View Full Version : Is it the Jedi you seek? (Aejin)

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 06:08:34 PM
Estelle had arrived with time to spare.

This would be the third time she had done this - the first training session with a new padawan.

She was much less nervous than the times when she had met Plo Koon and Maximas at the beginning of their training. She felt more self-assured, more able than before, and even more aware of the fact that this was not in the least about her. But it was about Aejin. And the Jedi. About the truth, about the code. About the upholding of the sacred and ancient truths that many had fought - and died - to uphold and perpetuate.

It was another chance to contribute to something greater than them all. To make a difference for good in a galaxy filled with so much darkness.

She stood, looking at her reflection in the window - her jedi robes that she wore so proudly, seemed so natural on her now. It was who she was. And she was glad.

Behind her, she could see the door to the Academy open, and Aejin entered. She turned about to greet him.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:01:56 PM
Aejin had shed his old clothes for brown robes, tunic, and white uniform. His robes were whisping backwards lightly as he walked, due to the wind catching them and causing them to flutter. His hands pushed open a door and the closed behind them as he passed them.

He looked forward and he saw his new master. He smiled as he walked forward and approached her, slightly nervous and not knowing what to do. His palms were sweaty as he neared her and he bowed lightly..

"I hope that I am on time. I'm not late, am I?"

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:18:32 PM
"Not late, no. You are on time, Aejin."

She walked to him and took both his hands in hers. She saw him squirm just a little, the sweat in his palms was immediately felt by Estelle.

"You are nervous?"

Aejin Rahn
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:52:17 PM
Aejin swallowed slowly as he watched Estelle take his hands in her own. He tried to smile, and even succeded. He noded down to her..

"Yes, yes I am nervous. Odd, eh?"

He stood somewhat oddly while she held his hands. He let his eyes fall upon her and he calmed down. He was ready now...

Estelle Russard
Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:51:20 PM
"I dont think it odd, Aejin. You are in a new place, with new people, learning new things. It is only natural to feel a little uncertain."

Still holding his hands infront of her in a light grip, she looked them over.

"You told me in the Recruitment Centre that your father was a Jedi..Did you study at all under his guidance?"

Aejin Rahn
Jan 3rd, 2003, 06:36:45 PM
Aejin nodded as she spoke to him of his father, he swallowed and then replied to her as he himself too looked at her own hands...

"Yes, he taught me many things, mainly of the force, how to manipulate it as best I could. Telekenisis and Telepathy...We did some combat training but not alot..."

Estelle Russard
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:42:07 PM
"Then it seems you atleast know the basics.."
The Jedi find their strength within - tapping into the living force that surrounds them and flows through all things."

She let his hands go and spoke to him in her mind, reaching out through the force to see how able he was to hear her.

"But true strength is found in the character and spirit of a man. This is what we strive for. A quality of spirit"

Aejin Rahn
Jan 3rd, 2003, 09:43:11 PM
He watched her as he himself let The Force aide him in his actions and he looked to her..

" And how do I gain this quality of spirit?"

He blinked a few times as he watched her. Talking like this was comforting to him. It made him feel something. Like he was a part of something greater...

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:01:43 AM
"You get it through....pain and suffering."

The slow grin that spread on Estelle's face told Aejin she was joking.

But they both knew, that sometimes it could be the truth.

"You build your character and spirit by right choices, building one upon another. That doesn't mean we wont make mistakes, but it is the motive that we must always be mindful of."

She took out her lightsaber, but didnt activate it, but rather used it to symbolise her point.

"The force is powerful - it can be weilded for good or evil. You have seen first hand the evilness in the galaxy. It is the choice of the Jedi to use it for good that makes us different."

Aejin Rahn
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:18:43 AM
After he was done grinning and laughing with Estelle he let his face become somewhat serious. He knew that she was right partially. He would feel pain and suffering one day... He looked to her and then to the metallic hilt in her hand..

"And I make that choice. To use good. To help others...No one should have that done to them..."

He closed his eyes thinking for a moment. He opened them and looked to her, realizing what he just said and he smiled...

"A lightsaber, my father had one. He said I would construct my own one day..."

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:41:11 AM
"And so you will" she nodded in agreement.

"Master Obi Wan Kenobi once said the lightsaber was an elegant weapon, from a more civilized age."

She reclipped it to her belt and instead crossed to a cabinet the housed the training sabers.

Lifting two out, she handed one to Aejin.

"Ignite it"

Aejin Rahn
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:16:21 PM
As he took the weapon in his hand he held it for a second or two without igniting it. He looked at it. Hefted it back and forth before he took it in his right hand and ignited the blue blade. His eyes winced at the bright light as he stared at it for a bit, moving it through the air...

"What now?"

He asked curiously as he watched her, and the weapon he was holding...

Estelle Russard
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:32:24 PM
"I get to see what you are capable of"

She ignited the training saber she held and went on to explain.

"The light you see from the weapon is false. It is not a true energy beam, but a rod that glowes incandesantly.

It is so that our new padawans..and their instructors...dont loose any limbs etc while practicing. We will use real sabers at a later time."

She stepped forward quickly, making short sharp jabs at Aejin with the saber.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 6th, 2003, 09:28:46 AM
"Yes, that would be rather perilous..."

He grinned as he batted away her saber with the one that was given to him, the practice saber. He batted each jab to the side and then he himself went on the offensive.

