View Full Version : Tired and in need of a Drink...

Nayala Palain
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:44:16 PM
The Sith Master was indeed busy she now had three apprentice's one working on his last trails and the others she had started from scratch. A small driod rolled over and beeped. She hated that. Soowing the little trash can from her she looked around. She had never been here before.

Selinica Miriya
Jan 2nd, 2003, 05:45:35 PM
I got up from the table where I was sitting and went over to Athena.

"Come join me...I already have a table. I can tell you have quite a bit on your mind. I already have my own bottle of Corellian Whiskey, but if you prefer something else.."

I walked back to my table, and sat down, pouring myself another glass of my personal favorite.

Jan 6th, 2003, 06:50:59 PM
Southstar had been walking around the dining area looking for anything that might interest him and keep him occupied for the time being. He saw a young woman talk to a sith master that he recognized from the palace. As she sat down, he noticed the bottle of Corellian Whiskey on the table.
He thought to himself, "Corellian Whiskey, presence of a woman...I should. Wait, maybe not...ah who cares, I will."

He approached the table, "Would you mind if I joined you as well?"

Selinica Miriya
Jan 7th, 2003, 05:34:42 PM
Miriya grinned...

"Sure, take a seat."

She watched as he sat down.

"I'm an old friend of Athena's...Name's Miriya Cailis. And don't call me princess or anything like that. I used to be one and it's a life I've long since rejected. Grab a glass and I'll pour you 'taps the whiskey bottle' ...some of this while we wait and see if Athena decides to...grace us with her presence..."

Jan 7th, 2003, 07:43:56 PM
Southstar watched Miriya fill his glass with the Corellian whiskey. He picked up the glass and held it high, "Cheers." and took a big gulp. "Wow. pretty good stuff." He set his glass down and took a glance towards Athena. "Hmm, I wonder if she does plan on gracing us with her presence. I would vvery much like to speak with a sith master. But until she does, how about you tell me a little about yourself. I understand you were a princess at some point in your life, or in a life rejected."

Selinica Miriya
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:46:53 PM
Miriya gulped down half a glass of the whiskey...

"How about we start with something simper than my whole life? Ask some small questions...I'm kinda frazzled myself...I just recently had to return to my home planet much to my ...displeasure. But it was for the marriage of my brother and my mother who is...dying. My brother is a extremely talented Jedi Master...If it wasn't for being his goddamn twin I'd have ripped his heart out by now..."

She finishes the rest of the glass and pours some more for herself....Miriya grins slyly.

"So how about you?"

Jan 8th, 2003, 08:50:32 PM
"Me? Well I don't know...There hasn't really been much action recently...In fact, there hasn't been much action in my life at all. I'm out of the Unknown Regions as you call it, off of a large moon circling a gas giant called Tiva. I guess I'm here looking for fun. You know, live a life worth living."

Southstar finished his glass and poured himself some more, "If you don't mind."

He took sip and asked a question, "So why have you chosen to become a sith as opposed to a Jedi like your brother?"

Selinica Miriya
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:05:16 PM
Miriya took another sip of her third glass of whiskey. Not feeling the least bit tipsy, she answers Southstar's question.

"The high council of my home world is very strictly based on Jedi ideals... I was born with a different mind, so to speak, than that of my brother. There is a Master's Academy in the province of Jerith, in a district on the opposite side of the province from where the palace is based. Jerith is the largest province, and the Academy is in the mountains.

At one point, I was taking my examinations and trials for entry into the Master's Academy. I could not pass them.

The night after I was informed that I did not pass, for the second time, I had two dreams. One was very strange. It was bright, and colourful, then it ended. The second, was much less of a dream than the first. It was more real.

I hadn't really slept that night. The second dream was that of an ancient dark spirit of my world. An evil man called the Black Heart. He told me what had been going on. I have always been a darker soul, and my brother could only see it too well. He went before the High Council, because they too knew about me in such a way. They could not keep me from entering the academy save for one circumstance: That I was with child.

The youngest council member, Kai Do'Hanai Chera, has a strange way about him. He is a direct descendant of the first people of my planet, and he has a very powerful grasp of the Force. So, with his and my brother's plotting, Kai somehow used the Force to make a child in me.

I was only more furious. But the Black Heart told me to keep the child. He then made me his apprentice...of sorts. I could not want to be a Jedi with such an example as that of the Council's dealings.. So that is why I am what I am. My son, Damian, did not follow my tracks. He went to his uncle, my brother, and was trained by him. Damian is now a member of the High Council of Eva Spher ( my home) , the very council I rejected, and a prince in the place of which I rejected my own royal title."

She gulped downt the rest of her drink.

"So how's that for you? Does that answer a few questions?"

Jan 10th, 2003, 03:25:14 PM
"Wow. Quite a story. I really don't blame you for leaving like that. What the Jedi did is ridiculous, hell, just about everythign they do is rediculous. I really don't understand how someone can go about living without the will to do whats best for yourself." Southstar said and finished his whiskey.

Selinica Miriya
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:55:06 PM
Miriya nodded....

"You got that right. I'm just as puzzled about that. I love what I do now. I only can't do what a distant cousin of mine did because I have full blood relations to my family. She was adopted. So she killed her parents, and made her youngest sister Tes a Sith, just like her, because her master commanded her to. The middle two are both Jedi Masters. The male, Darik, has been missing for..oh I don't know how long. Cariena has been trying to find Tes, and turn her back, but to no avail. Only Tes knows that the adopted one killed her parents. She was grieved for a while, but since she became like us, she could really care less."

