View Full Version : Take Off Your Mask [Padawans Needed]

Salem Ave
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:14:01 PM
[OOC: Once a few of the Krath members have arrived we'd like a few Padawans to come and speak with us. The basic plot is that the members of the Krath are trying to turn some of the Jedi Padawan's, who are Masterless and lack training, to the darkside. You don't need to follow through with that, of course, though, just don't spoil the party for us.]

A teenage boy gingerly pushed open the Bar and Grill door, peeping his head around the corner. His black eyes passed the bar once over and in that single instant took in every detail and every face the room had to boast. This done, he held the door open fully and entered. It had been raining outside, and he was drenched, though didn’t seem to mind at all – the room was brimming with extra heat that instantly warmed even the coldest skin to show a little pink hue. For a moment he lingered at the doorway before finding himself a table and sitting down.

The way he sat it appeared as though he was nervous. He folded his hands in his lap and looked down at the surface in front of him. A waitress asked him if he wanted to order anything and he declined, politely, stating that he was waiting for some friends to arrive – and within a minute or two, they did.

Jan 6th, 2003, 01:19:34 PM
The Jackel sneaks inside, wringing his long hair and clothes.

"You could drown someone out there. Doesn't sound like a bad idea, really..."

He flops down in a chair near Salem.

"What do we want with these weaklings?"

Sebastian Kvasha
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:37:28 PM
This was to be his first outing with the others. He was looking forward to it for the simple fact that he would finally be able to put a face to what up until this point had been an elusive group that he belonged to. He had met a few of them, and they seemed like a capable lot. Not that he doubted that Jeseth would pick those who were.

He ducked inside the door, his head still bent as if to conceal his face from view as much as possible. Reluctantly he gave up his weapons, disliking on general principal any place that would force him to give up what was rightfully his. But he complied, and then his dark eyes shifted to find the group, and spotting the vampire, he made his way across the room. He was sitting with one that Sebastian had not yet met – one with a loud mouth and what seemed to be a lot of attitude. Instantly he liked him, though outwardly this was not at all expressed.

He stood before the table for a moment and wordlessly slid into a seat.

Jan 6th, 2003, 02:05:15 PM
The doors of the bar and grill opened and entered Cold Blaine. He was quite covered up and prepared for the rain. He had a black jacket with a hood that protected his head from the water. Even though he was prepared for the rain, a bit of water managed to sneak inside his jacket and drip on his neck.

Cold removed his hood and felt the humidity of the room. His eyes roamed the bar. He saw Jedi having drinks and laughs and then spotted the group he was to meet with. A malicious smile came to Cold's face as he saw them.

He approached them and sat down on an available seat. He remained silent and nodded to those who were there.

Jared Mriad
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:43:50 PM
Again the doors clanged open and another entered the bar, dropping off a steel sword at the door. A hood and cloak were pulled over a black jacket and gray shirt that faded into an equally black pair of jeans and a blood red, leather dog’s collar encircled his neck as par usual.

Some of the heavy downpour had seeped past the outer garmet's and set a damp ring around Jared's neck. Cold but relaxing to him, it was comforting to say the least unlike the masses of Jedis and mercenarys that usually occupied the bar.

He scanned the establishment front to back before centering on the table which the other member's sat in silence, exept for one who talked quite loudly. Making the table his destination, Jared weaved bettween others and bypassed the rumbling droids before sliding a chair away from another table and sitting down... harmlessly.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:56:46 PM
A young Jedi padawan sat at a table staring out a window into the rainy night. How depressing it was so gloomy much like his life. Jackson heard the door open and noticed several disturbing characters enter the Bar and none seemed to be locals or normal bar fly's. They stroked jackson courosity more then a little so he dragged himself from his gloomy thoughts and began to watch the new comers.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:05:36 PM
The double doors to the Bar & Grill suddenly swooped open to reveal a sopping wet Kelt Simoson scweltch into the packed bar and grill. Kelt hardly ever visited the B&G anymore because Kelt was not a drinker at all despite his feudal past. But today the Jedi Padawan decided enough was enough and he would treat himself to a properly cooked meal rather than his own messy and often sloppy home cooked food.

Each and everyone of his steps left a soggy mark upon the tiled floor as he made his way towards the bar, once even slipping on his own trodden rain water which raised a chuckle or two. Never-the-less he made it safely to the bar.

