View Full Version : Breaking Foundations: Strange Allies

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:44:40 AM
It was snowing on Balmorra.

And that enough proved it was going to be a strange day. As he looked out of his window, Tyrel Kiterix (Emperor of the Balmorran Empire) smiled.

Indeed it was going to be a strange day. It was time to continue to weave his web of deception and chaos. Cause people who would normally be enemies be united against a common foe.

He all ready had four elements, including the powerful Balmorran Military. But all of the elements needed to be together.

And now it was time to introduce two of those elements...and pray it didn't self destruct.

"Call General Xilarian into my office please," Kiterix was still smiling.

He looked at his companion and nodded.

"This should prove most interesting. General Xilarian is one of my chief allies within the Balmorran Military. I believe it is time you two meet.

"Do you agree, Xazor?"

Xazor Elessar
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:02:05 AM
A dark figure held her back toward Kiterix as he called another to his office. Slowly she took her hand up to the hood of her robes and pulled it down behind her, allowing her eyes the freedom to gaze out at the world around her. Xazor was preoccupied as she looked out the large windows in front of her. Her eyes gathered in everything they could until suddenly her attention was distracted by just a few words that left Tyrel's lips. Something on the order of "General" and "Xilarian". Turning around and rethinking all he said over again, the Jedi Knight's eyes widened a bit until he questioned her.

"Oh yes....I do agree, Tyrel."

She spoke softly as she pushed her black robes behind her. They were quite different from her usual attire of white, but she felt the need to be wearing them here. Around her waist was her usual weapons belt and hanging from it were many many weapons, one being her lightsaber....another, a sword secured in its sheath. She carried other weapons such as throwing knives and blasters....as well as one railgun issued to her by the NR some time ago. The Garou almost did not appear to be a Jedi at all, but a walking arsenal.

Allowing her eyes to fall to the floor, her head dropped slightly as she tried to think of Tyrel's words once again. 'Xilarian...' she thought to herself before it dawned on her. 'Silus.....Xilarian! Of course! But.....' she could not put the pieces together and then dropped the theory at once. It had to be a mistake or a coincidence...he could not possibly be on her side. Not this time, it was a sure thing. Sighing, the woman pushed her waist length blond hair out of her face. The silver coins woven into the Garou Warrior Braids adorning her locks, clanged together softly until they stopped upon her back. Atop her head was a wreath of the same silver coins set upon a halo of braids. It was like a tiara, or similar...but nonetheless, it was beautiful. She smiled, baring her elongated canines and then she folded her hands at her weapons belt and awaited the man who was to be on her side....

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:06:03 AM
It was an especially cold day on Balmorra. It was snowing, something that Silus hadnt seen since he'd been there. It was something he hadnt seen in a long time. Kiterix had his secretary call Silus to his office a few mins before hand, and it had been a short walk from the military compound. He wasnt quite sure what the emperor needed, but that was beside the point. In all honesty, he was kinda curious about the meeting. He made his way down the hall to the Emperor's office, where the secretary sat going over some paperwork. He smiled politely to her as he walked by and opened the door. Inside stood the emperor and.....Xazor???

Silus was a bit more than surprised to see her here, but kept himself from leading on. He gave a polite nod to Xazor and turned to Kiterix....

"You needed to see me?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:31:47 AM
"Yes, General, I wanted to introduce you to one of our allies," Kiterix shook Silus' hand and smiled again.

"Xazor Dawnstrider is here on loan from some friends of mine. In case Tomar decides to continue to be a traitor."

When he saw Xilarian start to ask a question he jumped to the answer.

"Xazor has cut her ties with the Greater Jedi Order. She is no longer affiliated with them."

Xazor Elessar
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:47:47 AM
Xazor's eyes widened again as Silus stepped into the room. 'So I was right!' she thought to herself before nodding in acknowledgment to him. Her eyes shifted to Tyrel momentarily as he explained why she was there, and she offered a smile.

"Yes....it's good to see you again, Silus...."

The Garou said softly before stepping forward and extending her hand to him. Under normal situation she would have hugged her friend, but this was....different. Sighing, she bowed her head.

"I look forward to working with you."

She said sincerely. All the while she stood there, her eyes were on Silus.....trying to figure out how he could be on her side too.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:33:13 PM
"It's good to see you again also Xazor, its been awhile."

