View Full Version : Plo Koon - Come share my Pain

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 06:32:11 PM
Plo Koon's training was going very well.

He had taken each challenge, and without reserve, given his best effort. Estelle was proud of him. He had a kind heart and a genuine care for others. It was this compassion and sensitivity that had convinced her that Plo would have a natural affinity for the next skill she would attempt to teach him.

This was fairly new ground for herself also. And, risky.

But what would one learn if nothing was risked?

She expected her padawan to arrive momentarily, and took the few moments alone to expand her sense outward, and draw on the strength she found withing the GJO walls.

Plo Koon
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:49:38 PM
Koon was sent a message from his master to meet him in the academy. He knew it was another lesson and he was anxious to learn all he could. After receaving the message he made his way to the academy. As he entered the giant building he could feel his masters pressence. He made his way to the room where she was and slowly entered. He wasnt wearing his cloak like useual because Plo thaught it was a good day to not be confined in them. He made his way up to his master

"Greetings Master Russard...I am here as requested"

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:57:01 PM
"Welcome Plo"

Her smile reflected the genuine warmth and good will she held toward her padawan.

"Are you ready for something new today?"

Plo Koon
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:57:34 PM
Plo bowed towards his master

"I am always ready to learn something new"

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:14:29 PM
She smiled...it was the answer she had come to expect from Plo.


Her face grew somewhat serious.

"This will be a difficult lesson. Are you prepared to be obedient? Are you willing to trust me, even if you may not agree with what I will have to say?"

She wasnt speaking of blind obedience...for she did not believe in such a thing. To obey blindly was to ignore your own thoughts and shirk the responsibility of one's own conscience.

However, she did believe in trust - and this was the basis of what they needed to accomplish.

Plo Koon
Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:59:27 PM
Straffe understood what she was saying and would always be obidient to learn something as difficult she sais it would be

"I am ready master...I will do whatever it takes to learn this technique. I trust you with my life and I will agree with whatever you say'

He knew that even if he didnt agree with what she would do that he would do it anyways, to learn something new. He was prepared for anything she would throw at him

Estelle Russard
Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:44:06 PM
"Good, then we will begin."

She lifted a long steel blade, a sword of the old world, and gave it to Plo. She had one the same for herself.

"We will start by sparring a little. But this wont be our focus."

Plo nodded and stepped back a pace to prepare to duel.

"There are many faces of a Jedi...protector, defender, healer."

Lifting the heavy sword, Estelle knotched it against Plo's.


Plo Koon
Jan 4th, 2003, 12:12:35 PM
Plo felt a bit weird holding the big sword. He was use to sparing with his smaller Katana. He felt the weight of it but it was nothing to him. He didnt focus on the force for this battale as much as usual. He relyed on his sword training

"Hope you can keep up..."

Koon nudged his sword a bit to release it from the connection it had with Estelles. He spun around to slash her lower abdomen

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 10:10:23 PM
Estelle dropped her sword to block and twisted away from the strike. But the block was weak. She had intended it to be so.
And Plo's strike connected, albeit lessened from its full potential by her move, and made a deep split into Estelle's side.


She cried out and dropped to her knees, relinquishing her weapon to grab at her side.

She had expected pain, but the shocking searing intensity of the swords bite punched her breath from her.

Plo Koon
Jan 6th, 2003, 04:17:04 PM
Plo instantly droped his sword and tried to pick up his master

"Master!!! Are you ok!? I am so aorry!!!"

Koon hoped that nothing was to seriously damaged

Estelle Russard
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:13:19 PM
She could barely speak. The deep gash in her side was shockingly painful. As Plo tried to move her gently to prop her against the wall, it took only seconds for his hands and the front of his padawan robes to be covered in blood.

She managed a weak smile. "Now.. here's where the ...lesson..begins."

She spoke the rest to Plo's mind via the force as talking was too great an effort.

She reminded him of the Jedi Force abilities he would have read of during his times of personal study, and recalled to his mind's eye one particular passage:

Control Another's Pain -The character can help another character to not feel their pain! The Jedi must be in contact with the person they are trying to affect.