'A soda with ice....' He looked towards his soggy cloak for a moment....'Actually scratch that... a soda with no ice and a nice hot bowl of you excellent meat curry please...' He smiled to the barman who once had a problem with Padawan for ordering a drink from his own unknown planet. Kelt found a quite spot next to a bunch of dark looking lads....Mr.Ave being one of them...he sat down with a uncomfitable splosh which made a pool of water ring out from his cloak. Ignoring his feelings of the dark as there was nowhere else to sit, Kelt was not scared of a few cronies after all.

Cherice St_Hilare
Jan 6th, 2003, 08:22:52 PM
She cursed the wet weather as she quickened her pace, not too far behind Jared. "Drat," she muttered. "Of all the days, it had to rain today."

She pushed the door open and glared at the guard who waited expectantly for her to place her weapons with him.

"Well, I don't have any," she snapped and then briskly brushed past him.

Her blue eyes settled on Salem before looking at the other occupants of Yog's. Well, at least it's warm in here, she thought to herself while reaching up and wringing the water out of her silver hair. A few patrons stared at her as if never seeing a woman wring her hair out before. She let out a slight groan and walked up to the bar before glancing sideways at a man in a soaking wet cloak. His light aura that vaguely surrounded him let her know that he was, indeed, a Jedi.

Cherice turned her back to the bar and placed her hands on the counter, hoisting herself up, and sat down. It was actually quite comfortable.

"It's not one of the best days to go for a stroll in the park," she remarked idly, more than likely to herself.

She pulled her black gloves on tighter before smoothing the wrinkles out on her rather ordinary outfit, which was, of course, black.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 6th, 2003, 09:37:46 PM
Xazor quietly sat at the front of the Bar, eyeing the large group of Darksiders that happened to come in all at once. She thought it was a bit odd, but turned and continued sipping on the Ale in front of her, keeping her senses alert in case something....happened.

Feliciana Devano
Jan 6th, 2003, 09:39:47 PM
Feliciana followed Cherice into Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. The black robes upon her clung close to her body and the hood connected at the back of the neck was drawn up and shielded her head from the rain. The guards stopped her and requested her weapons, which she reluctantly handed over before stepping inside fully and removing the hood with her right hand. Straight black hair flowed out from beneath the covering and caressed her shoulders gently before the rest fell to the middle of her back. It offset her fair skin and bright cyan eyes making her stand out a bit. She followed her fellow Krath Members to a table and sat down, noticing the business of the establishment.

"Indeed, what a day it is."

She spoke softly to Cherice as a half-hearted smile crossed her cherry red lips. They fell into a slight pout as she turned and looked at the occupants of this poor excuse for a bar. 'Jedi...all Jedi....' she thought to herself before sighing. Indeed, though she was the only Dark Jedi among the group of Sith, they were still apart of her 'family'. Her eyes continued scanning the room and then came to rest upon a man looking out the window. She rolled her eyes out of hopelessness, wondering how any Jedi would fall into their.....trap.

Jana Silthron
Jan 6th, 2003, 10:24:07 PM
Jana walked towards the bar she now knew all to well. Her wings were arched over her head creating a shelter from the rain as she walked. She soon got to the door and rolled her eyes as the guard asked for her weapons. She droped off her blaster rifle and glared at the man when he kept holding his hand out, glancing at her saber. She sighed and uncliped it from her belt, handed it to him and walked inside.

She streched her wings just inside the door and shook the rain water off quickly. She then glanced around the bar. Like usual, several odd looks were tossed at her wings. She rolled her eyes and steped over to the darkened corner she usualy sat at... only to find a large group of people already there.


She walked to a different booth and sat down. The young, ambriel, dark jedi brought her wings around her shoulders and leaned back. She suddenly sensed a precense. Xazor. She shook her head.

"Is she always here?"

Her intrest suddenly droped from Xazor and drifted to that of the large group of people. There was something about them that caught her attention... something familer and dark.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:59:40 AM
Sat cross-legged on the floor was a young boy wearing casual attire of earth browns and yellow ochre. Small fingers traced along the sentences of a small book, taking advantage of the extra light and warmth provided by a traditional fire crackling in a fireplace made of false slate. On occssion an ember would be lifted into the air on the rising heat and glowing it would then dissipate suddenly against the invisible force-field that kept the patrons safe and the dancing flames at bay.

