View Full Version : New 1 Looking for a Room

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:51:31 PM
Walks down the hallways of the Jedi Living Quarters, looking for an empty room. He adjusts his rucksack, as it starts to get very heavy. He pulls the force in around himself not knowing what to expect, wishing he still had his lightsaber.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:44:11 AM
Jamel walked around aimlessly, he didn't know yet where his quaters would be at all, but his inability to pay attention had him running into Mangus unknowingly. Hitting against his body, he fell down quickly, staring up at him confusedly. Pulling himself to his feet, and helping the one he bumped into up he blinked once at him as he thought of what to say.

"I'm sorry, but what are you doing in these quaters? You seem confused of where your going, much like me.."

Magnus Semaj
Jan 10th, 2003, 01:32:47 AM
Reaching over and picking up his rucksack, he gives Jamel a quick over with both his eyes and the force. After determining the person was no threat he spoke,

"I am looking for an empty room, I have joined the academy as a Padawan Leaner. Much like yourself I am lost. These halls become quite winding and there are many of them."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:58:05 PM
Jamel smirked, his hands placed at his side, always alert of any danger. He knew little was wielded by that of the fellow Jedi Learner, but their was no sense is letting your guard down at any moment, danger to himself and the whole compliation of Jedi's were in danger with the Sith existing.

"Yah, I know what you mean. If I hadn't been here half my life, I wouldn't know what was up or down. Maybe we can search for a room together, I wouldn't hate having a friendship with you, and specially with us being neighbors in our quaters. Shall we?"

Magnus Semaj
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:11:22 PM
Still not feeling any immediate threat from the friendly stranger, Magnus pulls his pack tighter to his back.

"I would appreciate that. It would be nice to know someone in this place. It's always hard to make the first friend in a new place.Shall we?"

Magnus stands there and gestures down the hall in an "I'll follow you" way.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:19:10 PM
Jamel continued down the path of the hall-way, shifting through the quaters, placing his hand at his side still, very nervous. He did make a few friends, or relationships here and there, but they were as he said "hard to come by". He hadn't ever lead anybody in any form or fashion, and it was somewhat akward. Managing to blurt out a question that was in his head, he attempted at a conversation.

"So, have you where are you from in this big galaxy?" He questioned, glancing over his shoulder at the tall fellow, probably older then him. The novice, only of 14 in age, didn't ever see many Jedi Leaners other then Sejah, the only one's that were of his age where that of Jedi Canidates, training in the arts of the galaxy, instead of that of the Force and somewhat in the formations of the lightsaber ability, but that wasn't a need.

He awaited a reply with a smile on his face, his hands tightening to clutch of each other behind his back.

Magnus Semaj
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:28:33 PM
Following Jamel, Magnus decides that this one can be trusted. Looking over Jamel again, realizing he was younger than himself. He was 17 years old and not liking it

"I come from a colony on the moon of Yavin 3, I was taken from my family by a darksider and taught to be an assassin. I decided to return to the light and I am now a Padawan learner. I will never kill an innocent again"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:38:53 PM

Jamel never considered the rest of the world innocent, his views were too tainted, and he had seen too much pain, so he knew not of many being considered innocent. He rtied to follow the code of the Jedi, he had been studying it in his vacation time from physical, and Force training, but it was still somewhat tainted. He was a 50/50 view at the moment, and he'd have to stablize himself more if he wanted to be seen as a serious Jedi Padawan.

"I wish not to kill any at all, but when I must defend, and demise is of need, then I must inflict what is of me. I wish not to kill though..I've seen too much pain" The boy says, his voice clear, and precise, staring down into his open palm.

Magnus Semaj
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:42:59 PM
Still walking with Jamel he decides to change the topic

"So, how many pupils actually live in the academy?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:59:14 PM
Jamel slanted his lips in a weird fashion, placing his hand to his chin as he continued to walk.

"I dont know, their are many, I dont know where they are recoreded. Probably in the recruiting center." He told him, confusedly, but still thinking though he delivered the answer.

Magnus Semaj
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:01:46 PM
Looks a bit to the left at a few closed doors and pushes with the force just a bit, the first time he has tapped the force since he entered the academy, to see if anyone is behind them.

"Where are the empty rooms in this academy? I seem to find only the occupied ones"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:04:23 PM
Jamel frowned in displeasurment, gandering over his shoulder with his eyebrow quirking upward.

"I really dont know, if I did I'd probably be in one. We just have to search rooms without a classified name on them, and I dont think the Quater Robotic Observers know of that much, and the Archives aren't updated on such civil, small things. I guess searching for a room was more of a man-made objective." He said, a chuckle coming to his young, but strong voice.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:54:27 PM
Walking toward the Hall Quaters, he unintentionally bounced into a droid. Banging against him, he fell to the ground, but with no hesitants in his jump, he got back to his feet. Placing his hands behind his back, regaining his composure quickly, he smiled up at the droid.

"Is their a message for me in these quaters?" The boy said, watching as the droid recoreded his visual image of the creature before him, and his voice sensory. The droid's eyes light up red, as he was affirmative of the man, and also a message had been recoreded for him.

Projecting a small hologramic being, a man of the Council began speaking. Commentating the coordinates for him and his occupanites quaters. He glanced over his shoulder.

"I guess we will have to break off, and go into different hall ways. I'll see ya..." He passed the droid which messaged him this, waving to Mangus. Heading down the hall way, he entered his room, and looked around at all his objects and items he had in his old canidate quaters.

Smiling happily, he jumped onto the bed. He would have to do something, he didn't know what, but something exciting...

Catch him in a different thread for the rest of his does in the new room