View Full Version : Refreshing One's Combative Skills (Dalamar)

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 9th, 2003, 07:35:33 PM
Hannibal walked silently into the room. This was in the Crimson Pit, a vast basement-like place in which the Vampyres trained in physical combat. The longcoat shrugged from Hannibal's shoulders, and it crumpled as it fell to the ground. Before a single black thread of it hit the ground, Hannibal caught it and folded it neatly before pacing it on the floor beside the wall. He took off his shirt for it might impede his combative skills. And in addition, this was how he trained in the past. Stretching his limbs, his lean frame was wracked with medium-built cords of muscle. As he heard the liquid in his ligaments and joints pop, he let his arms fall to his sides. He moved quickly, jostling his legs and moving his arms rapidly. He then began a fight routine that he had done long before, faking a right-legged kick, then spinning for a high left-legged kick. He kicked multiple times, and at a high speed. It shocked him, for he almost forgot that he was that fast. After executing seven kicks precisely in the same position, stance, and in the same place, he dropped his leg and spun, planting it and doing the same with his right. He landed and began slow but intricate hand motions, copying the exact same movements, down to the muscle fiber, that he had done about a hundred years ago. He then went in, stepping forward and giving alternating jabs from left to right to left to left-arm stomach punch, to an uppercut, following through with a pivotal kick with his right leg, starting crouched and sweeping high over his head before coming down hard on the concrete, only because he made his muscles do just that. All that time he was listening to his watch and its steady tick, and heard about three. He was too slow, so he continued training, speeding up his executions and stopping only when he got them down to his normal levels that he had so long ago.

After about an hour of straight self-disciplining, he exhaled, feeling the sweat drip from his long hair and down his back. He sighed, and stood still, catching his breath.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:36:12 PM
"Boy those shadow's never had a chance." Dalamar said with a cocky smile. "So you want a shot at the title huh. Challengers come and go what make's you think you will fare any better in the Pit than they did?"

The Warlord brought his hands together, his two silver worked Katana stuck up high over each shoulder forming a x on his back. His black ebony armor glistened in the dim light. His shadow twisted eye's stared at Ferenzy as all humor left them. "You are mistaken Ferenzy you have faced nothing like me in your long life. But I will not make this personal just a training session. I hope I will learn something as well." With a nod from Ferenzy the Vampyre asked. "Shall we begin then?"

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:13:44 PM
Hannibal grinned, and bowed respectfully. His expressions open, he brought his hand forward and straightened it, his palm open to the sky.

"Ah, I see..... I was not wishing to challenge your title, but to simply train a little, regain my edge worn dull over the countless centuries of rest. That is all...... but if you wish to do a little sparring, I'd be more than happy to oblige."

Keeping his pose, he waited.

"You first."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:27:02 PM
"A Spar huh? Well since I have heard that you must challenge Soth I suggest with weapon's do you agree?" The Dark Lord was not exactly sure what kind of combat that Ferenzy was looking for but seeing this was only training he was willing to oblige how he could.

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 16th, 2003, 06:10:03 PM
"Well, sure, why not? But....um, I do not seem to have a weapon......"

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 19th, 2003, 08:39:30 PM
Pointing to a dark corner there was a barely noticable table. All kind of exotic weapon's layed on it velvet top. "Take what you will and we shall begin." The Dark Lord locked his hand's behind his back and waited patiently for Ferenzy to arm himself.

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:45:27 PM
Hannibal looked over at the many weapons, and immediately saw them.......twin longswords, ornate in fashion. They were........his........his very own swords.....taken from his home.....but how did they get here? Hannibal, curious, picked up both weapons, and gave them complimentary swings, and could hear the hum in the air as they sliced through it. Taking the ornate belt that went with it, he clasped it around his hips and flung both swords in the air, and as the fell, he immediately twisted and moved his arms slightly, and they fell into place, sheathing themselves at his sides.

