View Full Version : I Think I Stepped In Over My Head

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 3rd, 2003, 05:42:18 PM
I thaught the guy that wanted a challange was going to be weak but I think I need someone strong enough to take on a Shrine Vampire. I just need a little help I think. I maybe steped in over my head. Help me before he turns me into a vampire:(

Help Me (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=453981#post453981)

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 05:50:30 PM
You cant be turned into anything against your will.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 06:02:19 PM
I'm there buddy.... :) I am not a lover of the shrine....but I will give them that they write very well. ;) *huggles Maia and the others who have Jedi characters as well*

They have my respect...but not my trust! ;)

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:26:41 PM
Thanks alot....I really apreciate it ;)

Xazor Elessar
Jan 4th, 2003, 12:17:52 PM
No prob! ;)

Maia Tharrinn
Jan 6th, 2003, 07:40:27 PM
No worries Straffe you cannot be turned without your permission or the Shrines permission. :) No trust huh :lol Well I wouldn’t trust a darksider either :p lol huggs back

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 07:23:05 PM
But can he over power me cause it surely looks like it

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:50:01 AM
Just remember, they can't fry you or turn you into a vampire/chicken soup unless you tell them that they can..:lol

Dios Kane
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:09:08 PM
:lol I think you did step in way over your head Straffe, you just got tossed out like the trash man, and Xazor has another thing coming. Sometimes the feelings are mutual in this wide wide universe. :D But Valirion can't turn you or anything like that, just teach you a few things. I do have to say though, it really is a lesson, you should not underestimate anyone Straffe, that is dangerous.

:: mock voice of sheer worry:: You could've died! :lol

Xazor Elessar
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:27:28 PM

Do you play him, Dios? :lol I hope not or I'll mutilate you.... ;) JK dude. ;) :lol

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:58:07 PM
Well I hope I can put up a bit of a fight...Next time I challange...Im goin to be with someone else :)

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 9th, 2003, 04:16:41 AM
*Bounces Around on Heels*



Marcus Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2003, 06:23:18 PM
Uh uh.......

So I reads the thread. And I stare at the thread. And my little mind is boggled.

This is one of the worst bits of Godmoding I have ever seen and I have seen some extraordinary ones. I cant even begin to... oh what the hell, I'll try to describe. No I wont. It's been reported to the roleplay mods as such. Yes I will. I have to describe two things that are so outside thescope of SW-Fans.....

a) Zombies. Zombies? WTF? No, No, No, No, and again NO. I am quite well aware there is a Sith in the EU woho could animate dad, but only under his power. Rotting walking corpses like in zombie gore flicks? You have got to be kidding me. NO.

b) Steel armour under the skin? Think for a moment. THINK. Think how perposterous steel under the skin of a living being is. I'm not even goign to mount a biology case for how the skin and the rest of the body NEED to work together, or how totally unlikely you could move said plates or the damage organs woud have even if you jumped and they were exposed to the non cushioning effects of steel......

Staffe and Xaz, you have very right right now to have a lot of what he did in that thread thrown out for God moding. My advice is simpy say your done with it and move on.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:09:50 PM
I completely agree with what you said Marcus, hence why I posted as I did to that thread.

I refuse to recognize anything that Val did to me in his drawn out godmoded posts. I am done with that thread and so I shall post no more to it.

Dios Kane
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:36:11 PM
In my own defense... if it matters, I love the way people seem to go about throwing things up but never seem to go to the root of their problems. Why don't you try to say something in a polite pm to me sometime Marcus. Let's try to be nice here rather than rant on about such matters. If you want to accuse me of god moding, throw down, but do it out of the way alright? We got our rights but as for all the times I've seen those threads where you stand up and say that you're sick of people ranting and raving and getting pissed and not being nice...
You could try to send me a pm before you decide to openly call it god moding. I deny god moding on all terms.

A) the zombies never walked, they rotted yes, dead things do that, but there are too many factors you didn't go into. Why didn't Straffe and Xazor hear them before? Why wasn't puke and blood coming down before these zombies were shown? Maybe they weren't animated until Val decided to animate the rotting corpses through means of the force? Where is the god moding in that?

