View Full Version : For the Love of all that is Forbidden (open)

Jan 2nd, 2003, 12:17:26 PM
There were two things that had brought him here: Word of other Sith living here and the simple fact that they were rumored to be vampires.

He hadnt ever had any curiosity about them until he’d met Salem Ave. Salem was a vampire who had been with the Sith Order for a short time. Sasha had somewhat gotten to know him, but Salem was an odd fellow who kept to himself . It was perhaps the fact that Salem was so guarded that had made Sasha so curious.

He had no interest in becoming one – a vampire, that is - at least, he didn’t think he did. But he was young, just short of twenty years old, and at that age, the lure of the forbidden and unknown, anything that promised adventure had a strong power over him. He couldn’t resist the call of it.

And so he found himself on Roon, entering the first establishment that loked to him like a place where he might find the information that he sought.

He found that he instantly rather liked the atmosphere. Something about it intrigued him and drew him in. The young Sith's senses were on overdrive – alert and reaching out. His violet eyes gave the room a quick precursory scan, and then he headed over towards the bar. The expression on his face was as it usually was - serious. But his eyes gave away his curiosity. They sparkled with a mixture of excitement and wariness as he crossed the room and found an open seat at the bar.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:47:15 PM
Dalamar walked into the bar the thick leather of his gloves creaked as he unstrapped his Katana's and set them on the bar. "Hello Kat give me some blood wine please." His armor was stained on the breastplate and on the legs he was covered in crimson stains.
The black red eye's of the Vampyre scanned the crowd, 'guests' of the Shrine. The Blood wine bubbled in his hand Dalamar always liked his blood hot. Strength emitted from the Warlord. The black hot stench of death could be smelled mixed with a sweet incense. Many patrons gave Dalamar a wide berth. Smiling the Dark Lord ordered another drink. "Its going to be a good night." He said more to himself than to anyone there. What he meant by that was anyone's guess.

Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:19:49 AM
As a general rule, Sasha did not often enter establishments that required you to check your weapons at the door. It wasn’t that he was afraid of being without a physical weapon, for being a force user, he was always well equipped with the arsenal provided to him by the dark side. But rather, he didn’t like the feeling of a violation of his rights. It was part of the reason he had so much disregard for the jedi – they sought to prevent the Sith their natural born right to use the force in any way that they pleased.

As Dalamar made his way over to the bar, standing just beside the young Sith knight, Sasha couldn’t help but give a quick glance upwards, as if thanking someone or something that he’d been permitted his weapons. Blood and the scent of death seeped off of the man and violet eyes flickered towards him before looking back down at the drink that had been set in front of the man. It bubbled and was sickeningly crimson. Though Sasha did not have a weak stomach by any means, he did exhale a light breath, wondering briefly what made blood wine such an attractive drink to so many.

A moment later, curiosity drew his violet eyes back to the man, hearing him mumbling something to himself. Something about it being a good night, perhaps, though he wasn’t altogether sure. He might have stared perhaps a bit too long, taking in the sight of the man. It wasn’t that his appearance was astonishing by any means. The kid had seen more than his share of warriors and blood, no, it was something else, ,perhaps. Maybe it was the strange aura about them, the aura that seemed to draw people in.

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:16:23 AM
Alana entered the Roonstone Inn. Her body wrapped in a silken cloak, and the shadow walkers of the Shrine gathered around her, plucking at the cloth. Her eyes that would not settle on a color scanned the patrons of the bar. A soft pleased smile tugged at the corner of the Vampyre Lordess's lips. Pulling the Cloak from her shoulders she handed it to a waiting droid. Her bare shoulders looked like marble in the soft candle light.

Alana was beautiful even when she was but a mere Mortal but her Vampir blood had enhanced it ten fold. Her youthful features did not mask the power that she could wield. She spotted Dalamar sitting at the bar, his armor as usual stained with blood. Each Vampyre took the lives of there victims differently. Dalamar choose to take his in battle. Alana's smile deepened. She had other, more enticing methods.

Her long legs flashed in and out of the slit in her dress as she walked to where the warlord sat. Her cold eyes taking in the new face not to far away. She nodded slightly, sensing a fellow darksider, though not one of her kind.

"Dalamar how was the hunt?" Her soft voice chimed like the tinkling of music. "I see we have a new guest. A curious one at that." She chuckled. Turning, her gaze pierced his very soul.

"Come young one Join us...."

Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:37:16 PM
His gaze had perhaps wandered to the other that had now entered and his cheeks had flushed a deep shade of red as she caught him staring like a young school boy. His violet eyes flickered to the floor, humbled and perhaps almost chastened in his embarrassment.

Dalamar how was the hunt? He could hear her soft voice only a few feet from him now. Her voice was enchanting, a melody in it perhaps even as she spoke words that further added to his humiliation. His eyes seemed to stare at a suddenly very interesting crack in the surface of the bar.

I see we have a new guest. A curious one at that..

He shifted somewhat uncomfortably in his seat, angry with himself for being weak enough to be momentarily drawn in. He was contemplating this when he heard the invitation that he knew to be directed at him.

Come young one Join us....

A slightly petulant expression might have briefly appeared. He was young, true. But in his mind, he was ready to be considered a man rather than a boy and it frustrated him to no end that he was forever still considered a child.

But slowly his eyes lifted to meet the piercing gaze of Alana. He did not speak for a moment, perhaps weighing caution with the lure of adventure. His eyes flickered then to Dalamar, as if to be sure he was truly welcomed before he stood and moved over to greet them.

“I didn’t mean to appear so rude…” He stated, his words trailing off slightly. There was indeed a darkness to him, but one born of a quick temper and often, frustration. It was not the same darkness that often surrounded most Sith, for there was too much innocence of youth and the influence in his blood of his father, and the rest of the Millard family, where honor ran deep. He would have been perhaps better suited as a dark jedi, but he had chosen his path and made his alliances, and he would not betray them. It was the Sith who had taught him to use the power of the dark side, and it was with the Sith that he would remain, forever engraving their teachings in his young mind and heart until they became, to him, second nature.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:52:47 PM
Dalamar was in good spirits. The fat merchant who had thought to cheat the Shrine had learned a painful lesson this night. Doling out Sith Justice was alway's gratifying to the Warlord. The father had fashioned him for that purpose. Since his creation he was bred for war and violence. Only recently had Alana shown him there where other methods of dealing with your problems. Somthing for which the Warlord was grateful. Still the old way's where best sometime's.

The Dark Lord let these thoughts pass from his mind as the young man walked toward them. Extending a gloved hand he nodded to the newcomer "Welcome to the Shrine mortal." The Pale face and white hair of the vampyre testified to the great age of Dalamar. His jovial nature seemed to conflict with his dead pan eye's. "Once you've tasted the Roons delights you will not wish to return my friend."

Just then eerie music chimed in on an instrument few mortals had seen before. A woman in raven black tresses and blue silk entered the room playing a tune between her crimson lips. Dancers appeared behind her in red diaphenous cloth as the room flowed with the music.

Jan 6th, 2003, 10:31:53 AM
The young knight offered his name as he shook hands with the vampire, his heart beating perhaps slightly faster than usual. There was something about Dalamar that drew him in. Perhaps the fact that he’d grown up without the presence of a father figure – that when in the presence of those who were older and wiser, he was sometimes perhaps a bit in awe.

Welcome to the Shrine mortal. Once you've tasted the Roons delights you will not wish to return my friend.

He had grinned, maybe even a bit shyly at this prospect. His violet eyes flickered to the floor, then back to Dalamar.