"This is what you must do, Plo."

ooc: Note - courtesy of RPG DataBase at Meras (http://meras.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=76)

Refer to Lightside Powers (http://www.geocities.com/imperialintelligencehq/Light.html)

Thanks again to Meras Admins who provide this site. :)

Plo Koon
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:18:46 PM
Plo was still alittle bit confused on what to do. He fallowed her instructions and kept his hands on her, using himself as her crutch. He couldnt figure out what to do...It was to much, his mater was bleeding infront of him and he started to panic

Estelle Russard
Jan 8th, 2003, 11:02:33 PM
She could sense Plo floundering in control, and touched him gently on the arm.

"Focus, Plo. Reach out with the force. The pain is a tangible thing...." She paused, catching her breath and trying not to move too much as when she did, it sent searing barbs of pain through her body.

"....draw it to yourself. Draw it away from me.."

Plo Koon
Jan 10th, 2003, 01:39:17 PM
Plo cleard his mind, focusing on her pian. He held her and focused tremendiously. He focused on the Force to help him stop her pain. Feeling it flow through himself, Koon focused on stoping her pian

Estelle Russard
Jan 13th, 2003, 02:25:00 AM
Her face blanched white. The severe loss of blood was taking its toll.

Estelle encouraged Plo. "Its helping, its helping."

Plo Koon
Jan 14th, 2003, 10:14:31 AM
Sweat started to slide down Koons forehead. He continued to focys on taking away her pain. He forced as much as he could to even heal her wound

Estelle Russard
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:24:07 PM
ooc: Its a good idea to give a little more detail of how you are healing or helping with the pain. Its hard to write just how you are healing someone, I know. But a trick I often use is a corresponding image. Helps to picture what you are doing, and fleshes out your post more :)

As Plo renewed his effort, Estelle could feel the pain being slowly siphoned from her. It was like her padawan was acting as a poultice that was drawing all the badness from a wound to the surface and then removing it. Much was the effect of Plo's force power.

She allowed him to do it alone, not aiding in her own healing in any way. She knew he could do it, and she gradually was feeling increased relief.

Estelle studied Plo - saw the perspiration streaming from his forehead, and she wondered if he was feeling her pain himself, or if he was somehow containing it through the living force.

Plo Koon
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:27:58 PM
Plo pictured with much detail, her skin, slowly beeing mended. Like there were little men stiching it back together. It was hard but he would not give up, he had to show her that he would prevail. He suddenly got a sharp pain in his chest. His head jerked back a bit as it was almost unbearible. He quickly thaught back to Estelle and continued to heal her

Estelle Russard
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:21:06 PM
The sudden jarring of Plo's body told Estelle that he was taking a toll for her benefit.

She was feeling alot better, and could tell the bleeding had ceased. Plo was doing beyond her expectations, but he would soon find the effort drain his strength. One did not have such success where healing is concerned, without it it showing in fatigue and weakening unless one was a Master.

Estelle had helped to heal and strengthen Aurelias Kazaar at one time and remembered well the intense effort it required.

It was at this point, that she joined her effort to Plo's. She helped him to localize the pain that he had taken to himself - compacting it to almost a ball off dark energy. Plo could see it in his mind's eye. A deep glowing orb within his chest.

Together, Student and Teacher, combined their ability to gradually shrink and eventually disolve the solid ball of pain.

Plo Koon
Jan 22nd, 2003, 08:51:44 PM
Plo saw the ball. It had some sort of glwoing to it. In his mind he forced himself to constrict the ball so thaat it would become smaller quicker. Koon felt himself get weary of the task and almost fell but quickly regained his composure and continued the prcess of healing

Estelle Russard
Jan 27th, 2003, 12:33:32 AM
They didnt realise it, but they had been at working at this particular lesson for five and a half hours now.

Estelle felt fatigue, Plo was almost dead on his feet. The art of healing would take less and less of a toll on them as they both improved in the skill. But for today, it had sapped a great deal of strenght from them.

The pain had gone long before the wound was mended, as was Estelle's original intention.

She felt perspiration all over her body and could see Plo's clothing was wet through.

Finally she touched his hand.

"It is enough. You have done remarkably well today, Plo Koon. Always remember this lesson and practice this ability every chance you get."

She pulled herself to her feet.

"Let us call it a day."

Plo Koon
Jan 27th, 2003, 07:52:01 PM
Plo fell on his back as he was exausted and in pain himself. He was happy that he had learnt a new skill tha would be usefull in the near future. He laied on his back, breathing heavily