B) Is the armor really steel, no it is not. His background goes like this for those who care, on his planet, a class system exists, nobles are planted with a symbiotic, nanotechnology, organic metal AI/organism. Not really a computer but not really alive either. The thing grows with the host like a parasite inside the body until the host can manage control of it. The thing stays underneath the skin and grows throughout the body. A symbiotic weapon is later given to the host also but that is not the problem at hand. Since the symbiote grows from a nanosize symbiote to a full grown organism within the host, it moves like a liquid, able to take solid shape as the host chooses.
There are no plates underneath the skin, not until it forms outside. There is only the armor beneath it, slightly liquid to move with the body but solid when the skin is broken like when Xazor "mutilated" the vampyre. There are several threads where these things are displayed and I would appreciate that you take maybe some effort to find these things on your own before insulting me.
The armor may perform several functions. Hence why it is allowed to break the skin as it did, in the thread, if Valirion were to withdraw the helmet, there would be no skin, at all, just muscle. The armor also rebuilds Valirion's own cells while he is encased within it. The armor will slowly and slowly rebuild the skin that was broken and then withdraw back through the pores ince fully healed.

My advice to Straffe would be it was fun, I enjoyed the thread, and I wouldn't mind a rematch whenever you want, even if you want to bring a friend, just tell me. My advice for Xazor is not to turn back on what she's planning ooc and then do something like before. Tripping me, then knocking me around with the force wall, good moves. But the repeated slashing, and then enough time to find the door that was hidden in the shadows of the room, then enough time still, to toss a thermal detanator into the room, and then to go about your merry way... No. I'm glad that I can TRUST you to stick up to what you say.

As for you Marcus, I don't exactly know why you've gotten all bent out of shape, to a point it would be understandable but you are the one that makes the threads saying we shouldn't insult each other. God moding to me is a very big insult. I would ask that if you plan on doing this again, pm the accused first. This kind of open calling is not very welcome and more than often seems to make people think differently of the accused when they haven't even rped with them.
I do not think that I have gone over board here or acted rationally, I reread this post and read it again before actually submitting it. I'm not here to talk in ooc forums most of the time, I just love to rp and to rp with other people. I haven't seen you rp much Marcus and I regret never really being able to rp with you. But that said, your accusation as calling me a god moder I find null.

And as for Lion El buddy rho, I wouldn't mind a toss and tumble with you and Straffe any day you want, just make the thread and I'll be there. :D

Xazor Elessar
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:00:48 PM
Well did you know that I can heal wounds faster than you could dish them? I'm Garou and I have more powers than I'll use for the sake of not being fair, because I could use them all and not godmode, but it wouldn't be "fair".

The zombies thing is ridiculous. If they weren't there before, they can't just magically appear. You can't control each and every one with the Force plus do all these massive attacks on me.

There is no way that you can completely take out a door that is there. Even if you cover it with shadows, I can still find it. Being Garou, I'm a lot faster than you plus my night vision is incredibly better than your own. I could find it with the frickin' Force if need be! The point is...the door is still there.

I posted as I did to prove a point. I put a huge group of major attacks into one because that is exactly what you do. You attack nearly six or seven times while doing other impossible things....then if the opponent does one thing that might knock you on your ass, you get pissy. I've seen it before, Dios...that's why I was worried when I heard you play Val because I knew you'd mode me sometime in the thread.

I threw all of those attacks on you just as you would have to me, and you didn't like it. Take a look at it from the opponents perspective now and see that I'm not completely nuts in my claims. I don't GM and the only time I do is a time like this: to prove a point.

Marcus isn't the only one who has a problem with this....there are others who saw it before he did! He is the only one who brought it to attention though, because oftentimes PM's don't do the job they're supposed to and why not have an educated conversation about this? It might be a good lesson for someone else who had no idea that these kind of things were moding. It's easy to manipulate a n00b...but not someone who's been here for a long time.

Funny, with the way you were talking you had me fooled that you were here longer than I. I even stated that to you and you didn't deny it. Well I searched and found that to be a lie as well. I was here back in the EZBoard days and not until many months after I joined did you.

I don't even know your rank and you refuse to disclose it to me. With the way you're going about writing, I wouldn't guess you to be much past Apprentice level with many lessons to be learned.

I am not going to fight and argue this out with you....it's a battle that is done and over and has been for a while. You can deny it all day long....but many of us know that you moded in that thread.

I mean, damn! Wounds that won't heal? C'mon, be a little realistic at least! And you have no real knowledge of Xazor's pregnancy IC nor the bodily structure of the Garou and the way they carry child. So stop using OOC knowledge IC as well. That is stated in the FAQ'S as a "no no".

