View Full Version : Exhale the Vile (Dae)

Knyte Jinaya
Jan 9th, 2003, 12:01:21 PM
:: Years had elapsed since Knyte fled from the Empire, although a good deal of her time spent in hiding was engaged in keeping track of her previous acquaintances. Much had changed: the Sith Empire had fallen; Satine was a Master of the Jedi Arts; her former mentor upon death was reincarnated into one known as Sorsha Kasajian. Only recently had she become aware of the death of her Sister, Daejina Jinn, however.

Despite this, something had drawn her to Coruscant this day - specifically, to its slums -, something eerily reminiscent of her past with the Saiya-jinn woman. Knyte paced briskly down a grime-laden street, looking to the sides occasionally in the hopes of honing in on that beacon of familiarity ::

Dae Jinn
Jan 9th, 2003, 12:16:33 PM
Daetana Jinn, meanwhile, was sitting on her balcony. She had just returned from a lovely little vacation with Jeran....and she was moping. She took a deep breath, head resting on the railing. Few people were wandering the streets below, and Dae watched them scurry on their way, sighing.

Knyte Jinaya
Jan 9th, 2003, 01:22:57 PM
:: her head jerks up instinctively as she steps in front of the doorway of one residence in particular, her long ashen hair billowing around her. The silhouette of a young woman could be seen, face concealed behind dark locks ::

Dae Jinn
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:45:27 PM
Dae looks down, watching a woman with long white hair and dark skin stop at her door. She wrinkled her nose, and leaned a little further over the ledge.

"Can I help you?"