View Full Version : Modifications for Battle Field

Master Yoghurt
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:55:03 AM
Lets use this thread for talking about BF mods! Post any interesting mods you find here! :)

Here are some of my favorites..

Desert Combat Alpha:
This is 2002 version of Battle Field with Jet Fighters, helicopters and modern tanks. The US forces got AH-64, F16, A-10, M-1 tanks, the humvee and a few other goodies. Iraq got the Mig29, some russian tanks and APC's, and some lethal mobile quad gun AA artillery with radar. Since this is just an Alpha, there are lots of bugs, but it gives an apetizer what is to come in this very promising Total Conversian Mod. Who knows, it might become the next Counter Strike when it is fully developed.

Merciless Historical Addon 3.7:
An absolutely essential mod every BF player should have. Once you start using it, you will never look back. It includes the blood effects, historical accurate flags, modifiable crosshair, 17 cool loading screens, removed intro movie (for fast loading, you can still view it if you want), better minimap and a few other improvements. It works in every game mode and map.

Mod Collection by Recruit Snyder:
Me and Vis tried this yesterday, and it is a very, very cool mod. There are lots and lots of changes to the vehicle models and pysics. Some I'd like to mention are: The planes got rockets, there are Flak guns mounted on trucks, APCs got a powerful gun on top. The Stalin Orgel - the Katyushka is comon on many maps (not only on Kursk and Karkov). Best of all, there is an experimental German chopper thing (!), which looks like a cockpit with two jet engines on the sides. It is difficult to fly at first, but with practice you will get the hang of it. I myself have become extremely lethal with this craft!

Soldier9's Realism Mod V2.1 (1.2)
This makes everything in the game much more realistic. Vehicles have more historical accurate pysics. Tiger tanks for example, have stronger armor and powerful gun. If you see a tiger, run for your life!

Battle of Bilston
A very well designed desert map!

Wake Evenings (1.2)
Wake Island at night!

Schwebepanzers Mappack
Some new maps. Just drop the RFA files into the level folder.

Merciless BOB TexturePack v1.0 (FINAL) (1.2)
Texture pack for Battle of the Bulge. Everything looks much better. More snow and real winter camouflage. You can see the frost and ice on the vehicles. You need the texture sets included in the historical addon 3.7 mentioned above to install this
Screenshots: http://www.bf1942files.com/file.stuff?body=mc_bobscreens
Description: http://www.bf1942files.com/file.info?ID=9110

Figrin D'an
Jan 6th, 2003, 12:35:16 PM
I'll have to try some of these. I got BF1942 over the holidays.

Any tips on improving in-game performance? I toned down the graphics quality a little, but it still seems to have really slow load times, and it stalls at points in the game. I'm not running it on a weak box either.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:39:38 PM
Take out Shadows and land textures, this will also help you spot the enemy easier. I have all settings on medium except the view distance. WHich I have on Max

Darth Viscera
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:49:26 PM
Get more memory. BF1942 uses like 350 megs of ram. Add in the memory your OS takes up (my XP Pro SP1 can often get up to 180 megs after it's been running for a week straight, lots of apps with great frequency etc, memory leakage adds up, it's using 98 megs now, fresh boot), and 512MB is BARELY enough.

For this reason I ordered a 256 meg Crucial PC2100 CL2.5 from newegg.com last week, $56 shipped with FedEx. It arrived today and I'm going to try out bf1942 with 768MB of PC2100 DDR now.

Master Yoghurt
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:10:32 PM
Agreed, the game is very memory intensive. With the huge maps and all those vehicles and buildings makes for some huge textures and high polygon count. Then there is the complex physics and all those players running about. When I started playing this game back in september, my machine had 256MB of memory. There were slow map loading times and sometimes slow downs when there was a lot of action going on. Installing another 256MB module upping it to a total of 512, the game run much smoother.

There is a tweak guide for BF1942 here, which is a recommended read: http://www.tweaktown.com/document.php?dType=review&dId=420

Btw, I assume you are running the 1.2 patched version of the game?

