View Full Version : Curious

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:25:15 AM
*Now, this was odd indeed. "Yoghurt's Bar & Grill" read the sign above a double glass doorway. What in the name of the Force was this Bar doing on this planet? Maybe it was a branch off, Snack thought, of the original Bar and Grill. The one he remembered frequenting in the distant past. It had been around for a long time, and surely it made enough money to support its own chain of restaurants.

But something told Snack this was the one and only, moved to this location due to some unknown reasons. Unknown, at least, to him.

He smiled. Warm memories of the past flooding his mind. Frigid air crawled up his spine as the memories of old continued, until his smile faded from his face. What would a visit to an old hang out do for him?

Darth Snack stepped up to the doorway where two guards halted him.*

"No weapons allowed inside."

*Same rules.*

What makes you think I carry any arms?

*Snack asked, his eyes innocently locked with the questioning guard. The hood of his cloak hung down his back and over his shoulders; his black strands of long hair hanging over his face.*

"We're not stupid. Everyone that lives carries at least some form of weapon. No, fork them over or be gone."

Very well...

*With a devilish smirk, Snack pushed the folds of his cloak back, revealing his black outfit and black utility belt. Across the belt, hung four lightsabers. Two twin ones were the first off his belt and into his own hands. He hooked the two together forming his dual bladed lightsaber: its hidden color orange. The third and forth hilts were unclipped after Snack handed one of the guards the dual-blade. The fourth hilt was curved. An ancient artifact he had recently found on an expedition. Why he hadn't put it away in a safe place, he did not know. But no one would take it from the guards here. And if they did, the local law enforcement would hear a pretty word or two. He'd be sure of it.*


"Those trinkets on your arms."

...They don't come off.

"They do now."


*A slight growl almost escaped his mouth, but he held it in. Unhooking the first right bracelet, Snack shook his head. This was ridiculous. The left bracelet, then the second right wrist blaster along with the first right bracelet and the three sabers were now in possession of the guards.*

Would you like my tongue as well? It's probably more dangerous than all of those combined.

*Both guards snarled, and stepped to the side, allowing the Dark Lord to enter the Bar. Finally.

The double doors swung open and Snack stepped in side. He gave the place a look around, nodded and smiled to himself. Like a quiet loner, he made his way to his left towards the wall, and found his 'usual' booth. Sitting down on one side, he assumed his normal position: back against the wall, leg closest to the booth back rest bent up at the knee and resting on the seat, other leg under the table, one elbow resting on his bent up knee, the other resting on the table.

Nothing had changed at all.*

Zereth Lancer
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:33:50 PM
"yes your right" a voice said from the booth next to snacks Zerth had read his thoughts he now turned to look at snack

"its always the same you give your weopens to the guards at the entrance to sit down get the same drink and see the same people which are mainly Jedi........".

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:46:44 PM
*Haha, what an uneducated statement. Snack had no idea who this kid was, nor did he really care. But it was ammusing to know that Yog's still let in just anyone from the street. The Jedi were too trusting.

Without so much as looking at the one who spoke to him, Snack replied.*

You say that like it's a bad thing. Many of my friends were Jedi.

*His lips curled into a smug smile. It would be fun playing with the kid's mind as he waited for a droid or server to take his order.*

Zereth Lancer
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:07:47 PM
ooc: kid he's in his twentys

"well i dont have much about them but im told by the sith order that there my enemys so im always saying bad things about them its just what i do i guess" Zereth paused for a moment to sip his drink.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:38:39 PM
ooc: Snack calls and considers many "kid". It has nothing to do with age.


Of course they did.

*Snack said, not sounding surprised. Stereotypical Sith controlling the minds of their ilk so that they are more subdued; more willing to do their bidding.

A droid rolled up to Snack's booth, scooted back to the bar area, and then returned to drop off a glass filled with a clear liquid.*

So, I take it you're one of the new drones for The Sith Order? I hope their brain-washing classes weren't too painful.

*The Lord took a sip of his Ale, wondering if he was giving the other the impression that he (Snack) was a Jedi.*

Zereth Lancer
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:35:03 PM
"actully i havnt been to any clases or have a master i was accepted the i couldnt find a master then i just left to train myself but i was told that Jedi are my enemys when i first got accepted"

Zererth waved a droid over to his booth and ordered a a glass of scotch the droid left and came back with his drink

he siped it slowly waiting for what Snack might say next.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 11th, 2003, 05:09:17 PM
"Snack...you have no life, old friend."