Sorry to put a dagger in the plans...but when I have you telling me that my plans won't work because "there is no way for any other Jedi to come in a help you except for your Padawan and there is no way out...and I'll hurt you pretty good.....and you can't do anything to me because I'm not JUST a Vampire....and I won't go into this knowing I will loose" etc etc etc.....I won't RP with someone like that. That's a bunch of BS and it's not the way I operate. At least I give the other person a fair shot, I don't shove my mumbo jumbo down their throats and expect them to swallow it.


Dios Kane
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:03:27 PM
::sighs deeply.::


I love you too Xaz, I am Valirion, I am Fiend, I am Odin, I am Ryft Uzzi, I am Isaac Paine, I am all the fiend clones and so on, But I am Dios Kane, "For Honor God." Yes that is my name, I am the red hedded kid who sits behind his comp and has a hell of time rping with people. And if anyone else needs proof of who I am, I act like most of the characters half the time.
Would you believe my birthday is so close too! I'm almost sixteen, I want a motorcycle so badly but you know it won't happen. Thats okay, I'll die later.

As for the matter at hand. :D

I don't know why you don't use all of your Garou powers Xaz. I mean not to, wouldn't that be your own fault? Did I say it would be unfair. And my mom's a frickin midwife, I've seen women in every stage of pregnancy, I wouldn't even need to be a Sith to sense two people there Xaz. Four months, whoa boy, you would be a see saw for a fight Xaz, even a wolf would have a problem that far in. Its really not that far but your balance, I know I can't gt pregnant but I would say that you should some time in your life and really know what its like cuz you don't rp it worth a flip. As for my attacks, I don't think manipulating dead corpses would really be that hard. How do you know your night vision as a Garou is better than a vamps huh? Why would you be faster? Your pregnant, even if Val didn't notice, you should at least do so yourself.
As for the pms, I was mostly joking around, I was in the mood of one of my favorite characters and I knew that your Garou abilities were matched to mine. I was telling you the turns of your own plans though too, if Val was to kidnap you, he'd take you back to the base and deal with you while under protection of others. It'd be story to let your padwan come through because that was the point of it all, to test your padwan right? But I wasn't just going to let you walk out after that, no, what real bad guy does that? As for the time being here, I was confused about that as you said it! I thought you had known I was Dios Kane from the beginning. I almost feel insulted you would've thought otherwise. What's the difference? Val gets his butt handed to him all the time, go check the shrine, anyone see his fight with Malice? That hurt, and Dios, yeah, he got tossed like a rag doll when the TSE took him apart. But they're gone now aren't they?

Okay I'm done, seriously, no more for me here! Hehe, I feel bad for even typing this long... :(

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 10th, 2003, 02:45:06 AM
I feel cheap for not making a huge reply, but...

Hasn't Xaz already been criticized for her fighting and being pregnant. Personally, I don't see a problem with it. What fun is RPing if you have to sit around on your ass doing nothing while your stomach expands. Xaz is Garou, yet she doesn't (often) use the abilities that come with that race. For heaven's sakes, Xaz fell into my speeder in one thread...:D. I had no problem with that.

I find fiend...disturbing. He seems like the kind of guy that will lurk in shadows and then pounce, drag you back into an ally, and..well, I won't go on. I know that you're trying to have a fun time, Dios, and I know that your threads are usually pretty fun, but I think you should base them on a smaller scale. The main reason the godmoding accusations that you get come in is because the threads are too huge. For instance the one where you had a huge battlestation...nuh-uh. Logically, if the Eye Of Palpatine is considered a godmoding item, wouldn't a battlestation the size of a planet be considered GMing? Same thing here. You should base your threads on a smaller scale, which would reduce the accusations of godmoding. ALso, in my fight threads, I scan over what I typed to make sure that nothing in there can be construed as a violation of my established abilities. I know that it makes individual posts sorta boring, but overall the thread is more fun because it creates challenges for me.

I also agree with Xazor. Marcus is against flamefests, which is not what Marcus was trying to start. He simply noticed that something was wrong. Oftentimes, PMs are ignored because they are just that...private messages. A public post will bring attention to the subject,. Without others, Marcus can edit the thread, but nobody will know why. Public attention gives all a choice of how to deal with said problem. Otherwise, if Marucs just edits the thing, somebody will ask why. Then, Marcus will have to spend ime restoring the thread, linking to it, yaddah yaddah yaddah. He wa sa bit sharp in his accusations against you, but he wasn't throwing it up in your face.

Also, if you don't want anyone else in the thread...mark it with a (close)...:lol

The wound's that never close? That is technically maiming. I mean, you could constitute it as character development, but only if the other person agrees. For instance, if you wanted to, you could have said that you slashed 60% of his skin, and opened wound that never healed...it's not technically maiming, but who the hell would want to walk around looking like a hamburger? I don't think that ANYTHINg permanent can be done to someone else's character unless they say it's okay.