"Where......did you get these?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 23rd, 2003, 09:52:13 PM
"We do try to accomadate our new members. But these are only replica's not the exact one's you remember. I had them faishoned for you in honor of the 'Good old days'."

Dalamar could understand Ferenzy's love for his long lost weapon's. His own where specially crafted Katana's made for him by Tiberious the Leader of the Eye of the Dragon. They where rare and costly and made of a rare alloy that made them almost unbreakable. Pure weapon's of death like his, he had not seen in all his long life. They where priceless to him.

"I hope they prove worthy of the swords they where duplicated after. He said with a nod. So are you ready for the spar?"

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 24th, 2003, 03:45:11 PM
Hannibal grinned, and looked at the hilts.....apparently Dalamar knew his history, for these were almost EXACT duplicates of his swords, but he could now see the differences in the ornateness of them. For the handle had his family crest on it; on these newer models, there was an entirely different crest on it. This one was the head of a Wolf, surrounded by a wreath of thorns, in which blood dripped from them. The Ferenczy crest was very different, and because of the time it was made, almost a millenia ago, it was much more ornate. It was an angel, but clothed in raiments and had raven wings of the purest black. And it had two straight and small horns on the forehead instead of the traditional halo. It was a woman, declothed save for a sheet of black wrapping around her curvacious hips and covering the lower crotchial extremeties. Clasped in her hands were two longswords, called the Twins of Darkness and Light. These two swords were something to be marvelled at, for they were illuminated with such a light that would rival and even make pale the light given from sabers of the same colors. They were weapons owned by his descendant, Aria du Ferenzigg, a heavenly, "almost angelic" woman from unknown origins. Durning her lifetime, she began her own studies on how to fight with two weapons, favoring fast and multiple strikes over single, brutal blows. It was told that she looked more like a dancer, weaving intricate, almost unblockable patterns with her tantilizing blades. And this fighting prowess, this method had been passed, from Ferenzigg, to the modern Ferenczy family, of which Hannibal was the last. He spun his blades fluidly, readying himself, and recalling the ancient and effecient prowess.

"Come master."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 26th, 2003, 12:16:30 AM
Dalamar smiled as his twin blade's slid out of there sheath's. Like two vipers the blade's slipped easily into his hands. The Dragons on the hilt moved in the air with a deadly grace. I must warn you before we start my method's are extreme. The move's I will show you are going to be quite effective if not somewhat brutal. Are you ready?

Ferenzy nodded and Dalamar began. They circled at first the Warlord accesing H.A. strengths and weakness. Then suddenly Dalamar parried down Ferenzy moved to block the thrust. It was all a sham though he instantly brought the blade up to Ferenzy's throat slicing it evenly. Blood flowed down his neck and covered his combat clothe's. Dalamar stepped back and let him heal. He had intentionally made the wound shallow this was only a spar after all.

A few minute's had passed then the Warlord moved back in. His quick step's and fluid grace where enougth to make any nervous around the confident Warrior. Leaping in close Ferenzy blocked. Dalamar brought his palm up striking him in the nose. Dalamar did not shove the cartilage into his brain, he did not punch thru his heart, he did not strike the base of his soft throat.
Nor did he hit the many nerve cluster's exposed to him. He did not do a great many things this was only a spar after all. Ferenzy went back from the blow to his face. Dalamar again waited for his recovery. Stepping forward he began again.

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 26th, 2003, 06:54:03 PM
Amazing! Absolutely amazing! Dalamar was good, very good. Had the fight been several hundred years ago, he would've been the one who was stunned.....no matter. Hannibal would have the power back, one day......or rather, one night....

