View Full Version : I'll show you guys what I can do!

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:08:37 PM
The Senate Building is awash with searchlights. X-wing fighters swarm like bees around it, and on the ground the NRSF is pulling some heavy security detail. Something big's going on inside.

Kwiet Ideya doesn't get it. He's only six; politics aren't something he can grasp easily. It's boring, all they do is talk! But being a ninja? That's coolness.

He sneaks silently across the roof of a building several blocks from the Senate. His name is supposed to be pronounced "Kweet" but his natural ability to be totally silent and move unnoticed demanded a change to "Quiet". He likes it better. It suits him. But that's not important! What's important is that he gets in that building and takes out one of the senators that he heard Grampy Friend getting mad about. If he can do that, Grampy Friend will like him better, and Daddy will be very proud.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:18:06 PM
Jamel was on his way through the Coruscant area, he had devised an reverse-sociallogy idea to gain Sejah's parternship in the talk to the Sith. Tranquilized as he motioned through a speeder, a disturbance caught his thought. His mind throbbed in thorough concentration, and he found whom had gave thsi disturbance, and the possible beginning of pain. Leaping from the speeder with his quickness not alerting the speeder driver from his silence he began running along the field.

Coming quietly upon the scene of the situation, he saw a young kid crouching down, sneaking slowly and nearly to a complete hush along the surface. The Jedi Novice smiled as his attention wavered with the sense of youth sprouting about the Coruscant Politicans. Though he did manage to guide himself with the help of the Force, he could manage the idea or ability to search thorugh this being's mind and find what the boy wasd evising, and palnning-so he speculated.

Normally a child wouldn't do anything michevious in this kind of galaxy, but it wasn't always as it seemed, but he didn't manage to read underneath the underneath. An idea that came from one of the Old Republic Jedi Order Members, but he never really did like prophecies, and ideas of the Old Republic other then that of the Obi-Wan Kenboi Branch, which involved Quin-Jon-Jin.

"Child, why do you want to enter the politicians arena?" The Novice questioned, his young, but ruggid face expelling the idea of his age. Around 14, he was, but his composure lead to a spectulation of the 30's.

He was wise in the ability of the force, but a true novice in the concept of the Jedi Order, and it's code.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:31:31 PM
Kwiet doesn't hear as he makes the edge of the roof and throws himself over the side. Jamel can hear a calm, childlike monotone, uttering a cry that was more suited to a voice full of fear.


The boy lands lightly on the back of an X-wing, luckily one without an R2 unit plugged into it. The fighter banks toward the Senate building, exposing Kwiet to a sniper on a building not far away. The boy flicks his arm and the sniper falls with five shuriken buried in his forehead.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:30:20 PM
"The Boy is attempting to attack the base, what..I must defend." He said, now finally understanding the darkness in the force that was the aura of the boy. Grabbing at his lighstaber and igniting it he lept into the air and came down softly upon the same X-Wing which he heard the boy hit. Rushing along it's sleak topping, he took a giant jump rolling along the ground before the boy.

Deepening his mind into the sense of Happiness which motivated him in training, he pushed his hand forward and pushed the being down. Reaching down he took the shruiken and placed them safetly within his cloak.

"You shouldn't be doing these things, your no trained specalist, and I know that even if you are skilled in the arts, this action isn't to be taken lightly by the Republic. Foolish attacks and assasults will lead to nothing but death for many that dont need such. You are killing innocent bystanders, even if you dont see it because your blinded by youth. I know who your aiming for, a politicans, and this'll lead to a terrosit alert. They'll search, and possibly attack innocent bystanders because they believe it's you. Dont do this, please-leave now!" He ended, clutching onto his lightsaber hilt as sweat slowly rolled down his head. He glared at the boy awaiting a responses.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:47:24 PM
Kwiet pointed at the man and smiled.

"Silly person."

He smiles happily, then ducks swiftly as a blasterbolt fires in his direction. He wasn't betting on getting discovered so quickly, but he has some stuff Daddy gave him that should help. Kwiet takes a small, silver ball from his belt and throws it down. A loud bang, a flash, and a burst of smoke hail from the sphere, and Kwiet is gone, leaping across the buildings by way of X-wings and Senate speeders, drawing ever closer to his goal. He doesn't intend to fight Jamel until he's done with his goal. He can't afford to waste all his resources on him. Grampy Friend says its not economical to waste strength.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:00:50 PM
Jamel shook his head, and leaped upward coming down upon the X-Wing. He looked down into it, and smiled as his began to concentrate. Jumping into it, he placed his hands along the coordinates to start this thing. He didn't want to hurt the young creature, but actions would have to be done when measures of danger where this high.

Rustling in his seat, he leaned back and put all the engines on. Floating slowly over the foundation, he searched in the body of the force. It was that of emotion of postivity that lead him this way, he wanted to help his politicans in this action. He was a Jedi Novice, and all of the Jedi Order would give their body for the Republic Union. Reaching in the future, he saw as the foot of the boy stepped along the ground, leaping up and down to escape the eye of a sniper. He knew this location,a nd he was prepared to head in that direction.