Also, the armor underneath the skin is cheap. Since the traditional weapon of a jedi is the lightsaber, that is basically making ou immune to us. We're not allowed to boil your blood, since that would probably be godmoding and DEFINITELY be a darkside power. We've seen that a saber is much more powerful than a blaster, and since there's really no weapons short of calling in an Turbolaser bombardment that can overpower a saber, you have effectively made yourself immune. Good try, but...no.

Dios, I would enjoy the chance to rumble with you some day, since you are a good friend, but I'm standing with Xazor on this matter. Also, may I add that, since the cab is "outside", other jedi could step in? Say, maybe me?

...I've realised that this post is also long, so I don't feel so cheesy anymore...:lol

Dios Kane
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:38:41 PM
I have to say Lion, thank you for your input but I don't think you read what I've been saying carefully, but that doesn't matter now. If you don't want to rp me with me, then don't. You don't have to worry about mingling with any of my characters for that matter. Dios is withdrawing from the GJO soon and if you don't want to rp me with me then don't. Its that simple and I can see that from what Xazor said many people won't have a problm with that.

As or what you called me on Lion. You seem to be confused about the discussion over the pregnant thing Lion. As for a smaller scale of rping? I love detail, detail out the wazoo, my exact movements, the way everything appears to m character, what is a smaller scale Lion? This conversation isn't about Fiend, is it? 'm not even gong into that now because that has already been settled hasn't it? yes. As for pms, you people say the rarely work, how would you know, I've never gotten one from an admin or mod except once from SWFans and that was because I was requred to defend myself in a thread I wasn't aware of. As for the thread being closed, Lion we were talking about the plans in our pm, please be quiet. The wounds I gave Straffe can be healed by someone stronger in the force than Valirion, no prob I would say. That's a given, he woud just need one of the stronger jedi to tend to it. And for my armor, it is not usually under the skin, while I was rping with Straffe, it was said several times I wasn't even going to draw it out because Valirion did't think he would need it. My armor has been described several times and I have been stabbed several times by lightsabers and the such, quite often in fact, but if I am being called on GMing, Xazor did the same thing that she seems to be accusing me, under the circumstances of the post, I jut let it hit me an then kept going, I didn't want to stun the thread with an arguement, at the time I didn't know that Xaz would throw a "dagger" into the plans. But that's okay. If you want to step in with Valirion outside the cab, then lets go Lion, anytime. :D

Jan 10th, 2003, 03:51:07 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
Uh uh.......

So I reads the thread. And I stare at the thread. And my little mind is boggled.

This is one of the worst bits of Godmoding I have ever seen and I have seen some extraordinary ones. I cant even begin to... oh what the hell, I'll try to describe. No I wont. It's been reported to the roleplay mods as such. Yes I will. I have to describe two things that are so outside thescope of SW-Fans.....

a) Zombies. Zombies? WTF? No, No, No, No, and again NO. I am quite well aware there is a Sith in the EU woho could animate dad, but only under his power. Rotting walking corpses like in zombie gore flicks? You have got to be kidding me. NO.

b) Steel armour under the skin? Think for a moment. THINK. Think how perposterous steel under the skin of a living being is. I'm not even goign to mount a biology case for how the skin and the rest of the body NEED to work together, or how totally unlikely you could move said plates or the damage organs woud have even if you jumped and they were exposed to the non cushioning effects of steel......

Staffe and Xaz, you have very right right now to have a lot of what he did in that thread thrown out for God moding. My advice is simpy say your done with it and move on. Part a) I agree with to some extent, but I also agree fully in that animating dead would need to be a specialty skill developed to the point of attaining Sith Mastership over. Something that would need to be proven with a year's worth of training threads that can be documented and established date wise in written format on the board. To which I have posed the question to Val/Dios in PM and he has been unable to respond except in saying the training was done in IM.

With some looking around I was able to find that Val has only been with the Shrine since Late October early September of last year, which equates to seriously less than a year's worth of training. I am also unable to locate a single training thread where animating dead was classifed as a specialty skill being developed, thus it is god mode in this case, no question.

Part b) God mode with absolutely no doubt.

Straight from the SWFans RP FAQ:
* Have a think about what you want to be. The best characters are the ones which the roleplayer has made the most realistic. Realism is a plus in a roleplaying thread - it marks you as a better roleplayer. How would your character act? What are their weaknesses? How about strengths? Define yourself as best you can. This may take time to do this, but once your established, it makes things more interesting.