Hannibal, faking that he was still blocking and recovering, moved forward, into Dalamar's defenses. Normally, one would've thought it insanity to jump into someone's defenses, and make themselves better to access, but Hannibal was good at close quarters combat, and he was into the flow of the fight. He blocked as Dalamar brought the blade across his throat again in an attempt to repeat the cut, but Dalamar expected Hannibal to miss the gutting he was going to give Hannibal with the offhand. Hannibal didn't anticipate it, but just reacted to what he felt, what he "saw", and before it happened, Hannibal brought his sword down and flipped his wrist, causing the stabbing katana to go out wide. Taking the previous blocking sword, he drove it up, throwing the other katana up and out of the way, leaving the chest exposed. Instead of piercing the heart (for this was a spar after all), he stabbed forward with both blades at the torso before Dalamar could even recover. They entered the body and went enough to slip past the chinks in the ribcage and to pierce the lungs. As Dalamar gasped, feeling the blood rush into his lungs, Hannibal stepped forward again, bringing his right foot chest level and driving it into Dalamar's chest, making him fly back a good thirty feet.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 27th, 2003, 10:38:27 PM
As he flew back Dalamar fired his Guantlet. It wrapped tightly around Ferenzy's neck. Using the line as an anchor he stopped his backward flight. The tight pain in his lungs would have to be ignored the healing would begin soon. The Warlord had fought many battle's and knew what was most important. Focus past the pain and into the conflict. Nevertheless despite his will his lung bled badly.

Ferenzy clutched at the line his precious swords dropped all but forgotten in the quest for air. Dalamar yanked the metal cable tight. It was finely crafted out of the same near unbreakable metal as his swords and where quite unyielding to his gasps. Ferenzy went to one knee. Dalamar was impressed most had died by now but he was Vampyre after all. He fumbled with the cord his eye's wide with a hint of fear as if thinking that maybe Dalamar intended on actually killing him. H.A. heard an audible click as Dalamar's boot blade extended. With a side kick he punched thru his lungs. Pulling the line taunt at the same time to make sure the blade drove deep. Ferenzy fell with a thud. The Warlord's boot landed quickly on his throat his eye's on the extended end of the blade that had his very own blood on it.

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:39:29 PM
Blood flowed into Hannibal's lungs. He felt like he was drowning, and yet was able to ignore such pain and such feelings. The Force must be returning to him, for he could not have done such earlier. Angered more than anything else, his hands moved quickly, gripping Dalamar's ankle. With an inhuman twist, the ankle broke and the knee popped out of joint, and Dalamar fell. As he did so, Hannibal immediately noted the sword close to his feet. He kicked the hilt and it spun. He kicked up the blade and Dalamar fell onto the point, piercing through his torso, but not touching his heart. This was only a spar after all.

Now for the lung. Struggling back up, Hannibal willed his flesh to mend, and felt it do so. He kept the blood in his lungs, for he needed no air, and it could be useful later. Now standing tall, he waited for Dalamar to get up from that.....

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 29th, 2003, 04:24:41 PM
Dalamar broke off the tip of the blade as he saw Ferenzy standing. Ferenzy stood tall for a second only. As Dalamar fell the line grew taunt from his gauntlet pulling Ferenzy off his feet. Landing next to Dalamar the Warlord used his twin Katana's. They where scizzors accross Ferenzy's neck leaving no room to move as the blade's already began to cut at his neck. Between the steel cord and the razor sharp blade's Ferenzy was in real danger of losing his head. Dalamar let out a small smile. "Checkmate." was all he said.

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 29th, 2003, 08:30:01 PM
Hannibal grinned, and laughed squarely in Dalamar's face! He brought his foot straight up, with such power that it offset the blades from him, knocking them from his hands, and sent him flying over him. The kick had such force that it gave Hannibal enough momentum to send him into a backflip. He scoops up the dropped katanas and snapped them down, chopping four times in L-patterns that pointed inward towards the torso, making four large slices: both arms and both legs were partially severed, and with such exertion that it snapped through the bones and probably severed the limbs. Hannibal brought his foot down to pin Dalamar, and he could probably feel his sternum slighty cracking under the great pressure exerted by the boot. Bringing the blades forward, he emulated the same scissor-hold, and still grinned at Dalamar.

