View Full Version : Starting the Planning

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:25:01 AM
As you all know, I am good at planning, but carrying them out is another matter. Ok, lets get a brain storm for the perfect RP of Terror which will seat us in the background of all the governments.

Jan 6th, 2003, 10:19:57 AM
How about an inside out invasion of Coruscant.........

We land there all freindly like on different "cargo" shuttles and invade from the inside out.........

However, we don't want control of coruscant, we want TGE's Intellegence info. We disguise the mission to look like an invasion. After we get what we want, we go low key and escape once the public transportation is back online...........

We then use TGE's Intelligence to track down GJO, and we manipulate the Cizerack or someone to attack GJO.........

But, we are only doing this to keep GJO busy as we search for and recover Cloning technology. Technology we will use to revive the race of the sith and once again make the sith the dominant race in the galaxy.........

This is great start Galaxy wide chaos and throw all thats good in peril........

Jan 6th, 2003, 10:25:01 AM
Or we could goto naboo on swoop bikes again.......

Jan 6th, 2003, 11:23:02 AM
I like that idea - the first one….and it has potential for a lot of different threads and people to get involved in….

I wish I could add something creative to it, but it sounds great the way it is…. :)

Jan 6th, 2003, 11:58:25 AM
I got alot of ideas to branch off of it, thats just basic............

Live Wire
Jan 7th, 2003, 02:47:59 PM
Remember this would be the first group rp we have done in a long time. Lets keep the first one simple and that will also help to get newer members involved. If its too complex then it will be hard to jump in. Just a thought...something I remember from my newbie days a LONG time ago.

I say if we do an invasion thread keep the plot simple. Its an invasion...kill as many innocents as possible to get the jedi's attention. Perhaps have a smaller group killing off senators. We could have two or three assasination teams each led by a master (or someone whos not a newbie) and then the main forces led by a couple more masters taking over the planet or area. That would also split up the jedi forces because they would want to stop the takeover as well as the assasinations. (hmmm...this is beginning to sound like something else I did a long time ago....Oh well)

Jan 7th, 2003, 10:02:27 PM
I don't like it, a pointless invasion........

I never advise pointless agression.........

We know our capabilities. Assign those who can't handle big jobs the small jobs.....

Everyone has some contribution..........

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:30:27 PM
I agree with DDC, Split up the skill level. Let masters go for the cloning data and the apprentices/new knights go after innocent people. They will both gain skills we need. Also, it will teach them to work without the guiding hand of the Masters.

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:04:31 AM
Hmm....Dyzm, good idea bro. I second the motion.

Jan 8th, 2003, 09:52:22 AM
ok, heres what I came up with.

We invade coruscant from the inside out, using cargo ships and quite possibly the High Roller. We infiltrate TGE once the disturbance is started and download their entire database.........

we find an extensive study TGE did on Camino and their cloning operation, and we recreate it in a hollowed out mountain on some planet. Don't worry about funding, let Cloak handle that ;)

Next we will need to make at least Four trips........

One for the remains of Darth Sidious, One for the remains of LORD Bane, the next in search of the hand of Vader and the last in search of Darth Mauls remains. of course we can also dig up some others at our discretion..........

next we start a war and let NRSF, TGE and others go at it, while we start a great cloning campaign to reincarnate the great lords of the sith.........

The whole time we do this, I think we should keep a low key. I think it would be best that we roleplay TSO as if noone believes we exist. It will make for a great entrance when the operation is complete. This will mostly involve everyone playing the public figure side of their character. Everyone needs to find their "senator Palpatine" side........

Live Wire
Jan 8th, 2003, 12:42:03 PM
That sounds like a plan. The only thing is that people know TSO exists. We've had scuffles with the jedi and invaded planets before. We have a rep so to speak so we can't really for the sake of getting in unnoticed change that.

It would be like invading the jedi and taking over suddenly and saying you never had a chance because you didn't know we exist. TSO's existance is known IC.

Jan 8th, 2003, 02:09:30 PM
then we make TSO dissapear somehow...........

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 8th, 2003, 02:26:11 PM
A false fall out? A collapse of all? Pretend that TSO dies?

Jan 8th, 2003, 02:43:08 PM

after we do that, we move to our "senator Palpy-esque" rolls and wait until it's time for action.......

but only in character, we gotta make sure that out of character people know TSO exists.........

Now, we need a name for this whole series of RPs..........

I like "Rise of the Sith Lords" or " Dawn of the Sith Lord" or "Rebirth of the Sith"

any other Ideas.........

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 9th, 2003, 03:04:14 AM
Keep it shortened, maybe just The Sith Reborn, or just Rebirth.
Short and sweet. We can live aboard the Saiatah for a while. It is large enough

Jan 9th, 2003, 07:13:55 AM
yes, and we have a bunch of subthreads for each phase........