Ket grinned lightly, donned in black robes, his helmet apparently tucked away somewhere. He sipped his jack and coke lightly, and chuckled. Ket rather hated the guards. His twin 10mm blaster, his single bladed lightsaber with the limegreen colored blade all confiscated. although, his armour was just that. armour.

"So, what brings you here tonight? Mayhem, Carnage or entertainment?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:47:12 PM
*He listened to Zereth's explination. So it had been a solitary word instilled in a weak mind.*

Learn to think for yourself, bud. Not all Jedi are bad.

*He chanced a glance towards the other, only to see what he looked liked. Then, a new voice entered the conversation.*

"Snack... you have no life, old friend..."

*Looking up, Snack saw a man clad in dark robes. His stature, his state of being.. his presence within the Force itself all rang out with familiarity. Ket.*

As long as I'm still breathing, I still have a life.

*A smirk played about his lips as he took another sip of his Ale.*

Have a seat, stranger.

*Snack said, motioning to the seat across from himself in the booth. He kept his compfy position still.*

Memories of the past are the culprit tonight. I was hoping to actually find some Jedi that I knew, and maybe catch up on old times.

Zereth Lancer
Jan 12th, 2003, 05:12:26 PM
"well if you say so" Zereth said planly then another man came up to snack after hearing him talk about the guards taking his weapons "yeah the took my swords and dagger."

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:40:25 PM
"Indeed, this place brings back the memories of old. Like the time when i was but a Disciple with TSE. And i beat the living hell out of Stone. That was a good day."

Ket ordered a glass of his staple, a bit of the Jack Daniels. He took the drink from the server droid, and sipped it lightly.

"So, Snack, how goes it? Still bittersweet chocolate or have you become something of a caramel?"

Ket winked with a chuckle.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:49:31 PM
Yeah, guards'll do that to ya. Though they have good reason.

*Snack replied to Zereth, then looked at Ket all cockeyed for his comment/question. He shook his head a sipped his ale.*

I like to be considered a vibrant vanilla, thank-you-very-much.

*He said with smirk.*

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:52:00 PM
"Although, I think you should come with a tab of Alla-Seltzer, for good measure..."

Ket laughed lightly, sipping his drink again.

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 16th, 2003, 12:17:47 AM
This was only the third time Hadrian had been to Yog's and with this trip it was official, there were more Dark-Siders hanging out at the Jedi bar than Jedi.

He'd seen the one before, the young man whom he'd tried to keep from straying, he had failed, but in his failure he learned a valuable lesson, not all sheep can be saved.

He handed his extendable staff to the guards at the door. He carried no other weapons, he was just a novice Padawan, he'd never even held a light saber before, but he could wield that staff like he'd been born with it in his hands.

Slowly he moved to the bar and ordered a glass of Ice water and a bowl of Corellian Onion Soup. He was going to introduce himself to the Sith and wanted to make sure that his the odor of his breath fit in with the odiousness of their auras.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, mind if I join your table?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:19:07 PM
Bah, where's the fun in that?

*He asked Ket, before noticing someone walking up to their booth. It spoke, with a horrid stench coming from it's mouth.*

Maybe if you didn't smell of bantha poodoo, you could...

Kyle Krogen
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:45:00 PM

Zereth Lancer
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:47:14 PM
Zereth laughed under his breath then smelled the stench "man what did you eat?"

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 18th, 2003, 10:57:18 PM
Hadrian took a seat closest to the one who made the comment about the Bantha poo. Taking a big spoon fool of his Corellian Onion Soup he swallowed it down.

"Cowwellian Onyn Soop," He said with his mouth still somewhat full.

"It's really good, want some?" He made it a point to breathe directly in the man's face and push the spoon almost into his mouth.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:54:37 AM
Oh, Ket HAD to say this...it was just too perfect.

"Snack, I think this man just bit off more than he can chew..."

Ket almost burst out with laughter, but kept himself under control. He then spoke to Hadrian.

"Listen, it's true, your breath, it smells like dead womprat. But, that's the truth. Not an insult, but here...try this..."

He then stuffed a cinnimon stick into the man's mouth.

"Should perk that breath up a bit."

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:11:45 PM
Ugh.. you've got that right, Ket...

*Not only did the kid sit next to Snack, but made him have to move from his comfy seating arrangement to one of a 'normal' seating position. And he breathed in Snack's face with that horrid smelling soup! And talked with his mouth full!

Nonchalantly, Snack peered over his shoulder towards the exit/entrance where the guards stood readily. They'd be all over him if he so much as lifted a finger. Not that Snack couldn't handle them, but they would delay his escape long enough to get some of those Jedi Masters down here.