“That’s what I’ve heard…” He replied, his boyish grin making him appear exactly his age, and perhaps a bit more innocent that he truly was.

He had just completed this statement when a woman in raven black tresses and blue silk entered the room. She was playing an instrument he had never before seen, and the music, though slightly eerie, was enchanting. As he stared in her direction, he wavered between resolution and not giving in and just allowing himself the freedom, this once, to let his guard down and drink in the experience. This, of course, was a dangerous game to play when surrounded by vampires – fellow sith or not.

His violet eyes took in the dancers in red as they only added to the enchantment of the Inn.

He turned back to Dalamar and Alana.

“I wanted to see for myself…” He began, adding to his last statement.

“And to learn more about…..” About what its like to be a vampire. And a Sith. At the same time. These words hung on his mind, exposed, though he did not voice them. Instead, his words had trailed off once again as his violet eyes were drawn back to the music and the woman playing the instrument. He was usually a kid with good concentration and a strong mind, but tonight he was easily distracted. Maybe it was the effect of the vampires, or maybe he was a bit tired from his travels. Maybe it was that he just needed a chance to relax and be the kid that he still was, and this was just the opportunity he had been waiting for. Despite the dangers it possibly presented.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:11:32 PM
Dalamar saw himself in the young man before him. It was an ageless eternity since he had such thoughts but still his memory was long. For anything to give Dalamar interest was to be treasured by the Warlord as he found the heavy weight of age catching up to him. Only the clash of battle,love and lust held his attention for long. With a stare from Dalamar the female seemed to tense up and then play faster. The music rose to a heated crescendo as drums joined in.

Dancers moved in more erotic stances enchanting all who watched. Faster and faster they moved there sheer clothes all but translucent. There hard bodies seemed almost desperate in there desire to please the crowd. Abruptly it ended with a breathless hush. The Roonstone Inn erupted with applause as the crowd gave a standing ovation. The young beautiful woman who had played the flute walked up to Dalamar. "Did it please you master." Dalamar turned away. She took it for the Warlord's displeasure "I'm sorry Master. I will do better next time I promise." she kneeled at Dalamar's feet. The Dark Lords eyes turned on her as she visibly begin to tremble. "It was well done Senator I think soon you will have learned your lesson. Your attitude is much improved. I'm sure your family would appreciate your new found demeanor pleasing." She smiled in a nervous manner. She shifted her feet then continued.

"Can we, can we go now?" You said if we got it right we could go." She asked nervously . "Now Senator we shall see? If you continue in my good graces, anything is possible." Reaching up she put her hand on Dalamar's armor as he turned back to the bar. "But you saiiid.." Dalamar turned on her quickly anger echoing in the Inn "Amadala don't ruin your small triumph by Impertinence!" the Senator immediately bowed and expressed her apologies. Bowing low her face to the ground she whimpered pitifully.

A small frown appeared on the Vampyre's face "Very well Senator you have shed enough tear's and even the Lord of the Sith are not without compassion. Release her family and let her go." The Shrine Guardians lifted her and carried her away amidst her cries of loyalty and faithfullness. "Take your son and your daughter and go in peace. Do not let our paths cross again 'SENATOR'."

Jan 8th, 2003, 04:03:27 PM
Though he’d been in his fair share of adult establishments, upperclass and rather shady, and seen his fair share of dancers, this display was one that would stand out in his mind well above any other. And being the age that he was, the erotic movements of the dancers were more than enough to send his young mind to places it probably should not have gone.

He watched with a mixture of fascination and nonchalance. Outward expressions would have probably shown a young man who appeared as if he been there, done that a million times. It was a façade that any kid his age would put on if they wanted to seem older and more experienced than they were. Inwardly he was fascinated by the dancers and his oddly colored eyes did not leave the sight of hard bodies in translucent clothing moving to an erotic rhythm.

When the music ended his gaze then shifted to the one who had come to kneel at the feet of the vampire. He moved aside a bit, though he did watch with more than idle curiosity.

As the guardians carried her away the young knight turned his attention back to Dalamar and Alana. He was smart enough to know not to ask about such things as what had just transpired before him. If the Sith Lord wanted him to know, he would grace him with the story. If not, it was none of his business and Sasha would be left to wonder and use his imagination to fill in the gaps.

He had many questions that he wished to ask, but weighed the wiseness of asking such things immediately following what had clearly, for at least a moment, irritated Dalamar. Instead, he would choose his moments, and so for now, he remained silent.

He eyed the blood wine in the goblet. It had cooled during this performance and no longer bubbled as it once had when it had been served. Idly he wondered what it would be like to crave blood in any fashion other than the simple lust for blood in battle. These thoughts were not projected, but they were also not protected.

And just as quickly as the thoughts had crossed his mind, he shoved them back, realizing that the lure of the Inn was slowly getting to him. This was what Salem had spoken of, he thought. This was what mortals felt. And he did perhaps put some effort into maintaining his resolve.

He had come to learn about them – not to become one. Though with each passing moment – the display of power and the lure of the excitement - a part of him perhaps was beginning to want it. He was, afterall, a Sith knight. And his goal in life was to attain power.

Jan 9th, 2003, 05:34:09 PM
As the silence began to fill the room, a soft, seductive melody flowed into the inn. All the mortals began to look around, trying to find reason in where this beautiful melody was coming from. Then, as if a prayer had been answered, the door to the inn was opened.

From it two small beings dressed in dark red garments held the door open. One was laying a simple flute, but from this flute came music that seemed to touch the very soul of a being. muscle, every body part in history w said to pertain to a certain melody. This flute player had discovered this and had learned how to play it.

The music he was playing now touched the heart and mind, creating a surreal sound unlike that of anything mortal ears have heard. But then a third figure had entered after the two. This one was taller then them, standing at 5 ft 5inches, t being was covered in an elegant flowing purple dress. The silk cloth seemed to flow with her movements as she danced to the melody. While at the same time, the dress clung to her body, making her slender and perfect womanly figure noticable to all.

Her movements were graceful and fluent motions were uncanny. It shadowed the dance of the previous girls. Her amrs moving gracefully about her body as she turned and bent in different directions. Her body depicting the gentle flowing motions of water on a bright calm day. Flowing black and silver streaked hair added to the seductive affect she already had put on the mortals within. But what seemed like the most seductive and enchantingout this woman was her eyes. Those deep yellow glowing eyes that seemed to captivate all who looked into them.

She danced around the bar, moving past many, though none dared to touch her for fear of the consequences. The woman had movd up the the new comer Dalamar and Alana we speaking to. There she stopped, staying infront of him and dancing. It was as if she was giving him, and him alone her dance. But it was not to last, For the music soon ended.

It wasn't even a second that the music had stopped before the entire inn exploded with applaud and cheers. A few were even baught to tears from her dance. Such was the power the vampyre side in her had brought out. The ability to play with emotions was a strong tool.

Looki at Sasha, her yellow eyes stared into his violet, almost entrancing him. Lifting a hand up, she held it out to him. Her skin was a milky color, and just as soft. Her lips the color of blood red, opened let out a voice just as, if not more seductive then her dance

"Hello stranger. My name is Syndell, Syndell Draclau. A pleasure to meet you"

With that she turned her head slightly to face Dalamar and Alana, nodding her head to them she looked at the young man.

Jan 10th, 2003, 09:11:02 AM
Apparently at the Inn, the excitement never ended. No sooner had the last dancer and musicians left, than another set of musicians entered. Their music was heard before they could be seen. His gaze was upon the door when it opened and admitted the two small beings dressed in crimson. Though their music was addictive, nothing could have been more intoxicating than the presence of the one who followed them. One glance was enough to feel that he’d imbibed in the finest of spirits.

