View Full Version : Breaking Foundations: Happenings on the Edge of the Empire

Captain Desjardins
Jan 7th, 2003, 01:26:31 AM
The Imperial Dreadnaught Cronus, on patrol near Kyrinos

Captain Vir Desjardins was annoyed. Extremely annoyed.

His first officer, a man who'd served with him for almost 4 years...a very good man, had just been reassigned from the Cronus to the new Star Destroyer Gham's Belief.

Desjardins didn't mind the reassignment, after all he wished Parker well...but the way it was done. It wasn't done normally, just a sudden reassignment.

I suppose there's a reason for everything, he thought as he looked out the window of his office.

The man who'd been reassigned as the First Officer was hiding something. For some wierd reasons there were times when the Cronus' scanners couldn't penetrate his quarters. It was almost as if there was a jamming device of some kind in the quarters. Desjardins had heard of these kinds of devices, but never seen them.

The Balmorran Captain took a sip from his tea and continued his thoughts.

This new Inquisitor is even more annoying. I've had more than a few of my officers come to me and say he was asking odd questions. About me...about our loyalties, Desjardins' face pinched into a tight glare.

What the devil is going on?!?

His thoughts were interupted as his comm channel *beeped*

"Yes," his perfect Basic voice came out.

It was his first officer, "Sir, we have received more information on the raids happening out near Kyrinos. Shall we go investigate?"

"Yes do that," was the Captain's reply, "Let's see what we can come up with. Keep me informed."

"Aye sir."

Desjardins sighed and continued to sip his tea.

Something was going on.

Jan 7th, 2003, 02:09:57 AM
The group of fighters sat in normal space, the cloaking devices all working.

This was their first real test of might. The Cronus was one of the better dreadnoughts out there. And the information they had on them was even more helpful.

Their orders were simple, attack the ship and fall back.

Simple and easy.

"Prepare to disengage cloaking systems,"

His computer system *bleeped*

Sensors indicate dreadnought approaching. Estimated time...7 minutes.

Wraith smiled a dark smile and prepared to attack.

Captain Desjardins
Jan 7th, 2003, 02:37:40 AM
"Report," Desjardins ordered as he walked out of his office.

His comm officer spoke, "We've just come out of hyperspace sir. We have multiple contacts, but no lifesigns. They're ships we know that."

"Show me."

What came on the viewer caused him to gasp.

"Oh my Lord."

The wreckage of a four freighter convoy was still burning, as the Cronus came upon them.

"Send a report back to Kyrinos. We've come upon another attack."

"Sir!" Sensor Officer exclaimed, "Four contacts just appeared on sensors! We can't identify them."

The Captain raised an eyebrow, "Are they the raiders?"

The Officer shook his head, "Unknown sir. Configuration is something I've never seen before."

Desjardins turned to his weapons officer, "Arm all turbolaser batteries. Lauch Fighter squadron."

"Aye sir!"

He turned back to the screen and looked at the fighters. What Desjardins failed to see was the small smile on the first officer's face, as the orders were given.

Jan 7th, 2003, 03:00:27 AM
"You have your orders, attack!"

The four fighters engaged their afterburners, closing the distance between them and the Cronus.

Sensors indicate the dreadnought is launching fighters...Nothing major...just 6 TIE Interceptors

"Demon Two, Demon Four, take care of the TIEs."

Wraith got four clicks from his wingmen.

His targetting computer got a quick lock on the engines of the Cronus. A quick check to ensure he had a 100% lock, then he let loose two advanced proton torpedoes.

Wraith smiled as they exploded against the engines of the Titan Fleet Flag.

Captain Desjardins
Jan 7th, 2003, 06:42:39 AM
The entire bridge shook as the torpedoes struck the engines.

"Status report!" Desjardins ordered.

A shaky voice responded, "Engines are damaged, we still have hyperdrive though. Weapons at...80%. Shields at 85%....now 70."

Desjardins was no fool. Whoever these attackers were...they were good.

