View Full Version : The Hunter
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:28:11 PM
Gerbo was just outside the inn he had tracked a Vampire here this area for some odd reason attracted allot of Vampires much like allot dark runned down places. The only bad part is Gerbo had a bit of bad feeling about this place. He had a weird sense that there where Vamps strong in the force nearby and those where the worst kind of vamps if you where un prepared.
Gerbo looked up and down at what hunting gear he had provided himself with. really there wasn't much to deal with force using vamps on him. So gerbo called on his ship as he flew over head it dropped a cargo container. As it slammed to the ground the boards broke away and inside was a new freshly modified bike.
Gerbo went to the Bike and took a remote off the seat of it. Then turned and started walking for the Bar thinking to himself Back up just incase.
The door open to the bar slowly as the dark figure strode in. Gerbo saw allot of people tense up a bit. More then likely Vamps he thought or it could be the weapons which ever.
Gerbo made his way to a little bar and he stared at the Inn Keeper/Bar keep.
"Give me a whiskey and make sure there no blood in it."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 8th, 2003, 04:03:29 PM
As gerbo received his whiskey he slowly sniffed it. To his surprise there wasn't a hint of blood smell. Gerbo took a drink as he slowly began to walk around the room staring at faces that he keep a mental note to memorize every ones.
He slowly stalked around none of the faces seemed familiar but then again if there was evil magic about he could be subject to that spell at this moment so it was better to keep all sense alert not just his eyes. Gerbo spot a young woman in a corner and he made his way to her and sat across from her.
"so where is the vampyre."
The woman's eyes darted across the room in several direction then back to gerbo. those eyes gave him the count of 12 possible vampyres.
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:00:34 PM
"Why are you looking for Vampires Mister?"
A soft voice spoke behind him. He turned, only to have his gaze be met by the dark eyes of a little girl. She was dressed in a dark red dress, her long dark hair pulled back in a red ribbon. She smiled sweetly as she awaited his answer.
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:15:44 PM
Dalamar placed a hand on Sam's shoulder. He smiled at Gerbo but said nothing. Prefering to let the little girl do the talking. His arched eyebrow seemed to say more than enough.
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:42:56 PM
The woman across from him smile sweetly. Her blood red lips mixed with he soft mlky colored skin, and those seductive yellow eyes would enchant and seduce anyone she wanted to. But this one she felt it woud not work on. She knew nt whoor what this one was, and she wanted to find out.
"Yes, why are you looking for them. They are not the type to jus go out and look for"
Syndell had never me a vmpyre hunter before, having only been turned a vampyre a few months ago, she did not know the possible dangershe could be in. But with Dalamar present, she felt safe enough.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:09:07 PM
Boldly opening the door of the Inn, a lone cloaked figure enters, hood drawn low over the face. Not pausing to so much as glance at the patrons, the robed being moves decisively to the bar.
A well manicured finger extends, crooking in gesture to the bartender. The soft, well modulated voice issuing forth from the hood held a surprising firmness in its' tone.
"Dalamar. Where can I find him?"
Lord Soth
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:00:55 PM
Soth watched from a darkened corner of the establishment as the interesting event's about him rapidly unfolded. An outlander hunter and a beautiful woman in need of a Vampyre...
"How quaint..." Came the low uttered word's from the silhouetted figure who sat alone, the very shadow's moving about his armored form as if protecting him in their inky vale. The long passing hour's had finally paid off, boredom was now fleeting.
Drawing a deep drag from the sweet glitter-stem cigarette, the Death Knight eye'd the blonde that had just entered the tavern. It was quite obvious to Soth the woman had a lot on her mind by the look's of her evident demeanor. He would bide his time for now...After all, he was Vampyre and time was a luxury he could afford.
"He's behind you m'lady..." Came the smooth velvety word's to Lady Daiquiri's ear; as if the person who spoke them stood at her side, close enough to touch her if he so pleased.