Silus shook her hand as he spoke. Something was confusing here. It seemed like all three occupants of the room were holding something back. Silus knew full well what he wanted to say, but he couldnt say it, not just yet. He couldnt even think it, even with his strong mental block, he kept his thoughts clear. Especially after his meeting with Morewind, he was almost doubting the privacy of his own mind. On the inside, Silus was confused. On the outside though, he kept his calm demeanor, never breaking eye contact with Xazor.

"I think our partnership will be very beneficial."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 2nd, 2003, 11:00:42 PM
Kiterix smiled. It appeared to him that the two had met each other before. And it was confirmed with the 'again' statements both had made.

"Ah I see you two have met each other. Good," he resumed his seat behind his desk, motioning for both Xazor and Silus to do the same.

"We're here to ensure everyone is on the same page. Since the commissioning of the Draconian is now complete, I want to know your thoughts, General. And how it can help us in the future."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 4th, 2003, 07:22:03 PM
"Indeed -- we've met."

Xazor's words were a bit pointed as she sharply glanced over at Silus before returning her gaze back to Tyrel.

"I will help in any way that I can -- I offer myself to this cause fully."

She said with confidence before allowing room for Silus to speak on the issue at hand.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:56:28 PM
Silus cut his eyes at Xazor, who had purposely spoke ahead of him. He glare left Xazor as he looked back to Kiterix, clearing up the agitation on his face.

"The benefit of the Draconian Is fairly obvious, is it not. Though I dont think the explicit details should be discussed right now"

Silus' eyes started creeping back towards Xazor slightly. As far as he new, not only was she a Jedi, but a New Republic agent. And what cause were they speaking about? Silus would be intent to listen now. Hopefully his questions would be answered on their own...

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:09:35 AM
Kiterix caught the look on Xilarian's face.

He'd been afraid of this, that not everyone would accept a Jedi working for him. But the Balmorran Emperor had never gotten anywhere without taking some risks, some had succeeded and some had failed. This one...might fail, but it would help him judge Xilarian's loyalty.

"You're nervous, General. Are you afraid of having a Jedi working with you? I was under the impression, given how Xazor greeted you, that you two were old friends."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:12:23 AM
Xazor nodded gently before taking her eyes from Silus and meeting those of Tyrel.

"Were friends is the key there -- but Mr. Xilarian had some personal issues with me that he will not resolve. I have no problem being friends with him -- he even saved my life once. That is not for me to decide though -- I only have to work with him now."

Her words were a bit stressed as if she was implying how she missed him. Indeed, the Jedi Knight missed him greatly and wished that he would have still been kind to her as he once was -- but things got in the way of their friendship and alas, now they were skiddish around one another.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 8th, 2003, 01:45:40 PM
Silus was obviously withdraw. What the hell was Kiterix trying to pull here? Did he know she was a New Republic agent, former or not?

"Its not that im nervous Sir, just our plans for the Draconian were presumed to be top secret. No offense towards Xazor, but she knows as well as I there are some things that I cant talk about around her, for our safety as well as hers."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 8th, 2003, 08:11:00 PM
"We are all amoungst friends here, Silus," Kiterix said smoothly.

"If I didn't trust Xazor, she wouldn't be here. If I didn't trust you, you wouldn't be here either."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 11th, 2003, 08:55:53 AM
Xazor nodded slowly and smiled at Silus. She knew that he was not happy with her presence, and she didn't quite understand why -- they were friends and they trusted one another, that is, until now.

"I may have been a Jedi and I may have been part of the NR, but you cannot hold that against me now, Silus. Would it be any different if I had not been on either side and merely one that may help in this situation? We're on a team now -- put all sides aside!"

She couldn't stress her message enough, but attempted to -- even if she still was a Jedi and a member of the NR. Sighing, her eyes met those of Tyrel.

"We've become fast friends and I trust you -- and obviously you trust me as well. Why cannot this be the same for your dear General here? I thought you knew him well. If this is to be a problem, I shall withdraw from this party -- or I will make him see it my way."

The Knight's left hand was resting atop the desk and as she spoke, she dug her fingernails into it leaving big gashes as she pulled away.

"I do not appreciate being toyed with."

She simply stated and glared at Silus, still unaware as to why he was acting so strange around her.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 13th, 2003, 02:04:08 AM
"There is no toying here," Kiterix said, keeping his voice calm and a smile on his face.

"I have told you everything about what plans I have. And I have tried to keep Silus informed as well."

