View Full Version : Jeran the Hunter...

Jeran Conrad
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:59:30 AM
...is now Jeran Conrad. This is to curb the confusion of those in pre-exsisting threads. He's gone through a look change and the addition of a last name. That's it. :D

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:24:00 AM
He needs a wash dude :p

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:25:53 AM
he needs a miracle :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:41:20 AM
Well, maybe it will rain on him

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 06:12:49 AM


Don't insult my IC man....... okay, so he's not that hot anymore...Dae likes his personality, yeah, that's it :mischief.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 06:18:35 AM
Wadda mean he's not hot anymore? He manly, heroic and....

...... unwashed.

Point taken

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 06:22:13 AM
Yeah, but ew. He's no naked ranger :cry He's a big ugly horsey guy :(

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 06:26:51 AM
* Blink *

Ugly horse guy? Dae, you really need to do some pic searching. I think he could scrub up allright


Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 06:31:05 AM
He has long long girly too :( I hate long long guy hair, it's so UGH.

I feel sick >_< Four hours sleep isn't long enough......:lol

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:56:47 AM
......eavesdrops on Dae and Marcus.

Goes to take shower and get haircut...:lol

Xazor Elessar
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:38:11 AM
Whatever you do...please don't use the guy who plays Eomer (I mean, his RL piccys....I already laid claim on those for another person). :)

Zatania Duvall
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:10:37 PM

OH MY FRICKEN GOD! Use that pic for God sakes! IT"S CLEAN! *really hates guys that have long hair thats not washed and to add on top of that, a beard and 'stache.*

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:48:36 PM
I know, but he's going to use Eomer >_< And I said it was okay last night.

Sanis Prent
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:53:26 PM
Eomer Pyle :)

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:55:00 PM

Oh-----my---------god!!!!!!!! SO FUNNY!

Sha-Zaam! Pyle!

Zatania Duvall
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:32:13 PM
I think thats the same guy. It was on the site someone posted here. o.O unless I'm blind!!! lol

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:40:01 PM
it is. still not hot like old jeran though :(

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:52:34 PM
Why, did you burn the poor guy?

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:54:20 PM
You know, you're saying he should wash.....when aragorn is the one Fett et all complain is greasy and dirty :lol

And no I didn't burn him :p Silly thing.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:55:44 PM
Well, you could have burnt him.... doing....

* Somethign we dont say here but talk about at Meras freely *

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:00:49 PM
Maybe :mischief

But you'd have to ask Jeran ;) :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:06:06 PM
Sandwich, maybe?

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:11:41 PM

Maybe with The Naked Ranger and Jeran, although I don't think he'd enjoy it as much as I would. :lol!

Jeran Conrad
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:13:01 PM
*Eyes that dead sexy Marcus* ;)

Hard to say....

Hahahahahahahahahaha!! :lol :lol

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:15:26 PM

to quote Marcus:

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :lol!!!!

*huggles Jeran* :D

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:19:06 PM
Originally posted by Jeran Conrad
*Eyes that dead sexy Marcus* ;)

Hard to say....

Hahahahahahahahahaha!! :lol :lol

Ummm.... no the quote is..


* Exits, stage left *

Jeran Conrad
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:25:25 PM

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:28:50 PM

Have I told you you're my hero, Jeran? :)
*Takes him home*;)

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:07:53 PM
Marcus turned tail and ran!!!!!

*takes screenshot*

Not even one Frying Pan.....

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:10:33 PM

We have found his one weakness.....Bwhahahaha. >D

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:33:52 PM
And from a vast distance, came the sound. A strange sound, much puzzling it was. Much like a helicopter.


What was it?

Then suddenly there was a yell, a cry as the sound suddenly became louder and then with a sickening SMACK.....

<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/panning.gif> @ Jeran

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:35:30 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

:cry Poor Jeran.....

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:37:27 PM
Long Distance Panning. Get panned from distance for the same price as a close quarters panning. Operators are now standing by for your Panning. Call now!

Jeran Conrad
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:50:34 PM
Not only does my stomach hurt, but apparently I lack a head now! :lol

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:57:29 PM

But I liked your head :(

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:59:48 PM
And he liked yours too.