"I believe that was a check, not a checkmate...for you see, I still have options....."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:14:48 PM
Dalamar's eye's flashed red with anger the bloodlust clearly had taken over. Ferenzy could see that Dalamar did not even reconize him. The force lifted him up and back holding him in midair. Lifting his two Katana's off his neck the Warlord stood then fell the wounds he had received had not knit yet. Bracing himself with one knee he focused with the force as the wounds began to close.

Ferenzy struggled with Dalamar via the force allowing himself to be dropped. The Warlord was just to wounded to continue holding Ferenzy for to long. The pain and the blood filled the Warlord to a boiling point he stood his wounds knitting a full speed now. Still no recongnition of Ferenzy lit his face. Ferenzy charged again with his own weapons. The Warlord was no longer sparing but was in full combat mode his canine's elongated. Ferenzy moved like the wind but his one flaw was alway's forgetting that his neck was steel tethered to the still cable at Dalamar's wrist. The Warlord yanked to the right causing Ferenzy to be off balance and then with a move of utter perfection Dalamar Lord of the Shrine. Warlord of the Eye of the Dragon, and Keeper of the Dawn cut of Ferenzy's head......

Or so it appeared blood spurted from his neck and covered the wall and floor. Dalamar leapt on him feasting on Ferenzy his bloodlust in full swing. His pale face was covered in the crimson fluid. Ferenzy went pale and frigid near the point of death his body turned to stone. Cold and dead to the touch. The red neon glow subsided from the Warlord's eye's as his pupil dilated once again. Standing up Dalamar realized what he had done. Ferenzy's eye's glazed over as he lie there near the point. The Warlord fully healed and surging strong now ran over to the table filled with weapons like quicksilver he was there in a moment. Finding what he needed he grabbed the blood vial if only he could get there in time....

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:40:38 PM
Such pain! Such searing pain! Hannibal could do nothing, could not resist the onslaught......and he slumped to the floor, going into spasms. He couldn't fight them off, couldn't stave them....the THIRST!!!! Too.......thirsty........bloooooooood............m ust have............

Strength returned to his limbs and he shot up from the ground, as if Force-compelled. He lept for Dalamar, and grabbed him with such power that Dalamar could do nothing. He hit Dalamar hard in his spine, making him turn his head upward and his head loll back, revealing his neck under a mane of red-stained white hair. The pale white skin was lit by the lanternous eyes, red as the fires of hell and glowing ever so bright. Hannibal opened his mouth and neared for the bite.........

.........But grabbed the vial instead and emptied it into his overgaping maul. He then felt it, the blood surging into his veins. This blood had some power to it, for he was almost knocked down as the charged blood hit him. And as quickly as it came, his limbs relaxed and his eyes were extinguished. He slumped back and braced himself against a wall.

"Wow........that was........incredible!!!!! An excellent spar......but too close to the blood lust......and I've yet to gain control of it......careful, Dalamar.....for it might be different next time.......I'll be a little more careful as we spar, Master, for the blood lust is hard to control for anyone....even the best of fighters..."

Hannibal throws a grin and nods approvingly.

"You are very good, very talented with weapons. And such underhandedness, such deceit! A good combination..... It's no wonder you are acclaimed as one of the best. And it's an honor to train with one of such prowess."

Hannibal looks away.

"So, how was my performance?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:32:12 PM
Your attack was wild and uncordinated, You forgot time and again that your neck was tethered to my guantlet , had this been a real fight I would have ended you life before you landed a blow.

But you sword technique is excellent and needs little work. Your hand to hand is good but rusty. With steady training I think you will be ready for the next level in a month. Dalamar pulled off his ring it bared his sigil of the Dragon. Wear this it is reconized well, use it as you see fit. If your fight with Soth goes well you will be raised in rank to Warrior good luck you will need it. ... Dalamar smiled slightly . Soth was a Master and would not banter around the blood pit as Dalamar had done. Dalamar prefered to let the apprentice feel the crash of steel. Taste the rusty flavor of blood. The Warlord was a hands on type of Vampyre. He doubted that Ferenzy would even get close to Soth but maybe he would suprise him....