View Full Version : I love this place, farewells are always hard to such a good drink!

Dios Kane
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:48:59 PM
:: I sat back in the bar. This place was my home. For now at least. I had informed Maia that I was leaving, I knew her thoughts but my farewells to this place were on my mind at the moment. I raised my glass to the swinging lamp above me.::

May your light forever shine on the alchohol!

:: I downed he glass and grabbed the large bottle next to me, refilling my drink. I didn't know what I was going to do now though. I was through with this place though. It just sat here, no movement. I didn't feel like waiting forever before we went out and tried to save someone. I had my ideas and I would be sure to put them to use. I just needed some friend's help. That was all. I could do some alone, but with Maia I was tens times better, my beloved wife, and think of what it would be with the whole gang! I closed my eyes and turned my head to the ceiling.::

Name... Drinking angels? No... Vagrant Infinities? Hehe... no. Uhhhh...

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:05:06 PM
Wei sat down next to his long time friend. "Been a while since I've seen you drink like this."

Wei slid a coin over to him. It was something he had been given long ago. On one side was a cross, and on the other side a quotation was engraved. "When God closes one door he opens another."

"So, I see another door has been opened to you. Muttering over a name, eh? Why not be namelss? Some say anonymity is better than the spotlight."

Dios Kane
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:30:51 PM
:: I jokingly glared at Wei.::

What do you know about drinking?! How are you doing Wei?! How's life? Training? No, don't tell me, I don't care. Humph.

:: I picked up the coin and looked at it, reading the inscription, nice. Sounded like prophecy to me...::

You know me Wei, nameless might as well be brainless to me. I like my name and the one I wa talkingabout wasn't just for me.

Jan 10th, 2003, 07:57:21 PM
"What's it for then?"

Zeke pulls out a chair, spins it around and sits wrongways in the chair.

"Something up your sleeve, pal?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 08:52:44 PM
Jamel entered the Bar & Grill sheltering, it was his first time around, and he didn't want to mess it up. As he pased the tall man, he placed his hands in at his side, bowing to him. Twirking the angle to his head more to the side when he entered, he glanced about, his eyes catching view of his Master. Heading toward him, he sat down quickly, leaning back in his chair.

"Hello Master, do you come here often?" He questioned, glancing about still, concerned about his surrondings, and the possibilities of enemies.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:53:58 PM
Kindo followed Zeke's lead, twisting a chair around and sitting in it backwards.

" Tell us Dios, what thoughts do you dwell on? "

He planted his chin into his palm which he'd mounted upon the table.

Maia Tharrinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:01:15 PM
Maia entered the bar and Grill, her usually happy face was pulled into a slight frown. She paused just inside the door, looking for her beloved husband. He had told her of his intentions, and though it grieved her heart she understood his why. Maia spotted Dios, and a few of there close friends. She gave a small smile and a wave as he spotted her. His loving eyes cheered her heavy heart. He had always had a way of making even the hardest of decisions, a simple thing.

She made her way through the crowd. Her eyes fixed on his. His remained fixed on her as she moved her small form toward him. He knew her decision. Her heart was like an open book to his probing eyes. Maia knew he needed her to say it to him out loud.

The Jedi Knight bent down and placed a small kiss on his lips. Turning she greeted Wei, Kindo, and Zeke, and the new Padawan. She pulled up a chair and sat down at the table. Not all of there friends were here but she was sure they would be soon. They all had a very special connection. One that was a bond of love, and it could not be broken no matter what the future held.

"Hello my love." She smiled softly as she extended her fingers and ran them over his hand. "My friends, I am glad you came." She looked into Dios eyes. He stared into her eyes, his need heavy there. "I go where you go my love. My place is by your side, and I would have it no other way." Her voice was filled with the love they shared. She would miss her friends, and the life they had formed at the order. But she knew that they would only be a step away if she needed them...

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:31:05 PM
Jamel glared at the new-comer, he didn't truly notice the value of this woman, and her order in the galaxy. He was at all times cautious around woman, he had heard many of the slaves during his shfit on Lok saying "Woman were dangerous beings" and to never trust them. Jamel always watched the fellow slaves laugh, and agree with simple nods, but he knew not to bump into woman intentionally, only if it was someone you felt was to be close to you, or something special was about them other then the other dangerous woman.

The young Novice's face drew in a small frown of displeasurment as she sat, and felt the hand of a fellow comrade at hte table. Glancing over to his Zeke to catch the reaction to the woman, so he could find some sort of pleasurment, or even assurance in his Master's face. The man's expression was normal, as usual, kindled with the smile or a straight line of seriousness. It was then when Jamel's mind drifted into a void in his mental stability. Where he contemplated on issues of the living, and reality, which at times disturbed him or at other moments were what thrive him to live on, and not feel disturbance at other. It was one of those times, when he would contemplate on issues of not disturbance-but that of the better, or the good.