The color she wore was darker than the violet of his eyes, but as he watched her, they might have drunk in the darker hue. He was a mortal. And though stronger in mind than normal mortals, for he had the power of the dark side behind him, he still found himself giving in to the allure.

He did not stare at her with the seedy, lecherous gaze that guys often might have. Rather, he gazed upon her with a mixture of curiosity, admiration, and desire. Her movements were fluid and the rhythmic undulations of her body seemed to be telling their own story set to the melody that emitted from the flute.

As she moved throughout the bar, he continued to watch her, his head at one point canting slightly as if he were considering something. As she moved closer and closer to where he stood, he found that the blood seemed to pulse stronger within him. He could feel it as it flowed through his veins and his awareness of his surroundings seemed heightened to a dizzying effect.

When she came to dance before him, he forgot that there were others near him at all. It seemed to be only him and this woman with her tawny colored eyes. And it was not her body that he watched, for he did not need his eyes to feel it moving seductively in front of him. Rather it was her eyes that he stared into, entranced.

And as soon as it had begun, the music had ended and the room had erupted in cheers. The young knight did not clap or cheer, but had instead continued to stare into her eyes. His generally held a very intense gaze, and this time he had been matched.

As she lifted her hand, he took it in his, his eyes never leaving hers as he bowed slightly to kiss her hand. He held it for a moment longer as she spoke, her voice as seductive as her dance had been.

Hello stranger. My name is Syndell, Syndell Draclau. A pleasure to meet you

“Alexander Kovalev….” He replied as he released her hand, perhaps reluctantly.

“But most everyone calls me Sasha.”

She had turned briefly to nod in greeting to Dalamar and Alana, and then she had turned back to him.

“You’re very talented…” He commented. His tone of voice was not over eager or overly praising. Rather, it carried a tone of maturity, and his comment might have sounded as if it carried more to it than a simple compliment of her abilities in dancing. For clearly there was much more to her than that.

As he committed her name to memory, a part of him wondered if she was any relation to Malice, a master at the Sith Order with whom he had spent quite a bit of time learning about the powers of the dark side and Sith magic.

Jan 11th, 2003, 05:33:35 PM
Syndell bowed her head at his comment.

"Why thank you Sasha.....your very kind, for a mortal"

She added in that last part with a sly smile, her eyes still never leaving his.

"So, what brings you here, into the land of the dead. I sense your a sith, though i havent seen toomany of them come by here. Perhaps you could help me with something"

She knew not if Sasha knows her brother, but wth him being a sith, it didn't hurt to ask.

"Would you by any chance know a sith by the name of Malice?"

She would wait for his answer before she told him any more. Her black and silver streaked hairf alling down her shoulder's as she turned her head from side to side.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:43:12 PM
Dalamar only smiled at the arrival of Syndell. Her pale beauty was a welcome addition to the bar. She moved is such a way as to leave no doubts that she was all woman. Even his vampyre blood seemed to boil a little. Alana gave a quick sniff and turned to her drink seemingly choosing to ignore her prescence. Alana did not like the new vampyre solely on the grounds that she had tried to attract the Warlord's eye.

Alana thought it was okay for her to collect men, but took it to offense if the Warlord of the Shrine decided to look. So of course, look he did. :lol

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 13th, 2003, 10:53:27 AM
Alana's eyes narrowed slightly as she watched Syndell. Her disdain for the fledgling Vampyre was all too apparent. Alana's lips curled back from the two sharp teeth, a small hiss of displeasure traveled to Dalamar’s ears. The Lordess turned her eyes to Dalamar, his thoughts clear in the darkside of the force. There sharing of blood made it all too easy for her to hear him.

"It is not for me to say who you can or cannot have my love, for as you know I have had many. But this little demoness is nothing more to me than an irritation." Her biting words were cast into the warlords mind, barbed with anger at his presumptions. He sought to hurt her with Syndell, and therein lay her ire. They had been at odds for some time now, since the fateful day Dalamar had discovered a well kept secret.

Alana called to the darkside, and cut her thoughts off from her errant lover. Alana bowed to no man; she would, as she always had, do as she pleased. Vampyre's did not know limitations, nor did they place boundaries on one another.

Alana settled back in her chair, her long legs stretched out in front of her. A soft smile of satisfaction turned the corners of her lips up. She cast her eyes back to the Sith Mortal, she was curious as to why he had sought them. The candle light flickered softly, enhancing the effect of her eyes. They slipped from blue to green, never settling completely.

The Vampire Lordess did not question the young man but instead listened to his replies, her fingers trailed lightly over the rim of her glass.

ooc: sorry for my late replies... Been sick. Yuck :p lol

Jan 13th, 2003, 11:30:42 AM
Why thank you Sasha.....your very kind, for a mortal

He picked up on the stress she’d put on the fact that he was but a mere mortal. Had it not been for her sly smile indicating that she was teasing him, he might have been offended to a minor degree. Instead he merely shrugged as it to agree with her, an amused smile playing all the while on his lips.

So, what brings you here, into the land of the dead. I sense your a sith, though I haven’t seen too many of them come by here. Perhaps you could help me with something. Would you by any chance know a sith by the name of Malice?

She’d asked him two questions at once and he passed on answering the first immediately. There would be plenty of time for that later. Or so he hoped.

“I do happen to know a Sith by the name of Malice.” He replied, nodding as he did.

“Im assuming, by your last name, that there’s some relation….” He commented, though his voice had lifted at the end of this comment to turn it into a question.

He offered nothing more than the simple fact that he knew of the man, though he would perhaps offer more if prompted. Briefly his eyes flickered to Alana and Dalamar. They had welcomed him and he did not intend to repay this kindness by forgetting about them altogether. His manners were much more refined than that – even for a Sith.

Jan 13th, 2003, 04:39:12 PM
Syndell could feel Alana's anger towards her through the force. But with a smile she ignore it. She knew that with a little moe push, Dalamar would come to her, making the demoness have thoughts about Alana's reaction. However, her attention was diverted back to Sasha as he began to address her questions.

“I do happen to know a Sith by the name of Malice.”

Her lips, like Alana's curled up, revealing not only her sharp canine's that Vampyres used, but both rows of teeth starting to grow longer and sharper. Such was just one of the affects of her being both a vampyre and a demon. This one knew her brother, the one whom had drove her to become like this.

“Im assuming, by your last name, that there’s some relation….”

She had to take a few minutes to calm herself down before answering the question.

"Indeed there is. That sorry excuse for a sith is my older brother, and the reaso for me becoming a vampyre"

Even though she tried to hide it, the sith could probably easily tell her dislike for Malice was strong.

"The next time you see him could you give him a message? Tell him Syndell said to watch his back"

Witth that she remained quiet. Talks about her brother always got her angry. So, the fledgling vampyre would wait and see if Dalamar or Alana would ask him questions. Or if Sasha ould answer her first question about why he was here.

Jan 14th, 2003, 01:41:27 PM
As her lips curled back to reveal not only elongated canines, but two rows of teeth, he might have taken a step back. Not out of fear, but rather out of instinct. He was glad he hadnt said anything more of Malice, and was, to some degree, pleased with himself for having learned from his mistake the last time – with the members of the Black Hand.

Indeed there is. That sorry excuse for a sith is my older brother, and the reason for me becoming a vampyre. The next time you see him could you give him a message? Tell him Syndell said to watch his back

It wouldn’t have taken a force user to discern her dislike for Malice. But being one, he more than felt her anger towards the sith master.