Darren Caerdeth
Jan 11th, 2003, 01:10:30 AM
The place was lively tonight. Tucked away in his owner little corner sat Darren, casually puffing away on an ever present cigarette. If front of him sat a bottle of Vodka. As of right now, the bottle was half full, being as Darren was the optimist of sorts. Nothing to do, Nothing to do. The place was lively though.
A few minutes ago, a confident looking guy strolled in, seemed have a bit of intimidation coming from a few of the patrons. Bounty Hunter maybe. Guy must not have been too dangerous, as he picked a little girl to question. Right beside her came Dalamar. Alana had mentioned him, but Darren hadnt really spoken to him much. Ah, and who was this sitting in the same general viscinity. Quite the looker, to say the least.
Then another blonde walked in, too bad for Darren, Soth caught her first. . Oh well. The place was lively, other opportunities were sure to arrive. For now, Darren kicked his feet up on the seat across from himself and got comfortable before downing another swig of vodka......
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:13:46 AM
Leaning against a darkened archway, one leg draped over the other. Sipping on a mild ale as he was watching the events that were happening in the bar, he could see that the newcomer was a bounty hunter of some sort. The cloaked figure had Ambrose's full attention now.
The Vampire Warrior would stay where he was but he would keep a close eye on him. He would make sure that he did not do anything that he would regret later on. If this night would play out smoothly, the man might keep his life. If not, it is uncertain what his destiny will be...
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:48:58 AM
The bounty hunter had arrived. Dalamar blended in behind her when he heard her demand. "Where can I find him."
The smoky haze of glitter stem surrounded Soth as his dead pan eye's looked into Lady Daiquri's. "He's behind you m'lady..." She let out a slight jump at finding the Warlord behind her. "Thank you Soth." The Vampyre intoned. The only responce from the Sith Master was a slight smile. He liked the reaction of some when exposed to Vampyre's. There reactions entertained him and Dalamar to some extent. They tried to act many way's like they where unafraid,or to ignore what they where dealing with, the worst was the one's that made joke's.
Lady Daiquiri was none of these thou. She was a buisness woman through and through. Dalamar led her to the table across from Gerbo. "Order a drink on me mi'lady and I will be with you momentarily."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 12th, 2003, 03:01:21 AM
Her intial surprise over, Daiquiri smiles tightly at the man she now faces. She hated going into a job 'blind', not knowing what the person on the other end of a business deal looked like but it couldnt have been avoided this time. Dalamar had been willing to pay ShadowFaene's exorbitant 'delivery' fee and that was good enough for her...this time. Daiquiri had never dealt with vampires before and knew of them only through the stories that her fiance had passed along.
Dalamar was being gracious though and her force senses werent warning her of any hidden dangers so when he offered her a seat and a drink, she accepted.
A large dark-skinned man sat across from her at an adjoining table and was eyeing her speculativly. Daiq had the feeling that she should know this male or had perhaps seen him once but the memory wasnt forthcoming. Filing the nagging thought away, she settles back into her chair and lets her crisp blue gaze rove amongst the other customers while waiting for the warlord to return.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 13th, 2003, 04:52:06 PM
Gerbo stared at the little girl he didn't understand why such a child would be in this type of place. Then Gerbo noted the Vampyre Dalamar a man he had meet on one other occasion and had lost a fight on that occasion too. Then gerbo new there was allot more powerful vampires about for gerbo had never seen Dalamar alone never once.
Gerbo knew then if he where to start a fight here and now he would need allot back up. Gerbo had fought lots of vampires in his past but he had never beaten one that had the force as a weapon. Then another woman spoke up and gerbo turned his attention to her but still kept an eye on Dalamar.
“Why do you think I'm looking for Vampires? If you don't know perhaps your friend Dalamar will introduce me to you and this little girl here."
The Next thing Gerbo noticed was a woman he had seen once before just slight out of the corner of his eye when he had done a quick business deal with Vega Van Derveld. Gerbo did not know her name or anything about her just that she was wonder the castle of Volfstadt the day he was there.
