Jan 5th, 2003, 07:12:20 PM
HECK YES!!!! NINERS WIN BY ONE POINT AFTER COMING BACK FROM 24 DOWN! The single greatest game I have ever seen, though maybe not QUITE as awesome in terms of gratification as the Niners win over Green Bay a bit ago.

"8 seconds to go, Steve Young back to pass, OWENS IN THE END ZONE, TOUCHDOWN!!! TOUCHDOWN!!! OWENS, OWENS, OWENS!! NINERS WIN! NINERS WIN!" That was a great game.

This, this is just simply one of the best games in the history of football. The game even ended with a spectacular conclusion.

Now I don't care what happens next week, nothing can get me down because my Niners already proved they are a worthy, capable team. In your face, doubters! :)

Jan 5th, 2003, 07:13:59 PM
Congrats. They deserved the win. :thumbup

Jan 5th, 2003, 07:21:39 PM
Hmm, I COULD watch it, its about to be on TV :)

Jan 5th, 2003, 07:23:21 PM
Record it -- watch it, I'll pay you $15 for the tape. :) seriously... I wish I had recorded it, wtf is the matter with me? haha.

Wow that game, how about the ending?! I thought for sure the Niners were going to lose. Somehow, it was just a MIRACLE, is there any other word for that?! My god... lol. The Giants blew it.

Admiral Lebron
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:31:11 PM
Seems reminiscant of that 49/Packer game a few years ago.

Jan 5th, 2003, 07:33:57 PM
That one was just GREAT too, wow my dad and I were going nuts on that one. We were already talking about what the Niners need to do next season, haha. We were like, "Well they just couldn't get it done this year, but it was a good run and it's always fun to watch them. It's just really too bad... *pause* ... wait a minute... hmm... this game may not be over..?" Then pretty soon, only 8 seconds to play, Steve Young back to pass, he stumbles, but does not fall (like the Niners? good symbolism that is of course inadvertent), then he looks to OWENS in the end zone, throws it like a dart right in between two defenders, Owens catches it clearly, 3 seconds to go and the 49ers have just WON the football game!!! It is the modern era version of Clark's "The Catch." This was another famous one, front of Sports Illustrated.

I would not be surprised to see the Niners on the cover of SI again now, after that miraculous comeback.

Admiral Lebron
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:44:58 PM
Was that a playoff game to?

Jan 5th, 2003, 07:52:34 PM
Yep. 3 of the 4 biggest playoff comebacks now involve the Niners. That was the first one that had them on the winning side.

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:07:09 PM
Yeah, that reminds me of the commercial about being on a poster, but how you DO NOT want to be "the other guy," i.e. the guy getting dunked against.

I remember a few weeks ago the Niners were on the cover of SI -- against the Packers for losing. Ugg, close game, they should have won. I am glad the Niners won this after all of these comments about how the Niners were "pretenders" and not "contenders," well guess what? The "contending" Packers just got their booties kicked and couldn't even get to double digits, but the Niners advanced. :D

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:13:50 PM
After the blow-outs yesterday I didn't bother tuning into the Pittsburgh game and the SF game after they were down by so much.


Figrin D'an
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:17:37 PM
Impressive comeback by San Francisco. It really looked like the Giants were in control early in the third quarter. Definately a tale of two halves. The 49ers looked like a completely different team over the last 20 minutes of the game or so.

Both teams played well enough to win. The Giants made a some bad mistakes late in the 4th quarter though, and San Fran capitalized.

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:19:33 PM
The Giants had 2 series in which they gained only 5 yards. They just stopped being aggresive. Same thing happened to Cleveland. I hate to see teams lose their edge like that. But SF deserved it in the end. The Giants just lost their composure. Those penalties by Williams were killers.

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:27:36 PM
The Giants were looking really powerful and sharp after the first half, ouch. The comments by the announcers were obnoxious too, haha, made me so happy to see the Niners finally triumph. They were talking about these great offensive weapons and how the Giants are going in hot and the Niners have no momentum going into the game, well fine, so they had to build the momentum and they still have more talent in Jeff Garcia's left pinky than the Giants have in their entire team, to say nothing of class.