* Learn about your powers. Are you a Sith? Think about what powers you have. Are you a Jedi? Think about calm and peace, learn about the lightsaber. Bounty Hunter? Be greedy. Imperial? Learn about the ships and weapons you have.

* Don't expect to be popular if you come in thinking you are the best and blare it out. There are people here who have seen that hundreds of times, and they won't think much of you. Also, if you are an apprentice, dont expect to have the abilities equivalent of a Master. Common sense tells us you can't. The best roleplayers learn as they play. They slowly develop their characters, allowing them to grow over time. That adds fun and realism to the whole experience.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:14:15 PM
Can I make a small complaint, please?

I have noticed that the experienced RPers on this board have little or no patience with the newer RPers. The experienced RPers call a newbie on God Moding and crush them. It happened with Ansatsu, and now I see it here.

I always had the idea that an experienced RPer would be more patient.

Example: A newbie is called for God Moding by an experienced RPer. The Experienced RPer shows the Newbie what he or she did that was God-Moding and then helps the newbie to make his God-moding Idea into something that was non-Godmoding.

I have only seen an experienced RPer help a newbie with an idea once. Only once. It makes me feel bad. Outside of that, every single experienced RPer on this board has been ill-tempered and harsh with the new people.

Thank you for listening, I appreciate your time. Have a nice day.

Jan 10th, 2003, 04:16:35 PM
I have not been ill tempered or harsh with a new RPer. Dios has been here for a pretty long time. He should know by now what is wrong and what is not. I don't understand why I have had to step in on more than one occasion to moderate his threads. At this point he should know better.

This appears tpo be an instance of repeatedly ignoring what is stated in the FAQ, and tries my patience severly since I could be doing much more contructive things than moderating threads between veterans.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:03:37 PM

It isn't that the experienced RPers won't help the n00bs...we do, but when they won't change their ways, that's when we get frustrated and create threads like this. You don't see it from our side because you yourself don't have to worry about the GMers getting you, they're your friends!

But basically I was proving a point with my godmoded post and I'm openly admitting it was godmoding because I did it that way. That's how some people write and they think it's okay! Well, it isn't and to avoid having it brought to the attention of the whole board, one should learn from their mistakes and actually fix them.

That's all I really was trying to say. :\

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:39:26 PM
I have noticed that the experienced RPers on this board have little or no patience with the newer RPers. The experienced RPers call a newbie on God Moding and crush them. It happened with Ansatsu, and now I see it here.

Dios is not new and has been already been called before. Anastu, blunty, deserved the call too and nor was he particularly new either. I only make a call when I believe it has gotten to such an extreme, somethign has to be said. And I WILL say it, because, frankly, I'm an asshole and I'm not going to become more polite or condensending with the abuse of the very, very limited ruleset. The rules, structure and attitudes aroudn this place are highly relaxed and it has to get bad before even a prick like myself says something. Now listen to me wei and you listen very well. If you want someone whom has helped newbies, a lot of newbies overthe years, greeted and trained, talked to and nutured in cases, dealt with bullshit and supported poeple, given second chances to.... I'm it. There are many players here who got a second chance under my wing, because they asked. I' have deliberatly made this place open. I have hidden people's id's and risked my own reputation and helping outcasts when I saw fit. Before you think of speaking as you have, maybe you should realise that whatever help you think you have given or whom you hold up as a paragon of what you speak, I've done much, much more - I dont however ask for anything in return or say anything about what I do. I dont even like writign this, but I do because you attempting to say somethign I am not.

Also, I'm going to tell you something, honesty and straight. Those who ask for help and also show they are willing to listen and accept help, get it in spades from long termers. Even Morgan does that.

I have only seen an experienced RPer help a newbie with an idea once. Only once. It makes me feel bad. Outside of that, every single experienced RPer on this board has been ill-tempered and harsh with the new people.

Your not looking hard enough. I know very much how wrong that statement is. The only real fault of experienced players is that they have seen too much bad shit over the years and are wary and take time for their caution to melt. You win the trust of an experienced player, then as a newbie you will see how wrong your statement is. But you know, it works both ways. Trust is not a one way street. If I cant trust a newbie, then it's not going to work. I like to think i can trust em and in the main, I think I can. But they need to also try to approach experienced players as well, rather than expect those players to be accomodatiing. In this place, you make your own RP experience, not a single person is here for your benifit.