“I have seen you before in the oddest of all places a Lupine siths castle. Does Vega know that you are vesting one the lupines greatest enemies the Vampire?"
Gerbo flashed his Fangs in Daiqs direction not purposely more unknowingly then anything, it was a normal intimidation method for him to knock back possible enemies.
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:16:20 PM
Making sure that Syndell was keeping an eye on Samantha for him he returned to Lady Daiquri. The Dark Lord sat placing his swords gently on the table. "So I take it by your prescence here that your venture for me was succesful." The vampyre was reluctant to use outside help but this job was of a sensitive nature. He need the service's of ShadowFaene's so that the nature of the delivery would stay discreet.
His fingers laced together he tried not to look to eager. His long life had taught him patience. He openly admired the young female before him. He had dossiers sent on her before choosing her for the job. It was quite adequate. Her list of succesful deliveries along with her keen buisness sense had impressed him like few did. She also seemed to observe the Warlord something that he was quite use to because of his appearance. Most of his kind seemed to radiate a deadly grace. Hence the open staring of others. She finished her drink and started to speak.......
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:29:25 PM
"I'll show you mine if you show me your's."
She smiled then but it just barely reached her eyes. In her line of work, one never truly mixed business and pleasure. Delivery, payment and fun, all strictly in that order.
Daiquiri didnt offer to show Dalamar exactly where on her person his package laid in wait and she wouldnt until he showed her the monies promised. All in good faith, of course.
Her gaze drifted over to Lang once more, running cooly over his face before responding to his statements.
"Two things that you should know about me. The first being that nothing I do is of any concern of yours. The second is that Vega is my fiance, not my keeper. Any other questions?"
Sliding her eyes back to Dalamar, she lifts her glass in a silent and empty-glassed toast to him.
"I seem to have drank it all. You do have something to show me, right?"
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:54:22 PM
Hearing the words Vega is my fiance come from Lady Daiquiri made him look at her in such a way, like a child who has just tasted something horrible. The lupine were the main enemy of the Vampires. The Vampire warrior looked over to where the Vampire Lord was sitting with the sith mistress, he pondered on the thought of Lord Dalamar having anything to do with the Garou...
Seeing his master again, he knew that Gerbo Land would not do anything in here tonight. Ambrose's hopes dropped a little bit, he was hoping on feeding off of the Vampire Hunter. Clearing his mind, he focused all of his attention onto his master. Soth heard the words in his head as clearly as if Ambrose had said them out loud.
It is a pleasure to see you again Master.
As the sith Warrior turned his attention back to Gerbo, he finished his drink and ordered another. Still watching the dark skinned man as the waitress slipped the glass into his pale hand. His nails scratching her as she pulled away. He gripped the glass of wine firmly.
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:56:03 PM
"One moment please." Dalamar lifted his wrist com up "Well?" static could be heard before a crackly voice came back with a response. "Yes sir, she scans positive."
"Very well good work Aranthol." Dalamar reached for his two swords pulling one of the blade's out with a hiss. He cut the fabric under the chair he sat in. Out dropped two velvet bags and some paper's with seal's from the shreds of the chair. The Warlord slid it all to Daiquiri "The price we agreed upon. Check and see if I am not a man of my word. Those documents all have the Jedi seal as Hera requested, may they serve her well. Now show me yours." he said with a sly smile.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:24:50 PM
Sexual innuendo never failed to amuse her and this time was no exception. Her wink matched his smile as she slid her hood down from her head and reached back, loosening the thick bun of hair from it's restraints.
With her free hand, Daiquiri carefully retrieves the satin wrapped
parcel from its hiding place within her golden mane, the hood of her robe having helped all the while to conceal it's prescence.
Placing the surprisingly heavy item gently in front of the warlord, Daiq gives her head a shake.