Figrin D'an
Jan 6th, 2003, 04:17:14 PM
Thanks for the tips. I suspected that BF1942 was a memory hog, but I wanted to find out what others had experienced. For now, I'll read the tweak guide and adjust the shadows and textures. More memory will have to wait for a while.

Yes, I am running the 1.2 patched version. I got that right after I installed the game.

Kelt Simoson
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:16:57 PM
For me personaly BF1942 was a waist of good money, the fact that one cannot snipe for the love of god, the game is useless since im a prefered sniper addict.

Pilot Akito
Jan 6th, 2003, 07:46:39 PM
350 MB RAM???!!!


What is this game, EA's entrence into the Wild World of OS's?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 6th, 2003, 10:30:34 PM
HA!!! Kelt, I have mastered the sniper rifle. Unlike, lets say CT and DOD, you fire and the bullet is already there. This one goes by true range. The farther the target, the more you must lead the target. I admit, it is hard to get a head shot at that range, but most of the time when you hit an enemy, they start running around in circles or hit the ground. Giving you another chance to fire. If I get hit by a sniper, I start zig zagging and run toward the nearest building, trees, rocks, etc.

Figrin D'an
Jan 6th, 2003, 11:00:04 PM
Thanks again for the tips. I employed many of them, and with the help of that tweaking guide, the game runs much more smoothly now.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 7th, 2003, 12:12:35 AM
Crap :( I'll have to forget about this one then. I've only got 384 megs of ram, although I just got a new shiny Ge4, which I am happy about

Figrin D'an
Jan 7th, 2003, 01:43:26 AM
It'll run with that. Just crank up the virtual memory a little, and do a few tweaks.

Sanis Prent
Jan 7th, 2003, 09:21:53 AM
Maybe I should browse crucial for a stick of 512...

I hate playing games with bottomed out graphics.

Darth Viscera
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:21:21 AM

KINGSTON KVR133X64C2/512 VALUERAM 512MB PC133 - $58.99 shipped

Master Yoghurt
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:04:14 AM
A little update on the modifications out there. There are some Total Conversion Mods which are currently being developed. I allready mentioned <a href=http://www.desertcombat.com/> Desert Combat Mod</a>, for which there is a downloadable alpha allready. Here are some of the others which are being worked on:

Black Hawk Down mod
"Black Hawk Down is based on the Book, Movie, and actual events in Somalia. You will be able to fly the Black Hawk, AH-6 and MH-6, as well as humvees and trucks. You will be able to be Somalies and the Americans (The Rangers, and Delta Force)"

Conflict in Somalia (beta available for download )
"CiS is a mod about the somalian conflict , not black hawk down . We are based on the whole civil war and the rest of the worlds involvment in it . Everything is ment to be max realism , if you get shot by a sniper in the leg you will be alot slower or not even be able to walk ; if you get shot by a pistol twice ,most likely you wont survive. One shot kills are going to happen alot ! CiS is all about the conflict not BHD."

Codename Eagle: Battlefied 1942
"If you loved the helicopter, motorcycle and the fast paced furry of CE game play. The world of CE will be returning but this time under the refractor 2. We just thought we would let you guys know. If you want to be a part of bringing CE back and at the same time revolutionizing online multiplayer game play"

Eve Of Destruction
"A mod based on the battles of Vietnam which rivals the Viet Cong, United States, French Army and the South Vietnamese Army"

Forgotten Hope
"This mod takes place in the time around 1940 and 1941, when the power of the Wehrmacht was reaching its peak. Forgotten Hope will bring you two new armies: The French and Italian Forces. But there are also new weapons for the Germans and British armies planned, and later on also other new nations will make their way into the mod"

And finally something that might be of particular interest for the posters of swfans...

Star Wars Mod
"A Team based game using the universe of the Star Wars Trilogy as its setting. You can take part in such battles as Battle of Hoth and the Beginning of the Clone Wars. Man an AT AT, Fly an X-wing or become a Jedi, be apart of the Rebel Alliance, Trade Federation, Jedi, Sith or the Empire to defeat your enemy"
Interview can be read here:
<a href=http://www.bfcentral.com/interviews3.php>Interview</a>