And yes, I get a lot of approaches. Too many at times. But when I'm online and visible, I certainly do and will help, openly and politely.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:57:30 PM
I suppose not. And all your points are very validly made. I know that they are my friends, Xazor. And I know that they God Mode sometimes. I'm helping Ansatsu learn to post and not God Mode. I don;t know if I have been effective or not, but what can I say?

I realize my complaint seems a little severe. Marcus, all your points are well made. I see that I have offended you and I apologize. Xazor, I can;t agree with God Moding against a God Moder, because I don;t think the offending party can learn anything from it, but everyone has their own ways of handling things.

I don;t mean to offend, but it's always these big ugly threads that get stuck in my head. While we are on the subject of God Moding, if any of you guys ever see me God Mode, I'd like your help to fix it. That way I can maybe help other people.

So, are we finished with this thread? I think everyone has said what they had to say. I'd like to forgive and forget and move on.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 10th, 2003, 06:11:58 PM
That is my way of doing things, Wei and I'll continue to do things that way because believe it or not, it works. It shows people how they are because I can't say "look at it from my point of view" unless I show them my point of view.

You don't agree with it? That's fine, no one asked you too.....
I completely agree with you on that Marcus, you have done so much here and even if Wei refuses to see it, I and many others have as well. I would give you a great example, but I don't know if he'd want me to tell it so I'll keep silent. A great writer here was looked down on and so he PM'd me for help and I gladly gave it. Now he is still thanking me though I humbly ask that he not because really, he had the skills needed to get up from the depths.....but honestly, he's not the only person I've helped Wei and I don't care if you believe me or not....many things unseen are like that for a reason. Most people who help are humble and do this stuff over PMs and whatnot.

You can't just go searching for it and expect to find it...doesn't work that way.

Maia Tharrinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:33:06 PM
At the Shrine when you are turned you are allowed to pick one power that you will receive and be trained in. One that can be given to you by the blood of who is turning you or by being taught. Val picked animating the dead. Which is a power Soth has and has had since he came to the boards which was a few years ago. Val has been trained by Soth and Alana via aim and threads. How we train our apprentices is not the same as the other boards and we do ask them to tone there vamp abilities down when rping off the Shrine board due to god mode screamers. But as Marcus stated there was a Sith the animated the dead and it is Soths ability to and it is in his right to teach it since he is a master and has been for some time now.

As for the armor it is not metal under his skin, it is a symbiotic life form. That was attached to him long before he became a vamp and since there are symbiotic life forms in sci fi I see no prob with this either. I am not here to argue but to clarify...

Thank for your time Alana/ Maia

Also if you do have a prob with any of my members please contact me via pm or my aim name Alanastormcloud7 I would be happy to work with you on it and talk to the members. We are not as closed minded as some think and PM's can be effective if you use them. Dios has never had a problem toning down what others have a prob with.

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:39:06 PM
I may as well just proclaim my Sith character an untouchable god who can do anything and everything since he has been in exsistence for more than a year longer than the almighty Soth. :rolleyes

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:44:56 PM
I don't refuse to see the good Marcus has done. I have seen Marcus put smiles on people's faces with the signatures he creates. But when these threads come along, it just makes things seem darker and more dreary than they actually are. It happens to everyone now and then.

Thing is, when I have a something on my mind, I have to talk about it. Like that complaint I made. It's how I felt at the time. It makes me feel better to just say how I feel rather than bottle it up. It's how I do things. And Xaz, you might not agree, but then I don't agree with somethings you do.

Just because people have arguments doesn;t mean they hate each other. Parents and children argue and fight, but it doesn't mean they hate each other. That's all that I have left to say.

I appreciate your patience, guys. BTW, I saw the Two Towers Tonight. I loved it. :D

Maia Tharrinn
Jan 10th, 2003, 10:45:18 PM
I didnt post that to have a flame fest about Soth :p

Jan 10th, 2003, 10:48:38 PM
My previous points stand. With no training that is written and dated specifically to this end and Val's character being no older than 5 months, animating dead at this state of his development is god mode.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 11th, 2003, 05:47:41 AM
That, and a symbiote is a thing that exists mutually with another organism...something that is not possible with the dead.

This kind of Dark Side necromancy is WAAAAY advanced. Masters can do this to a degree, yes. But somebody with barely a few months notched in their belt? Not a chance.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 11th, 2003, 07:53:21 AM
Dios, I never said I wouldn't RP with you. I'd love to RP with you. I also have read your statements carefully, and I have taken everything in from my point of view. I'm just stating my opinion.