"Ive got a raging headache from that being tied into my hair. Last time I try it that way."
Scooping up the bags that he had pushed in her direction, Daiquiri unceremoniously counts what lies inside.
"No offense, Dalamar but Ive been stiffed by better men than you. Best to count it now and know."
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:00:51 PM
Dark Tendril's of energy seemed to caress Dalamar's body as his Crimson eye's flared red at her careless comment. Visibly controlling his cool vampyre rage he loosened his grip on the hilt of his sword. Then went through the motion of attaching the weapon's back on. They formed a x with the hilts coming up over each shoulder. "If you must." Dalamar considered his honor without reproach but there dealing's had been brief. She would know with time that the Dark Lord of the Shrine did not Lie.
Picking up the item he examined it. It was well preserved inside where the ashes of Telemon the III. "The Queen mother will be pleased. She has sought this artifact for quite some time." The vampyre traced his hand's along the smooth golden surface of the Hawk. "Most pleased indeed."
Two shrine guardian's marched forward at a sharp gesture from the Warlord. Place this in the Outer Heaven I will deal with it when I am done here. With another gesture they where gone. The Dark Lord turned back to his guest. His black ebony armor glistened in the pale roon inn light. It contrasted with his pale complexion and dead red eye's. "Is everything in order." he said in clipped tone's.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:14:19 PM
Nodding in satisfaction, Daiquiri slips the velvet pouches down into her cloak, patting them possessively.
"Hera will be pleased, Lord Dalamar, as I am. Should you ever again have need of our services, you know how to reach us. We appreciate your patronage. Is there anything else before I go?"
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 14th, 2003, 08:12:27 PM
Standing up in one smooth motion Dalamar looked into her eye's. "I dont know how to put this delicately so I will speak openly. I find you quite attractive and would like to know now that our buisness is concluded. If you would like to dance?" The Warlord stood there putting his best leg forward and his hand outstrechted.....
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 14th, 2003, 09:07:35 PM
Gerbo scuffed a bit at the thought of Dalamar and Daiq dancing a Lupines soon to be wife and a Vampire dancing what a combo.
" Don't you think the woman would rather dance with something that still has a little life left in it Dalamar. "
Gerbo grinned a little bit as he took a drink of his whiskey. He looked around the bar and he knew there where to maney for him to handle a lone so there would be no fighting this night it kinda disapoint gerbo a bit. The thing that struck Gerbo though is why he didn't attempt to steal the object that Dalamar had resived it would have been a great bargaining chip.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 14th, 2003, 10:03:13 PM
Dalamar couldnt have surprised her more with his request than if he had launched himself across the table at her, fangs bared for the bite. Actually, that wasnt completely true. Once having discovered the warlord to be a vampire, Daiq had rather been expecting something like that to happen. But never being asked to dance. What the frell, eh? She would put it down as a new experience and as a courtesy from ShadowFaene.
Inclining her head, she takes Dalamar's offered hand and stands, her fingers lightly closing around his. Hera had told her that a vampire generates no body heat but she wasnt prepared for the coldness of his touch.
Repressing a shiver, Daiquiri steps out from behind the table as he moves closer to her.
"Lord Dalamar, its only fair that I inform you that I am engaged to be married to a most wonderful man. This can be one dance only."
Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 14th, 2003, 11:46:47 PM
"If I have learned one thing Mi'lady in my long life is that many thing's change. But I shall not press you on this matter. One dance it shall be." His crimson eye's glowed momentarily as all the candle's in the room flared to brightness. Pulling her lithe form close to his he spoke softly. "We will have to make it a dance you will never forget ." The musician on a que from Dalamar played a slightly more upbeat tempo.
