View Full Version : Have ya seen 'em?

Jan 6th, 2003, 06:59:09 PM
Jhony leans back in his stool, lucky enough to get caught by the waitress behind him.

"Heeeey, girlfrien'...haf ya seen 'em?"

At the look of confusion on her face, he prompts her again.

"Y'know...m'kids. Here...I got pi'tures..."

She pushes him with disgust and he falls face forward against the bar.

"Man...tough love..."

Eve Siren
Jan 7th, 2003, 06:35:08 AM
"Maybe if you asked a bit more politely ..." A female voice trailed off.

Eve stood behind the man that had just fell. Next to him, she felt like a shortie, but it was pretty much the same with everyone. She reached her hand down to him, looking down on him. She wore her usual black leather attire and held a sort of grocery paper bag in her other hand.

"Need help ?"

Jan 7th, 2003, 07:46:10 AM
"Aaahhh'm up..."

Jhony heaves himself drunkenly to his feet, staggering against Eve and looping an arm around her shoulders.

"Mebbe you sheen 'em...li'l peepul...one's a boi...one's a guurll..."

Eve Siren
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:43:00 AM
Eve let a slight gasp escape her mouth as she stepped back in reflex, the stranger putting an arm around her shoulders. She arched an eyebrow, listening to his drunken talk. She sighed, nodding but not exactly answering. She put her free hand in his back and dragged him into the men's bathroom, listening to some ooing, others cursing and shouting, but she ignored them. She kicked the door open and turned on the faucet for cold water, while still holding onto the drunk man. When it was full enough, she pushed his face downwards, into the cold icy water.

"It's not in this state that you'll find them ..." Eve murmured, but more to herself than to him.

Jan 7th, 2003, 12:41:23 PM
Jhony sputters at the water and pushes himself up.

"Heey...not nice, that..."

He's more aware, but his diction is still that of a half-drunk drifter.

Eve Siren
Jan 7th, 2003, 04:02:27 PM
Eve arched an eyebrow. The other men in line were still shouting. It annoyed her, so she half-stepped outside of the bathroom and reached into her back, where a gun was located. She pulled it out and charged it in front of him, her lips frowning angrily.

"I can't hear what the man is saying here, so why don't you guys just shut up and give me a minute."

As soon as she heard no complaints, she stepped back inside and held up two fingers to the drunk. "How many fingers do you see ?"

Jan 7th, 2003, 07:58:03 PM
Jhony's brow furrows.

"Um...2 and a half..."

He leans on the wall and sinks into a squat. After a few moments with his face in his palms, he looks back up.


Eve Siren
Jan 8th, 2003, 10:36:46 AM
Eve let a sigh out, but a content one.

"Good. Are you fully awake yet, Sir ...?" She didn't quite catch his name just yet.

Jan 8th, 2003, 10:47:33 AM
"Jhony...jus' call me Jhony."

His voice is subdued. He knows he shouldn't drink, knows it won't help his cause, yet he continues anyway...

"I'm fine. Thanks."

Eve Siren
Jan 9th, 2003, 10:36:56 AM
"Those kids in the picture. Are they yours ?"

He seemed more calmed down. Eve stood back up, crossing her arms after putting her gun back in place. She waited for an answer, but wouldn't be surprised if he just brushed her off.

Jan 9th, 2003, 08:54:13 PM
"Here...check 'em out. The little girl is mine biologically...the boy is adopted..."

He reaches into his pocket and hands her two pictures...actually, it's one picture that's been torn in half by wear.


"You seen 'em...?"

Eve Siren
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:32:05 PM
Eve frowned slightly and shook her head, taking the torn picture. She examined them quickly before handing them back, shaking her head once more. She ran her hand through her long dark hair, as she replied.

"I'm sorry ... I've never seen them. Have you tried contacting someone who could help you ?" She then asked.

Then a little arrogant tone was added to her voice. "I'm sure the Jedi would help ..."

Jan 10th, 2003, 06:34:20 PM
Jhony takes the picture back and pockets it.

"I can't remember their names...though I wanna say one begins with 'Z'...I take it by your tone you don't like the Jedi."

If the Jedi are as incompetent as her tone implies, then he might not bother with it at all.

Eve Siren
Jan 11th, 2003, 06:05:09 PM
"'Don't like' is an understatement, but hey, some of them are cute." She quickly said.

She didn't want him to find out that her name was Eve, that she was a former Sith Knight, that she disliked the Jedi. She bit on her lower lip. But it was true that they could help Jhony and that they would do a better job than she would.

"How can you not remember your own kids' names ?" She arched an eyebrow. This was rather odd.

Jan 11th, 2003, 06:13:29 PM
"I remember a big explosion and waking up in a med bay. Nuthin' before that."

He stands and brushes his pants off. Maybe he should find a Jedi...

"Thanks for your trouble, ma'am."

Eve Siren
Jan 11th, 2003, 06:56:37 PM
Amnesia ? Maybe. Eve stepped back as the man stood up, dusting off his pants. She tightened her grip around her grocery bag and nodded.

"You shouldn't drink in times like this. They are waiting for you, you know."

Jan 11th, 2003, 11:25:40 PM
"If I'm lucky...if they're alive..."

He tips his hat and walks out, ignoring the backslaps and shouts of men in the bar.