Like I said, I'd relish the chance to RP with you one day. You're a great RPer. I think that the detail you go into is what gets you in trouble. It's too linear and allows for no real creativity after the background is established.

It's established that you godmoded this time, and I actually DO believe that I understand the Xazr pregnanacy thing.

Dios Kane
Jan 11th, 2003, 06:31:18 PM
Thats cool Lion, as for everything else, I still say that a pm would've solved these problems when they first appeared. If there had been a problem with the zopmbies then there should've been a pm at the get go of that post. If there had been anything else, all I would've needed was a pm to say, "Whoa there buddy, slow down and chill out, you might be breaking some rules." And I would've been like, "okay, let me compromise the post and fix it so that we both come out at an agreement. No prob." But that didn't seem to occur, all but this now, an ooc arguement I would never really wanted to bother with in the first place cuz these things seem to only end to a certain end with a certain thing being concluded that I really never feel like reaching the conclusion of.
This is the part where I bow out graciously, SWfans, Marcus. I'll accept the title GM for that thread, okay, what else can I do? I could've gone back and changed the posts when this first began but that doesn't seem to solve the problem now. I understand that. Xazor, you can treat people however you want but I ask that you never ever never rp with me again. I'm sure that you wouldn't have a problem with that by now so we're good. But as for the GMing, I'll make substantial threads now, I had been informed that others had previously trained on IM but their training isn't valid either now. Understandable, I will make training threads and I will have it all before you then. Problem solved, as for my symbiote... sigh, if I can become undead, couldn't the symbiote? But I don't want to argue anymore. This thread is done for me at least. I will not respond back to this thread, I would ask that the topic of me please be over with and that my access to Avalon be withdrawed because Dios Kane is no longer a member of the GJO.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 11th, 2003, 07:04:23 PM
...That didn't go so well...

Jan 12th, 2003, 12:39:50 AM

This isn’t where you are supposed to bow out graciously. This isn’t where you are supposed to hold a grudge against any individual, be it Xazor, Marcus, or myself.

I know you can’t help but feel singled out in this situation and you feel justified in what you did because you have done it before without a problem. The only explanation I can offer as to why there was no problem last time is that it was between two people who were both new at what they were doing and neither knew right from wrong. Its pretty much impossible for someone like myself to read every single sentence written on the forums in RP’s and in OOC discussions, catching all the wrongs and rights.

Those of us with the experience to recognize problems can’t always catch them right when they happen, thus making it difficult for us to keep them from happening. And as such we end up relying on word of mouth to try and locate them and help get people through them.

I was trying to work with you regarding this issue over PM and would have continued to if you had not mentioned me by name and made it sound as if I was not doing my duty as a moderator and administrator of these forums. You forced me to stand up and let others know that I was working on this situation, and to let them know my thoughts on the matter.

When we say you god moded, its not that we are saying you have committed a crime and are to be held accountable. We are saying that there is something you are doing that needs to be worked on. And typically we give reasons as to why it was god mode, which give you a means to correct the problems in the future. And from what I have seen here and in the past with you, its all about patience and perhaps some about you needing to rethink your priorities.

It should not be a priority for you to have the most creative and the most bad-ass evil character on the boards right out of the gate. By that I mean right away, immediately. It takes time to develop a character who is respected and can be believed has a wide array of abilities and strengths. Take time to develop your characters and earn the respect that you are trying to get. Don’t expect it to just fall into your lap because you want it.

RP is about give and take, if you do too much of one and not enough of the other then you’ll find nothing but hardships and struggle. You have to give your time and effort, as well as give those you RP with some credit for what they are doing, for them to do the same for you.

Please try to not take these criticisms in this thread as personal grievances which bring you to dislike another individual or individuals, try to use them to learn what could be done differently so that you can move on to a new plateau, and accomplish your goals in time invested.

Syrius Cline
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:42:16 AM
Well, I'd just like to comment on the things brought up in this thread. I'll say right now I haven't even looked at the thread in question. I'm commenting on the ideas brought forth in this thread.

I believe that an armor under this skin, or whatever it is, is a bit much. I say this because it seems you created this part of your character simply to stop damage from happening to him. I can't really see why this thing under your skin can contribute to character development other than the fact he becomes more physicly dominent. I see it as wrong that you created a part of your character's past simply so you could win fights. It is in your character's past isn't it? Or did you RP it out?

