View Full Version : Padawan needing a teacher

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:05:01 PM
I am a recent convert from the order of the sith, although still a padawan, I wish to redeem myself in the eyes of the Jedi. If someone could take the time to train my in the ways of the light, I would be most appreciative.

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:07:16 PM
"A converted Sith?"

Zeke's never met one of these before, though he has made several attempts to win over darksiders. He nearly succeeded once, but Force Lightning prevented it.

"How did you come to see the light?"

He's not being rude, and he isn't being distrustful or doubtful. He's genuinely curious to hear how it happened.

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:10:53 PM
"I was found by a Darksider and trained to be a professional assasin with the power of the sith. I found that what I was doing wasn't helping the galaxy as I was told but actually helping my teacher rise himself into power. I have since tried to forget the teachings of the sith and serve the light"

I don't find him to be rude, many would wonder. If this is difficult to understand, I'm sorry. this is how Magnus talks.

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:13:22 PM
"Seriously? Cool. So...what do you know about being a Jedi? What's it all about to you?"

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:15:31 PM
"To me, being a Jedi means to protect innocent people and erase any threat to those innocents. From what I know, the Jedi do not kill for fun, but to protect, am I wrong in this?"

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:19:06 PM
"Jedi protect, yes, but usually we refrain from killing. Any darksider has the potential to become good. You are a prime example of this. As a Sith you were no doubt feared by many, correct?"

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:22:29 PM
"I was feared by all who knew me, almost any that knew of my exisitince were exterminated. I was responsible for many useless deaths. Those pains I will carry til the day I myself die or am killed.

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:29:37 PM
"Feared by all who knew you, eh? It's the same as a Jedi at times. There are many who hate Jedi, equate them with darksiders, and shun them simply for being who they are. You'll face tremendous obstacles in your quest to become a Jedi. Probably worse than the ones you faced as a Sith."

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:33:19 PM
"I feel that these challenges may help me in some small way, help sooth the souls of all I have killed. And eventually face my old master. Those who feared me, feared that I would kill them and there children."

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:42:09 PM
Zeke has mixed feelings about the guy. He's genuinely sorry for his past it seems, but his motives stem from guilt and a need to repent. Zeke isn't sure if that's selfish or selfless, but the man seems to have a good heart in him.

"Well...I don't see why not. Sure, welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. In the Living Quarters the first empty room you find is yours. There is a list of potential teachers posted in here somewhere, I recommend you take the initiative and ask one for training, rather than waiting for someone to approach you..."

Magnus Semaj
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:44:17 PM
With a look of thankfulness on his face

"Thank you, I shall not let the order down"

He heads off towards the Living Quarters, Pulling his Rucksack closer to his back