View Full Version : I am....the Knight of Justice!(open to a sith knight/apprentice,or anybody)

Tomak Ohara
Jan 2nd, 2003, 02:56:50 PM
I slowly walked through the streets of people. I had forgotten how crowded the world was. My saber hilt swung at my side, and my knife handle hung in my jacket. My large curved sword stayed clipped beneath my leather cape. As I walked my cape would flare away from me. I continued to walk down the street.

It had been a while since I had left the GJO. I wondered how everyone had been doing since I left. I thought about that day, and how everyone was there. Then my mind wandered, and I thought about Kaytor. I could only hope she was doing okay. I looked around for any misdoings. I guess you could say I was like a superhero now. Stalking villans in the night, waiting for them to strike, and then they would be struck. However, I would never kill anyone. It just wasn't my style. I stopped for a moment. I had picked something up in my mind. Someone was in danger!

I looked around. This place was crowded, but it would have to do. I focused my bodies energy, and my cape morphed back into the white wings they were. I smiled and leapt into the air. My wings carried me up high, and I looked around for the direction of the danger. I saw a woman being attacked somewhere over in the east. I pushed myself forward, and I began to fly. I could feel the threat coming faster and faster. Someone was going to die if I did not hurry. I sped up using the force, and finally found a building close to the source. I looked down, and I could see a figure standing there. He was dark, I knew it. Something told me that this man had intentions beyond ths woman. I morphed my wings to my cape again. My silver hair brushed my face in the wind.

The moon created a sillouhette of me against its surface. I drew my curved saber, and it glinted in the moonlight. I smiled and showed my fangs. I spoke, "Stop right there! You think it is right to strike innocent people in the night? Well, then I think it is time you learned a lesson. I am the one that has protected this planet for years. I am no jedi, nor am I a sith. I am the Knight of Justice. I will strike you down and leave you for the dogs. It is time to face justice, my friend!" I smiled and looked down at the man. This would be a challenge. I could not wait.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:27:31 PM
"Leave me to the dogs?" he purred, dropping the woman into the pool of blood below her.
"that's ironic, because, well, you see..." Darius Van-Derveld, lupine murderer stepped out of the shadows.

Yes, its true, attacking the defenceless in alleys wasn't really his style. And he hadn't. The feebly-struggling woman, now extremely pale from blood loss, had actually been trying to pick his pocket, when he rounded on her and dealt her a weltering smash across the face.

All the bloodletting, that was just retribution.

"want to come to the aid of a common thief? or is she the lesser of two evils?"

the woman had almost struggled off the ground, raising up onto her elbows, and Darius kicked them away from under her.

"actually, i was just leaving. Perhaps you would like to give her a little speech on her moral digressions, I really don't have the time."

The Lupine went to casually saunter past the Winged Wonderboy, hoping he would be challenged.

Tomak Ohara
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:38:18 PM
I turned, "Fool! I do not beleive you." I drew my sword from my back. The large curved blade clinked on the ground and I smiled. "You are a monster. I know your thoughts. You got the pick pocket away, but you struck her down after she had fallen. You are just as dishonorable as her." I lifted my curved, cortosis dipped blade and pointed it at him. "You will suffer here in this alley. Just as you have made her suffer." I floated into the air. My wings were now in the form of the cape. I smiled as I stood floating, "Enough talk, time to suffer." I was the Knight of Justice, and it was my place to right all wrongs. This man, he was definetly wrong. I smiled and leapt towards the man. I swung my blade at the mans arm.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:43:21 PM
Darius sidestepped, bringing the floating man into the range of a deftly-placed elbow to the stomach.
He spun in, so that he was behind the man, and pulled him backwards by the shoulders, hoping to take him off-balance.

Only after this, did Darius draw and ignite one sabre, the one which Vega had made him.

"Ok then, Justice-boy. Lets make this a straight fight. you stop floating, get down here, and fight properly."

Tomak Ohara
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:46:13 PM
I felt the elbow to my stomach and came back. I landed on the ground and drew my saber. My lightsaber hummed to life, and the silver blade blended with the moonlight. "You have one hell of an attitude, you know that?" I leapt forward and swung at his arm with my curved blade, and then my saber went for his abdomen.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:50:33 PM
A sharp duck, and the sabre scythed over Darius's head, cleanly.

"Why thank you!" he returned "and you have one hell of a dress-sense."

As he spoke, he arced his own sabre out at knee height, hoping to cut the Caped Caricature down to size.

Tomak Ohara
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:54:46 PM
I leapt and tucked my legs up as the blade was swung, and watched it go beneath me. I flipped over to the side while in air and came down bringing my sword on his back. I jumped back and looked at him. "Well, you don't dress that well either." I said as I leapt back at him bringing my sword towards his face.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 2nd, 2003, 04:02:53 PM
Darius dodged, fast enough to save himself, but almost fell onto the upstroke to the face.
he leaned right back, barely on balance, and felt the sword draw a line of blood across his torso. He stood back up, using the momentum of the movement to pendulum into his opponent, a shoulder connecting with his ribcage and forcing him back slightly,

"not now that you've started slicing my shirt up!"

he brought the sabre up in a mirror of the strike the lightsider had dealt him.

"so whats this? the obligatory exchange of witty repartee between hero and villain as they fight?"

Tomak Ohara
Jan 3rd, 2003, 08:25:39 AM
I chuckled, "One could say that." I pushed the man with the force, and then brought my foot toward his stomach. "However, you should know that the hero always wins!" I said my foot extended, and my body flying forward.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 3rd, 2003, 08:33:37 AM
Darius took the foot full in the stomach, rolling back with it, then springing upright.

"You haven't said 'crime doesn't pay' yet. They always say that." he grunted, slightly winded.

He drove into close range, too close for a clean hit from the lightsider, and piled into him with his fists, with a sound like a herd of freshly-killed cows falling off a building.

Tomak Ohara
Jan 7th, 2003, 03:37:16 PM
I fell backwards from the hit, and smiled, "Crime doesn't pay." I said with a smile. I reached into my jacket and threw my light dagger at the man. And jumped at him slashing my sword at his chest.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 8th, 2003, 02:59:19 PM
A lightsabre parry sent the dagger away into the night, and the sabre was met with Darius' own. He forced the other man back a few paces, before springing away fast enough to allow the other man's momentum to cast him forward. He descended onto the now-fallen man's back with sabre tip pointed firmly at his back, falling as if to skewer him.

Tomak Ohara
Jan 8th, 2003, 03:14:52 PM
I felt the tip on my back, "The hero should not die." I used the force and brought the dagger back to my hand. I lifted my hand and threw it into his leg. I hoped he would get off me now.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 9th, 2003, 02:10:23 PM
A pained hiss escaped Darius' teeth, before they clenched closed in a snarl. He kept low, driving a knee into the Knight of Justice's back, before leaping upright, and kicking him repeatedly in the ribs, assuring that a few were broken. He flipped the man over with his boot, and landed a final kick to the face.

A swift turn to the forgotten pickpocket, and the mocking words,
"Thats you taught." before he began to stride off down the alley, seeing if the prone man would try again.