I just think it's wrong to come up with a past that makes it okay to fight better. Example: saying you came to the Jedi after training as one with a sensei on another world, and that you're a Master at it now, no need to RP that training. It's okay if it's in moderation. I have a character that trained in in a cave in a mountian top for all of his life, until he was twenty or so. Yet I made him weak and not powerful at all. I made him go through all that training in his past, just so I could give him a personality reflecting the seclusion he had to endure. Making him shy and timid. He had some skills, but not much at all. Able to move a rock a half inch off the ground before collapsing in exasution. His name is Vice Hazzard by the way.

When I came here with Sage Hazzard, I pulled out all the stops. Back then there was a place called "bounty hunter's moon"... yes, I made myself a bounty hunter/Jedi. Ludicrous now but for some reason I got away with it back then. He only hunted Sith, and I never made a dime other than a body guard mission. Like I said, I pulled out all the stops. At this place, there was a shop. They'd make weapons and such and you could buy them. A way to acquire an item through RP without having to spend the time writing how you made it. I bought, get this, a lightsabre that was spiffed up(I actually still have it IC, although I toned it's abilties down). It was able to read my DNA, and no one else could touch it without my DNA or they'd be electrocuted. Neat huh? I also had it so the blade couldn't penetrate me. As soon as the blade came near me, it'd shut off. That way I wouldn't have to worry about cutting myself during practice. I even bought a suit of armor, spiffyed out to the max. It was inpenetrable by blaster fire. It had two wrist blasters, automated by my thoughts. It also had a missle launcher on my back, rocket pack, sun visor, spikes that'd come out of the sole of my boot(for extra kicking damage). Like I said, spiffed out. Now the morale of this long story is... It sucked. At the time, no one really complained that it was god moding. It was like, a year and a half ago, when I was still a Padawan. But it was god moding. I mean really, it was me playing god. I had come up with the perfect way to win every fight. Every one. I could have these two blasters firing while I was swinging two lightsabres. No way for someone to defend themselves! I won a few fights... Until I relised that I was having no fun. I'd take the fun out of RPing. Imagine, not loosing a fight unless someone resorted to stabbing me through the suit. Of course they wouldn't do that, because it'd kill my character, which was not appropriate since they didn't have consent. So I lived a boring RP life for a while until I gave up the suit, wore regular Jedi clothing, shed my blasters, and did it old school. And I have to say, ever since, I've had a blast.

Oh, and for everyone, PM someone if you have a problem with the way they're fighting you. I'm not nessecarily talking about this circumstance, although it might apply. A short while ago I was in a fight with someone, it was with this character. My opponent punched me in the jaw. I said, in my small want to have detail in my writing, said I wiped my mouth and found no blood. It was just something small. I figured my character would want to check to see if he was bleeding, seeing as how he just got smacked, and the opponent was not still pummelling him. I think she took a break to insult my character after punching him real good. So I figured, I'll wipe my mouth, find no blood, and start fighting back. So I did. She PMed me and said there would be blood. That her(it was a she I was fighting) character was strong enough to draw blood. So what did I do? Edited it! It was a small thing. It's not like a bleeding gum(sp?) would hamper my character's fighting ability. It was just detail. After I edited it(with no objection)I looked at it again. Actually made it better. Showed my character was indestructible. That this one punch from a woman, that he didn't know could punch that hard(partly because of his male attitude), made him bleed at the mouth. The point is, tell people if you have a problem with thier writing! And if someone makes a valid point, no matter how small, change your writing accordingly. It might just make it better.

Again, I'm not commenting on the fight thread. I'm commenting on things brought up in this OOC thread. I wanted to give my two cents on how to RP with reality in mind. In case a stray new guy/girl wonders by, or a veteran wants to learn new tricks. :)

Dios Kane
Jan 12th, 2003, 08:34:45 AM
I thought that was what I did, I wasn't trying to make it sound bad me leaving the arguement or anything, I was saying that I understood what you were saying and that was that. I just said I was quitting dude, who cares really? Its my character right? I already confessed and said that I godmoded in the thread because Swfans said there was no training to support the moves I did. That's cool, I understand, I thought I already said that. Thanks Swfans for the gracious post above, It cleared a few things up for me even more than what some of my friends have already told me. I'm not here to argue anymore or talk about this, it was settled when Swfans said I god moded and there was nothing else to it and I ask that people just leave this thread alone. I don't take any of this as a personal thing, but I do like to write and I don't like to argue, when there is a chance that someone could keep something quiet before making it into a public thing, I appreciate it.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:10:51 PM
I shouldn't need to explain why I just deleted someone's post - but I will. That was uncalled for baiting. Do not do it again as it is not not the first time I have removed a post of yours for baiting.