View Full Version : The Self-Training

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:55:00 PM
The boy wasn't exhausted at all, if it was anything, his advatange over any adversary that he came at him was his unlimited energy. It wasn't just his youth that arched his speedy abilities, but it was the spiritual guidness of the Force. He didn't know it completely by himself, but their was very special thing about him, it was his ability with the force, and his near ulimated range if taught right, but if too many pieces from the puzzle weren't placed in their could be danger lurking.

Jamel stood there, summoning that of the Force in the combatant arena, staring down at his lightsaber that he constructed for his canidancy of padawan trails. It wasn't materailly forged as that of a Jedi Knight could do, but he managed. It was a cold, silver-materailed hilt, but the new aged ones were very stern at the "vice" grip, and black with a large red igniting button. His was dull, and unattractive like the others, but it didn't bother him any. Pulling his hand up, the lightsaber hilt was telekentically extracted into his palm. Tightening his grip around it, he gradually circurled it with the blue light hissing out.

Dashing forward as he heard the sound through his futuristic view, he saw the creature coming out the cabinate only mili-seconds after his feet projected him from the ground. Coming down he sliced down at the robotic adversary who replied with a blockading hold. Swinging around he began hitting aiming at the lower body.

This continued on through the night, as he thorught went through robotic pre-programed adversaries in the arts of lightsaber combat. It was fun for him, but probably not for who could possibly be watching, or even someone else placed in his feet.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 9th, 2003, 12:53:09 AM
Jamel stopped, his head falling down as he mind drifted into thought. The battle droids had taking a rest when he pressed a button hastingly after seeing about five droids quickly come from the walls. He could probably handle them with his exceptional lightsaber skills, but it wasn't that. He didn't want to learn in the craft of offensive attacking, he wanted to learn in the Code of the Jedi. The defensive state, where you would protect. The offensive state would be only when in a dangerous situation, which he could possibly be in with the feasible idea of Sith who actually were organized completely in all fashions, even congruntly to the Jedi Order this time around.

Jamel beckoned lightsaber defensive robotic blaster. When his hand released the triggering button that would release the item from the wall, it entered with the stone tile shifting upward. A small ball, with metallic features and small dots along it, prepared to shot laser bolts from it when sensing on it's radar a humanoid, or something of that such. As it came down gradually, levitating over the surface before Jamel, it circled around as though a small child in a game. Then it suddenly stopped, and it began shooting at the youth. The novice grasped at his lightsaber swinging it carefully, yet skillfully with the tip of his index, and middle finger then tightened all his fingers about it when it came to a drop. Clutching it he shifted it infront of me in a matter of mili-seconds. Force Boosting he shifted his hand toward the button that triggered the "on" system to the battle droids.

They all began moving quickly from their stangant spots, heading quickly toward that of Jamel. Beginning to fire, he deflected the shots from them as well as that of the lightsaber training levitational blaster. He managed to even counter them effectively, destroying his sparring adversaries. Crouching down he threw himself upward, throwing his cloak forward with it being shot, burning down to a crisp. It seemed as though this continued fire on the cloak, had managed to destroy of the boy, or injure him badly, but as the cloak came down into a formation of dust, the sound of a rhytmic beat to the surface was heard by the robotic droids.

Jamel had secured himself with the cloak, and used it as a defensive mechanism, and took the time of their shots to take a quick jump to the other side of teh arena. Rushing toward them now, he sliced through the first line of battle droids. Flipping about in mid air, with his agile body quirking in mid-air and hitting the face of one of the battle droids with his feet. Throwing it down to the surface, immoble as of now he came down from his jump slicing it at the waist of it's structure. Backflipping he landed before one, and shfited his lightsaber quickly backward, aiming for the chest-plate. The tip of the heating, hissing, charkling blue wave pierced through the chest, and made a small hole, but very destructive as well. Burning the coordinates needed in it's movement, it was immoble and immeditately shutted down.