Shockey is a stupid hick. I hate that dumb idiot. He threw his helmet at the end of the game, into the crowd, and hit two young children with it. Then his "apology" was just PATHETIC, like he regretted the fact that it hit two kids but if he had it to do over, he'd rather it hit an adult, in other words, he is fine with the fact that he's a no class @$$ clown.

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:32:19 PM
Is he any less obnoxious than Owens? ;)

Buck, Aikman, and Collinsworth called a good game. The Niners were looking pretty bad and the Giants offense was amazing for 3 quarters. Shockey was bad, but Williams was worse. His melt down costs his team penalties. Shockey does have to swallow the fact that he dropped that TD pass. That could been the difference for the Giants.

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:42:45 PM
I had not thought of that dropped pass as much, but you know it was a series of things, so every player on that Giants team is partially responsible. I would say that poor Collins is hardly to blame, though. Maybe Shockey, the Giants defense for sure, and the special teams. Collins deserves a break, a guy can only play so well...

Is he any less obnoxious than Owens?

No, he is not LESS obnoxious, he is MORE. I love Owens. What about him is obnoxious? Oh yeah, that's right, for sore losers he is really obnoxious -- it must be really horrible to be a Dallas fan when the Niners storm into your capital, kick your asses all over the place like bobo dolls, and then on top of that Owens laughs at your logo and throws the ball onto it, ROFL, that was easily one of my favorite 49ers moments. It is so funny to me that everyone made a big deal about it and called it "poor sportsmanship," hahaha, no. Poor sportsmanship is getting into fights, hurting fans, hurting players, face masks that were intentional, personal fouls, etc. It is NOT poor sportmanship to go up to another player and tell him that you f**ked his mom last night -- that's just part of the game! It's a great part of the game, too, you get inside the heads of your opponents. Sapp does that all of the time to Favre, who takes it well, and Favre trash talks with the best of them too. That's just how you play the game. As for the STUPID Dallas logo (oh wow a star, how original, "American's team" my butt, I hate that team), did it hurt anyone that he threw a frickin' football against it twice?! Haha, no, so what is the big deal? My god I was laughing so hard, that made me just love Owens even more.

Then there is the famous pen incident, probably the coolest TD celebration I have seen in my entire life in any level of football play. He didn't insult or humiliate anyone, he didn't push anyone, he just cooly, calmly pulls a pen out of his sock, signs a football for a friend, and it becomes a legendary move. That was just sweet.

Then there is the pom-pom incident, haha, how funny was that. Not quite as enjoyable as the other two, but how can you top the pen trick? That's too classic.

I love Owens. I'm glad he has real personality, he actually is a unique person, not a mindless automaton who just catches TD, but he has real attitude and pinache! :)

Shockey is different because the guy is a classless hick and it's not cool at all to throw your helmet into the stands at people, jesus, that's bordering on abuse. He will be fined majorly for that one. In fact, he should be sued. There is no reason why that family should not file a lawsuit against him for assault. I certainly would do that and it wouldn't cost me a dime either -- there are plenty of attorney's who would take that case based only on whether you win. Then what likely happens is you get a settlement from Shockey, maybe $50,000, and he obviously deserves to lose that money since he makes too much for being a stupid hick anyway.

Jan 5th, 2003, 09:36:57 PM
It is NOT poor sportmanship to go up to another player and tell him that you f**ked his mom last night
Oh yes it is. There's getting into someone's head, then there's stooping to level of swine. It's fine to tell someone that he's got no game, but it's out of bounds to start telling people that they fleeced your mom. Not cool.

Although Shockey is a total loud mouth, in a couple years when he matures as a player, his mouth will only run more rampant. :\

Admiral Lebron
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:59:02 PM
Hmm yes, saying you fecked their mom is over the edge. I know VHSL rules prohibit vulgar language but thats why there is wit.

Jan 6th, 2003, 12:45:05 AM
Well that's not what Owens says anyway, I have never heard him say that before, but my point stands. You can say whatever you want to someone else and it's definitely NOT poor sportmanship. It may make you a stupid football player who can't think of anything original to say, it may make you a trash-talking no-talent @$$-clown, but that's the decision of the player and shouldn't be officiated or scorned by fans because it's really none of their business. It's between the player and the man he says it to.

