View Full Version : Evenin' (open)

Aurynn Jacot
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:16:42 PM
"Guys, I don't think this is a good idea... We should go back home."

"What? After all it took to get here? No way Ryn."

Aurynn Jacot sighed and let her friends drag her into the bar. She was the oldest of the group at twenty-seven and the only one with obligations to fulfil. Obligations that had been put on hold when she had been 'friendnapped' off her fathers farm. This was here first time off planet, though Amee and Betha had gone away to college that year.

"I'm going to miss harvesting and you know my father can't do it alone, in his state of health..."

Amee and Betha looked at each other and rolled her eyes. Betha sat Aurynn down on a stool.

"Ryn, yer a sweetheart but ya gotta loosen up a little. Bartender! Three vodka shots, straight up. Now hon, we brought you heah to have a little fun an' that's what you gonna do, right?"

Aurynn didn't say anything. Betha and Amee raised their eyebrows. Sighing Ryn nodded.


She tried to protest as Amee shoved a drink into her hand but her two companions smiled in conspiricy and walked off to the bathroom. Ryn stood up and yelled at their retreating backs.

"But not too much fun!"

She sat down then stood up again.

"And no men!"

Zereth Lancer
Jan 5th, 2003, 04:26:33 PM
Zereth walked into Yogs and sat down at the bar and ordered a glass of scotch when he got it he looked around the room while sipping his drink not seeing anyone he knew but he did notice a young ladie he had not seen in here before.

Aurynn Jacot
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:33:10 PM
Ryn sighed and pushed the drink away. Not too much fun, not her. No there were rules and procedures that had to be maintained, for her sake. She'd already broken dozens of them by letting herself get brought here but no more, no sir. She had duties and responsiblities and she had no right being here while they were still undone.

"I should have joined the Military. At least then I'd actually have a reason for having a bloody schedule."

She sighed and propped her face up with her hands, not paying attention to anyone in the bar. The only thing on her mind was all the unfinished work at home.

"Ergh! When does it ever end?"

Zereth Lancer
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:54:16 PM
"when does what end?"

Zereth had moved from his seat and was now standing behind Aurynn.

Aurynn Jacot
Jan 14th, 2003, 01:17:33 PM
She didn't even bother looking up.

"Work. And rules. Oh, I don't know, everything. I don't care."

She sipped the drink. At least now she had a reason to. Aurynn was not one to soak in her problems but she was too confused to do anything productive.

"I came here at the worst time. I should never have left home, not now. We have the harvest to do and... And... Well..."

She couldn't think of anything else that needed to be done.

"Well, there are lot's of other things that too that aren't going to be finished because I let myself be dragged here for some R&R. It was a stupid idea!"

Zereth Lancer
Jan 14th, 2003, 06:22:11 PM
"maybe" Zereth said planly "maybe you wanted to get draged out here"