View Full Version : Some Research

H. A. Ferenczy
Jan 4th, 2003, 05:16:34 PM
Hannibal quietly walks into the library, and is amazed by it's unnatural splendor. The burning lillies lit up the room, casting shadows everywhere. And the ceiling rippled, like as if it was water. Then Hannibal came to realize that it was water. Dark jet in color, it shined with the light of the lillies, casting rippling, watery reflections all about on the books. The room smelled of the lillies' fragrance and of the pugnence of the old books and tomes. He sees a desk positioned in the front of the room. It was sturdy and of ebony-polished wood, carved ornately, and fitted with golden pieces that shimmered with the light of the lillies. It made him wonder. Seeing a silvery bell, he rang it in wait.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:44:12 PM
"Can I help?" The voice eminated from the very air, "We do so try to amke visitors welcome." Hannibal sensed the approach from his rear and turned before the hand graced his shoulder. The young looking man stood dressed in an expensive black attire, "Apologies, I have forgotten my manners, My name is Nathan Vergis, Kindred and master of this Library." He stood waiting with his hand out ready to shake...

H. A. Ferenczy
Feb 3rd, 2003, 08:57:00 PM
Hannibal took the offered hand and shook it.

"I am Hannibal Ferenczy, recent Kindred, and owner of......forgotten knowledge."

He smiled slightly before continuing.

"I am looking for a book on weapons......one particular set of weapons, called the Twins of Darkness and Light. They are twin longswords that were owned by the Vampiress Aria du Ferenzigg....do you know anything of the history I speak of?"

Feb 5th, 2003, 12:02:16 PM
The Vampyre contracted his brow into a fist while searching his unlimited knowledge. The names were true enough. Though something warned him of the weapons. No not a warning...something else. "I have heard the books speak of them, but I have not full knowledge no." He closed his eyes, and held up an open hand, from a shelf far away books moved apart to let one leave its perch.

Hannibal watched as the red leather clad tome danced through the still air and landed in the Librarians welcoming hand. "Now, tell me more." Vergis said with a sadistic smile, showing an incling of his addiction for knowledge and intelligence.

H. A. Ferenczy
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:11:05 PM
"Well, you see, Lady Aria du Ferrenzigg is my direct ancestor. Her swords would only work for someone who is in the blood. She was murdered, but she has been long since revenged by my master, Yanos Ferenczy, before his untimely demise. He could not find the swords. I wish to continue that quest, for I think I could find them. I was awful close before I almost died around three hundred years before. It seems I have lost that information that I had possessed. I would like to regain it so I may find and utilize these swords for my purposes."

Hannibal looks at the tome absently, and then remembers something else he was wanting to do a little research on.

"Ahh yes. Also I would like to look up some information on some Vampire Holocrons. I might have use of some at a later date."