View Full Version : An Enticing Dance(open challenge to a jedi padawan)

Oolana Taine
Jan 4th, 2003, 12:49:19 AM
A new face appeared on stage. A pale women with raven hair dressed in black leggings and a loose mess tank stood ready and as the band began to play, she danced.

Past events had taught her the art of attraction well. All slave dancers knew the best way to please those they performed for and this was her first performance as a free woman.

The night had been slow in the bar and the audience was small."Perfect," Oolana thought as her performance continued, "just enough to attract attention." She waited patiently for the right moment and the played out the scene she was really there to do.

Her saber flew to her hands from offstage and was instantly ignited. She laughed as the panic of the crowd grew, yet she did not attack.

She would not...at least not as long as the presence she felt nearby revealed itself.