View Full Version : Prayer: Blood Filled Arena (Open Challnge)

Jared Mriad
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:21:35 PM
It was dark in the abandon arena deep within the bowels of Coruscant. A single figure stood out in the obsidian area with barely any movement. The cold durasteel under his steel toe boots groaned as plates shifted back and forth – air pushed from the pipes below exiting through the northern and southern ports –and the lights stayed dead of life.

Jared’s force signature radiated like a beacon, drawing any suspecting victim into the spider’s web. Two hours before the eclipse shift, and Jared already felt the pull and tug from within. A feral beast wanting to be out of a cage, a mortal shell of a prison it clawed at from his chest, every breath painful liquid experience. Creaks of leather echoed as metal slid out of the back of Jared’s palms displaying three miniaturized saber hilts on each hand and the Sith lifted his downcast head to the stars above – most likely the only clear viewpoint from so far down.

‘Come…’ he sent out, golden eyes aflare.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:27:19 PM
Ask and ye shall receive...

*A voice answered. Jared looked around and on first glance saw no one. But a second sweep of the arena he found a presence all too familiar.

The man clad in black everything held an elongated cylindrical hilt in his right hand that swayed back and forth with each stride he took. An orange beam of light came to life from the hilt, followed by another orange beam that acted like its tail.*

It's time to see how you've progressed in our time apart...

Jared Mriad
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:44:08 PM
Jared's eyes casted down, slowly falling from the heavens to rest upon Snack. He clenched both hands, producing the sixtuplet signatures of lightsaber ignition. A bright red corona added to the orange glow in the darkness.

But Jared's arms lay rested at this sides, not in defence nor offence. "I hope you know what your are about to get into, Master. In two hours I will no longer be myself, nor anyone that you would know..."

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 15th, 2003, 08:57:06 PM
I've fought things not of this galaxy and have survived. I don't fear that which I don't know.

*Snack's pace towards his Warrior apprentice stayed the same, never faltering.*

Besides, what makes you think this will last two hours?

*His signature smirk tugged at his lips as his eyes caught the sight of the six red blades growing from Jared's hands. Ah yes, Jared was skilled in craftsmanship. He was the one to build the wrist sabers that can now be found on Snack.

His walk stopped and he straightened his back and held his head high. The glow of the sabers provided more than enough light to allow the two to see what they were doing. Though Snack doubted either of them needed to light to see in complete darkness.*

You'll need all six of those if you wish to survive the night, my apprentice.

*Who would make the first move? Snack still held his dual blade down by his side. Yes, he knew his apprentice well enough, but those "not of this galaxy" had taught him never to go by what he knew of someone... or something.*

Jared Mriad
Jan 16th, 2003, 06:51:07 PM
"We shall see, Master." Jared replied, four short words spoken with fatal nerve. A dance of dark death was about to be engaged, and yet, death was not involved in the merry-go-round of fate this time.

Jared's six blades hummed in the bleak oblivion as he backed out of the orange tint of Snack's dual blades, only his hands were visible under the full moon - highlighted in red.

"You told me long ago that attacking first gave the advantage in most cases. You... have the first move."

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:23:05 PM
Then I lied or grew more wise since I told you that.

*Snack, too, backed a few steps. Anyone with enough skill and wielding three "claw sabers" on each hand would be monstrously hard to fight close range. Yes... Snack would stay just out of striking distance from his apprentice. Or, if he could find a way to short out four of those blades...*

So be it.

*Without so much as lifting a finger, Jared found his legs swept from underneath him. The young Sith's back, neck and head taking the brunt of the fall on the cold ground.*

Jared Mriad
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:05:36 PM

Jared smacked the floor hard, grates scratching together from the impact. He felt his spine crush against each bone before his legs slammed back to the earth, the hell of pain flashed through his whole body.

"Bloody hell.." he groaned, kipping up to his feet. Surging the force down into speed, he dashed upon Snack and within a matter of heartbeats... slid into a crouch and lept over the Dark Lord. Twisting his torso, Jared slashed out with the claws at his Master before promptly landing and charging forward with the other hand coming in for a horizonal cross against Snack's torso...

Nathanial K'cansce
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:10:28 PM
*The initial reach while Jared Jumped was met with the right side of Snack's dual blade, followed by a quick turn around. He spun his dual blade in his hands to get a better grip, before sticking the left blade out in front of him to stop the incoming three blades of Jared. They all four blades met in the most brilliant light Snack had ever witnessed.

It did not slow him, however. He pushed Jared's weapons and hand back, before stepping back himself, shifting his hand position on his dual blade once more in order to bring the back blade in an upwards slice aimed dangerously close to Jared's own torso and head.*

Jared Mriad
Apr 21st, 2003, 08:20:01 PM
Jared foresaw the critical slice coming at him, throwing his body backwards with a quickly summoned force blast. Skidding across the old grates to a stop, Jared slid his left boot back.

Holding his right arm straight out torwards Snack, his left arm held back adjacent to his leg...