It was his master, a man with a mysterious, mystic life behind that of his time with the boy. He never truly had a long talk 'bout each other past, but their was evident similitaries. The both have no relationship with elder siblings, and neither had them as well. It seemed they had also had similitaries in their raise-up, and such, as it wasn't actually filled with that of expirences of a parent, but with expirence of life itself, which sent them in their own intelligents, much different then educational value.

Drifting back into reality, he lingering back down into a normal seating, he tranquilized, relaxing his nerves that were troubled in the scene, hopping that it was immeditately dedicated by his fellow Jedi. Staring at the woman once more, he interupted her conversation with that of whom she considered her "husband" and named "Dios". He didn't know many of the Jedi Member names, but he did have a question on his mind, even if it was somewhat inappropiate.

"Woman, are you of any danger,and why are you sitting around us. We are Jedi...not....these things that you call 'husbands'?" He said ignorantly, he had heard of the references husband before, but he was truly clueless of hte meaning. He never knew the meaning of love as well, he was too young for those marriage teaches. As well as that, he never was delivered the normal life morals, his father, nor mother were around to tell him of those points in life, and the canidancy just suspected he knew.

Awaiting a responses, he raised an eyebrow confused, and puzzled still of why they were referred to as "husbands" and not Jedi Padawans, or Knights.

Jan 11th, 2003, 09:36:10 AM
Zeke comes in with the save.

"She's Dios' wife, and my former master. Maia taught me all I know."

"Chill dude," He says telepathically. "Observation is often the best form of learning."

Angelica Shin
Jan 11th, 2003, 12:18:40 PM
She laughed, as she walked up to lean on Wei's chair.

"Silly boy....."

She was grinning until she looked at Maia and Dios' faces, and her grin quickly dissappeared.

"Oh..........." She said it almost sadly, she had seen that look before, at least, the one on Maia's face, many times back 'home'....

"Okay, whatever you two are going to do, I'll help...." She said, her grin re-turning.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:17:45 PM
Wei felt his wife leaning on his chair and he smiled. "Dios, you know we're all friends here. We've been looking out for each other for as long as I can remember.If ever you need us, we're right here."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:42:12 PM
Jamel slanted his lips once more, it had become an unconscious instinct that he had attained when nervous, and confused or at times even embarrassed.This time it was a registration of expression that was of embarrassment, he never liked being completely off course in his comments. Sniffing up, he felt the smell of food surronding him. Drifting his hand in a gesture toward a waitress, he beckoned her to come. Telling her of what he wanted, he leaned back in hsi chair, staring about himself, observing as his Master asked.

Watching Maia, who had been told by his Master to have teached Zeke, and of course their would have to be some sort of powerful linkage with her. Tapping the table, as the drink came, and the basket of fruits he began digging in, but carefully, and neatly. He was cautious of making a mess, and as well being disrespctful in his eaten habits.

Gandering over at his master, then the rest he gestured his hand about them to interupt their conversations so he could gain their attention.

"Would anyone else but me want some of these fruits?" He questioned.

Jan 11th, 2003, 03:47:25 PM
"Not now..."

Zeke didn't want to be rude to Jamel, but Dios had something up his sleeve...and if he wasn't mistaken, it was something major.

"Just sit and chill. Something's going on."

Dios Kane
Jan 12th, 2003, 08:51:22 AM
:: I shook my head at the padawan. Caution of women, if Zeke was going teach this kid something he had better teach him respect. The kid owed a woman something and that was his life cuz he wasn't grown like a veggie I could assure that. I smiloed that all my friends had appeared, it was great, like the coffee house meetings ya know? I took my glass and downed it before slippiong my arm around Maia and puller her closer. My other hand rolled the coin in my hand over and over as I looked at all those around me. It was all I had asked for and then some.::

Maia and I go, we leave and embark on a new adventure by this time tomorrow. I have my own beliefs now on the way the lightside is in motion now and I have come to the conclusion that I cannot help it while being a part of the Order.

:: I let that sink in. I had always gone off for little bits and such but that's okay. My eyes turned to Zeke's padawan for a moment, we were all developed jedi now but I wasn't so sure about this one. I didn't want to damage the GJO at anyway and if this kid wanted to make it somewhere in the GJo he wasn't going to by hanging around me.::

I'm here with you all to either give my farewells or to welcome you into our farewells. A vigilante group, of not just force users, is what I've got my mind on. We can take on the darkside in our own ways, not to be decided by a council or anything like that but just us, doing what we think right. I mean, we can only hope what we think is right is right but as long as we stay to the lightisde we have to be right?

