View Full Version : Lion Taming

Levi Argon
Jan 9th, 2003, 03:44:31 PM
It was a bitterly cold morning. Winter was beginning to clear but the sky was pale and air, frosty. An agonisingly miserable day thus it matched Levi's mood. He stood outside the training grounds, pacing back and forth impatiently waiting for the arrival of Dark Cloak. Although he knew the vicinity rather well since he had been here for quite some time now he was unfamiliar with procedure or tradition be it related to training or otherwise.

"Come on, you ugly streak of bantha poodoo. Where are you?" He questioned to nobody with irritation. The reason Levi was waiting here was not because he wanted to start bowing and kneeling or in any other way being a kiss-<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> just so he could start learning the skills shared amongst these people. Instead he wanted the opportunity to get even with this man who had made a fool of him in front of the many people in the discussion chamber that day.

"It will be my turn to teach you a thing or two." He grumbled and leaned against the wall behind him.

Jan 9th, 2003, 04:06:21 PM

"Is that so?" spoke cloak as he arrived."Everyone has something to teach the next person. But today, I will do all of the teaching." Cloak was pleased to start with Levi. He knew he would have a challenge on his hands, but there was something he sensed in him. There was something that set him apart from most of the Masters Cloak knew.</p>

"I am here to teach you the ways of the living force, the only power worth having. We start when you are ready, and end when you can't take anymore. For now we move at your pace, but understand that there is much to cover, and every instant we waste, we both move an instant closer towards our un-escapable deaths."</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 9th, 2003, 04:42:32 PM
"Alright, first thing's first." Levi started, standing upright he approached Cloak. "Let's leave out all that mysterious blabber about unescapable deaths. I'm no philosopher."

He was now face to face with his company. He wanted to break his face and although his fists were clenched and ready to do so, something compelled him not to engage in violence. Was it his own common sense kicking in after how easily he had been beaten in the discussion chamber? Maybe so.

"Look Dark Cloak, I am ready for whatever you have to throw at me. So don't go saying things like we will end when I 'can't take it anymore'. So let's get on with it shall we."

With that he turned away from the Sith Master and made his way into the Training Grounds.

Jan 10th, 2003, 11:31:12 PM
"Rushing are we again. I thought you would have learned your lesson in the discussion chambers. I see you haven't." Cloak began a slow stroll with his back to Levi, the whole time talking backwards. "The key to defeating everyone and everything is knowing the opposition. You must know it's strengths and it's flaws. If the task seems unconquerable, all is not lost. For next you must find a way for your opposition to defeat itself, or better yet, you must find something else that will destroy it for you. When you understand and master that statement you will be invincible." Cloak turned to Levi with a smirk on his face. "That is what you want isn't it my apprentice."</p>

Cloaks smirk grew to a great smile as he reached into his robes and tossed a saber to Levi. "I trust you know what to do with this. I tend to leave this portion to personal training, but only after a short crash course. I feel there are much greater things to be taught...........It's funny though, I feel as though you've been wanting this for sometime." With that, cloak retreaved another saber and ignited it.</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 12th, 2003, 08:02:42 PM
Levi could almost taste the anticipation on his tongue. Had this moment been oxygene he would've died from denial long ago. Now he was ready and the moment the weapon touched his fingers the angry, red blader flashed to life. "In my hands, this will kill!" He declared with determination.

He lunged at Cloak, making for his abdomen with a stab, both hands gripping the hilt he kept his stance tight and precise having had a month with nothing to do to practise the basics.

Jan 12th, 2003, 08:13:13 PM
Cloak knew exactly what he was doing, now was the time to gain Levi's respect. The desperate stab Levi made was very predictable. He was going for a kill immediately as Cloak anticipated. Cloak swiftly sidestepped the lunge and Levis momentum made him stumble fowards. As Levi recovered, Cloak was quick with advice. "Never go for the kill until your opponent is disabled. Head off with a balanced attack. the smallest hatchet could chop down the largest tree with time and consistancy."</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 12th, 2003, 08:33:04 PM
The firey young apprentice snorted in response. He was angry, at himself for making such a stupid mistake and for giving Cloak the opportunity to look better than him. He wouldn't have it.

"Alright, how about this!" With that he brought his lightsaber blade up from his right hip in a swing would cleave Cloak from the waist across to the opposite shoulder had it not been blocked. The blades flashed upon contact. Cloak's on top of his own except with a quick flick of the wrists he brought his blade around and on top of Cloak's, maintaining constant pressure so that the masters weapon couldn't be released.

"Heh!" He grinned maliciously and went to stab at his opponents now unprotected chest but instead lunged his upper-body forward with all it's strength and aimed a headbutt at Cloak's nose.

Jan 12th, 2003, 08:44:10 PM
Cloak was suprised at Levi's counter. It was an excellent counter indeed, and it even caught cloak off-guard. But Cloak knew Levi could have easily stabbed through his abdomen. Something held him back, but what?</p>

These thoughts and others surged through cloaks head as blood exploded from his nostrils. Cloak quickly regained balance and wiped blood from his upper lip as he blocked an oncoming slash with his other hand. Indeed Levi was more skilled than cloak thought, and this pleased him.</p>

As Levi slashed again cloak moved two hands to his saber and met Levis blade with power. As a result, Levi's arms were pushed out of the way. Cloak responded with a knee to the side and a backhand to the nose which sent Levi stumbling backwards.</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:06:25 PM
For the second time, Levi was physically over-powered by Cloak's hulking frame. He tried to fight it, through grinding teeth he fought and lost. Knocked back, he suffered from a sharp, stinging sensation in his kidney and a now blooded nose, well, at least one side of it was dripping crimson.