He unlike the others was very comfortable but somewhat bored and even miserable. Of late he had been attempting to overcome the effects of seeing a good friend betrayed and tortured by his own people and had also been the victim of a kidnapping. His abductor had made a lasting impression and even as he sat idly glancing at page after page, his mind never once strayed from the conflict that raged inside. How can a dark-sider be capable of such selfless love? How can a person be subjected to so much cruelty and humiliation at the hands of his own people? The shadow of doubt and frustration was yet to cease haunting his thoughts.

"Oh wonderful!" He commented to himself, looking up from his reading. He had sensed immediatly the gloom and misery the brooding bunch of people brought in with them from the rain. Depression kicked in and he stood and found himself a seat in a corner where he might be able to find some sleep and peace until the rain stopped pouring.

Marga Alton
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:04:51 AM
Marga quickly enters to the B&G, eager to get out of the pouring rain. It had seemed to get heavier in the last few minutes. She slips her cloak off and finds a seat after getting herself a nice cider, not quite noticing Domna Xazor in the room. With a glance around the room, she notices a group of ppl sitting together as well as the usual others. Thinking of her past, she can't help but wonder if there is something that she could have done differently to change the outcome of her immediate past. A thud. Jerimas hits the wall. Why did he have to get me angry? Things could have been better. I'd be at home with my family instead of away from home. A slow shake of her head, she focuses on figuring out what's different with the group of ppl that is in the room.

Salem Ave
Jan 7th, 2003, 03:54:41 PM
The slow trickle of entrances didn’t go unnoticed. It wasn’t meant to. The group aimed to set themselves apart from the others in the bar; if they didn’t, there was no way the Jedi would come to them. The group, comprised mostly of humanoids in their late teens or early twenties, and each shared one common trait – darkness shrouded them. They stuck out like a sore thumb.

“Barrrtender,” Salem called out, the usual impediment in his speech ever-present.

“A drrrink for everyone at thisss table … and anyone who ssshould wish to join us.”

His eyes turned back to the Krath, as his mind expanded into theirs. With their recent training they had become closely bonded to one another, and this was already working to their advantage.

A lot of the apprrrentices will have no tutorrr and be eagerrr to get a tassste of the Forrrce.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 8th, 2003, 01:00:31 AM
Catching the eye of a silver haired woman while looking up to see the progress of his food he saw that she was rather pretty but dark none-the-less, he stared at her back after she turned for a few moments assessing her, more than likely she was a darksider along with the others aswell...probably a comrade. Of course whatever there concern beaing here was Kelt would have none of it and neither would the surrounding Jedi.

'Soda and Currey Simoson?' Said the barman with a grumpy huff.

' Correct...thank you...' Kelt said with a smile as the annoyed bar man banged it down on the table along with the drink which sploshed over the side of the glass...why that barman did not like him, to Kelt was a mystery. His fork quickly dug into the curry with rice..Kelt was starving.

Marga Alton
Jan 8th, 2003, 10:48:31 AM
Marga continues to watch the group of ppl who are sitting together when one of them orders a round of drinks for everybody at there table and anyone who wishes to join them. She glances at the other Jedi that she noticed, the ones that she has seen before at the Academy, but she doesn't know there names yet since she is still rather new at the GJO.

The 18 year old girl runs her hand through her wet bright red hair as a couple strands fall into her face as she continues watching with growing curiousity of the group that has caught her attention.

Jan 10th, 2003, 12:42:32 PM
"It would seem your generosity has been declined, Salem..." Inu mutters. "So much for the hospitable reputation of the Jedi..."

Marga Alton
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:44:00 PM
Marga picks up her cider, tired of sitting alone and being curious of this one group of ppl that has caught her attention, she heads over to them. Due to her past, her form of communication is telepathy and she really hopes that it doesn't bother this group.

Mind if I join you??

Matt Eisen
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:24:40 PM
Loud-mouthed canines. Now, there's something you certainly don't come across everyday during one of your ritualistic bar-hopping trips. The Jedi stronghold was his first time drinking within such heavily fortified walls - not that they'd ever find anything incriminating on him - and the fact that the NR would jump at any chance to lug him back to prison didn't do much to ease the tension prevalent in the bar. Damn the elements for stranding him in this godforsaken--

"Why, hello there."

