View Full Version : Regarding my last RP with Sage

Syrius Cline
Jan 4th, 2003, 02:43:10 AM
First, before I begin, WOW. Tose topic tags really are strange to see. I think they're a genius idea to make this forum easily navigational for quick reads. Great idea.

Anyhow, my last post here as Sage Hazzard was a fight. A big one. It was me against many Sith all by myself. The purpose of the fight was for me to loose. It'd force my character to take a step back and look at himself as not being invincible. And maybe make him rethink his views on what being a Jedi really is. Well, I went AWOL mid way. It was many, many, many months ago. I believe I came back but never RPed as Sage, at the time I was trying to figure out how to deal with this post never being finished. Now it's a bit beyond simply finishing the thread. It's been a long while. So long that I'm sure the apprentices in it were promoted, some of the lords might have been promoted, etc. So to finish it is a long gone solution.

The problem is, it needs a conclusion. Sage left the Jedi bar in a fury, setting out to fight and kill all the Sith by himself. That led directly to the fight. To say he simply returns unscathed would be to say his actions were right and that the Sith were utterly inept. Neither of which are correct. So, I have concluded to make a RP in which the aftermath is told. Sage is seen on a roof top, banged up VERY badly, and I've put some GREAT plot twists for his character and his past. Many things will be revealed about his character that I've been stringing along for a year and some exciting things will happen. I'll probably be the only writer in it, and it'll probably be only three to four posts long(very long posts though). BUT, it will be revealing even in that short amount of time. Making it even more exciting.

Anyhow, my question(I have a question) is if this is okay. This question goes mainly to people with Sith characters. Is it okay, acceptable, or fair for me to do this? Because in honesty, in real life, that thread would have led in my demise. The Sith RPers would have had to leave the thread with their characters giving me mercy or something along those lines, which is something very wrong to ask of a Sith character. In this RP I will say that I exerted my last breaths of strength to do a Force move that my character had never attempted. A sensory blinding menuver that would last for mere seconds. Then I say I ran away and kept running and fleeing, the Sith on my tail, until I finally eluded them. The result is my character near death and stranded ontop of a Corusant building that's very high in the air. I understand the fact that I could do such a move when I was so badly hurt then flee is a bit of a stretch. Okay, a BIG stretch. I tried to uphold the integrity of the Sith character's skills by making Sage so beat up he almost dies from choking on his own vomit.

So, I ask you, is it acceptable I continue this way? I've come to the conclusion I need to do this RP that I've dreamt up for my character to return to RPing frequently. Because I'm going to say Sage has been away from the Jedi Order for over two months and gone missing. I wanted this so that Sage would have enough time to go on a soul searching journey in this RP so that his character can go through the same amount of change I intended him to when the original fight RP was finished. Because the impact of the RP finishing and Sage actually being beaten up by another writing character wasn't finished, I want to go to more extreme measures to get the same effect. Instead of me showing up at the Jedi's door and saying 'I got beat up off screen guys, you didn't see it but I'm a changed man now.".

Am I offending anyone? Or can I continue with my RP?

EDIT: Let me add that I'm Sage OOC, this is a different name. I'm not saying Syrius Cline was in the RP with Sage. Thank you.

Jan 4th, 2003, 08:08:32 AM
I don't have a problem, but I'm curious as to whether or not I could join in the fun and help beat you into a senseless pulp. :D

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 4th, 2003, 06:39:22 PM
How are you offending anyone? That's a great idea and very thoughtful. It's great that you're not taking the easy way out by saying you got beat up and come back a changed man.

Your idea is awesome.

Syrius Cline
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:05:56 AM
Actually Inu-Aku, like I said, that part's already over with. Right now is my characters recovery and aftermath.

For those that would like to read the RP, it's up now. :)


The reason I thought it might offend someone, is because it assumes the actions of the Sith. I wanted to make sure no Sith that was in the fight would be mad because I'm saying I got away, even though I'm saying I was hurt real bad.

Jan 5th, 2003, 02:15:26 AM
Well you still can decide on what you do with your character :)

(This is Xeno btw)

Syrius Cline
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:20:50 AM
I guess you're right, pal. Thanks. :) I just haven't RPed as him in months and that was the last one... and I've just been agonizing over it for days, weither or not I'd offend someone. I guess I need to take a chill pill, eh? :)

Oh, and thank you for the compliments on the idea. :)

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:57:55 PM
You're welcome.