The music seem to play only for them as they glided across the floor. There bodies pressed in perfect rythm. The heat from her body was stirring the vampyre blood as he increased the tempo and complication's in his steps. He was well pleased to see Daiq keep up with him without missing a beat. They piroted across the dance floor forgeting all other's locked in the moment. Dalamar spun her out only for her to return swinging into his arms he finished the fantastic dance by dipping her low. The Candle light dimmed and the crowd in the Roon Inn clapped vigoursly. As he lifted her up he spoke softly in her ear. "If Vega ever displease's you my door is alway's open to your grace's. Dalamar pulled out a necklace it sparkled beautifully in the dim light. Diamond's and Saphire's shone with a brilliance all there own. "A token of my grattitude for your dance lesson." The Warlord gently kissed her hand............
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 15th, 2003, 01:03:47 AM
Slow, simple, methodical. A typical slow dance was what had come to mind when the warlord asked her. This was anything but.
Daiquiri accepted that they would be dancing closely together but once Dalamar slipped his arm around her waist, he had drawn her inexorably closer, pressing her tightly up against his body. His hold on her was gentle yet with a strengh that belied it's tenderness. When she pressed back against his arm in an attempt to put a few inches between them, it became clear that without making a scene, the vampire wasnt going to loosen his embrace on her. So be it. It was only one dance.
The flames on the candles flickered then blazed in renewed life as Dalamar quickened the pace of the dance and though she hated to admit it, Daiquiri was hard put keeping up with him. Intricate dance steps were followed by a breathless outward spin then with an effortless light pull on her hand, the warlord drew her back into his arms only to whisk her off in the opposite direction.
She could feel his eyes on her and when at last Dalamar leaned over her in a low dip, Daiquiri was more than half expecting to feel his lips against her neck. Instead, they brushed against her ear, his voice soft and low as he whispered his standing invitation.
'If Vega ever displeases you, my door is always open to your graces.'
Daiquiri could never be quite sure afterward if the shock she felt at his words showed openly on her face or not but in the next second, Dalamar had dazzled her eyes with the brillance of the jeweled necklace he now dangled before her.
Placing it in her hand, he wrapped her fingers gently around the expensive baubble then leaned down as he lifted her hand to his lips. Daiquiri understood what he meant by 'dance lesson' but it was unacceptable and she firmly pushed the necklace back into his possession.
"As lovely a token as it is, I cant accept your gift, Lord Dalamar. The evening has been...interesting but i need to go. I thank you again for your patronage of ShadowFaene and for the drink. Goodnight."
With a quick nod of her head to both the warlord and the dark skinned man still sitting close by, Daiquiri draws the hood of her cloak up over her head and exits the Roonstone Inn, hurrying for the relative sanity of her ship.
Jan 20th, 2003, 07:03:24 PM
Placing the girl on her lap, Syndell watched the hunter as he kept his eyes fixed on Dalamar. Grinning, she spoke to him, using her seductive voice.
*So tell me stranger. Would you like to dance as well*
Looking at him, she put on an alluring smile. Her red lips shining in the pale lit room.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:51:06 AM
Gerbo looked to syndell she could have been very seductive and got any normal man to do her bidding but gerbo was no normal man and he say syndell for who she was. She was an evil vampire witch that would some day die at the hand of his sword.
“I’m sorry but I do not dance with the enemy."
Gerbo did not deny in his mind that syndell was indeed beautiful but his code would not allow him to speak it. Gerbo stood up from the table.
“I will be leaving now; do expect to see me again."
Gerbo turned to the doorr and began to walk away.
Alana Stormcloud
Jan 22nd, 2003, 07:54:04 PM
Alana had walked in just as Gerbo was leaving. She stopped in front of him. A smile filled her porcelain face and made her ever changing eyes glint.
"Well if it isn’t our old friend Gerbo. How goes the hunting and what is this about not dancing with the enemies?" Alana pulled her lips into a playful pout. "Surly you would not deny me the pleasure of your company?" Alana asked her voice soft and playful. The vampyre Lordess removed her cloak from her shoulders, leaving them bare.