"Turn out external cams let's see if we can get a look at 'em. And plot a course back to Kyrinos. We need to get this infor-" he was cut off as another explosion racked the bridge.

The Captain was hurled from where he stood into a railing, his head cracking on the wooden frame. He tried to stand back up, but was thrown down as another explosion rocked the ship.

"Report!" the first officer ordered, and Desjardins lost conciousness.

Jan 9th, 2003, 11:07:21 AM
Their hull is reading at 55% capacity...I believe the test has been completed. Fyoryn will be pleased.

Indeed, Fyoryn would be pleased with how the test tuned out. The fighter compliment from the Cronus was gone...all destroyed. None of Wraith's men were injured.

And the attack only took 7 minutes to finish.

"Excellent. Prepare to jump to hyperspace."

He heard clicks from all his wingmen, then Demon Squadron disappeared into the night.

Captain Desjardins
Jan 13th, 2003, 02:02:45 AM
Desjardins woke up in Med Bay with a massive headache. Standing over him was the ship's chief medical officer a look of concern on his face.

"Hold on...hold on...you just took a massive fall," Doctor Frost was saying, "Keep your feet steady...I said steady!"

"R...report..." the captain of the Cronus said weakly.

"We're alive, " Frost said, "THat's all you have to know right now. We made it to hyperspace too...just barely. And we're headed for Kyrinos.

"Now get back down on the bed. I'm not finished with you yet."

A prick on his skin, and Desjardins was out again.

Two hours later

After a quick dip in the bacta tank, Desjardins was back on the bridge, viewing the damage.

He'd been extremly lucky, as it turned out, the command chair was crushed by a falling beam. A temporary command chair had been set up right next to the destroyed chair. Desjardins set his aching body into the hard-backed chair, trying to get the taste of bacta out of his mouth.

More tea was definately needed.

"Where are those pictures of the fighters who attacked us?" he asked his first officer.

"In your office, along with some footage of their attack."

Desjardins nodded and exitted into this office.

As he turned on the screen he was suprised what he saw.

"I've seen nothing like this," he mused aloud, "This has to be sent on to Balmorra."

He stared on the screen and continued to think.


Pressing a few buttons, he prepared to send the footage off to Balmorra.

A few decks down, the communications officer noticed some odd beeping but it never registered as he continued with his duties.

Jan 16th, 2003, 01:15:51 PM
The Fallstone Nebula, on the outskirts of the Nevoota Sector

Wraith smirked as he watched the data transmission from the Cronus come into the main computer.

They'd finally seen the kind of ship he was using.

It's about time they see who their attackers are. Too bad Millard'll never know.

He copied the transmission all onto a data pad and made his way into the office next to him.

As the black doors opened, Wraith saluted his commander.

"We have the information now sir. And here's my report. It went off without a hitch."

Jagger Fyoryn
Feb 13th, 2003, 09:58:46 PM
"Good work, Wraith. My superiors will be pleased."

Vice Admiral Fyoryn showed what appeared to be a smile, though the hardened Admiral's stone-faced visage barely allowed that. It wasnt overly apparant, but Fyoryn was more than proud of his ace. Balmorra boasted some of the best pilots in the galaxy, and had a reputation for its deadly Star Fighter Squadrons, the most infamous being that of Shadow Squadron. It pleased the Admiral to no end that Wraith along with his three wingmen were much deadlier than the Shadows, even with the Shadows outnumbering them 3 to 1.

Soon enough, others would see the scope of what Demon Squadron was capable of....

"I've been very pleased with your success, and my superiors have also. This report will not disappoint them at all. I trust the new fighters are exceeding our previous expectations?"

Fyoryn slowly paced up the hallway, with Wraith walking beside him.

Feb 15th, 2003, 05:06:24 PM
"Yes they are preforming as we thought they would," Wraith had an evil smile on his face, "And even more so."

He ran a hand over the black metal as they walked through the hall. The metal was cool, much like the heart which beat within him.

"Demon Squadron is up to full capacity. Remind me to 'thank' the man who designed the fighers for us."

He smiled evilly then laughed aloud.