View Full Version : Be ye Angels? Nay, we are but men! (open challenge)

Jan 7th, 2003, 09:47:59 PM
Zeke stands at the ready, Pike held in one hand as he surveys the scene around him. It's an old, old arena. Supposedly, legendary battles took place here long ago. Now, it's just a desolate pit. He and Kindo are on another investigative mission, something concerning illegal pirating or black market sales. They've found plenty of henchmen, and beat them down without harming them severely, or becoming harmed themselves. Now they're in this arena.

"Wh-what are you guys?" That'd be the henchman Zeke has disarmed. This guy's one of those ringleader types.

"We are but men...Now, we need some useful info from ya, pal..."

Javier Enfer
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:17:06 PM
A loud crack hit the air as Zeke and the men were talking between themselves making both the men and the Jedi looked towards where the noise had come from. Then suddenly before Zeke blood spurted from the man Zek had spoken to. The dark red liquid splattered over Zeke and all over the dusty arena floor, the man was of course...dead. His body slumped to the ground as if he had no bones showing the item of which hit the human, a long flat peice of metal had been thrown hard into the mans back and out so it stuck from his chest.

'Is it not strange how one as yourself can be so foolish as to annoy poeple, men and aliens alike that you do not know anything about?' Asked a voice which ecoed of off every wall in he arena which Zeke could not see the source of. It was dark and the upper rows of the stadium seating area was shrouded in shadow....it was the Vampires most loving situation. The Vampire moved slowly across the walkway behind the pillars, his figure still hidden.

'He is dead now...he will no longer tell you the deals of his day your medderling in our situation got him killed out of weakness..so in essence...you my friend..killed him..how very Jedi like of you..' The dark figure tuanted, now visible upon the seating area, but only as a silhouette.

Jan 7th, 2003, 10:39:54 PM
"I killed him?"

Zeke looks to Kindo with slight confusion.

"I don't follow. Do you?"

Javier Enfer
Jan 8th, 2003, 04:19:51 AM
' You should not have pressed him for infomation mortal, for it will land him in a more dangerous situation with myself.' Javier in a hushed calculated tone. A clomping sound of Javiers boots sounded from the seating area a few feet right of the two jedi within the arena pit, prevoisly however the footsteps came from the opposite side of the small arena, was there more surrounding them than Zeke and Kindo had thought?.

'You will leave now mortal and insert yourself into some other peasants concerns....' The voice orderd, now loud and commanding.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:03:50 PM
" We will not. "

Kindo's tone was just as commanding and arrogant has that of the murderer's. As he crossed his arms, he looked at Zeke with a shrewd grin across his face, then glared back into the shadows of the retired arena.

" Let's get a few things straight. One, its pretty obvious that you'd be the one who murdered this man. Two, we don't answer to anyone other than the Jedi Council, who assigned us this mission. You should've not killed this man, for that will land you in a more dangerous situation with us. "

The Jedi Knight no longer displayed the grin he started out with. His eyebrows now slanted inward and his smile had completely disappeared. He meant business, for he wasn't about to waste his time with some nuisance lurking in the dark.

Javier Enfer
Jan 9th, 2003, 12:20:49 AM
A light chuckle came from Javier just then, these two "boys" had seemingly no idea who they were messing with, silly buggers. Javiers rubbed his eyes for a moment, already fed up with the two jedis games. ' i'll ask you a single time more...leave, be gone and stay away from us for we are alot more powerfull than you folls may think....'

Jan 9th, 2003, 08:41:31 AM
"Who's we? It's just you!"

But this does seem a likely place to spring a trap.

"Even if we wanted to leave, we have a mission to uphold! We won't return without the information we came for!"