Matt's face cracked into a lewd grin as a silver-haired, lavender-skinned, and overall very, very sweet thing sauntered into the bar, radiating darkness and making no attempt to disguise it. His dark eyes flashed with dementia, following the woman's lithe form as she joined a group of similarly not-so-subtle 'bad guys'. Feisty little chick, was she now. His expression grew even more manic.

Staring leeringly at the rather ominous gathering (well, they wanted to look menacing, didn't they?), the (ex) con-artist straightened the arch of his back and moved away from the wall he was leaning against, towards the counter. He pulled himself up onto a stool beside Cherice, his gaze traveling along the length of her legs approvingly. Free drinks for everyone, announced the deathly pallid man. This evening was definitely taking a turn for the better!

"This a private party, or is the black brigade open to visitors?" he drawled, his attention directed more at Cherice than anyone else.

Sebastian Kvasha
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:02:37 AM
He heard Marga’s question in his mind and turned to eye her for a moment. And then he shrugged, a typical, removed gesture of acceptance. He was a relatively quiet guy who wasn’t shy, but just preferred to slip into the background. Perhaps it was the past seven years in prison that influenced this attitude. He would have perahps asked her a question and begun a discussion had he not heard and been amused by the next comment.

Why, hello there. This a private party, or is the black brigade open to visitors?

Dark eyes cast an appraising gaze from the table where he sat over at Matt. Sebastian didn’t know Cherice from a hole in the wall but suspected that the target of Matt’s words and gaze was more than capable of handling any lewd, lascivious, or crude remark or gesture that came her way. So he wasn’t in the least bit feeling protective. Nor would he have if he had known her. It was more the behaviors of the man that had his attention.

A faint expression of amusement came over his features and with idle curiosity he continued to watch, mildly interested in the outcome.

Marga Alton
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:25:49 AM
Marga pulls a chair out from the table and sits down, setting her drink on the table. Something was tickling the back of her mind about this group but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

I haven't seen any of you around here or the Academy before. You new here??

Oh, how rude of me, I'm forgetting to intruduce myself. My names Marga Alton of the Alton Domain.

Sebastian Kvasha
Jan 16th, 2003, 10:18:28 AM
I haven't seen any of you around here or the Academy before. You new here??

Oh, how rude of me, I'm forgetting to introduce myself. My names Marga Alton of the Alton Domain.

He turned back to Marga, remembering the point of them being here. It wasn’t to find amusement in the ridiculous antics of others, but rather to recruit.

And so he turned his attention to this task, devoting 100% of his attention to the one who had just joined them.

“Nice to meet you, Marga.” He responded. His tone, while not altogether animated, was at least elevated a bit from the normally flat, reserved tone with which he normally communicated.

“Im Sebastian.” A small grin might have begun to come to his features.

“Of my own domain.” He added this not to mock her, but to show that he did have more personality and wit than his outwardly disinterested manner typically seemed to display.

Marga Alton
Jan 16th, 2003, 10:31:12 AM
Marga smiles slightly at the remark Sebastian made about his Domain. She then goes to continue speaking in her normal telepathy.

I'm pleased to meet you Sebastian. So what brings you and your group here today?

Marga asks this out of just plain old curiousity.

Sebastian Kvasha
Jan 17th, 2003, 02:31:20 PM
I'm pleased to meet you Sebastian. So what brings you and your group here today?

Her question made him feel as if he had just wandered into the reception area for some sort of group therapy session.

He would not speak on behalf of the others, for while they were a group, operating together for mutual purposes, they were also individuals and he would not have wanted them to speak for him, necessarily.

He was too used to being independent and it was a difficult thing to teach an old dog new tricks.

He shrugged and reached for one of the utensils that had been set in front of him. It was a spoon, and he fit his thumb into the smooth surface that seemed to have been carved out for such a purpose, toying with it as he conversed with her.

“I don’t know about the others,” He replied, knowing full well the true purpose of the visit, “But Im here for the free beer he just offered.” As he said this, he nodded towards Salem. His words were not entirely without a subtle tone of enjoyment.

“Are you with the order?” He asked, referring to the GJO, and the fact that it was an organization for which Yog’s was rumored to do the most business. Which made it more likely than not that she was a jedi – or one in training.

Marga Alton
Jan 20th, 2003, 09:42:02 AM
Marga nods her head slightly.

Yes, I am with the GJO. Though I'm just a Padawan. But everybody has to start somewhere with training and it's usually a student or padawan depending on what your training in.