He put a look of concern on his face, "Certainly, I didn't advertise your presense here, Xazor, because I didn't want any risk at your life.

"Have a former," he emphasized the word 'former', "Jedi walking around Bin Prime, is not a wise decision. There are, after all, more than a few people who would like to see you dead.

"And I," Kiterix's voice was full of concern and sympathy, "Would not want to see that."

Silus Xilarian
Feb 13th, 2003, 09:29:10 PM
"I dont think any of us would."

Inwardly, Silus was enraged. After grilling him about his fight with Terran, in an almost insulting way, then threatening to hunt down and kill s'Ilancy in her letters to Millard, how could she stand here and act like Silus was the problem. It was everything he could do to hold himself back, inwardly.

Outwardly, he remained calm, only allowing himself to look somewhat concerned and a bit confused.

Whatever was going on though, this changed alot of things. Having another force user, one with the skill of Xazor at that, meant that Silus would have keep his mind guarded at all times, or at least when Xazor was around. She would know something was up, but it would be better for her to be suspicious than all-knowing....

"And forgive me if I dont seem very trusting, but there are some things that I hesitate even telling myself, Sir."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 14th, 2003, 05:30:41 PM
Xazor smiled a half hearted grin before nodding to Silus.

"You do not trust me -- that is fine, I trust you neither and so shall you never regain that trust."

Her eyes softened as she looked upon Tyrel and smiled once again.

"I thank you for your concern for my safety, Tyrel -- I shall not take that for granted."

She continued smiling, though inside of her heart, she wondered if if would ever be possible for her and Silus to get along again. A few jokes and a conversation about a fight led to this -- and it hurt her so.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:54:55 AM
Kiterix smiled. This was going to work, if he could keep Xilarian and Xazor from strangling each other.

"Excellent," he said, "Now, Xazor, how do you think you can work best with Silus. And, General, how do you think you can work best with Xazor?"

He all ready had plans for this Jedi Knight, but he wanted to atleast make it appear like he wanted her input on where she'd be.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 19th, 2003, 07:41:42 PM
"If me and the Lady Dawnstrider will be working together, then I suggest she stay at least two steps behind me, til she is more accomadated with our procedures, sir"

Silus smiled politely. Even with her Jedi training, Xazor had a temper. Silus knew this. If she were to lose her temper here, royal guard would have her taken away with much haste. Effectively removing her nose from Silus' business.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:58:47 PM
"Well I certainly hope the both of you are able to keep your tempers dows," The Balmorran Emperor said before Xazor could reply.

"After all, the two of you will be working closely together on some missions."

His smile was a bit colder than normal, "I do hope the both of you are able to handle that."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:02:47 PM
Xazor canted her head to the side and smiled slightly, though it was fake and full of deceit.

"Mr. Xilarian, I do not walk behind anyone, no matter what rank they are in anyone's army."

'I'm not going to even go into the training I've had to control my temper', she thought to herself, noting that he knew nothing of the fact that she could indeed controll herself.

"I am able to handle a great many things, Tyrel -- and indeed, I will work well with Silus, if he is willing."

She eyed the General before sticking her nose in the air and then turning with a friendly smile to Tyrel.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 20th, 2003, 07:50:54 PM
"Sir, if she doesnt at least get a day or two to get accustomed around here, then she may place herself in danger. There are certain areas where guards shoot first and ask questions later..."

That was an option to, but knowing Silus' luck, he'd get blamed for it. He really didnt want Xazor dead either, but a festering temper does strange things to a man.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 21st, 2003, 04:48:52 PM
"I've all ready taken care of everything, General," Kiterix replied, his smile now friendly.

"Xazor has all the proper clearances and codes she needs. She can go wherever she wants."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 21st, 2003, 05:19:51 PM
Xazor had to stop herself from laughing at Silus. He was falling down in pity not to mention that he was always concerned about his position. The Knight grinned to herself and turned to Tyrel.

"Thank you my friend -- I would hope that you have also informed my partner here to respect me as I shall him."

Her eyes shot to Silus and she playfully winked, but in mocking manner.