He opened his mouth to ask her a question and paused for a moment as if thinking better of it. In the end, curiosity won over wisdom.

“You don’t…like…being a vampire?” He asked, thinking to himself that it rather suited her. Before he had come here, he had not been able to understand why anyone would want to be a vampire. But minute by minute, the allure of it was getting to him, and he was beginning to wonder, to some degree, why anyone would not want to be one.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 14th, 2003, 08:26:17 PM
Alana closed her mind to Dalamar. She was alway's the childish sort. Saying no one could lay claim to her affection's yet irritation and anger filled the Warlord's mind. She had had many huh? "Well the game can be played by anyone Alana my dear. I release any claim I had on you as you see fit to speak that I have none."

" Just because notion's of loyaltly flew from your female mind. Do not clump me in with your way of thinking. Just because you can drop the bond's that bind us to fly to your next flight of fancy do not think that I will. I have had my dalliance's but you go to far and presume to much. Maybe its my fault for seeing to much into what I thought we had. " With those words still on his toungue he also shut his mind off from Alana. Turning his full attention to Syndell and the Shrine's new guest.

Jan 20th, 2003, 06:55:45 PM
Syndell let out a laugh from his question. Getting a stool, she sat next to the sith.

*Bartender, bring me a bloody whiskey*

While she waited for her drink, she looked over at Sasha.

*There is nothing better then being a vampyre Sasha. For you see, my brother had always hated vampyres. But when he had gained my hatred as well, he sealed my fate. I knew the only wayo get back at him, was to become the thing he hated most. The undead*

When her drink arrived, she downed it in one gulp. She had been a drinker for many years, though she was barely older then Sasha. Syndell was only 22 years old. The youngest of three siblings. The second of which was none other then Malice's twin brother. But no longer as he was dead. Looking at Sasha, she offered to get a drink.

*So how's about it. I'm sure Malice had at least once ordered you a bloody whiskey. Well, if he had then you did not drink a bloody whiskey at all. is version is just a bunch of hard liquor mixed. The real version is just what the name implies.......blood mixed with whiskey, and a few drops of vodka just to add som zest. Care to try*

Syndell was never really taken with anyone but Dalamar, the one whom had turned her. But this one, this sith seemed to attract her in such a way she did not know yet. In time though, she would find out just what this all means.

Jan 21st, 2003, 06:40:27 PM
Her laugh enchanted him, and he tilted his head as if curious about why she would find his question amusing. He prepared himself as she pulled a stool up next to him.

Bartender, bring me a bloody whiskey While she may have disliked her brother, she had much in common with him – at least when it came to drinks. Sasha had rarely seen Malice without one.

There is nothing better then being a vampyre Sasha. For you see, my brother had always hated vampyres. But when he had gained my hatred as well, he sealed my fate. I knew the only way to get back at him, was to become the thing he hated most. The undead

He nodded slowly as she revealed this fact, violet eyes indicating that he understood what she had told him.

When her drink arrived, she downed it in one gulp and a small grin appeared on his face. He reminded himself not to involve himself in any sort of contest against her when it came to drinking. Not that he wasn’t practiced himself, but she’d made it look way to easy. He knew how much whiskey could burn, and he knew how much practice it took to rid oneself of the natural grimace that occurred when drinking the firey substance.

So how's about it. She’d said, offering him a drink.

I'm sure Malice had at least once ordered you a bloody whiskey. Well, if he had then you did not drink a bloody whiskey at all. His version is just a bunch of hard liquor mixed. The real version is just what the name implies.......blood mixed with whiskey, and a few drops of vodka just to add some zest. Care to try

Vodka mixed with whiskey was not his ideal drink. If he could have had his way, he’d have stuck to beer, for sure. With beer, he was able to gauge his intoxication. With liquors he sometimes found himself floored – and he wasn’t sure that this was the right place in which to find himself in that sort of situation. Though he was becoming a bit enamored of the vampires, he still had to remind himself that he was not one – and that he had to be careful if he didn’t want to wake up to find a bloodsucker at his neck.

But….the challenge in her voice and the wild and free innocence and search for adventure that came with youth was calling to him. And it was calling loudly. As was the lust for…blood.

Slowly, he nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll….try it.” He replied. There was a hint of hesitation in his voice, but the grin that was creeping over his features washed away any traces.

“I thought….I thought vampires didn’t drink anything but….blood.” He stated, his tone lilting enough to make it sound more like a question as he looked to Syndell.

Jan 25th, 2003, 03:31:21 AM
Quickly the young vampyress noticed that he liked to ask qustions. Her former self would have gotten annoyed and attacked him. But in her new life......or death as she liked to call it. His questions bothered her not. Infact, they made her smile. Her red crimson lips shining in the dim light.

"Yes that is true......for the other vampyres"

She glanced at Alana and Dalamar. Never had she seen them drink anything besides blood.

"I on the other hand am different. As such, my body allows for a certain amount of other fluid to be consumed before the thirst of blood calls to me. Now about that drink"

If he knew that Malice was a demon, then he would also know so was Syndell. Though being turned vampyre would make her different from Malice, it wouldn't change he fact that she was still a demon. She may have been turned, but she was born a demon. That little fact alone is what makes her different from the other's. But the full affects of her double life had not it her yet......when it does, it's gonna hurt. And hurt bad.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 25th, 2003, 11:51:24 PM
"Now Syndell do not be to hasty. I love a good chardonay like any man. But nothing is as sweet as the blood that flows in the veins of the powerful. Dalamar looked at Sasha and spoke further. You see we seek the medicloren's in the blood of our victim's the more powerful you are in the force the more we are likely to hunt you." Dalamar said the last with a slight smile.

"Have no fear you are a guest here." He added hastily. You say you are a Sith? From where do you originate from? The Dark Lord was interested in this youth. His calm exterior and steady nerve's would be a welcome addition to the shrine. But first he would let him express desire in such a venture before pressing the matter fully.

Jan 27th, 2003, 09:31:57 AM
It wasn’t so much that he liked asking questions, but more that he realized that answers weren’t often volunteered. If you wanted to know something you had to ask the question that would illicit the response. And so he asked.

Yes that is true......for the other vampyres. I on the other hand am different. As such, my body allows for a certain amount of other fluid to be consumed before the thirst of blood calls to me. Now about that drink

He nodded in understanding and then turned his attention to Dalamar as the powerful vampire spoke up once again.

Now Syndell do not be to hasty. I love a good chardonay like any man. But nothing is as sweet as the blood that flows in the veins of the powerful.

As Dalamar turned his gaze to Sasha, the young knight caught the hint of amusement in his tone as he spoke words that would possibly put a mortal force user on guard.

You see we seek the mediclorens in the blood of our victims. The more powerful you are in the force the more we are likely to hunt you.

He should have perhaps done a bit more homework on them before visiting, the young knight thought to himself. Rather unwisely, he had planted himself in a room full of those who would possibly have hunted him. Dalamar perhaps understood, or maybe felt the warning flag that rose in the mind of the Sith, for he spoke words to soothe the concerns.

Have no fear you are a guest here. You say you are a Sith? From where do you originate?

Violet eyes studied Dalamar for a moment, and then Sasha took his word that as a guest, he needed have no fear. As a Sith, fear was nothing but a conversion tool for power, but he was wise enough to know that he should be wary. And while he did relax, he did not let his guard down completely. Slowly, he nodded.

