View Full Version : Uhh, the lightside? Moi?(semi-open)

Dae Jinn
Jan 9th, 2003, 10:59:35 PM
<font size=1>ooc. am looking for a Jedi knight or higher to post in this thread (someone with a good grasp of what the lightside of the force is!). Any posts that make no sense or have no purpose will be ignored. Thank-you.</font>

Daetana sat in the Jedi bar. Pen in hand and paper on the table in front of her. A few scribbles and notes covered the first page, and she chewed on her pen cap, thinking. What exactly is this "Light-side"? She hadn't ever been taught about the Force, Dark or Light. Never really thought about it, or cared, till now. Jeran was a Darkside hunter, and she figured he was a..Lighter? She smirked.

She raised her head a little, watching the other partons with interest, especially the Jedis. What exactly set a Jedi apart from a Sith? Bad fashion sense? She knew Jedis supressed emotions, but found that stupid...None of the Jedis she had the, pleasure, of meeting had done that. At least not so much that they had shown NO emotion. They didn't kill people, at least not for fun. Now that she thought about it, it seemed pretty...dull. Sighing, she pushed her red lensed glasses up her nose and scribbled a few notes. "Maybe I should just ASK someone...Ew,lord no. "Hi, I'm Dae Jinn, big bad Sith, teach me about the Lightside!" "She sighed loudly and continued to chew her pen-cap.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:13:42 PM
"My seat'

The hooded being looked down at the rough looking human, sitting in the corner seat. The human smirked.

"Dont see your name on it, mack. Scram"

The hooded man just allowed his hand to bring his cloak back and show the weaon at his hip - as if by accident. In this place, weapons were only allowed to be carried by Jdi Knights and above. "I believe my name is on that place, friend. Vacate now before I throw you through the window"

"Yeah right Jedi... as .... WHOOOOAAA!!!!"

The crash of broken glass made it quite clear where the human that had been in his seat was gone. He sat down, put his feet up and took out his pipe. Very rare now he would be here. And certainly, not named. or unhooded. He rather liekd his anominity

Dae Jinn
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:32:30 PM
Dae raised a brow as the man went smashing through the window. It wasn't anything she hadn't seen before, but ...Jedis? Throwing people out windows? She recognized the man, as someone who was rude to her on previous trips to the bar. A small grin slipped over her lips as she heard the man outside moaning softly. Any other day, she would have gone outside and, er, had fun with the man. Put him out of his misery. Instead, she picked up her notepad and pen and walked to the cloaked mans table. She smiled as she sat down across from him. With one hand, she moved his feet off the table.
"Hello there, my little Jedi. I have a question for you."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:48:54 PM
Rather insolently, he put his feet back on the table.

"Have you now. And what might that be, pray tell?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:52:48 PM
She smirked, leaning back and putting her own feet up. On his lap.
"I need to know what's the big frelling deal about this Force thing. The Light-side in particular. Please."

A sweet smile as she folds her hands over the note pad on her lap.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:58:25 PM
She had couragew, he had to give her that. Someone willing to smartass him on is own turf was either immensily stupid, or confident they were not going to join the man still groaning outside. Probably second with that question.

"I might answer that for you. But firstly, I would like you to remove your feet off my lap, thank you"

Dae Jinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:04:35 AM
She slipped her legs off his lap, still smiling. "Well?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:18:52 AM
"Satisfy my curiousity first" he stated. "Why is it you wish to know?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:25:16 AM

Her smile faded, and she felt her cheeks flush slightly. "Well, funny thing, I'm a Sith, kinda, and well, Jeran, is not...a Sith. And, I don't know that much about this Force mumbo-jumbo in the first place..." She took a deep breath and blinked. Yay, ramble on like a moron."Heh, I'm just wondering about this Light-side thing. You know, the gist of it."

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:33:53 AM
Jeran? Wha...?

what a strange reason... no, thinking about it, no it was not weird. Thinking about it, it made perfect sense. Of course he knew nothing of this Jeran. But still.... kinda a Sith? Knew not much of the Force?

"Aye, well I can be telling you somethign of that, I have some knowledge in the Force. But first, would you be game enough to say your name and where you come from?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:40:44 AM
"Daetana Jinn, Coruscant, though not originally."

She gave him a strange look. "Anything else you need to know?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:46:49 AM
"No I know all I want to know, Mistress Jinn. So, you want to know abou the Force and the Light now do you? Well, what is it you know as if now, so I do not have to plugh through things you would already know?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:51:34 AM
"Errr, it's good? Jedi are supposed to use it, and yeah...good."
Her shoulders slumped. "I dunno, you're the big Jedi guy. You tell me. I'm a Sith and I barely know how to use the Darkside..."

She stared hard down at her lap, then looked at him over her glasses. "Pathetic, huh?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 10th, 2003, 07:51:34 AM
"i would rather say your a seeker of truth Mistress Jinn. What is truth and what really is the Force? What really does the Force do and what does it really give those whom can hear it 's call? And what really is this Light and Dark Side I keep hearign about? What a simplistic view that is. Is it true? Is there a Dark Side and a Light side? Or is it... how you use it?"

