View Full Version : Clone Wars
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 6th, 2003, 10:26:42 PM
Has anybody played this game? I am thinking about picking it up and wondering if it is worth it.
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:44:12 AM
I was looking through the guide at TRU the other day. It looks like you get to hack away with a lightsaber at times. yummie..........
Jan 7th, 2003, 12:40:43 PM
Those parts aren't that fun. Don't be fooled. The game is cool though, flying around and stuff.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 7th, 2003, 05:10:01 PM
So the lightsaber stuff is nothing like Jedi Outcast then? How are the graphics?
Jan 7th, 2003, 06:33:16 PM
I haven't played outcast, so I can't compare gameplay. I mean, there's one part where you play as Mace, and fight a few droids and some *unarmed* Geonosians. A real challenge. :rolleyes
Flying the Republic gunship is really cool though. Almost worth it right there.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 14th, 2003, 08:26:16 PM
I rented it today, I wanted to see if it was worth the 50 bucks or not, so far its a very good looking game, it reminds me of Jedi Starfighter, I might buy it will depend on how easy it is for me to beat.
Feb 16th, 2003, 01:33:15 PM
I'm about to pop it back into my player right now and pick up where I left off. I'm playing as Anakin right now and I'm flying a STAP through a forest. This part is pretty tough so far.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 16th, 2003, 02:00:44 PM
I got through the first level with Mace, so far its a good, the graphics are great. I agree with you about the lightsaber fighting it is kind of easy.
Sean Piett
Feb 16th, 2003, 03:25:01 PM
Good game. I like it.
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:55:33 AM
I'm hanging out on Kashyyk still, but now I'm cruising around in a AAT. :)
Feb 23rd, 2003, 02:33:20 PM
Stick a fork in this one. I'm done. It was a decent game, but as far as SW games go, I liked Bounty Hunter MUCH more. All of the bosses in this game can be killed in the same way--easily. Even the last boss is simple enough, it only took me 2 tries. The ending movie scene was a little lame too. :\ ah well.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 24th, 2003, 10:36:45 PM
So you don't recommend me buying it? If not I might just rent it again just to beat it.
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:40:47 AM
Well it depends on how much you liked it when you first played it.
I don't regret having got it, but it certainly wasn't my favorite SW game. I really did get a kick out of flying the Republic Assault ship though, that was really cool. The movie sequences were the thing I was let down with the most though. I would wait for awhile and buy it cheaper if you can find it. Or continue renting it and beating it that way.
Feb 25th, 2003, 09:59:10 AM
I'm definitely going to wait until it goes on sale. Or I might just pick it up used on eBay for around $25.
Feb 25th, 2003, 10:53:36 AM
I just bought a copy on ebay for $22. Not too bad. I can't wait to get my hands on that Republic Gunship!
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:30:46 PM
Yeah, that part is really cool. Re-enacting certain manoevers from AotC is the best part of the game, namely taking out Commerce Guild ships and using those big green lasers which do a HELL of a lot of damage.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 26th, 2003, 12:45:01 PM
I might just wait and find it someplace cheap, that is probably the best thing to do.
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