:: I smiled at my play on words, looking at Ange, Wei, Kindo, and Zeke.::

We've been through a hel'of'alot together. I'm up for some galavanting through the galaxy with a babe ion my arms and a lightsaber held by my teeth! It's an all or nothing gamble folks. We're like the knights of the round ya know? Wei, you might not hold the rank of night but you got the bloody heart of one. Zeke, your happiness is mine and the same the other way, together, we've got the darkside on the run. Ange, your life with Wei can only strengthen us as your bond strengthens the two of you. Kindo, I remember when we sat at this very table toasting to all that was good and pure, why don't we take it like we said and start screaming something about saving the day?

:: I leaned back some and took another sip, the light in my eye still there but my face a bit different.::

Sounds fun huh?

Jan 12th, 2003, 09:13:44 AM
Zeke grins. This sort of adventure suits him.

"Would love to friend, but I've got a responsibility to my Padawans. Can't leave 'em hangin', but if you need me, I'll be there!"

Dios Kane
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:39:56 PM
That's the problem Zeke. I guess that was the problem I knew would happen. Being attached to the GJO... Don't worry about it Zeke. I plan on working outside of the system Zeke, stay with your padawans, you're right. Your responsibility lies with them, not with me.

:: I leaned back. It would be easy if we could all just drop things and do what we wanted. Duty is as heavy as a mountain and death is as light as a feather. I'd read that somewhere and it made a lot of sense.::

Jan 12th, 2003, 12:42:04 PM
"Sorry pal," Zeke says with an apologetic smile. "But call me in when you get something going! I'll help as best I can."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:12:47 PM
Jamel grimaced at the words "out side of the system", he had heard that in his life too often, and every time their was something damaging his life, or anothers. He just shook his head, he knew who was superior in the torch of the system, and this person known as Dios seemed to be, so he wouldn't confront him. As well, it wasn't polite to agrue with adults, they were far more intelligent most of the times in the arts of the galaxy, they knew much more, and it was no need to speculate when he knew nothing of this man.

Still, he managed to with hold a frown, it was withdrawn when he noticed the man was looking at him. Shaking his head, he gandered upon the woman he had clasped his arms on early. He had never seen her before this meeting, it would be nice, even though he had some kind of fear of woman (at certain times), to greet himself.

"Excuse me ma'm, I'm Jamel Croko'yn of the Great Jedi Order, and Mastered by Zeke. I just wanted to greet myself to you.." His voice fainted away, as he bowed down, taking a stand from his chair. Pushing himself back into a standing position, and returning to the seating he glanced over at his Master Zeke, he wondered if he did anything wrong.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:36:38 PM
Wei mulled it over. "I'm not sure yet. I'll have to think about it."

Wei was surprised at his own words. He never gave anything thought. He always just did it. But Wei smiled all the same. "Dios, you know all you have to do is shout. I'm with you all the time whether you know it or not"

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:05:23 PM
::Azhure had sat behind them, and caught the conversation. Normally she might have been polite but it was apparant that her friend Dios Kane was leaving at some point. She sat there still but spoke in Dios's mind. Hating goodbyes or anything of that sort in front of everybody she got up after speaking. She would catch up with him later, it had been a while since they had spoken properly.::

I will miss you friend if you do indeed leave. Live with honour, die with honour. You know where the jedi are when you need them.

Dios Kane
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:45:47 PM
:: I smiled to Azhure as she arrived. I remembered the talks we had. I hadn't seen her in a while, just that was good enough for me, to see her before I left. I pulled one of my signature smiles for Azhure and lifted my flask. She had never taken a drink of what I offered but we were good friends through and through, I didn't expect her to take some, that was the joke.::

How about a drink Azhure?

:: That was my way of saying thank you and I'll see you around. I turned to Wei and Zeke as the low respect child introduced himself to Maia, my hand about her waist squeezed slightly. I'm sure she was amused by the kids initial introduction.::

Thanks Zeke and Wei, I'll keep you guys on tab, I plan on buying a cruiser or something and basing it from there, it'll have two rooms open for you guys.

Angelica Shin
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:41:58 AM
A slanted smirk crossed her face.

"I'll help, but I can't leave...I did just get back....."

She sighed.

"Man, this place will suck without ya guys....But hey!"

She then started to dig through a pocket in her pants and pulled out a sheet of paper, she then held it out to Dios.

"If ya see my old man, give him this, him and my....Crew, might help ya...."

Jan 13th, 2003, 09:21:32 AM
Zeke blinks, as if suddenly remembering something.

"Oh yeah! Here."

Zeke grabs a napkin and manages to find a pen, then scribbles something on the napkin and scoots it across the table at his friends.

"May can help ya. She's my sister by way of adoption. I don't think she's Force sensitive, but she's got connections."