As for what Owens said this game, he was told earlier, "Look up at the score board," after it was 38-22, then when the Niners scored with 1 minute to go, taking the final 39-38 lead, Owens said back, "Look up at the scoreboard," which was just GREAT, totally witty comeback, something like you would hear in The Count of Monte Cristo, lol, and boy did that send that guy off the edge. He just totally went berzerk and tried to attack Owens, haha. Well if your team sucked so hard they couldn't hold a 24 point lead, you might act like that too!

Jan 6th, 2003, 08:36:32 AM
Watched about the last quarter and a half. Really a remarkable comeback, one of the better ones I've ever seen.

Jan 6th, 2003, 02:15:29 PM
What about him is obnoxious? Oh yeah, that's right, for sore losers he is really obnoxious -- it must be really horrible to be a Dallas fan when the Niners storm into your capital, kick your asses all over the place like bobo dolls, and then on top of that Owens laughs at your logo and throws the ball onto it, ROFL, that was easily one of my favorite 49ers moments. It is so funny to me that everyone made a big deal about it and called it "poor sportsmanship," hahaha, no.

I can't believe you're honestly saying that wasn't an example of poor sportsmanship. Then why did your OWN coach and organization SUSPEND him for a game? Were Maruicci and Walsh working for the Cowboys that day? Even they didn't think it was that funny. If someone had done that on your field you wouldn't have thought it was nearly as funny. What's worse is Owens likes to play if off as a "black" thing. He ignores that fact that it was a black Darren Woodsen that knocked him on his butt the second time he tried that crap. Now THAT was funny! Some of the stuff he does is funny (the pom poms) but that wasn't. No one outside of SF (and many in SF) didn't think it was anything but classless.

Remember, it was Owens who got back to back personal fouls at the end of the game. If Williams hadn't of matched his stupidity Owens could have ended up costing his team the game. Owens and Shockey aren't that much different from each other. They're BOTH obnoxious. They just wear different jerseys.

Jan 6th, 2003, 02:23:13 PM
Which is why the college game is the greatest. THEY play for the name on the front of the jersey...jokers like Shockey/Owens play for the name on the back of the jersey. :p

Jan 6th, 2003, 02:28:20 PM
Yeah, but was Shockey any different when he was at Miami? And remember, sometimes in college they play for the Nike swoosh on their jerseys and shoes. There's obnoxiousness at both levels. The flag just gets thrown more at the college level. Now, it we can just get you guys to stop tearing down goalposts... ;)

Jan 6th, 2003, 02:34:34 PM
To be honest, when Shockey was a Hurricane I don't remember him being this bad, I really don't. I do think there's more of an emphasis on *team* over *individual* in college too.

And, hey tearing down the goalposts is the student bodies. It's a tradition that dates back years(though it has become more common recently). Hell, I particiapted in a goalpost tearing down acouple of years ago. That was pure fun. :D

Jan 6th, 2003, 03:50:08 PM
"Then why did your OWN coach and organization SUSPEND him for a game?"

Only because of the media uproar, so they had to act like they were "going to punish him," but it was still really stupid. If a team did that in SF? That's just part of the game, as I said, it works both ways. T. O. deserved to be leveled, too, that is also part of the game. He was screwing around and had it coming, haha, but it was still awesome.

Jan 6th, 2003, 06:58:20 PM
Even if they would have gotten their chance, I'm sure the Giants probably would have found a way to screw it up, but this is how the game should have ended.

``If defensive pass interference had been called,'' an NFL statement explained, ``there would have been offsetting penalties (ineligible receiver against the Giants and pass interference against the 49ers), with the down replayed at the original line of scrimmage, the San Francisco 23-yard line. Although time had expired, a game cannot end with offsetting penalties. Thus, the game would have been extended by one untimed down.''

The league issued that statement today. That's just one more bitter pill for the Giants and their fans to swallow. Holy cow, can it get any sadder for them? Maruicci said that the refs had blown the apparent INT call 3 plays before but it got reviewed and the booth saw the ball hit the ground. I still can't believe none of the officials were able to figure out that last play. Unreal.