"You slimey, scheeming--" He smiled, looking on at the bloodshed he had caused and equally entertained by Cloak's returning of the favour. Perhaps he could stand up to this man after all. It had been long since he had enjoyed a good fight. Inside the desire burned now. He dived at Cloak, bringing his lightsaber down upon the Sith, hoping to cut him in two right down the centre.

"I'm gonna take you down, Cloak!" He taunted, their lightsabers locked as his attack had been intercepted. However as the Sith deflected Levi's assault, both had left themselves open for attack and the youngster took advantage. He brought a a hefty boot up and intended to place it squarly in his opponents lower abdomen. Perhaps he could knock the breath right out of the Sith Master, or perhaps Cloak was faster than he seemed.

Jan 12th, 2003, 09:12:17 PM
Cloak sensed the boot headed for his stomach and he imediatley dropped his saber. As it fell to the ground cloak brought both hands foward to grab Levi's foot. With great might he slung Levi's foot to the left. As levi spun, Cloak knew he would follow through with his saber, So Cloak fell to a knee and retrieved his. As it sprung to life, cloak brought it up to block. The blades met, and cloak followed with a sweaping kick to the back of Levi's leg and a rollout to safety.</p>

Cloak was beggining to feel challenged and a sick smile hit his face. This was infact rather fun.</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:24:56 PM
"Krast! How did you--" Levi cut himself off not wanting Cloak to think that he had impressed him. That had been a very impressive and unorthadox move which had left the younger, inexperienced man somewhat bewildered.

"Alright. Try this on, should be a snug fit." He grunted as he pulled back and launched his saber at his opponent. The blade spun as it neared although assuming Cloak would either deflect it or avoid it, Levi had already begun sprinting at him. In the moment of confusion, Levi took advantage and launched himself at the Sith performing a devastating flying-tackle of sorts to his abdomen.

Both men went crashing to the ground. There was a brief scuffle in which the younger man took advantage of his own original little manouver and quickly climbed up and stamped a foot hard in the chest of Cloak, using the momentum to propel a jump across to wear his weapon now lay.


Jan 12th, 2003, 09:33:32 PM
Cloak rolled to his belly and pushed himself to one knee, as he recalled his saber with the force. Levi was becoming creative and rather unorthodox, something that Cloak liked. Cloak reignited his saber and took off for Levi. As he sprinted he noted Levis stance.</p>

Just before he reached levi he fell into a foot foward slide just missing the foward slash Levi unleashed at his head. Cloaks slide continued through Levi's legs. Cloak grabbed one of Levi's ankles and with his momentum, threw him foward onto his face. As he hit the ground, cloak quickly made his way to his feet and was back above him slashing down towards his back.</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:30:47 PM
Levi's chin smacked the unforgiving ground beneath him with a harsh thud. The enthusiastic trainee went weak for a moment, his vision was obscured with a thick, pale haze but something niggled at the back of his mind that he was in danger and had to move.

A euphoria of heightened senses took control of his actions and involuntarily he turned onto his back and lashed out with his right foot. It hit something and he looked up to see Cloak's attack being redirected for he had kicked the hilt of the Sith's lightsaber thus knocking his attack off target.

"I hope you got balls of steel!" He said through gritted teeth, now stained an angry red. Lying on his back, he landed a kick of unrelenting force to the groin and taking advantage, pointed his toes outwards and both feet kicked out. He hit Cloak behind both ankles, knocking the support from under him forcing him to fall, legs to either side. Maybe he was fortunate enough to be flexible and fall into a leg-splits, if not he's going to be very sore in the morning.

"That should keep you busy--" Levi commented as he rolled backwards, away from his opponent he siezed his weapon from the floor as he stood. Not wasting another moment, he lunged into an attack, his searing, red blade aimed for Cloak's throat.

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:47:06 AM
Cloak had been pushed to the very limits of his flexibility. He used his hands to stop himself from severe muscle damage. He struggled to get to his feet, but as he recovered, Levi was upon him once again. There was very little time to react, Levi's blade would surely meet with his throat and kill him instantly. He Quickly assesed and reacted.</p>

As Levis blade grew dangeously close, Cloak leaned to his left and the blade just missed his head. He then threw his right arm up and knocked Levis hands above his head. He knew a knee would follow, so he blocked that with his left arm. And as he pushed Levi's leg down, he recalled his saber with his right hand. Unignited, he held the hilt to Levi's chest.</p>

"You have faltered my apprentice. Indeed your skills are great, but you fight with strength not intellegence, not instinct. That is something I cannot teach you. You must obtain it yourself through experience. As I told you, there are much more important things for you to learn. I must leave you now. The Council is meeting, and I must report. I will come for you shortly and inform you of the next step."</p>

Cloak turned and began to walk away, but turned when he relized he forgot something. "Oh, and keep the saber, it is very good to you. Once your training is over, you will have to build one of your own........."</p>

Levi Argon
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:27:01 AM
No matter what he tired after that, Cloak seemed to know the youngsters own actions before he even carried them out. His defences had failed him and he felt the hard metal of his opponents lightsaber hilt press against his chest. His heart was racing so hard that he fancied for a moment that a single beat would push that weapon from his chest.

He had been outmatched and defeated. Strike Two at the hands of the same Sith. With boiling blood he threw his lightsaber to the ground and shoved Cloak's away from him. Torn between pride and the desire to improve Levi remained silent. How could he let Cloak know that he wanted his instruction? He needed it now, he needed the master to guide him but he would then appear weak.

"Very well." He said to himself, Cloak now gone. He picked up the lightsaber and hooked it onto his belt. "Until next time."