View Full Version : Rest in a Thousand Founations (Concluded)

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:47:01 PM
A Thousand Founations, it sounded like the great kindle of the large, anciently built Jedi Temple, but it wasn't that active at all. Their were those of whom remained in their for meditations, or even for the simple fact of conversations with other's of their rank. It was the place of the Jedi Temple that was ultimately lull, and hushed within the crowds. It was a desolit plaintation of grassland within the Temple, it was much like the previous area that was named of this in the first Coruscant Jedi Temple, and it was amazing how it made everything seem so slower.

Jamel was on his first visit to the premises, after he had been accepted as a Jedi Padawan, his true freedom was archieved,b ut he stil had the boundaries, but they expanded larger like elastic strings and they wouldn't be come swinging back, or maybe it would. The boy ran his hand through his brown hair, his eye crystal blue eyes manifested into a soft brown. He glanced around aimlessly, he didn't know of where he was going to reside, but it really didn't matter. He wanted to talk to someone, anyone who could manage the time.

Walking slowly through the area, his over-coating dragged along the ground, brown like the tenderness of hsi eyes, like a teddy bear on a child bed, next to soft face. Glee fell onto Jamel's emotions as he sat down on the grass, reaching for an appel that was near him in a basket. Biting down into it, he fell back and stared at the ceiling.

"Ah, this is the true tranquility, but after this it's to study in the archives about that of the Force and it's abilities or at least for me." He told himself silently, hopping not to disturb any other pleasuring conversations that went about him. Smiling he rested for a minute, as relaxation whirled through the air like the oxygen he breathed.

Rest in a Thousand Founations

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 27th, 2003, 11:20:10 AM
"A path that should lead to greatness, indeed," a voice spoke as a face came into view, upside down, standing over the top of Jamel's head. Terran had been wandering around today, spending time in meditation and finding peace in the Force that encapsulated the writhing life of the temple.

Out of the corner of his eye, he had spotted a stranger in the Temple. He wondered who this stranger was--unitl he could finally place a name to the face. It was Jamel Croko'yn, one of the newly inducted padawans here. He wondered if he even had a master yet. So far, the young man's time here had stirred up several mixed feelings among the ranks--something that wasn't always bad. Expecially in Terran's case.

It just made him that much more curious.

"Jamel Croko'yn, I presume?" He smiled as he wondered if Jamel had realized his own fame yet or not. "My name is Terran Starek and I am a padawan here." He extended a hand to the young man--both to help him up perhaps and to greet him.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:51:41 PM
I quivered at the sight, throwing my self up in overwhelming suprisment. Flipping to a stand I twirled about, bowing in a respectful manner to my accompies. I'd rather show a higher ranking of respect than allow him to help me up to a stand.

"You know my name, how is that possible?" I curiously asked, falling back down to a leisurally sit on the soft grass, carved into a hill upward to the mid height of the walls and back down where many rested and played amoungst each other.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:42:54 PM
"You've developed quite a name for yourself already, Jamel." Jeran smiled a bit. He thought the kip-up was nice, but too much. There was no need to impress a fellow Jedi, Terran thought.

"Some would argue that this name does not carry a positive connotation. I have just met you, and wish to pass no judgement on you until I full well know you. Please," Terran gestured towards the ground before him. "resume your seat and let me join you." Terran had plucked an apple himself, and he sat before Jamel, nibbling at it idly.

"Tell me, where are you from?" He started with the basics, allowing Jamel the oppurtunity to explain his past to the curious Jedi.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 12:12:31 AM
It was not even a speck of silence to be grasped between the response and answer of the question. I just simply smirked at my comrade Jedi.

"I'm from Lok.." I simply answered, I felt that elaborating would possibly stray away from what this man wanted to seek in the conversation. He'd allow the aquantint to move the conversation with his question and statement instead of being individually strong and forceful.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 29th, 2003, 03:36:23 PM
"I have never visited the planet before. Interesting. I should like to," he replied genuinely. He always wanted to see new places, especially when he met someone new that could show him the sights and sounds of a specific place.

"How did you end up coming to the Academy?" Terran spoke, very politely and without ridicule in his voice. He was a caring person, and he meant what he asked.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 07:48:40 PM
Hnn... A small noise came from my closed lips as he breathed, my mind subconciously expressing it's focus through oral means. It was hard to gain all the emotion into the words that were so deep to my soul. It was as well a burden, caressing my souls in times of darkness. The pain was like a magnetic sheet over my soul toward the darkness, and I felt in combat that I was only four steps away from that destination.

