View Full Version : Decribe you in Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

William Kenobi
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:14:38 PM
What do you plan to be when you get Star wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided?

1) Species and sex

2) Details of what you'll look like (eyes, hair, skin, etc.)

3) Occupation (If Jedi, you will start out as a Padawan)

4) Where will you live? (Remember, this is after Episode IV, so there is no Alderaan)

Before you post, go to StarWarsGalaxies.com , the site will let you know what species you are allowed to be, and many more at the FAQ of the site.

For me:

1) Male Human

2) Blue eyes (if purple is allowed, then purple) brown hair, "white"(appricot) skin, and I'll be about 1.80 meters tall, which I am.

3) Jedi Padawan

4) I wish Alderaan were still around, because I would live in the capital, Aldera, but I'll probably live on Naboo, near a beach, but close to Theed.

Darth Viscera
Jan 9th, 2003, 07:20:07 PM
1) Mon Calamari Male
2) I don't know, I can't find that part on the web page.
3) Maybe Jedi or Politician or Squad Leader?
4) Mon Calamari, if it's available. If not, Corellia, if it's wet.

Admiral Lebron
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:30:35 PM
1. Human
2. Blue Eyes, Brown hair, white skin, 1.71 meters tall.
3. Bounty Hunter/Droid maker.
4. Must contact da boss.

Sanis Prent
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:49:12 PM
Exactly like Sanis.

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:06:44 PM
Id be the guy not playing, as theyre not bothering with non-US servers at first, despite releasing it worldwide.

Admiral Lebron
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:18:50 PM
Sucks to be you eh?

Morgan Evanar
Jan 9th, 2003, 10:45:20 PM
Fett, the game isn't exactly ping intensive.

Jan 9th, 2003, 10:49:22 PM
It will be when you remember that some poor server on the East coast is about to be invaded :)

I dont see the logic. Technically, couldnt doing this lose them sales in Europe? If people cant play to any degree, they'll take the game back, and all they will take is £6 or whatever.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:26:15 AM
Don't matter the server half the time. I want to get a group going from here on a server we all agree on. I'll post the server names again, and we go by name.

1) Human Male

2) Make him tall and thin, roughly 6'4. Dark Blonde hair, Blue eyes, shag style hair or close cropped. Short Gotee of the same hair coloration. Almost See through white.

3) Smuggler/marksman

4) I want to start out on Correllia

5.) First Goal, save money for a Star Ship

This charachter I will make to as close to myself as possible. Name will be Zakatiel something.

Jan 10th, 2003, 09:07:23 AM
As a reccomendation, DONT do the Bria server. It's the beta test forum, so might end up being the most populated.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:48:49 PM
I'm thinking Intrepid server, Eclipse is predicted to be very crowded, and Intrepid is ranked second.

Don't like too big of crowds, but servers without anyone also sucks.

Jan 10th, 2003, 04:33:20 PM
Basically, if the list is Alphabetical, I'd reccomend about 1/3 down

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2003, 06:02:23 PM
How do you guys know the server names already? the game is still 3 months away.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 10th, 2003, 11:41:41 PM
The official site posted the names in a pol awhile agol: If going by name, which server would you play in?

The top voted ones where Eclipse, and then Intrepid.

To bad. Anyway, they need to test the servers, which is why they are always created so soon.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:52:43 AM
1 most likely Human, Male
2 not sure here yet
3 either bounty hunter or smuggler
4 Tatatooine probably in Mos Eisley, though I might move to another planet like Lok later in the game.
Question you can move to other planets right? I know you can't live on Endor and Dathmoir, they are only visiting planets I thought the others (not sure about Yavin) were liveable.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:31:13 PM
I still think we sould all group together. The Smuggler's Alliance or if that is taken, the Smuggling Collective. Or maybe just Dirt Down or something.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 11th, 2003, 08:31:09 PM
If we were all bounty hunters could do the Bounty Hunters Guild but there might not be enough for that some type of smugglers group would probably work better.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:08:10 PM
From what I read, the top 3 Hardest classes are as follows
(From Easy to Hardest)

Bounty Hunter
Dark Jedi.

Anyway, groups don't have to be the same charachter

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:21:44 PM
So Bounty Hunter is easier than Jedi or harder? I was certain if I would want to be one or not I was thinking about being a mercenary at first and maybe trying to capture some lesser bounties, I am thinking it would be hard with the big guns like Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar and IG88 out there most of them would probably try to kill you if you got into their way.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:24:03 PM
You can't destroy Main Charachters or NPC's like that, or capture them. You might run into them, but you can't DO anything, except maybe work with them

Edit: yes, the bounty hunter is easier, then Jedi, then Dark Jedi.
From what I understand, it takes about twice as long to be a Bounty Hunter, and even longer for Jedi and Dark Jedi, and this is people who are Hardcore Gamers, the Casual Gamers will take even longer.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:23:46 PM
yeah that is why I said that you can't kill them so if you tried you are dead. I wouldn't mind though working with Boba Fett :)

Admiral Lebron
Jan 11th, 2003, 11:37:23 PM
I am part of a group and we've got it all planned. I get to be the droid maker! Teehee. Eventually a bounty hunter type.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:44:55 AM
So the splitting begains.

The largest problem I have seen in all Online games is, people want to be boss. I have seen it in Ultima Online, and I have seen it on Everquest.

When I use to play Ultima Online, I was part of a group called the Royal Knights of Britannia, we had uniforms, and set guild hunt times. We had a "Code" of honor, helping those who need it etc. etc. We had a Keep as a guild house, positioned on the shore, and easy to see. Then, this group decided to split off, the owner of the Keep was one of the splitters. From then, without a standard place to stay, our group kept splitting off, and all the rules laxed and soon died.