Rebirth: Into thin Air (when we dissapear)
Rebirth: Attack on Coruscant
Rebirth: Search for the past
Rebirth: Rise of the Sith

:) *gets excited* These RPs are gonna be great..............

Jan 9th, 2003, 08:25:29 AM
I really like the ideas and think you guys have come up with some cool stuff...

I have only one request....can the knights do something other than go after the innocents? Im just thinking that they were knighted b/c they have the ability to do more than that and perhaps give them something that will challenge them and give them an opportunity to prove themselves...? And maybe have one of the apprentices close to knighthood lead the apprentices on the mission with the innocents in order to have one or two of them have a chance to prove themselves...?

I'll do whatever, but just thought I might ask....

Jan 9th, 2003, 10:37:06 AM
We'll figure something out Sasha. I understand where your coming from........

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:28:30 AM
Well, I wanted the lower level knights to be the ones watching over the Apprentices, keep them in line. I wanted the higher level ones to come with the masters. But we each develop a task force for each thing we need.

We need:

Entry into old Fortress
Distraction of the Jedi Forces
People to keep a exist open
and a 1 or 2 groups to destroy some shield generators.
I believe the groups could be roughly 1 or 2 people, depending n the skill level. (i.e) 2 Apprentices who are almost knight level
1 Knight/1 Apprentice, 1 Master, etc.

Jan 9th, 2003, 12:49:16 PM
DDC - Thanks, man.

Dyzm - sounds good. I guess I wasnt thinking we had many knights - and wasnt sure if there were levels of knighthood either, I guess. I only know of me right now, and Gouyen....are there other knights that Im forgetting....?

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 11th, 2003, 07:49:34 AM
Damn, y'all. I am loving this idea. I can't wait. Just keep me informed via a PM every now and then as sometimes I forget to come over here to the SSC, lmao.

Oh, and FYI, Ket is a Knight taking his Master trials.

Man, this is gonna kick so much <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 12th, 2003, 06:59:47 PM
So, DDC, I was wondering if you have a bit more time in your life then me? Most of my posts now happen while I am at school, and they are fast. Can't really post anything big in the ways of super planes right now.

Jan 12th, 2003, 08:01:06 PM
yup, I'm at home all day until the 27th.......

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 13th, 2003, 04:20:20 PM
Lucky Skel Head

Nayala Palain
Jan 14th, 2003, 02:51:06 PM
Okies I was not just ignoring anything here. I just didnt have the access here. But its all good, Im in now. I would love to help out in anyway possible.... I love all of the Idea's so far, odd enough I just got done making a clone for another galaxy lol...

Anyways, Seeing how my posting is limited I will need PM's that or Email me most of the info and links. Having a baby and work is not the easiest way to post or live.

But I am up for anything but... FLYING I hate to be on a ship any more then I really need to be. Im all up for killing innocents and or Senators.

Blowing up buildings sounds good too. Anything you need or want me to do is fine by me.

Dea Potentia
Jan 14th, 2003, 10:03:14 PM
it will be good for me to get out... It'll be nice to take my anger out on something other then my pillow...

Lady Vader
Jan 15th, 2003, 05:29:57 PM
Ok, someone give me a quick summary of all this (to save me the time of reading), and then I'll go post in the other thread RP thread thingy in here. :)

Jan 16th, 2003, 06:11:08 AM
we use the imps to get info on cloning from their data archives.
We use that data to reproduce camino in a hallowed out mountain.
We clone the great lords of the sith, by recovering bits of thier remains.
We then create a clone army and reap havok on the galaxy to try and return the race of the sith to power.........

thats the gist of it.........

Jan 16th, 2003, 05:59:46 PM
(Too lazy to switch names.)

Damn... nice gist. Ok, then, doesn't sound too complicated. I like. :)

(And I'll post in the other thread in a bit.)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 16th, 2003, 07:04:27 PM
Now to Complicate!

Lets add some secondary goals, like Freeing all the animals in the Coruscant Zoo, kindnap some jedi, and then we flood the Senate building and reinact the Invasion of Normady with the animals as our warriors.

Jan 16th, 2003, 08:58:45 PM

But invading the senate would be a nice idea...........

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jan 17th, 2003, 02:54:04 AM
butchering the Senate a better idea.

**Imagines the Sword of Truth Book #2, Stone of Tears. When Richard blows apart the door and chops down every senator in a matter of seconds.**

Yes, like that, but what if we got some hacker account and have all the little riding platforms they have go wire to fly up and crash into each other.

Jan 17th, 2003, 06:39:41 AM
HAHA, great!!!!!

Sounds like a plan, now go reply to my RP DYZM!!!!!!!!

Jan 17th, 2003, 06:40:08 AM