Manuevering ht eship along the air, far off the ground he made it quickly over the body. Grinding his teeth, he turned the blasters on and began shooting about hte creature, startling him to a motionless state. Jumping out the ship, he guarded himself with the Force as the thought of Happiness led in his way. It took a matter of seconds for this guard of hte Force to surrond him, but when he carefully landed it was evident it was upon him. Staring at the kid he ignited his lightsaber as the smoke from the combustion of the surrondings when the collision of the blaster hit the foundation. It cleared slowly, and it revealed the dazzling lightsaber before him.

Reaching down he carefully sliced, but swiftly at that, at the clothes of the creuatre, tearing them down with a hissing slice, he cut off all the childs clothes, leaving him naked within the cold winds. He laughed in a show of humor at the boy, and grabbed him. With this action, the weapons of the boy were all away from him, so he couldn't manage a defense...

"Boy, I must'n tell you again, dont attack this premise. Leave now.." Jamel staetd

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:12:42 PM
Kwiet shuddered, the wind was chilly. But he wouldn't let this stop him. He hitched his belt up and ducked in through the skylight on the building he was standing on. Turns out it's a mall. His entrance sets off the security; that's bad, now he has mall security to worry over. But he manages to find and steal some new clothes. He's got his shirt half on when the first of the guards arrives. He picks up his underwear and pants and leaps into an airduct, effectively evading them. Jamel is still on the roof, so it'll take some time to find the child. He hopes.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:17:29 PM
"Hmmm" Jamel's voice gestured that of thought, and concentration. He knew within these boundaries of the building the child was, so he'd have to manage to do it by physical search.

Leaping down, he felt the flutter of the flutter of the wind pushing him along with gravity hit his cloak, throwing it back into a flap like posted flag. Coming down to a soft landing, he twirled about and rushed forward. Unignting his lightsaber he glanced about himself, wondering where he was. Many children and woman rushed past him in fear as the security alerted the premises.

"Bah! I can't take both jobs at once, I will have to rush on.." He turned from the rubbish of fearful runners, and went along the wall searching for something that would be secretive, and very well-hidden spot.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:26:17 AM
Kwiet struggles into his shirt, which is a few sizes too big, and puts on his underwear and pants. The underwear fits perfectly, but the pants are oversized. He tightens his belt to hold them up. He forgot shoes, but he'll be ok. He scuttles through the air shafts, climbing them like a spider. If he can reach the roof before the bad man can find him, he'll make the Senate building with little trouble.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:05:34 PM
Jamel searched around everywhere, he couldn't manage to find him at all. Heading out side to search outside, he rushed out, looking at the buildings, but he couldn't see anything.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:15:15 PM
The boy scrambles onto the roof. He can't see Jamel, maybe he lost the guy. He's hidden gear around the rooftops here. Kwiet's so proud of his planning. A rope and grappling hook are nearby; he uses them to catch a passing limosine. The car vibrates a bit as he catches hold, but the passengers seem not to notice. The child climbs the rope and clings upside down to the bottom of the car. Now it's a dangerous five minute waiting game as they approach the Senate...he has to hold on and avoid detection from any X-wings that may pass beneath him. Not an easy feat, but he has throwing daggers. They should pierce the canopy and kill the pilot of any fighter that should come close to him.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:24:51 PM
Jamel noticed the car streak pass with the boy upon it. He smirked and placed his hand at his side as he began to focus on the era of happiness in his life. Relaxing he took a giant leap toward the car. It vibrated as it went over the high crusted land of the ground of Coruscant. He stared at the boy. Focusing on his hand, he targeted it forward with a windy push drifting from his finger tips. Hitting the boy, he pushed him off to the edge, but not completely off.

The driver noticed this boy who had swung along the frontier of the air-speeder. Jamel keenly awaited a reaction of the boy who hung on the edge. He was sure not to let him fall to his death, but he was also sure not to allow him to get away.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:47:09 PM
Kwiet scrambles onto the hood of the floating car and leaps to the side, catching the S-foil of an X-wing. Too many close calls.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 7th, 2003, 09:15:26 PM
Jamel looked about him as the ship moved faster away from his enemy. Force Boosting as he was taught in a matter of seconds as though it now had became an instinct, he lept forward landing softly atop the X-Wing, staring toward his adversary.

"I got'cha good this time..." He ignited his lightsaber in a show of danger coming to the boy, but only if he would do something in a progressive fashion on his road to hurting the Senate.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:00:22 PM
He releases the X-Wing and falls 200 feet to land flat on his back atop another limo. The boy waves cockily as the X-Wing rolls over to check the odd weight on its wing. He's well on his way.