“I am a Sith.” He admitted calmly and with a sense of pride.

“I was born in the unknown regions on territory controlled by the Templis Cult, but grew up on the outer rim. I come now from Corellia. Its there that Im a knight of the Sith Order.”

The serious expression of the kid broke for a moment and he allowed himself a relaxed smile. He liked the Dark Lord and liked speaking with him. He did not doubt that there was much that could be learned from him.

“I heard whisperings of another group of Sith emerging, and in particular that they were….”

His gaze couldn’t help but flicker to the elongated canines of his companions.

“Vampires. I wanted to know more about them….” He added, finishing his explanation. His words left open many possibilities and his gaze flickered to Syndell and to Alana and then back to Dalamar. He hadnt come here wanting or planning to become a vampire. He hadnt thought he was capable of being seduced by their charm. And it was possible, in fact likely, that he had thought wrong.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:49:16 AM
“I was born in the unknown regions on territory controlled by the Templis Cult, but grew up on the outer rim. I come now from Corellia. Its there that Im a knight of the Sith Order.”

"Ahh, Lady Vader a woman of infinite taste. I see her standards are still set at an admirable level. This is well, considering most accept the dregs of the universe in these troubled times. I had a few short dealing's with Lady Vader she impressed me with her temperment. A woman of power not to be trifled with yet she also had a tender side which I found suprising. She consoled a broken hearted man who was a close friend of mine and I have never forgotten her kindness. "

"Please, give her my regards if you return." Dalamar paused seeming to be lost in thought. The Warlord was not one to banter with niceties but drove straight to the point. "So do you seek to say goodbye to the sun. To walk the reverered halls of the Damned? Or is this a plutonic visit only?" The look of pure ecstacy filled the Warlord as black tendrils of the Dark side slid up and down his body. His red eye's flared not in attack but eager anticipation. The Vampyre never forced membership it was a gift held out to tantalize those that sought power in the Darkside. And who was Darker than the Shrine? :smokin

Jan 29th, 2003, 12:35:49 PM
Ahh, Lady Vader a woman of infinite taste. I see her standards are still set at an admirable level. This is well, considering most accept the dregs of the universe in these troubled times. I had a few short dealing's with Lady Vader she impressed me with her temperment. A woman of power not to be trifled with yet she also had a tender side which I found suprising. She consoled a broken hearted man who was a close friend of mine and I have never forgotten her kindness.

Few would have described Lady Vader as kind. In fact, he wasn’t sure he would have. She had been his master until he had been promoted to knight. And she now remained a mentor to him. He admired her greatly, but he had never once forgotten the fact that she had made him sever his own hand with his lightsaber and burn it as punishment for a foolish mistake that he’d made.

But she wasnt all coldness. She could be kind. She had been kind on occasion. And she was certainly not to be trifled with.

Please, give her my regards if you return. There had been no doubt about it. Sasha had caught the word if and instantly felt the blood begin to move a bit faster through his veins.

So do you seek to say goodbye to the sun. To walk the reverered halls of the Damned? Or is this a plutonic visit only?

He was tempted. He was very tempted. But he knew nothing of the life of a vampire. He hadnt come here to become one…had he? A feeling of confusion set in, flushing his cheeks. The color to his face only made his oddly colored eyes seem more brilliant.

He wanted the power that the vampires had. He could feel it. Could feel himself being seduced by it.

“Im not sure anymore, why I’ve come.” He admitted. This was dangerous, for he was admitting his vulnerability to them. But becoming a vampire was a big – no – an enormous, life changing decision – and smartly, some part of him hollered for him to learn more first.

He eyed the drink that had been set before him. Syndell’s concoction.

“But I do want to know more.” He added.

Jan 30th, 2003, 03:02:53 PM
Syndell had listened to the conversation, while downing a couple more shots of her drink. Hearing Sasha's confused answer about becoming a vampyre, she stood from her seat and walked right next to Sasha. Her slender,soft body pressing up against his. An arm reached up and over Sasha's head, coming to rest around the back of his neck an shoulder's. While her other hand drapped across his cheeck. Her cold, but soft touch contrasting his warm skin.

"Do not be afraid, nor confused here Sasha. Being a vampyre is wonderful. The endles knowledge you shall gain. The untold powers that will lay at your feet. The most beautiul woman will throw themselves at you just for a taste"

With that she looked deep into his violet eyes. Her yellow eyes glowing. Then she did something quite unexpected. Even to herself. Her lips brushed up against his, in a short but romantic kiss. Pulling back quickly, she turned away from him. Had she been a mortal, you would be able to see her blush. Syndell looked at all three present, bowing her head.

"It's been fun. But must be off. The call of live food beckons me. Good evening"

With that she turned to Sasha, staring at him in silence for a moment.

"And a good evening to you Sasha. should you want to know more about us, then stick around. Or, least visit from time to time"

After that short talk, Syndell left. She still did not know why she had kissed him. Even in her mortal life she had not found love. Could this be love? she did not know.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 30th, 2003, 11:27:06 PM
“But I do want to know more.” Sasha said.

Dalamar nodded, "Good I would not trust you decision if it was made to hastily. Ask of me anything I will answer as truthfully as I can.

Two Deathwatch guards came in just then, fists pressed to there chest in salute. "Sir, Lady Amidala is preparing to leave you said you wished to be notified."

The senator was brought in before Dalamar one last time. She trembled visibly her two small children at her feet. "Fear not Senator you will be leaving shortly. There is just something I have to give you first. A trifle but it is part of an age old aggrement. Dalamar held out a small ring ebony black with a dragon sigil intwined in the making. Placing it on her finger gently the Warlord chanted some Sith magic a spell of his own making. One kiss and your lover will be tainted to the darkside. Where forever will it dominate his destiny. Her eye's glazed as the ring was put on her finger. Then suddenly as it began the chanting ended and her eye's slammed open. Dalamar looked at the children then cupping her weary face in his pale hands he spoke. "You may leave now." Dalamar thought it grand sport to ruin a Jedi with a mere kiss. But many had been betrayed that way.

Turning back to Sasha he smiled the nights events where certainly most promising. "Sorry for the interupption, but as I said I am willing to answer any questions....."

Jan 31st, 2003, 03:54:35 PM
He had been, perhaps, wary as Syndell had approached him. But the magic about her, her enchantment as both woman and vampire teased him into submission. Her body had pressed against his, one arm encircling his neck while the other came across his cheek. His heart had been pounding in his chest, for never before had he been this close to a vampire.

Do not be afraid, nor confused here Sasha. Being a vampyre is wonderful. The endless knowledge you shall gain. The untold powers that will lay at your feet. The most beautiful woman will throw themselves at you just for a taste

She had stared into his eyes then, and he had met her gaze without falter. And before he realized it, her lips brushed against his. The kiss was short, and she had pulled away quickly as if she were perhaps slightly embarrassed.

But before she’d left, she had stared at him and spoken once more.

And a good evening to you Sasha. should you want to know more about us, then stick around. Or, least visit from time to time

His eyes did not leave hers until she had turned away. And even then, they followed her from the room. When she had left, his gaze flickered to the floor and he tried to collect the dizzying thoughts that battled with each other. A part of him screamed for him to run. To run as fast as he could and never, ever, return. But the part that held his feet grounded where they were was stronger. And it was there that he remained.

It was then that he had spoken again, to Dalamar and Alana, telling them he wanted to know more. Dalamar had nodded and offered to answer the questions he had. But before he could speak, the guards had returned with the woman – the first dancer he had seen before Syndell had stolen the show.