Swinging about assuring himself of his victory, he sliced off the head of the being and pushed away, with his Force boost still evidently upon him, the enemies who had entered from the wall. Twirling around he felt the futuristic vision blow through his mind. It was a blast coming from his posterior, cannoned by the circular training ball. Twirling about he foxly, and stealthfully deflected the blast backward, mathemtically placing it to have hte blast be used as a counter item. Hitting the ball it was imploded in a matter of seconds, with the laser blast entering the cannon. Jumping up, he landed down and stared at his enemies with a confident smirk upon his face, but not near the darkness of over-confidence, and cockiness. The youth sliced at the two battle droids waist with one swushing swing, and he watched it fall.

Unignting his blade he placed it at his waist and smiled in pleasurment of his enhancement in skills, and ability with the art of the lightsaber. He managed so much in that time, but it might have been the guidance with the force, and his ability to increase his strenght, and speed with that of the Force Boost. Yet, that didn't matter as of now, those were all stealth, smoothness, and defensive combating class.

He walked to the center of the arena and took a meditation state. Proportioning his body perfectly, he keenly aimed for what the Force had in store in the future for the galaxy, and as well as that of him and the friends he had manage to make in his time as a Padawan.

Jedi Padawan he is...

Skillfull he is...hmmmm...

Naive....Youthful, and possibly optimistic...yes

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:14:34 PM
He woke from his resting spot in the corner of the arena, placing his hand on his lgihtsaber as he beckoned with his hand drifting upon the button that released the robotic adversaries for him to defeat. He smirked at them, and prepared, getting in his stance. The novice felt a bit rusty from his nap, but he had to learn in all the ways, or coordinates to combat in. Even if he was to fight with fake, robotic android formated arms.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:40:42 PM
After moment of fighting, an dcombat he took a rest in the center of the room. Falling into a trance of meditation, in attempt to become one with the force,and have the feeling of positivty drain through him, and cover him comfortably like silk. He let his head drop, as his eyes closed, and his legs crossed.


Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:30:22 AM
Taking himself from his meditation, he grasped at his lightsaber for a bit of training. Activating the robotic floating blasters, and as well as the lightsaber programmed droids. As they all exited from their stations, he activated his lightsaber. Placing it at his side, he began. His body was loose, prepared for the combat that was to come.

Rushing forward, he sliced through a battle droid, and then bounced back, deflecting a blast back at the shooter. Watching it implode from the contact, he glanced over at another blast. Leaping over, he landed down in a roll, coming forward at yet another enemy. Cutting the blasting shoot in half, he pushed the train of explosion into another droids face. AS it imploded along with the small droid, he glanced over a smirk upon his face.

He had gained confidence in his skills with that of a lightsaber, and they were nearly comparable to the emotional complexity of his life. The blade swirled around once more, slicing through two enemies, then beckoning one's lightsaber from his palm, and redirecting it toward the droids throat compacity.

Smirking, he placed his lightsaber down, unignited, at his side. The droids were all destroyed, so he took back at a meditation.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:46:01 PM
The Jedi continued on with his self-training, slicing through all the oncoming enemies that were programmed by scientist for this paticular fighting style. It was starting to become much more easier to work under uncertain, and fearful conditions, but maybe it was just because they were droids.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 20th, 2003, 12:40:16 AM
Silence ran through the room as he clasped his lightsaber, the blade hissing with its orange illuminating the surface. Suddenly the hissing stopped with Jamel running his figner and applying pressure on the red button. He smirked as he stared about himself, the accomplishment that very few Novices of any combatant sport, or order achieve, but he had managed it. Sweat dripped from his face, falling down into a small puddle that had been created during his training. Lingering to a fall, he twirled himself wearingly around.

Staggering toward the exit, he placed his lightsaber onto his belt. Staring at the ceiling which held the sign of the "G.J.O", a blade with blossoming vines of leafs sprouting from the hilt. To him the signal meant that knowledge would sprout through the usage of the Force, and the Jedi Code. He smiled at it for a matter of hushing moments before he placed his hand on the incoding print that was formed when he entered. The handprint ignited abruptly with a red slight flashing from the slits that weren't covered by his hand. Pulling his hand back he watched as the rooms door opened and he entered the halls.

Heading back to his quaters he'd wash up and take a rest before any missions were brought up, or anything that was on his mental schedule of activities.