"A lot of both" he added, takign out his pipe and beginning to fill the bowl, "A lot of both. what 'side' for want of a better word you use depends no why and how. The most defining thing I could say, the easiest thing is that a Jedi is unselfish. We do not use our power for our own gain, but for the good of others. The Dark Side, that is selfish, where you reach for power without understanding, without knowledge... without control. A Jedi seeks knowledge, wisdom and understanding and uses it for the good of others. Now thinking on this, what marks a Dark Sider, truly? I hear so many think that it i a marker that they are cruel, they kill without need and act... well... as we think of as evil. No. Anyone can do that, that simply makes them criminals. What really marks a Dark One is the want and need to gain power through any means possibe, fr ther own ends. I would add that those who do usually end up destoyed by their own greed and corruption. There is no love, nor is there any honour in Darkness. There is Hate, there is pain, there is suffering. It is also an easier and quicker path. Not stronger. Does that answer help you or prompt questions in your mind?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:07:28 PM
She chewed on her lower lip, thinking. Now she was really confused...If she wasn't a "Dark-sider", what was she? She wasn't out for power or anything like that. She just did what she wanted...Jeran, who was a "Light-sider", killed Sith and Dark Jedi, to protect innocent people. That part made some sense. But now she was confused about herself...

"Okay, then what does that make me....? I don't use the Force. But I'm a Darksider. It doesn't make sense now..." She sighed. "I'm not totally evil, I'm not good. What does that make me?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2003, 03:34:50 AM
"It makes you what I said you were before. Someone seeking the truth of the Force and the nature of it" he said, lighting a match and pausing to light the pipe, meanign back as he puffed. "Well, I will tell you the truth of these matters, for truth is what a Jedi deals in. Where you are in a balance point. Your not really sure which way to go. I will tell yu that the Dark Side is an easier Path, seductive. Down that road is pwer and glory, but at the price of your own eventual destruction."

"However," he said lowering his voice, "If you know what your getting yourself in for, do so not half hearted as many so called Sith and Dark Jedi do. Do not love or have compassion. It may sound strange for a Jedi to say this, but beign fully corrupted is better than waverign and wanting the best of both sides. You will never amount to anything, you will be weak and inneffective. A bit of poision is worse than a lot. Do you understand what I say?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:39:48 AM
There was a long pause as Dae seemed to be mulling this over.
Do not love or have compassion. Heh, too late for that...She wouldn't be able to do that to Jeran, not ever.
You will never amount to anything, you will be weak and inneffective. Well, duh. She wasn't the stronger Sith ever, never would be at any rate..
"Hmmph..."she motioned for a service droid to roll on over. "What you say is true; Love and Compassion are a weakness for anyone who claims to be a Darksider...but, I can't just throw that away. Nor will I simply abandon my Master and my fellow apprentices.So..." She paused, mumbling an order of Vodka to the droid. "I guess..I'm nothing?"
She hoped that would make sense to him, it didn't really make sense to her. She couldn't just see things in pure black and white -- there are times when you just have to do the "right" thing.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:38:56 PM
"As I said, you are on the balance point. Which way you go is up to you. Doesnt matter which way you go, just do the job proberly and to the best of your ability. That is all you should ask of yourself."

Dae Jinn
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:09:01 PM
She sat back, and looked across his feet at him. "Alright...."

Dae sat, thinking, looking down this time."And what if I can't choose either?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 14th, 2003, 06:14:36 PM
"There might be another option" he said, very, very quietly

Dae Jinn
Jan 14th, 2003, 09:33:15 PM
"Hmmm?" She looked up, pushing her sunglasses up her nose. "Another way?"

Her voice lowered. "What do you mean, another way?"

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 14th, 2003, 09:40:37 PM
"Something I can't say here. If your interested, go to the front of the Senate in two days time. You will be met there. Dont bring anyone and dont allow yourself to be tracks and bring nothing that can be used for overhearing or tracking. To do so will lead to your death. Understand and agreed?"

Dae Jinn
Jan 14th, 2003, 09:45:21 PM
"Uh, yeah, sure thing. Senate building in two days, no sweat." She leaned back just as the droid was bring her drink, taking it from the tray and dropping a few creds for payment. She looked the Jedi over, wondering what he was on about.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 15th, 2003, 06:01:19 PM
"Good. It may not be me personally who comes, I should warn you"

Dae Jinn
Jan 15th, 2003, 06:40:10 PM
"Alright, no worries." She downed her drink in one quick gulp, and set the glass on the table. Inside, some part of her was worried. What if this was some sneaky Jedi trick...She figured she could handle it either way. Dae rose from her seat and nodded.

"Two days then."
With that, she turned, and left the bar.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:35:09 PM
He nodded and then went back to his pipe, thinking.

I might use this as a test of Conrad. Hmph, Should have asked who's apprentice she was. Well, no matter. I will need to find out more about her before I let her near Dexters