Silus Xilarian
Mar 1st, 2003, 02:22:52 AM
"Well, if thats the case Sir, then please enighten me to the reason why the Lady Dawnstrider is here. It must be extremely important, seeing as how she now has clearances that Admiral Vorrann doesn't even have"

Xazor was digging her own grave at this point. It was as if her whole purpose in the galaxy was to invade and disrupt Silus' life. First she took to going after his friends. Now she was perpetrating his career. He shifted his weight slightly as he stood with his hands firmly behind his back. Strapped to the back of his belt were two blasters, something that few people were allowed to have this deep in the capitol building. The thought crossed his mind about Xazor, if she too were allowed to bring weapons in. It didnt really matter though, he had to keep himself restrained, though the thought of drawing a weapon right now was oh so tempting. With somewhat of a heavy sigh, he removed his hands from behind his back and crossed his arms in front of him.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2003, 05:00:46 PM
Xazor closed her eyes for a moment as Silus spoke. 'Malice -- hate -- destruction', the words entered her mind slowly as the Force spoke to the Jedi Knight. She was highly attuned to it and somehow, her warning sense was alerting her. The Garou Knight sighed to herself before opening her eyes and putting her hands on her hips -- pushing back the black material of her cloak to reveal a belt below with an array of weapons, one being her lightsaber. Her eyes met those of silus as she thought of the sword that remained hidden upon her back, strapped to her but in its own case. A smile crept across her lips as she figured he too probably had some hidden weapons as well. 'A lightsaber cannot solve your problems it will only help you solve them', a soft voice entered her mind as she recalled the words of a Jedi Master who told her this once.

"Perhaps you should be more concerned about your job and not me, Silus."

The Knight retorted to his comment before rolling her eyes and turning to Tyrel with a lighthearted smile upon her face rather than the disgusted scowl she had been wearing but seconds before hand.

"My job description is quite important, is it not, Tyrel? I thought you had explained this to my partner here, no?"

She questioned curiously, knowing she was pulling Silus's chain with each word she spoke. This brought laughter to Xazor that she worked hard to hold back, but she did and remained calm and serious in appearance throughout the time.

Silus Xilarian
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:31:34 AM
"Well, im glad that you finally feel important Xazor..."

Obviously it took something more than a string of Jedi boyfriends to accomplish this. It probably wasnt the best thought for Silus to let slip, but he grinned inwardly at it. Xazor wasnt the only one who knew how to play mind games either. Silus knew exactly how perceptive Xazor was in the force. He knew if he left a thought unguarded, Xazor would sense it. He also knew that she would sense his hand movements as he slipped his hand into his pocket and pressed a button on his comlink. Silus also knew that Xazor would sense the two Civil guardsmen walking down the hallway towards Kiterix's office and take up post just outside the door. He also knew that if she were really paying attention, she would know that they were both armed with standard Imperial Assualt rifles.

From here she could put two and two together and realize that Silus had the Civil Guard at his fingertips, and if she thought long and hard about it, she'd know about the entire fighter squadron Fleet that Silus was in command of.

At this point, a few weapons on her belt didnt seem too entirely threatening.

Silus smiled back politely to Xazor....

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:25:43 PM
The Knight knew the workings that went on around her as she spoke to Silus. It impressed her not, though, that he had a few Imperials running around for him. Indeed, she too had a special little 'button' but she would not be the one to push it. This Knight shared a Life Bond with Marcus Elessar, her Father now -- Jedi Master and Warlord of the GJO and Lost Jedi. He knew very well all that was going on at the moment and she touched his mind gently, something Silus would be unaware of.

"I may need help, Marcus."

She spoke softly in his mind and she sensed his reply. Instantly a warning was sent out to hundreds of NR fleets to guard and protect and ensure the safety of Xazor Elessar, Jedi Knight and Warrior. Some were stationed within range and could easily retrieve her if need be -- but of course, Silus knew none of this.

"Just watch yourself Silus -- I have more tricks up my sleeve than you realize."

She sent a gentle warning to his mind before smiling at Tyrel once again.

"I see no point in standing here, continuing this little battle. Indeed, whether he would like to admit it or not -- Silus is not going to win."

Silus Xilarian
Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:41:55 PM
"Battle, win? I just said im glad you feel important, Milady..."

Silus shot a slightly puzzled look toward Xazor, before give an amused smile

"Emperor, Xazor, I bid both of you a good day, I'll be in the barracks if you need me."

With that, Silus turned and walked out the door, with two Civil guardsmen following closely behind him down the hallway. As he reached the doors leading out of the building, Silus removed his comlink. With the press of a few buttons, he replaced the comlink in his pocket and started on his way toward the barracks.