He watched as the woman was cursed with the ring, a smile of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips. Oh, it was perfect, really, the price the woman – and her lover, would pay.

Sorry for the interruption, but as I said I am willing to answer any questions.....

He grinned.

“You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve been most accommodating as it is.” He replied. He shifted slightly. He did wonder what the halls of the Shrine were like. He wondered if they were like those of the Sith Order, with Sith magic awaiting you at your every turn. If they could almost speak and tell tales of battles of years gone by. If they appeared as royal – if those within were welcoming.

But there was more that he wished to know. And it began with Dalamar, the powerful Lord before him.

“How did you become a vampire?” He asked. Violet eyes peered at Dalamar, full of youth and a yearning for knowledge. He wanted to hear from one with experience, from one who commanded respect as Dalamar did simply by walking into the room. He wanted to know if Dalamar, knowing what he knew now of life, would choose to do it all over again.

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:29:10 PM
The Warlord sighed but knew that he would keep his word long winded as his answer might be.

My origins? They are still in question. I was led to believe that I was a newly turned vamp but the whiteness of my skin testified to my great age. Alana my lover encoded in my memories another life, this was done for everyone's protection. But certain truths have opened my eye's. I do not know where I came from or who turned me. I will find out of that you can be sure.

This is what I do know, and I am hesitant to share. But I said I would be open and will be a man of my word. I was found in a Golden Sarcophagus in a remote asteroid field, in the Outer Rim. The Warlord let that information soak in before he continued. "Ancient gliph's adorned it from head to toe. There under the glass done I lied entombed for an indetermined amount of time.

I was found by an adventurer by the name of one Tiberious Kinslayer the leader of the Eye of the Dragon. The Dragon Lord was searching the Outer Rim on a rumor that a weapon could be found. Imagine his suprise whe he found a vampyre.

He notified Alana of his find for they were at one time lovers. Not knowing what or where I came from I was revived with the implanted memories to serve. They thought it safer that way until they knew more of me.

At times in my dreams my past life would seep through, battle's of great glory would sweep across my mind's eye. Shining temple's where we were worshiped like Dark Gods. But mostly I dream of two women with Red tresses. Powerful and strong they are looking down upon me soft chanting on there lips. Always I awaken at this moment.....

What it means still elude's me. The Mother knows from where I came from. But she will not grant me audience. I am not female after all. Also I feel she tolerate's me only as someone useful to her. Dalamar salute's with his fist to his black armored chest "Hail the Queen of Shadows long may she reign."

Alana put a hand on Dalamars shoulder knowing full well the anger that was building in him. His memory was spotty and it frustrated him not to know his own mind. Certain arraingments had been made. The truth would be known.

Sorry Sasha I'm sure it was more than you wished to know. My very name is false it is translated from the Sarcophagus D'alamar. It was thought to be my name. Only later did they know it was my title. Translated it means 'Warlord' So in there haste to call me something they merged them together. I became Warlord Dalamar a play on the wording in the ancient text.

As for would I do it again? I have known no other life but even If I hadn't a Vampyre I would always choose to be.....

Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:59:05 AM
This tale he listened to with fascination. He’d heard many tales in his young life, but this was one that he would remember for quite some time - it was not likely he would ever forget.

He likened it, to a very small degree, to his own life. He knew nothing of the earlier years of his life and knew that he would never, ever know them. The secrets of these lay with his mother and father, and unless he was able to communicate with their ghosts, he would forever wonder about it. It was a part of what fueled the anger that lay within him. He could feel beside him, the anger of the warlord building, and knew this feeling all too well. It perhaps added to Sasha’s respect of the man.

“I appreciate your honesty.” He stated, his words sincere, some moments after Dalamar had finished speaking.

He considered this story, considered the Warlord’s words – that he would always choose to be a vampire. But he hadnt given anything up to become one – at least – not that the man knew of. Sasha wanted to know what would change, how his life would alter.

He was young – perhaps too young to make a move like this now – to forever remain in the stage between boy and man. But perhaps there were advantages to it.

“I hope you’ll forgive me if my questions seem naïve…” He began, “But I refuse to believe everything I hear or read from those who purport to be experts on something they themselves are not. I'd rather hear it from one who is….”

His gaze shifted to the drink again that Syndell had left. Without her here, without her womanly wiles to distract him, he found himself able to think perhaps a fraction more clearly. He still felt vulnerable and drawn in – perhaps the strength and lure of Alana and Dalamar.

His gaze looked back to Dalamar, violet eyes seeking answers.

“When you change someone….what do they give up? And what is it that they gain in return that makes it worth it…?”” He’d heard, of course, the tales of vampires never growing old – always remaining looking the way they did, of being unable to be in the sunlight ever again. There were so many tales – and he wanted to know the truth.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 4th, 2003, 11:08:08 PM
" To be a Vampyre take's the most dedicated commitment. You forsake the Light for the Darkness. Something most Sith have already done. It is true that you will not age, that you are almost impervious to physical damage. You will be faster, stronger, your will power will increase with time as you battle the bloodlust. Your sense's will also increase giving you night vision and an increased sense of smell." Swish_Thipp a fly landed behind Dalamar cut in two as he sheathed his blade again. "There are others gifts that are unique to each vampyre though. Some are illusionists, others can pick up stray thoughts, Some have strong Compulsion skills. They all vary for the Dark gift is different with us all.

The Drawbacks are that you can no longer walk in the sun. Secondly any one who you fall in love with will whither and die before your eyes if they are not a Vampyre. That is why we do not encourage such relationships they only bring sorrow to all involved. The other reason is the bloodlust. One such coupling went terribly wrong. A recently turned Vampyre killed his whole family his children from before his turning. We had to put that one down as he went insane from what he had done it was truly a sad incident..... The Warlord paused to give Sasha a chance to comment on what he had said.

Feb 7th, 2003, 12:46:29 PM
He listened with interest. For some time now, he had been restless and feeling that something in his life was missing. A part of him wondered if perhaps he was meant to become a vampire. If perhaps this was a life he was meant to live.

And another part of him told him he was supposed to keep looking. That his answers werent to be found by becoming something else, but by allowing himself to be what he was.

Still, he was curious, and wanted to know more.

“Its my understanding that the vampires here are Sith….” He stated, a curious expression on his face.

“Does this mean that you would consider other Sith to be brethren of some sort, or does being a vampire change that..?”

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 11th, 2003, 01:06:18 PM
All Sith are welcome my friend. But to walk among the undead for to long is to court certain disaster. Eventually someone would take advantage of your weakness. Walk among us and see for yourself how good it is to be a Vampyre. The living are always dissapering around here. The Dark Lord reached into the velvet pouch at his belt. Pulling out a black onyx ring with dragons engraved at the top he handed it to Sasha.

"This will protect you for the most part. Still I recomend treading carefully. This is my seal. Show it to anyone that questions you. With it you will have free reign of the Shrine. Stay away from the Queens chambers no one goes there. Only those summoned and never the males. Look around and see what you choose to become.....

Feb 14th, 2003, 02:24:32 PM
Sasha accepted the ring, staring at it for a moment before looking back to Dalamar.

“Thank you….” He replied, slipping it on to a finger where it fit comfortably.

“I didn’t expect in coming here that I’d be received this warmly….” He added.

“I appreciate your tolerance in giving me the time to tell me about the Shrine, and the chance to explore it more….”

He eyed once again the drink left for him. He had not yet moved to taste it. And then he looked back to Dalamar.

“What is it that generally makes someone decide to give up the life they once knew to lead the life of a vampire?” He asked.