Marga picks up her cider and has a small sip of it.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you from?

Jan 20th, 2003, 09:54:53 PM
Cold smiled and kept looking at those who stared at them. It was as if they had never seen a group of dark siders in their lives. Cold was only amused by this fact. They were different and probable to cause problems, but they had not... yet.

"Heh. They keep staring at us. How fun." Cold told the others

Jan 20th, 2003, 10:04:40 PM
Inu smirks at Cold's comment.

"Shall we stir things up a bit then?"

Marga Alton
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:36:48 AM
Marga looks at Inu and Cold who are also seated at the table which she had joined, not knowing that they are Darksiders but knowing that something about them is different.

Why do you find it fun that ppl keep staring at you Vai Dom?

Cherice St_Hilare
Jan 22nd, 2003, 09:25:55 PM
She looked back at the Jedi whilst raising a brow at the way the barkeep handled his food. She lowered her gaze to the spilt drink and then frowned in distaste. A few drops had landed on her hand and she quickly wiped it on her thigh.

“A drrrink for everyone at thisss table … and anyone who ssshould wish to join us.”

"That," she said, turning her head to look at the barkeep; "would include me. A cup of green tea would do just fine."

And then the sound of someone getting on a stool next to her caught her attention.

Casting her blue eyes down, Cherice saw a man letting his eyes freely roam over her body. A cold smile snuck onto her lips as she smirked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Everyone's invited," she replied to his question, her voice soft and sultry.

"Although I must say, this party is for a mature audience. Think you can handle it ?"

Then, as if his appearance suddenly bored her, she sighed and looked over at the table where the other members of the Krath sat. She crossed her legs and flipped her hair lazily in the air. This place needed some excitement.

Matt Eisen
Jan 24th, 2003, 02:30:28 AM
Ah, the callousness of rejection! Matt slammed his palm over his chest, feigning heartbreak, but the gesture faded all too quickly. If this was her idea of a party, she couldn't be very much better in the sack!

"If by mature you mean balding, toothless old grannies with walking sticks and bladder bags... then I see your point." The bartender shakily slipped the order of green tea across the counter to Cherice. Well, if Matt couldn't have her, then he'd just have to give her food poisoning, wouldn't he?

The surface of the liquid began to effervesce, small sacs of air rising and bursting as the molecular structure of the substance was altered. The felon looked on complacently as the Sith woman reached for the drink, which boiled and emitted a pungent smell quite uncharacteristic of the beverage she had asked for.

Salem Ave
Jan 26th, 2003, 04:09:08 AM
The vampyre watched as various members conversed with the Jedi and non-Jedi alike. None the less, he remained silent. He would not speak unless directly approached as was content to simply take in what was around him and ensure that nothing untoward happened.

Jan 27th, 2003, 05:18:24 PM
"Shall we stir things up a bit then?" Cold heard Inu say.

"What do you have in mind?" Cold asked.

He knew why they were there. He observed as the others conversed with strangers. They were the shadows of the bar. They were luring and trying to expand the shadow.

"Just look at everyone." Cold told Marga... they're just dying to know why we're here.

Marga Alton
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:06:01 AM
They are probably curious just like I am on why the group of you are here. I'm not trying to say that you aren't welcome to come here if you want to, it's just odd, at least to me, that a large group like you would come here. So logic dictates that your here for a reason.

Cherice St_Hilare
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:40:58 PM
To the dismay of Matt, she didn't drink her tea. Infact, she never even lifted it up to her lips. With a look of disgust, she slid the cup back to the bartender.

"You serve your customers in dirty glasses ? What kind of service is this ?!"

There, on the white porcelain cup, was a speck hardly visible to the naked eye. The bartender gulped and took the cup, apologizing for the inconvenience while Cherice just glared at him.

But then again, could it be a distraction to Matt ? She had felt the air stir uneasily as it brushed lightly against her skin, seeming to whisper as forces were manipulated. Despite her boisterous talking, the Succubus was actually sorting out just who caused this disturbance. And found it was Matt.

No look of surprise crossed her face after she discovered the "fiend", but instead one of a lynx's satisfied grins. It seemed like the young man knew more than how to complain - or hit on women. Would he try to do something again ? Or would he keep to himself and leave, perhaps ? Only time would tell. In the meantime, Cherice's eyes were hungrily searching Yoghurts for those blindly led by the light, hope being they only clung on to ... Padawans.