"Well it was on a slave corp on Lok. A Jedi retreived us from my desination and I was taken to the Jedi Canidancy Academy where I would learn of the worlds under the watch of the Jedi. Then I was retreived from there no more then three or so months ago and taken here. I've been here since, working at the Archive to learn more of the Force, only little bits."

I hushed of second, staring at my comrade who held a facial expression of interest, so I continued.

"I gained my master no longer then a month back--Master Zeke--you might know him?" I questioned, my voice clear and procise though my thoughts before my informative talk jumbling with nervousness & a tad of fear.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 29th, 2003, 08:57:42 PM
"Well, I've never heard of the Jedi Canidacy Academy, but I have heard of Master Zeke." He smiled. "He's a great Jedi--wise and strong. You can learn much from him." He thought of Zeke and the times he had heard and read about the Jedi.

"How has your adaptation to the Academy been? Have you had difficulty?" He asked politely.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 09:46:15 PM
I was to lie I couldn't reveal everything on the pavement this time, it was no need to, until I trusted this guy with all my heart and soul.

"No, I have nothing wrong with the code or anything." I quickly said, my eyes straight forward, holding my face as in the same expression as I had previously to not waver the words.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 30th, 2003, 03:15:02 PM
"I did not question your disposition towards the Jedi Code," Terran eyed the young one strangely. Why did he think that just because he asked a simple question Terran was attacking his beliefs? Was he afraid of something? Did he have something to hide? Did he have the nerve--at such a young and impressionable age--to question the Code? Terran didn't understand.

"I was only asking about your move here, getting used to Academy life, and meeting new people." Terran asked again, the softness in his voice returning.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 07:27:25 PM
I motioned my hand to my face, pushing lightly the hair that dangled over my eye so my view would be perfected. Staring at him with tender, smooth eyes of friendliness, I threw myself back playfully, a smile coming to my face.

"Well I have very little friends, maybe 2..or 1--I'm not sure..I've meet people though, I just dont consider them friends as of yet."

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 30th, 2003, 08:17:09 PM
"That's understandable--you have just arrived. Do not fear the future--remember: patience is one of the most key virtues of a Jedi." Terran smiled. "Listen to me--rambling about Jedi philosophy!" He chuckled. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Do you have any questions?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 08:55:05 PM
I quickly shook my head in disagreement to his question. I had no need for help, I understood the place and the regulations as well as the code.

"Where are you from?" I quickly turned the subject, my voice calm and curtious as I spoke to assure him that I wasn't attempting to disrespect him.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:41:06 PM
"I come from the planet Gias. It lies in the Outer Rim, just before Wild Space. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it is a very archaic planet. It has only been developing space travel for the last 150 years or so." He thought of his planet happily. It was a very serene, quiet place.

"What is Lok like?" Terran was very curious. He had an insaciable appetite for knowledge.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 10:00:05 PM
I registered the question and came up with an answer immeditately. It was a place I lived at my whole life, I knew it from the inside out and if I didn't the only part I didn't know of was the rich wealth of the planet, if there even was one.

"Well it's a pirate estate around the Mid Rim, it's not that spectaculor, but it's dangerous. Their are many evil, sadistic men on tha tplent as well as outlaws. It's not the best planet to go to if you want to have some peace & serenity." I said, my voice come to a blantant end, reaching for an apple nearby to nibble on.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 31st, 2003, 02:44:38 PM
"It sounds rather harsh," Terran spoke with concern in his voice. "I'm glad to hear that you made it out ok." He paused, his mind wandering. He wondered what was going throgh Jamel's mind. He waited to see if the boy would take the conversation in his own direction.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 31st, 2003, 06:35:00 PM
I took another bite on the Naboian fruit, my mind directing to it so it ultimetly came to be what my comment was orbiting about. Placing the apple infront of myself, or whatever it was, I began.

"Have you ever had one of these, Naboian Fruits, I heard they are called Kalij'ap. They are grown in the forest of Naboo. I haven't been there though.."

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:09:25 AM
"I was not aware of their name," Terran spoke, examining one in his hand. He smiled and chuckled...Kalij'ap.

Kalij'ap He spoke it in his mind, committing it to memory.