"Come Gerbo, do not deny an old friends request." Alana held out her slender hand. It had been some time since the two had faced one another. She wondered if he would have it in him to step into her waiting arms....
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:57:48 AM
Gerbo looked right into alana's his thought come clear to everyone who was eve dropping. Gerbo lang had made his choices long ago to fight those who where Half a kin to him. The idea that such beings could kill off a weaker race with out thinking just to taste there blood. The answer came clear in gerbo's head "NO" He would not dance with his chosen enemy.
Gerbo still looking at alana laughed a bit at her playful words then stepped around her and continued to the door.
" You have chosen your path, I have chosen mine and I will not dance with my enemies."
Pandora Damaris
Jan 25th, 2003, 04:10:43 AM
What seemed to be the velvety touch of another caressed the skin of Gerbo's neck as his eye's remained focused on the vampyre lordess Alana. Rounding the other side of the hunter, the lovely Pandora paused as she took a seductive stance in front of him, her dark eye's slowly trailing up from Gurbo's feet until they met with his.
"And you call yourself a hunter?" Pandora tongued the sharp point's of her ivory fang's as she casually rested a gloved hand on the hilt of her Sith sword.
"Were is your prey if it is not before you, Gerbo Lang?" The ancient finished in a mocking tone, her stance and her sultry word's obviously testing the man's patient's intentionally.
Darren Caerdeth
Jan 25th, 2003, 12:52:51 PM
It looked as if the hunter was ready to leave. A pity. He and Daiquiri were the life of the party, quite literally. Even worse, It seemed Gerbo had more than enough attention from the ladies. Why did he wanna leave? He wasnt gay, was he?
Either way, it was far to early in the evening for someone to be turning in. Darren killed off the rest of his vodka and mashed his cigarette into the ashtray. In an instant he was to his feet and making his way to the door. As he reached the door, another cigarette made its way into his mouth. He stood with one arm behind his back, leaning against the doorway.
Pandora was busy with Gerbo right now, though the hunter could easily see Darren blocking the doorway ahead of him.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jan 27th, 2003, 02:53:39 PM
Gerbo Looked at Pandora and scoffed a bit. He could tell from the way she presented herself she was ancient. Most ancient had an ora about them that disgusted gerbo. Gerbo also Knew the women was trying to test his patients. She showed off her fangs which really didn't impress gerbo, so gerbo returned the Favor by showing his own fangs.
“You think this little skit of yours will drive me to aggravation lady. I learned how to fight off blood lust through Patients long ago. If you wish to continue to try it you will find out it will last ten times what age you’re at now. Do you really want to wait that long?"
Gerbo noticed her hand at the hilt of her sword but he paid it no attention as he began to walk around Pandora for the door. He saw another vampire standing near the door. Gerbo shook his head and continued to walk towards him.
“Do you really want to play these Foolish games today?"
The statement was aimed at Darren as gerbo continued to walk he stepped his way around Darren shoving him away a bit so he could fully open the door. Gerbo noticed Darrens little toy in his hand.
“You Might want put that away before you hurt yourself."
Gerbo stepped out the door as Darren Blow smoke in gerbo's face and then began to walk to his bike about a hundred yards away.
Darren Caerdeth
Jan 27th, 2003, 06:19:52 PM
Darren smiled widely as Gerbo walked away. He waved bye to the hunter, then looked down to the gun in his hand...
"Get Hurt? Pfffffft!"
Without further hesitation, Darren put the gun back in its holster and walked back towards the bar.
"Vodka Red my man, im gettin a bit dry!"
Alana Stormcloud
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:07:17 PM
The vampyre Lordess nodded to Darren, her smile broadened. "Such dedication to hate is almost admirable is it not? He has been hunting us for a long time now, and he seems to enjoy our company enough to sit among his sworn enemy."
Alana gestured to a passing droid, "blood wine. Would you care to join me in a toast Darren? To our enemies, may they always be so dedicated." Her cold laughter rang through the noise of the bar....
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