Ugh. He let out a quiet growl, returning his attention to the thing sitting next to him, who now had a cinnamon stick in his mouth, courtesy of Ket.*

You should learn to mind your manners, young one. Having a death warrant on your head is no form of fun for aspiring Jedi.

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:15:10 PM
Hadrian quicly spits the cinnamon stick out, making sure to aim it at the man who stuffed it in his face.

"ack... no I'm alergic to cinnamon, thanks though." Hadrian replied.

He took another bit of his soup, the taste of cinnamon in his mouth almost ruined the full bodied flavor of the Correllian onions, well known as the smelliest of all onions.

"So what brings you gentlemen to Yog's," He said breathing directly into Ket's face. He then realized this was the same man whom he'd had a confrontation with earlier.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 01:36:49 AM
Ket chuckled lightly.

"I 'work' on Corellia...the onions are nothing new to me...I'm quite used to them."

Ket then shoved a peppermint stick in Hadrian's mouth.

"Here, try this."

Zereth Lancer
Jan 20th, 2003, 10:00:04 PM
"im here for a simple meal and a drink thats the only reason i come in here" sips his drink again

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:09:52 PM
"Why thank you sir, though I believe last time we met I didn't catch a name," Hadrian replied to Ket as he stuffed the peppermint stick in his mouth. Hadrian took the slobbery stick and placed it on Snack's plate.

"Save this bad boy for later, you know what I'm saying?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 21st, 2003, 05:20:35 PM

*Snack glanced at Ket, a fire in his eyes as he exchanged a look with his old friend. This Jedi knew exactly what buttons to push and how to push them. Too bad he was protected in this establishment.*

So, you know this fly, Van-Derveld?

*He asked, purposely not answering the young Jedi's question of what had brought him here. It did not concern him.*

Ket Van Derveld
Feb 10th, 2003, 12:48:13 AM
"Indeed...He's a bit of a pest, but young and not fully aware yet. That and he is a friend of Alpha's. Whom I ran into the other day. Could say that the encounter was a bit 'dismembering'."

Ket chuckled lightly and sipped his drink.

Hadrian Invicta
Feb 10th, 2003, 04:14:28 PM
A bit of a pest? I shall have to try harder...

"Alpha...?" Hadrian responded confused, then he heard Ket finish his statement.


"Son of a ..." He growled under his breath. This was the man who'd attacked a fellow Jedi and nearly killed him. If he thought Hadrian was merely a pest now he would think him an complete and total pain soon.

"oops..." Hadrian said remorsefully as his entire bowl of Corellian Onion soup spilt turned over on the into Ket's lap.

"A thousand apologies let me help you clean that up."

Immediately he reached across the table to reach the napkins, knocking over all the drinks on the table, save his, onto their respective owners laps.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry." he said apologetically. Anyone trying to read his thoughts would have known he wasn't sorry or that he was doing this all from his own clumsiness but rather it was all elaborately planned. But still his face and expression was a perfect mask of genuine remorse.

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 12th, 2003, 06:32:51 PM
*Snack had to lean back as Hadrian rudely reached over to access the napkins. However, in doing so, made even more of a mess on Snack's open lap. True, it was part Snack's fault for leaving his lap open for such a cold occurance, but it was the principle of the matter. This punk had just spilt very expensive Ale over Snack's cloak and tunic.*

So unbecoming of a Jedi upstart.

*Snack's glare hit the Padawan in his own eyes, moved onto to Ket, and then back to the two guards at the front. There was no hint of thought, nor hint of emotion in Snack's face or eyes. They were clouded, blocking out those who wish to intrude.*

But it can be forgiven...

Do not slit his throat yet, Ket... Let him realize his mistakes... *Snack's voice echoed in Sith's mind. No, cutting Hadrian's gullet ear to ear here would be both stupid and foolish. The Jedi no doubt knew the rule of "no fights within the bar", and figured that saved him from an untimely death and gave him a get out of free jail card.

Shifting in his seated position, Snack grabbed a few napkins from the Jedi's hand and lightly patted his lap dry.*

...So long as you pay for my friend's and my clothing that was damaged.

Hadrian Invicta
Feb 17th, 2003, 02:18:50 PM
Hadrian smiled as sweetly and innocently as possible as he replied to Snack's statement.

"Good sir I apologize, I adhere strictly to the Jedi code of poverty and have but a few credits to my name, but with what I do have, let me at least replace the drinks I spilt and perhaps the food I ruined?"

He stared directly into Snack's cold unforgiving eyes. And awaited his response.