Everything else came quickly, maybe two or three attempts max, and I had a pretty good start, and now I can barley even do this in twenty tries." He said, a frown plastered over his face, a mask hiding his normal smile.

Jan 11th, 2003, 11:37:30 PM
"Nothing worth doing ever came easily, Jamel. Learn patience. It is the most valuable ally a Jedi has. If you become frustrated by expecting an easy task, you will rush, and you will invariably make mistakes. Take it slow."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:15:11 AM
Jamel digested the words, they were wise and true, inhaling in, and exhaling out deeply in a sigh, he smiled back at his master. Rustling on the ground, he quickly turned his eyes toward the ball, and began focusing, less frustrated now, though it didn't motion up to his initial expections. He was patient, less throbbing on his inabilities, but his abilities.

Gradually, as he signified with his hand, the object floated from his hand, slowly circling, but in the middle of the motion it fell down into his chest, his eyes widening from the shock. He hadn't managed what was expected, but he did do very well, finally. Smiling, he clasped the ball in his palm, and began to continue. During his concentration, he managed out a few words to his Master.

"You were right about the patience, Master." He simply declared, his tone very youthful, but very respectful in the manner, without a disturbance of joy. It was serious and well-mannered elegent inotation.

Jan 12th, 2003, 09:03:40 AM
"See? Now...I believe that will do for today. Here, take these."

Zeke pulls two cans from his Bag of Tricks, each contains three small balls.

"Practice with these. Find another student to practice with you. It's easier when you have someone to work with."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:50:42 PM
Jamel grabbed the items, and came to his feet bowing with a smile coming to his face. He had learned much today, and he was enlightened with it for the rest of his life, their was no way he would forget the educational messages. Heading for the door, he concentrated on the ball, the Force projecting the item, and shifted it up gradually over his head, but quickly back down. Grasping at it, he continued on at this task, as he escaped down the corridors.