Miriya looked at Athena, then back at Southstar, leaning in close...

"The strange thing is that my family is supposed to be incapable of evil. It's in no way in their blood. But I, and my cousins have proved that to be false."

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 11th, 2003, 03:56:39 PM
"Well, dear child...they say that my kind hate the force, yet, here i am, on the verge of becoming a master of the darkside..."

Ket grinned lightly as he took a seat with the three. He procured himself a bottle of Jack Daniels, and pulle dhis hood down, revealing the sprakling gun metal grey of his armour, the apphire blue visor glinted in the light. He tapped his forearm and the helmet seemed to melt from his features, disassembling to store flatly upon the back of his neck. He smiled lightly to the two he did not know, and Gave a small node to his master, Athena.

"Hello...my mistress."

He then sipped som Jack and smiled to the other two.

"Greetings...I am Ket Van Derveld...Lupine Sith Knight."

Selinica Miriya
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:41:16 PM
Miriya smiled.

"Name's Miriya D'aen Cailis. I'm an old and close friend of your master. We go back quite a ways. Make yourself comfortable. We're just talking about whatever pops up. So tell me a bit about yourself."

She pours herself another glass of her whiskey, and sips it slowly.

Jan 14th, 2003, 09:54:26 PM
"Mine's Southstar. I don't suppose you could share a little about that fancy armor your sporting."

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 15th, 2003, 02:45:33 PM
Ket chuckled lightly. Indeed, his armour seemed all the rage. Why he did not know.

"Well met. Well, my armour is a CMI (Couscant Machinery, Inc) prototype. Medium power armour. Has all the little goodies you could need. But what is for me to know."

Ket winked and chuckled lightly.

Jan 15th, 2003, 05:11:54 PM
"Wonderful." Southstar poured himself some more of the Corellian whiskey and took a sip. "I apppreciate the fact that we are on the same side."

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:11:52 AM
"As you should"

Ket winked, and sipped his drink.

"So, tell me of yourselves."

Jan 16th, 2003, 04:29:35 PM
Southstar took a sip of his whiskey and set the glass down, but did not remove his hand. "I'm out of the northwest parts of the galaxy, the bit bordering the Unknown Regions. My homeworld, or homemoon, is full of force sensitive people, yet they choose to sit idly while things happen around them." He continued to talk while anger rose through his voice." I suppose thats why hated it there, they disgust me. They never take action to prevent a tragedy from occuring." He stopped and sipped his whiskey.

"My "fanatical" beliefs in standing up and agressing to prevent things gave me reason to leave. Soon after I left after our neighboring moon, Rik'lek, had begun to invade. The people at home..." He paused and thought of how easily things could have been prevented from happening. If they would have stood up and fought his family and his friends wouldn't be rotting on the surface of his home. They're so damn pacific, were slaughtered without putting up a fight. Serves them right, the strong overtake the weak.

So eventually I made my way here after choosing Sith over Jedi. I'm in the middle of my training and I hope to complete it soon." Southstar took a gulp of his whiskey and then asked "So how about you, whats your story?"

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 16th, 2003, 08:59:45 PM
Ket nodded lightly.

"Well, I was born on the outer rim world of Tatooine. As far as living relatives, I have an older brother by the name of Vega Van-Derveld, my nephew, Darius Van-Derveld and a neice, Morrigan. My parents were killed at the hands of a Sith Lord when I was five. I joined the Sith merely because the Jedi who was trying to protect us could not. He was weak, as well as the rest of his brood. I have traveled throughout the galaxy, competed and won 26 pit fights to the death on Tatooine, and have had a massive amount of work done as a result. Right now, I only have to take the Master trials and my training is complete. I should have bee a Master long ago, but there are somethings you have to be taught."

Ket grinned with a wink, and sipped his Jack a bit more.

Jan 17th, 2003, 04:49:18 PM
"Once again, the Jedi have failed to do anything correctly. If something needs to be done, you need to putyour all into it. I suppose if that Jedi had let go of his "control" things may have turned out differently."

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 17th, 2003, 09:24:14 PM
"Perhaps...but I wouldn't change it if I had the chance. Without that catalyst, I would never have found the rest of my family nor would I be who I am today."

Nayala Palain
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:06:34 PM
She was so tired she never even heard her friend Miriya's voice. But when she finally woke she smiled. Ket, Miriya and another sitting at a table.

Standing she made her way to the group and rested her hand down just inbetween Ket and Miriya.

" My Sister of Darkness how are you? Ket now no hitting on Miriya shes as wild as a SandPanther. "

The Sith Master looked at the other sitting at the table and her eyes studied him.

" Hello, I'm Master Athena. "

Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:27:24 PM
This was Cloaks first trip to the High Roller, and definitely not his last. He took to drinking over the years. He found it rather relaxing and it usually served as a time for deep thought for him. Cloak had much thinking to do indeed. As he enter the bar he noticed the small gathering that had formed. There was Ket, Miriya, Southstar and Master Athena. He approached the group lightly.

"Greetings all, nice to see that I'm not the only one looking for a drink at this hour."

Nayala Palain
Jan 23rd, 2003, 02:00:54 PM
Athena felt the signature of Sith Master Cloak. He was indeed an interesting member of the Order. The two had meet years ago now, at the same time Live Wire and Athena had meet.

" Master Cloak, Indeed it is good to see we are not the only drinkers here. What shall we order for you? "

Athena looked and noticed she didn't have a drink either.

" I need a glass of Red Wine. "

Athena damn near yelled it over to the barkeep. The person behind the bar just nodded and went to work.