I have also seen it in Everquest. Powerful guilds falling apart because a section of them wanted to be in control for themselves.
We need to create a very large group quickly if we want to be a powerhouse in a MMORP Game.

Note: From what I read (can't find it again though) That the leaders of the guild are the people who the rest of the guild is most loyal too, I guess there Is a optional poll which you can in game vote in. I read it in passing, and if anyone could find it, that would be awesome.

Now, for those who want to be in a SWFans group, which server would you rather be in?

1. Ahazi US West Coast
2. Bloodfin US East Coast
3. Bria US West Coast - Currently the Beta Server
4. Chilastra US East Coast
5. Corbantis US West Coast
6. Eclipse US East Coast
7. Flurry US West Coast
8. Gorath US East Coast
9. Intrepid US West Coast
10. Kauri US East Coast
11. Kettemoor US West Coast
12. Lowca US East Coast
13. Naritus US West Coast
14. Radiant US East Coast
15. Scylla US West Coast
16. Starsider US East Coast
17. Sunrunner US West Coast
18. Tarquinas US East Coast
19. Valcyn US West Coast
20. Wanderhome US East Coast

This is loose estimate, when the game is about to come out, I will post a real poll. And if you serious about starting a SWfans group, which would allow us to discuss here trading, planning, etc, then we will go to the server which we all vote for.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:03:54 PM
First does the server affect the subscrition fee? If not for me its between the Radiant and the Intrepid, just like the names :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 12th, 2003, 06:56:23 PM
No effect, you are allowed 1 charchter per server I believe at the Normal Price. If you wish more per server, then it cost more.
I am looking at Intrepid also, I thinking about that server for my charachter

Jan 16th, 2003, 11:03:05 AM
It's one character per server. If you want more, you have to buy another copy of the game... least that's the present idea.

Those are the first 20 servers. They have not ruled out non-US servers, but I think that's still being worked out.

Me, my character? Fairly tall human, dark hair slightly graying. Imperial officer. As a youth, he saw the Republic was in trouble, so he signed up to fight the Seperatists. He fought in the Clone Wars as an officer. You wouldn't know his name. He never fought alongside the Generals or the Jedi, but he won enough battles to stay alive and be respected. Think along the lines of Captain Needa or Captain Piett.

He doesn't know anything about the Empire being evil as such. All he knows is he had friends on the GMTOP (Galactic Mobile Theater of OPerations) project which the Rebels try to call "The Death Star", and to kill a quarter of a million people to save maybe 12,000... who's the real butcher here?

Yes it was a shame about Alderaan, but so what? Traitors and terrorists... after years of trying reason... some things just have to be done.

Lady Vader
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:02:54 AM
1) Female; Human, Zabrak, or Twi'lek

2) Eyes: yellow or green; Skin: blue (if human or Zabrak, blue tattoos); Hair: orange-red

3) Bounty Hunter or Smuggler

4) Haven't the foggiest

I'll iron out all the major details once I actually have the game and subscription.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:58:50 AM
You can be my Partner, seeing how so far it is us two who want to be smugglers. We will fly the trade lanes of Kessal! And bring back Spice buy the ship full!

Jan 22nd, 2003, 06:29:16 PM
:: Looks around and then points at self. ::

You talkin to me?

Well, I really haven't made up my mind between Hunter and Smuggler... but if I go the Hunter route, that don't mean we can't tip each other off on certain... ventures. >D

Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 30th, 2003, 06:04:12 PM
What type of Charachter will you make for your main?
Species(Human, Zabrak, Trandoshan, Wookie, Rodian, Twi'liek, Bothan)
Age ( Young Adult, Middle Age, Old Stinky Person. And anything in between)
Clothe Type

For Me:

Name: Zakatiel (Something)
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: Young Adult
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Blonde, Gotee,
Skill: Commando Hybrid Skill (Rifleman, Melee Specialist) Switching over to Smuggler when I get the money for my own ship.
Clothing type: Red Imperial Guard Armor while Commando (Minus the Helmet), switching to other undecided when I become smuggler.
Side: Imperial

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:03:38 PM
Damn, I forget about one thread, and you bring this one back from the land of corpses... People change you know! Or People Join! new people wouldn't know what this was!

I changed my idea's about what my Charachter to be, and posted a new thread to see if anyone else thought that way. Its like the multiple War Threads, or Transformers, Or Charachter Development! I don't see you bunching them all together!

Sanis Prent
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:35:22 PM
I have merged aforementioned threads when continuity was not at issue. Live with it.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:03:59 PM
I am, but that dosen't mean I have to appreciate it

Darth Viscera
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:05:32 PM
can I captain a star destroyer in this game, or fly a TIE Fighter as part of an imperial squadron?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:33:51 PM
You can fly a TIE, but you can not capture a Imp Star
(maybe command one slightly, like in Battlefield. They debating, and the Space Expansion is still away off)

But you can fly your own TIE, and I say own, for you cannot join the true Imperial Squadrens. If you did, then every time you logged off you would be considered AWOL.

(Through the Devs listen to lots of ideas, they have yet to listen to my Idea to subsitute the player for a computer when they sign off.)

Darth Viscera
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:48:07 AM
What on earth would anyone need with a personal TIE, if not to engage in battle along with the belligerent powers?!

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:45:30 AM
you can ally with them, if you have faction points, and fight along Imperial Fighters against the Jedi, but you (as of right now) join a military branch. Unless it like Commando or something.