“Is there one thing that finally pushes them over the edge…?” He asked this, wanting to be aware as he walked the halls of what would ultimately tempt him. Perhaps tempt him enough to make him give in....

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 15th, 2003, 10:05:27 PM
I'll not just tell you, I will show you. Dalamar turned from his guest leaving him to follow. Walking towards the door the two deathwatch guards saluted the Warlord gauntlet to chainmail chest. There black and red armor shining brightly. Dalamar opened the crystal red doorknob in the shape of a skull and entered the hall of the Shrine.

Maybe one would expect drearirly lit halls. But not so at the Shrine. Beautiful silver and gold candle holders lined the halls lighting the way. Servants in red and gold livery. Went about there buisness of taking care of the Citadel. Tall friezes of past Vampyre battles lined the wall along with rare Selforian sea porceloin. Two Cathedral style glass windows where at the end of the hall bathing the ceiling in the purple light of the Roon moon. They walked down to the last double doors. Two more guards where also here. Having saluted they opened the doors to Dalamar and his guest. There in the center of the room was a crystal chandelier and beneath it a pool of blood. Three females clad in white where in a simi circle around the pool. Chanting low in Sith Magic. "Go ahead dip your finger in the blood Sasha."

Standing to the side the Warlord smiled. "Your Destiny awaits."

Feb 18th, 2003, 12:16:21 PM
I'll not just tell you, I will show you.

He should have turned around right then and there and left. He should have. To allow himself to be tempted was pure stupidity at this point.

The halls were beautiful and the castle seemed to be alive with the relics of old. The fact that the place seemed to carry so much life was what perhaps most intrigued Sasha. He could almost inhale the magic as it surrounded them. It was as it had been the first time he had walked the halls of the sith Order. In awe and enchanted.

As they passed into a heavily guarded room, Sasha came to gaze upon a pool of blood. The light from the chandelier flickered teasingly off of three females clad in white. They sat in a semi circle around the pool chanting what he had come to know as ancient words of the Sith. Ancient words conjuring Sith Magic.

Go ahead dip your finger in the blood Sasha. Your Destiny awaits.

Violet eyes stared at the women, then looked to Dalamar.

One dip of his finger…one taste. One taste and he knew he would never, ever go back.

It was dizzying and the room felt to him to grow incredibly warm. The chants seemed to grow louder. It felt difficult to breath and his senses felt overly alert. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, voices distorted and unclear. Sirens seemed to echo in the back of his head and he struggled to find the sanity he’d felt only moments before.

A hand reached out to steady himself….

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:47:22 AM
A hand reached out to steady himself….

Dalamar Grabbed Sasha as he swayed firming his footing. "Easy mortal you are not use to the enchantments surrounding this room. Dalamar leaned him against the wall and let him catch his breath. "Shelafara Ruinin" The warlord spoke quickly and the women stopped chanting. There music stopped cold by the harsh gesture's of the Vampyre Lord.

The tall one with Red hair gave Dalamar a dark look of hate. Maybe you should not keep such weak company "Warlord" she said with apparent distaste.

"Do not start that old argument here Lilith, even Ashiva grows weary of your ways." The Male Vampyre said with emphasis on the word 'ways'. Still they left Sasha and the Warlord alone. "You misunderstood me Sasha but I like your conviction anyway I know the temptation is great." Dipping his finger in the blood the Scrying pool began to shimmer. Images flashed before there eye's. Sasha was slowly drawn to the pool. >D

Feb 19th, 2003, 04:01:02 PM
Easy mortal you are not use to the enchantments surrounding this room.

As he leaned against he wall where Dalamar had led him, he heard the bickering between the warlord and one of the women who had been resting at the edge of the pool.

He could hear the distaste in her voice and her words he understood easily to mean that she thought he was weak. Anger flared within him, renewing his concentration.

You misunderstood me Sasha but I like your conviction anyway I know the temptation is great.

Violet eyes studied Dalamar, testing the truth of his words, and then he found his gaze leaving Dalamar and flickering to the pool of blood. There it remained as images began to flash before them.

“What is it….?” He asked the warlord, though his eyes did not leave the pool as it reflected before him.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 20th, 2003, 12:26:55 AM
"You must move closer Sasha, dip your finger in the pool then the image's will clarify. Sasha did as he was instructed, dipping his index finger in the pool of blood. "Only your finger" Dalamar warned.

Red tendrils of blood followed up his arm or at least it looked like blood. "Steady" Dalamar said. The blood congealed and grew hard and brittle. Breaking off it turned into a red mist that Sasha breathed in deeply.

The room changed Sasha was on a high industrial building, it was night time. Dalamar was there dressed in his black armor looking down on Sasha who was on the lower level. There was something different he could feel the liquid acid that ran through his system hot as fire, cold as ice. It scoured him clean leaving only the desire, the desire for blood. Sasha knew he was human he knew this was a vision, yet he didn't, it all seemed all to real. The Power in his veins as the darkside lit up the night to his vampyre's eyes was a long forgotten thrill. He could hear the heartbeats of multipule targets...

What had he been thinking, that this was all a dream? Only a dream come true! Dalamar his master his dire Patriarch looked at him with pride. It was time for the hunt and they had no equal! His taloned claw dropped from his side the wire tight muscles pulled taunt. He leaped out into the darkness. To much like flying he exilarated in the feeling. Landing with a bone crushing thud he cracked the concrete. Moving down like a shadow Sasha snuck up on the unsuspecting female. Her raven tresses and loud heartbeat drew him like a lodestone. Though she walked in the darkness a red glow appeared around her that only the Vampyres could see. She turned her look of pure terror was a delight to his soul. Sasha grabbed her and like a rag doll she had no choice Sasha Kovalev former TSO member fed......

It was like a cleansing of the soul. Again fire and ice scoured his being. Making him want only to do it again and again. Turning from the body he started to find his next victim. Dalamar put his hand on him stopping him. "You must control yourself young one or the bloodlust will consume you. Never feed more than once a night. But preferably every 3 nights lest the urge become to strong..." Sasha nodded knowing that the Warlord would guide him in all the ways of the Vampyre. But still his blood boiled and it took all of his willpower to follow Dalamar away from the feast before him. What had ever made him think that he wouldnt want to become this, he scoffed at the thought that had gone thru his mind back in that time. Fearful of what he would have to give up? Nothing compared to what was to be gained..!!!

With that thought on his mind, the bond broke Sasha fell back and the room spun back to its normal design. If you can call a room with a pool of blood and crystal can be called normal. He exaled deeply and the Warlord could see he was shaking slightly. "Its okay your back, your back catch your breath you will be okay just give it a moment......

Feb 20th, 2003, 08:13:51 AM
Never trust a vampire. Ever. Never trust a Sith. Ever. And certainly, do not trust one who is a combination of both. He’d heard these warnings in idle conversations here and there but never given them a second thought. Until now, it was his youth that had made him feel immortal. He was too young to consider himself anything but a cat with nine lives.

Until he dipped his finger in the pool. Like a dream. Like the illusions used by Wargrave and other masters of the darkness had the vision come upon him. It had felt so….real. He’d been able to taste the blood upon his lips and never had he felt a desire for something so badly as he had only moments ago.

And it was then that he had realized that he had not known immortality until then. Until he had felt the power that had run through his veins. The exhilaration of the kill. The lust for blood not upon his saber but upon his lips.

He lay upon the floor, feeling the pool of blood beside him, the presence of the three women and Dalamar nearby. As he sat up, he could feel his limbs trembling and he fought to control them. It was not fear, it was the push rush that he had felt that caused this and perhaps the realization that he had come close – way too close to giving in.