"Thank you for that piece of information." He took a bite of the fruit. It was very sweet, and the fleshie inside tasted cool against his tongue. "I've been to Naboo before. Have you ever had shaak steaks?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:39:50 AM
I responded with an expression of akwardness and confusion, my eyebrow raising quickly to expose my thought more. What did he mean by the shaak steaks--the only kind of meat I had ever had was duck, chicken and once on Lok, Rognar steak--which I must say was nasty.

I began once in verbal response so he could fully understand what I felt about his comment on this kind of steak.

"What is shaak steak, I haven't ever heard of such a food." I said, coming to a slow end with my eyes falling dull, though teh beads on my forehead express nervousness.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 1st, 2003, 04:08:39 AM
OOC: Remember the big animals that Anakin rides to impress Padme on Naboo? :D


"It's a very good dish--a delicacy served at Theed Palace. I would encourage you to try it. Master Yoghurt's will serve it--quite nicely, I might add." He smiled, having another bite of the kalij'ap.

"I must wonder why we have come to meet today. Why has the Force brought us here." It was a truly deep question, and Terran's burrow crinkled as he thought it over in his mind.

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:15:00 AM
A smile came to my face as a humerous answer came to mind for such a question that Terran had broughten up. Gesturing my hand to grasp my fruit I began chewing as I spoke, managing not to create a slurr through the crinkled speech.

"I think the Force brought us together for the interaction and information on these foods of Naboo." I said, my voice draining into a chuckle as my eyes squeezed with glee, concealing it behind my curled lips that formed a smile.

I wish this moment of glee, not the exact interaction with Terran though it wasn't bad, but the emotion of the time could last for as long as my life but I knew that longetivity of happiness was probably never past a week if even that.

At least for me...

OOC: Yah I know, that's just a character perspective on the situation.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 5th, 2003, 06:21:46 PM
Terran laughed along with Jamel's joke.

"Very true. Very true." He took a few more bites of the tasty fruit. "So--how have you liked life here? Aside from the adjustments, the training, and the tough schedules we Jedi hold, how has your stay been?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 5th, 2003, 08:33:36 PM
The boy's attention shifted back to the man, his eyes expressing a casual tone, the same as his face--a laid back aura reeking from his pores. Biting down on his apple, he contemplated, his lips being pushed forcefully to the side to express the mental state. Taking a moment or two to come to a conclusion, he chewed down, grinding his food and swallowing before he began with a response.

"Well Terran, I would have to say it is a great life though it does have a few burdens, but when you put it in an equation of negative and positive it comes out positive. Or at least it does for me.." The boy said, his eyes wandering off down the hill into the entertainment grounds where many of the young Jedi such as himself would play to absorb the happiness of life, and excerete the darkness that could follow any being.

A smile came to the boy's face as he observed, a sudden urge coming up on him in the silent split moment. Coming to a quick stand, he beckoned for a response from Terran's body with his very aura and began on a dash down the hill toward the crowd.

"Whoo-Hooo!" He said, positivity and mirth in his tone of voice. Purposely tripping for the merriment that could come from it, he rolled down clumsly on the hill, coming to the hill carved center where the rest played.

Leaping to a stand in excitment, he began cartwheeling around the crowd that had been in a circle talking. Enjoyment flew from his very body as he came to a sitting stop, laughter raising from his lungs and out his mouth. Falling back, his eyes were placed in a line, glee cascading his orbs as his face turned red in the shake of hilitary.

"Haha-This is fun!" Jamel said in a chuckling tone, rolling along the grass.

imported_Terran Starek
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:27:40 PM
Terran smiled as the young boy played. He had so much spirit and was a promising mind. Terran respected that about him. No matter what he had heard or how the boy had been judged, Terran could feel a good spirit inside. That, he could not ignore. He would see more of Jamel, he was sure of that. But for now, he let the boy play.

Their visit complete, Terran turned, grabbing his pack and slinging it over his shoulder. He smiled--finishing off the kelij'ap and tossing the core into a small patch of grass. The core landed softly--a whole group of seeds within it. The grass had no idea what had been imparted upon it--but it welcomed the core. The seed had been planted--despite the course of action the grass had in mind. Perhaps one day, with the right combination of ingredients and luck, that seed would grow into a strong, wise tree--stretching into the sky with a full bounty of greatness.

Terran looked back towards Jamel. He smiled.