Jan 6th, 2003, 07:17:28 PM
They need to figure out how to train these refs better or something, because that play three earlier WAS an interception! Clearly, it was already called an INT by one ref who was closest to it, then two others tried to call it off and did, which was total BS. They just didn't want that exciting game to end like that I guess ;)

Well, it's only fair that it ended with a poor call going against the Giants, since the Niners already suffered a bad call there that would have ended the game.

Jan 6th, 2003, 07:18:59 PM
Nah, that "interception" clearly hit the ground...that was a good call.

Jan 6th, 2003, 10:55:41 PM
That was a very poor call, you must not have seen it. It hit the ground ONLY AFTER it was in possession, and that is all that is required. He had the ball in the air, ok, he landed with the ball (possession), and the ground caused him to drop it, but as the rule states, "The ground cannot cause a fumble," so that means Plummer and 49ers had possession of the ball at that spot and the ball should have been marked and WAS marked (properly) by an official, then that would have been that. End game.

It was a very pathetic call and the fact that it wasn't reviewed was even worse. The announcers showed that replay a bunch of times and they said the same thing -- INT.

Jan 6th, 2003, 10:58:16 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
Record it -- watch it, I'll pay you $15 for the tape. :) seriously... I wish I had recorded it, wtf is the matter with me? haha.

Wow that game, how about the ending?! I thought for sure the Niners were going to lose. Somehow, it was just a MIRACLE, is there any other word for that?! My god... lol. The Giants blew it. :lol

Fett lives on the other side of the pond. You don't have a PAL format VCR or TV do you Jonathan? :p

NTSC and PAL don't mix.

Jan 6th, 2003, 11:13:20 PM
The refs talked about that call as well and the Ref Upstairs did review it and determined it was a incomplete pass and didn't need to be reviewed. Incomplete pass, lets not forget there are angles we don't all see and there are people who were there live.

Now the last play, they admitted they had that one wrong, not the INT one. Giants should have had another shot, the 49ers got a very lucky break on that one.

Jan 7th, 2003, 07:53:54 AM
The Niners were also lucky that someone retaliated each time on Owens' idiot roughousing!

Jan 7th, 2003, 02:07:48 PM
Losses like that can devastate teams. Look what the Bills comeback did to Houston. It got Pardee fired and the franchise was out of town a couple of years later. That won't happen with the Giants, but it'll be interesting to see how they handle it in the off season. They got hosed, but they put themselves in that position in the first place.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 7th, 2003, 05:46:57 PM
I honestly don't think the kicker would have made the FG anyway so it probably doesn't matter. The Giants deserved to lose the way they blew that game, I am sure they will fire there Special Teams coach and bring in a new kicker.

Jan 7th, 2003, 06:07:03 PM
I wouldn't doubt the kicker as much as the snapper. He was just awful. But regardless, they couldn't keep it together, and would have screwed up that play too.

Jan 7th, 2003, 06:10:12 PM
I think the Giants got a lucky break that they didn't call that interception, because that's what it was. I saw it, from every angle that was available (they do show them all on TV), and I read the articles, and it was an INT, nobody will succeed in convincing me otherwise. The Giants lost fair and square, so if they want to whine about it like little babies and if their fans want to complain, that is their right as Americans, but it still makes them look like sore losers and, frankly, in the case of the Giants, pathetic players for letting a 24 point lead slip away like that.

"Fett lives on the other side of the pond. You don't have a PAL format VCR or TV do you Jonathan?"

I thought of that after I wrote it ;) It's one of those obnoxious things, IMO, I just hate companies sometimes, I hate this idiocy, making SIX regions for DVDs, you know, F*** you studios, @$$ holes. You don't need six regions, you need ONE. Every DVD should play everywhere, so good riddance to the hackers who break those codes because the studios deserve it for being stupid. Same goes with eletrical outlets having different plug-ins, that's stupid too, PAL and whatnot, whatever, that's so gay. A VCR is a VCR, should play any tape. More total idiocy.

Jan 7th, 2003, 06:20:35 PM
I disagree, the right call was made on the interception. No one's talking about that call now, no one's said that they botched that call, and believe me, I listen to ESPN radio ALL day, no one has mentioned that play at all. Just the botched snap/ pass interference call.