Maia Tharrinn
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:18:34 AM
Maia's eyes filled with tears at the love her friends were showing. She knew that nothing would ever tear apart what they had built together. They each in turn had there own destinies to fulfill. No matter how far it took them from each other, they would always be able to rely on there friendships.

Maia leaned her head onto Dios's shoulder. Her love for him was what kept her going, and she would follow him willingly. She would miss the times they all had at the GJO but her place was with her husband. The Jedi Knight looked into the faces of those gathered around her. Committing them to memory, she did not speak, there was no need to. They all knew how much she cared about them.

Jan 14th, 2003, 01:56:22 PM
Zeke allows his grin to broaden as an idea occurs to him. A theme for Dios' group...the chorus to a rap he heard a while ago...

I got my twin glock .40s...cocked back
Me and my homies...so drop that
Rollin' on twenties with the...top back
So much money...can't stop that

Dios Kane
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:33:25 PM
:: I smiled and turned my head to kiss Maia o the forehead. I took the sheets from the two and smiled, placing them in my pocket. I slowly pushed myself up and shook hands with some and hugged others. I pulled out a hat and smiled, it was old style with a wide brim and the red velvet with a black ribbon around he base topped off my jacket. I straightened my collar and moved my arm around Maia's waist. I took a last swig and then placed my flas on the table, the intricate silver working on it gathering the light of the room.::

Don't worry guys, I'll give yu guys calls when we need you. I am just a space cowboy now and I got the frontier ahead of me. In fact, look me up with that, a ship called the Space Cowboy, hehe. But I'll take my leave of here. he force bless you all, may our journeys cross soon.

:: I let Maia say her farewells before taking her in my arms again and walking with her through the doors for my last time. We'd be there, in the stars when we were needed.:

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:37:33 PM
OOC- I need Dios to reply to what've I'd said. Dios, before you do reply call me first.

Kindo was completely stunned by what was transpiring among him. After long minutes of rubbing his fingers past his forehead and through his hair, he finally stood up abruptly. He appeared as though he were about to burst, or cry one.

" I can't believe this! Leave the Order!? How could you, why would you ask me to do such a thing! I have dedicated everything to being a Jedi! It's the code I live by, the code I've always lived by! After all that time training as a Padawan, now that I'm finally an accomplished Knight you'd ask me to just up and quit!? I can't do that, Dios! And how can you say the Jedi don't help people!? We've helped so many as Jedi! "

He was breathing heavily and speaking jittery. Everything that was happening was beginning to overwhelm him.

Dios Kane
Jan 17th, 2003, 03:21:14 PM
:: I turned quickly on my heel. I sighed as the words from Kindo registered. I knew it probably wouldn't have been this easy. Kindo's dedication to the Order was unfaultering and I knew his dreams had been both of us going far together. I stood at the door, with Maia in my arm and leveled my silver eyes at Kindo.::

Look Count, the Force wills as the Force wants. I asked you a simple yes or no question. It was come or stay, fight or sleep. he titles have no meaning to me now Count, I'm sorry, we made it this far but reaching knight seemed to help me achieve my own understanding. We have helped people but not as much as I wold wat to believe Kindo. I think I could do it better without the ruling of the council's wisdom. Don't ask me anymore Kindo, just know that there is always an open slot for a friend, for all my friends...
Excuse my anger Kindo.

:: I put a hand to my face for a second. The guy had sorta jumped on me, I had gotten startled and angry, really stupid of me to react like that but this was a sensitive thing here.::

Excuse me Kindo, sorry I got angry, I'm going to leave now...

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:07:47 PM
Wei has perked up at Kindos and Dios's exchange. "Well, just because he asked you to go with him, doesn't mean you have to leave. What good is a Jedi that spends all his time in his safe haven? To be an effective Jedi, you have to go out to where the trouble is and stop it. You have to find the source of the problem and fix it. You can't expect to be able to improve the quality of the universe by fighting the side effects that just happen upon your doorstep."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 19th, 2003, 07:40:39 PM
Though the points both Dios and Wei made were all too true, Kindo was too enraged to be able to take them to heart. Leaving the Order was something he thought he would've never had to consider, so there was no way he was about to do that now.

" I can't believe this, I just can't believe this! "

He clenched his teeth and tried to hold back the tears, but as they began to swell up he had no choice but to leave. He turned and stormed off, nearly knocking the restaurant doors off their hinges as he left. He didn't know where to go or even what to do. It had all came down on him so unexpectedly; he just wasn't ready to deal with it all.

Dios Kane
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:32:39 PM
:: I shook my head and put a smile back on my face, nodding to everyone that was still there. I put my glasses on and pulled Maia close, kissing her forehead. I turned and walked to the door this time. But before I left, my whisper carried to Kindo's ears as we made our paths now, different but for the same cause.::

Then don't.