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:03:23 PM


:lol!!!! *would say something, but it's not appropriate for Fans!!!*

Jeran Conrad
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:03:36 PM

Thinking happy thoughts...bubble-gum fairies...children laughing and playing in the sun...such a nice, clean, happy little world....


Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:05:10 PM
Hush you, we can all see that you're a "dirty" boy ;) hehehehe.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:20:23 PM
...............? Wha? I was being innocent that time! I really was!

* And the crowd replied - "BS!" *

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:23:03 PM
Actually.....I was refering to Jeran.....But you're a dirty ole man too Marcus!!!! :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:27:40 PM
Who, me?

Guilty as charged, raincoat and all

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:31:59 PM
Black sock and flip flops too? ;)

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:41:18 PM
Lemme check.....


Flip Flops? You mean thongs, right?

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:44:02 PM

Oh, and I have a question -- what is australia day? :lol I bought a TTT calander and it has all these Aussie and NZ holidays on it.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:44:58 PM
Oh, January 26. It's the day Eurpoeans landed and founded the Colony of Sydney in 1788.

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:49:46 PM
Okay, was just curious......Do anything special on it? :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 10:54:19 PM
Fire works in the evening, lots of alcohol, bit of cricket. Go tot he harbour and watch the entertainment like the Ferry Race. Pretty borign really.

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:04:22 PM
Ah. Sounds like Canada Day - July 1? I don't even know. They have fairs (like carnivals) and fire-works on the beach in Port. They have an old-fashion carousel down there and a bunch of bars, I guess it's fun if you have money. :\

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:17:20 PM
Aint that always the way?

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:20:21 PM
Yeah, instead of fire-works, they should, I dunno, blow things up :)

It's just another excuse to get smashed, like May 24 week-end :lol

<font size=1>and marcus wears thongs!:eek!!hehe</font>

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:22:38 PM
Yeah, instead of fire-works, they should, I dunno, blow things up

Letterboxes, car exhausts, gardens, fences... been there dne that :D

Dae Jinn
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:24:54 PM
I'd like to burn down a billboard one day.............*misses Jeran* :( *sniffles*

Helenias Evenstar
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:37:39 AM
Might I ask, Madam Dae, why is it every OOC thread you and Marcus participate in seems to degrenerate into something eye popping or so skewed and weird, it's like watching a train wereck, where you know you should look away but you cant? You are just as rude, weird and gross as he is. What, I might add, is not a bad thing... it is good. Just you two should be banned from posting in the same thread to save our fragile minds because you two, frankly, make things go out of control in a spectacularly short amount of time. My mind still boggles from the thread in GJO about female Elf hygene.

And Jeran! Dont encourage them!

* I think of what I wrote earlier this evening about sexual frustration for female Elves, then I realise I'm just as bad *


Andraq Novkar
Jan 6th, 2003, 09:37:08 AM
Off to what this thread was about. Thanks Jeran, would have been confused. I will reply in our thread later today.

Jeran Conrad
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:07:20 PM
Pardon my encouragement, Lady Evenstar. :)

This a good chance to let everyone know I will be out of town until Wednesday. Hang with me, and I will get back to posting ASAP after I get back.

Take care everyone!


Dae Jinn
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:14:24 PM
I dunno, Marcus is a bad bad influence. You should give him a good spanking Helenias ;)
Seriously, though, I am a bit weird when it comes to humor, and Marcus makes me laugh my butt off alot. Sometimes I really worry you'll get mad, lol. It's all just for fun though...

And :( @ Jeran. Have fun, see you when you get back.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:13:51 PM
What do you mean I"m am bad influence? She starts it, Miss! All her fault! I'm innocent I am!

(And if you believe that, I have a Death Star to sell you)

Dae Jinn
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:18:46 PM
I'm not the one who brought up sandwiches at Meras!!! :lol You're way worse than I am ;) hehehe

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:35:43 PM
Am not!

Dae Jinn
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:42:51 PM
You are too! :p Mister Nudie Ranger!

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:24:38 PM
Hmmmm.... okay, maybe I am. But you encourage me!

Dae Jinn
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:26:07 PM
Not me :angel I'm a good girl.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:31:49 PM
Your avatar belies that statement

Dae Jinn
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:34:16 PM

Is being nakey a bad thing? No so :mneh PFFFFFFFT! :lol