He had asked for it – asked for the temptation. Asked what it was that pushed mortals over the edge – testing the waters and tempting fate. And it was not his own strength that had made him resist. It was something more. It was, perhaps, destiny. Destiny refusing to have its plans for the young boy altered. Not at this time.

No, destiny had other plans for Sasha. And it would not be long before he realized them.

As he stood, he found his breathing still elevated and he turned to face the vampire warlord who had brought him here. He was shaken up, bothered by the fact that he had come so close to altering the course of his life – forever.

“I don’t know whether to appreciate the fact that you’d want me to turn, or to be angry that you’d try to trick me as you have….” He commented, as he gazed evenly in Dalamar’s direction.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 20th, 2003, 11:39:44 AM
“I don’t know whether to appreciate the fact that you’d want me to turn, or to be angry that you’d try to trick me as you have….” Trick you? Dalamar said his voice tight.

“What is it that generally makes someone decide to give up the life they once knew to lead the life of a vampire?” Where these not your words?" Dalamar said.

"And did I not say "I'll not just tell you, I will show you." I have been true to my word you where not deceived in any way. Just because the nature of your elightenment was not to your liking do not fault my integerity. Maybe its because you find the vision disturbinly powerful. Is this in any way my fault. I didn't force your visions. You dipped your finger willingly, just as you followed me down the hall and into this room. Maybe you think I have enticed you against your will, I assure I have not the conflict you feel is your own wants and desires. Sasha could tell that he had insulted the vampyre, something most foolish. But Dalamar had given his sigil and his protection his honor took precedent over any blatant insults.

Feb 20th, 2003, 12:14:40 PM
Instantly, the youth regretted his foolish words. Dalamar was right. He had come willingly – all of his actions had been his own. His own foolish choices. He shifted uncomfortably under the glare of the vampire warlord.

He was young and still had much to learn – particularly about keeping his anger and his mouth in check.

He released the breath he had been holding and his gaze flickered to the floor, chastised by the wisdom of the vampire who had brought him here.

Slowly, violet eyes lifted to meet those of Dalamar.

“I….” He began to speak, to…defend himself. Instead he paused and then humbled, decided on a better choice of words.

“I owe you an apology.” He stated, his words sincere and carrying with them a tone that indicated that he knew he had been foolish.

Subconsciously his fingers moved to the ring Dalamar had given him, turning it around once on his finger before his hands dropped helplessly to his sides.

“I spoke out of….” Fear. He had almost used the word fear but caught himself just in time. Sith did not feel fear. They felt anger. And this was ingrained within him.

“Anger. Anger with myself that I foolishly redirected to you.” His gaze flickered to the pool of blood and back to Dalamar.

“Im tempted. I’ve never found myself quite as tempted as I am. And it feels like a weakness to feel a lust so powerful that it would consume me as it nearly did in the vision .” He added in explanation.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 23rd, 2003, 11:57:30 PM
"It is forgotten." Dalamar made a dismissive gesture and strode out of the room and back down the hall. Sasha noticed they where many doors at the Shrine of many size's and colors. Curiosity leaped in him to know what was behind each one. They passed a black door with Gold Runes in it. They passed mirror with ever changing landscapes of alien landscapes. Another door opened briefly, a man exited he wore a turban of blue and green design. Hooked to his nose was a gold chain and at the end of the chain the key to the door. As the door opened a slight breeze entered the hall. Looking behind the man he saw a massive room with collumns. On the floor was Eggs, thats right eggs of every size and color some pure ebony. Others that where translucent but seeminly filled with fire. Sasha knew that in this room was wonder after wonder something he would never see..... Dalamar walked on gesturing to Sasha as they went.

Feb 24th, 2003, 09:21:28 AM
It was truly wonder after wonder that he saw, his gaze lingering upon open doors, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was beyond. His eyes lingered even upon the closed doors as he wondered what lay beyond them - his imagination incapable of conjurring such visions on its own.

"Do you know how many members there are? In the Shrine?" He asked. The halls seemed endless and the wealth of the organization surprised him. He had not expected this when he'd come in search of the other followers of the Sith.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 26th, 2003, 11:15:33 AM
"I'm sorry that is previliged information. Maybe in time you will get to know more. But I have a feeling that your destiny is headed in another direction. We shall see what happens for the future in known to no one." Dalamar said in echoing tones.

The Dark Lord of the Sith's heavy footfalls bounded off the Shrine walls. The Power of the Vampyre Lord was apparent. His quick jerky movements testified even more to Sasha of the world he would never know. The speed and the strength that came with being a vampyre was known to him now, as was the bloodlust. He knew that there was strength radiating from the Darkly dressed Warrior. Dalamar was a man whose commitment to his cause was 100 percent. Sasha knew he did not dally with words on banter in conversation. But to him it was all buisness and pleasure something that he worked at but also loved. Sasha seemed Crest fallen to have found this castle of wonders, but to know that for him it was not to be. Dalamar seemed to know all these thoughts as he strode confidently towards the front gate. "Some are unwilling to make the commitment, some have the choice made for them. I think your destiny calls you in another direction heedless of your desire's to join us."Dalamar turned suddenly looking Sasha in the eye's." You have seen what few mortals have had the privelege to see. I think that it will haunt you forever my young friend." The Warlord let out a knowing smile and Sasha knew that somewhere deep in his heart the Vampyre spoke the truth.

"When the cold sweat of the vision coats your body do not reject it but embrace what you have seen. It will make it easier to accept." The Warlords eye's flashed a neon red as he again opened the door to the Roonstone Inn. It was like returning to life for Sasha as he gasped in the Inn air. The enchantment of the room already beginning to fade.......

Feb 26th, 2003, 12:38:51 PM
For a few moments he stood there. The room no longer seemed to hold the magic it had held before. Instead he saw it as it was, a room full of patrons, drinking as they would in any tavern of any Inn. As if checking to be sure it hadn’t been some strange dream, he reached for the ring Dalamar had given him, and finding it still there, he nodded grimly.

The Vampire was right. Already the visions of what he had seen were haunting him. Telling him that there was another life out there – something just beyond his reach.

He turned back to Dalamar and released a heavy sigh.

“You’ve given me a lot to think about.” He stated, a small, rueful smile appearing.

“Perhaps too much.” He added, his gaze passing quickly over the room again, trying to reconcile the difference between what he had seen before, and what he now saw.

He extended his hand to Dalamar.

“If ever I can repay you for the hospitality you’ve shown me, you have only to ask.” He stated. And he was a man of his word.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 27th, 2003, 08:24:06 PM
Dalamar shook Sasha's hand. "You will do well." was all the vampyre said. Stepping back he nodded there was a mild commotion Sasha turned. But when he glanced back the Warlord was gone..... His dark prescence lingered but the vampyre was no where to be seen. It chilled Sasha slightly but when dealing with vampyre what could you do.....

Feb 28th, 2003, 09:17:20 AM
For a moment longer he stood there. His eyes had been opened to a whole other world. He wondered how much else lay out there unexplored by him. And this was only the beginning.

He gave a small smile, savoring the memories, and then he, too, was gone.

He would return to the Sith Order from here, but eventually his restlessness would over come him, and he would go in search of the life that he was meant to lead.

His search would bring him back here for one last time, just to be sure. But in the end, he would continue on. As the Vampire Lord had sugested, destiny would call him in another direction, regardless of what his desires might have been.

But such was the way with Lady Destiny.