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:03:31 PM
I watched from a building as my son was being harrased by this jedi. I smiled and looked at the jedi. I took a throwing star from my arm and chunked it at the man. He would never hear it until it hit him. I smiled and watched as my son continued on. I sent him a message using my mind. "Do you need some help? There is no shame in asking? I could take out the jedi, if you wish." I said with a smile on my face.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:10:20 PM
One of the child's own stars deflects his daddy's projectile and Kwiet shakes his head "no". He has no doubt that his daddy saw it. He wants to do this alone. Daddy is welcome to watch him though.

Jan 10th, 2003, 11:32:15 AM
I smiled. I was so proud of him. He did such great work. Just like his old man. I knew he would be fine. I continued to watch his progress, and I followed him from building to building.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 06:23:58 PM
Jamel watched on curioustly, he'd await until he had an open to cut him off completely from his path and shift him into unconsciousness so no further harm could happen to the Senate. Meditating over the levitating X-Wing, he watched through his mental stand-point as the boy progressively motioned through what seemed to be a mission.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 10th, 2003, 06:37:54 PM
The car slows as it approaches the building. Searchlights orient toward the car. Oops, he's gonna get spotted! He jumps off the car and pulls a grappling hook, swinging awkwardly to the ground. Here there are rows of statues, and a guard set at each one. He climbs the nearest one behind the guard's back and stops, pondering his next move...

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 08:55:35 PM
Jamel's mind kept guiding him about, watching the boy venture through the premises. It was somewhat hard to maintain this futuristic meditating observation, but it did work for such situations. His mind also ranged from different areas to, in how he could manage to enter the boy's surrondings and attack him without giving harm, and also without being sensed or seen.

He smiled as he found his trap, and the path he would do to take this. He still awaited, he knew that the path for the kid would be a little longer, and his speed compared to the boy's to the certain spot would be uncomparable.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:52:51 PM
The boy jumps warily from statue to statue, undetected by the guards below. Once he reaches the end of the row, he has to deal with a long flight of steps, well lit with not a single obstacle to hide behind. Kwiet hops forward slowly, planning his next move...

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:03:37 PM
Suddenly, during Kweit's hop he lands within a small net trap that was laid down by Jamel. IN a sudden rush, and terror Kweit rustles as he is held in the bowels of the net, but it was only a matter of time before he noticed his adversary had returned to attack. It was Jamel, staring down upon whom he had caught with his X-Wing net, excereted from that of the bottom of the ship.

"Hehe, I caught ya, now your coming with me.." Jamel jumped from the X-Wing, placing his lightsaber along the net, cutting it. Kweit falls from the high heights, and completely no possible way of a safe landing.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:59:27 AM
The boy lands roughly and stands, encircled by Jamel and the alerted NRSF. He's caught...this is bad! But the NRSF isn't convinced.

"It's just some punk street kid. He's no threat. Master Jedi, let the boy go. He means no harm."

Kwiet's eyes get big and his lip pokes out in a sad pout, trembling with the threat of tears.

"Uh huh! Uh huh!"

He nods his agreement with the soldiers.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 11th, 2003, 02:22:31 PM
Shaking his head, he glances over the crew of NRSF. Pulling his hand toward the child, a few weapons fall from the child's body, and points to the nearest building at the man was injured during the attack.

"This boy attacked one of your men, killed them. Do not underestimate one by age, as I'm only a Padawan but I manage to defend myself against murders at times." He told the crew, they all nodding, as disrespect to a Jedi's knowledge would be somewhat foolish.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 11th, 2003, 11:23:29 PM
Kwiet frowns. Only one thing left to do...

"Wanna see a magic trick?"

All eyes turn to him and he pulls a small ball from his pocket, then throws it to the ground. A blinding flash and plume of smoke issue from the ball, and when next the soldiers can look, the boy is gone. He's up the steps and in the door...no one outside is allowed in. He's got no worry now of the men outside...his only worry is his target...

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 11th, 2003, 11:55:56 PM
Just stands there, he had prepared for that childish escape, his eyes placed over when the spoke was excereted from the ball, and now he was running after the kid. He had lost track within the smoke, but that was all that was damaging.

Searching around, he glanced down at a small communicator that would send a message to the Jedi Temple for help. He wasn't sure if he would ask for help in this situation toward the Jedi Members, but the security here.

Gandering over he signaled the cheif of the troops to come over.

"Alert all the security around all the Senates, tell them to enhance it, and be prepared for any trop in, far away attacks, or even close range. Just tell 'em to be prepared.."

As he spoke, the order was taken out, and he awaited the news about the attack.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:21:46 PM
Kwiet scuttles into the nearest air vent and begins to navigate them. He's studied them for hours before he came here. It was boring, and he wasn't paying much attention, so he's kinda lost. The main chamber has too many people. He needs to find an office and wait.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:19:55 PM
Jamel just sat there, awaiting the news of what would happen. The run after the boy was too tiring, and stressful as well, he didn't want to proticipate in this any longer, it was vexing him. He couldn't manage a single child, much less a Sith. He would rather have the Troops control this issue.

Gaining word that troops were sent out as asked, and were about all the inhabited Senators and Government Parties. He nodded to the cheif, and headed back to his speeder to exit into the city.