He raised his blade upwards and let it move to the right, he pushed out her blade and tried to jab inward, but it was thwarted. He kept on trying to attack and got nowhere. He stepped back and gave an exasperated sigh.....

Estelle Russard
Jan 7th, 2003, 09:50:28 PM
Estelle stepped back also, seeing Aejin getting slightly frustrated.

"You have a nice style, Aejin. But it is predictable, that's why I can block you so well.

The best form of attack is surprise.."

She lifted her saber once again in challenge.

"So - surprise me."

Aejin Rahn
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:12:36 PM
He nodded then grinned. He had a technique with his Sister that had surprised her, perhaps it would work now.

He went back into the same fighting pattern. He would jab, slash, and lunge, but he would all be blocked. He kept on, he slashed to the right, then the left, but Estelle blocked. Frustration showed on his face again.

He moved inwards towards her, slowly stepping in a crouched stance. He let his saber bat the end of her own, several times, even continously before he moved in as he did so, causing Estelle to retreat.

This was it. He quickly moved forward, his saber slammed into hers hard, causing it to go out to the left wide and he spinned in, his saber moved, as it was a part of him, towards her neck where he stopped. Even though it was a fake beam, he treated it as if it would kill. It was close to her neck.

He looked at her with a sense of triumph as sweat trickled down his forehead from the top of it....

Estelle Russard
Jan 8th, 2003, 11:10:37 PM
Her eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at him, letting the tenseness leave her shoulders as she saw he had her pinned.

"Very good, Aejin"

He dropped the weapon ever so slightly from her neck as he relxed a little, and at that moment, Estelle brought her free hand up and thrust it open palmed against his ribcage.

The hit was force-enhanced and near knocked the wind from him.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 18th, 2003, 02:32:49 PM
Aejin stumbled backwards, coughing for air as he looked up, he gripped the saber hilt slightly tighter. He looked at her as he smiled and somewhat canted his head downward in a nod towards her...

He twirled his blade back and forth as he approached, making the saber go into a X pattern as he neared her. This made her step back somewhat and as she did so, he lunged for her..

Estelle Russard
Jan 23rd, 2003, 11:04:37 PM
Estelle moved back quickly, but even so, she was hard-pressed to fend off Aejin's attack. He was quite skilled, and she was duly impressed.

He continued to press forward, forcing her back until she was hedged against the wall.

A quick duck and twist, and she came under and around his extended arm. A quick solid thrust and she hit Aejin just under the ribs.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 25th, 2003, 09:31:31 PM
Aejin staggered backwards, and started to cough a bit. He looked to Estelle as he stepped back, slowly catching his breath. He brought his left hand up to his chest and rubbed it, feeling a sore spot...

"Wasn't expecting that...."

He smiled to her. He was beginning to feel more comfortable holding the weapon, and even more so with his teacher...

He approached her slowly, going into an offensive stance, he moved the saber to his side like a baseball bat and swung it back and forth as he waited for a second to think.

He then moved closer to her, going to attack with the lightsaber quickly, but he faked. Seeing his moment of oppurtunity he moved quickly towards the ground and sweeped her legs out from under her...

Estelle Russard
Jan 27th, 2003, 12:41:08 AM
Estelle, not prepared enough to avoid Aejin's feint and consequent sweep, moved with the fall. Aided by the force, she did a cartwheel almost and landed once more to her feet.

Surprised at her actions, Aejin was far from ready when she high-kicked him in the chest.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:52:12 PM
Aejin groaned loudily as he started to fall backwards. He grunted as he hit the ground, the saber fell, deactivated. He coughed as he grasped his chest. He looked up to her. Slowly sitting up, but still on the ground...

"Your too fast..."

Estelle Russard
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:22:57 AM
Estelle 'de-activated" her weapon also, and joined Aejin sitting on the floor.

"Speed comes with practice, thats all. All skills as a fighter come with practice, as does control of the force. It will not take long for you to begin to see improvement."

She folded her hands together.

"Is there anything you would like to ask?"

Aejin Rahn
Jan 31st, 2003, 03:50:07 PM
As Aejin watched her, and when she had asked if he wanted to ask anything, shaking his head.. He looked at her, taking in deep breaths, trying to calm down...

"It's good to know that improvement will show...How long did it take for you?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:55:49 PM
"Progress cant be measured in time, but in experience. In trial and error, success and failure. You grow often without realising it until situations call upon you to do things you didnt know you were capable of.

The key is to focus on the here and now. Today is what we work on."

Aejin Rahn
Feb 7th, 2003, 04:48:37 PM
"A moment at a time..I see."

Aejin slowly started to stand and looked at her. He held the lightsabers hilt in his right hand, squeezing it softly. He looked to Estelle..

"What next?"

Estelle Russard
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:30:34 PM
"For your training to be balanced, you need to practice the physical art of self-defence as well as learn the code of the Jedi.

It is a good idea to spar amongst your fellow padawans. This will improve your speed and your ability to out think and out maneuver an opponent.

We will also spend some time in studying the archives. The lessons learned by those who have gone before us are invaluable. Spend some time in private study whenever you can.

Also, I would like you to think strongly on what you feel your strengths are. What avenues of skill we should center on and build upon. Also consider your weaknesses. We all have them, and so you need not feel you have something to prove to me.

When next we talk, we will discuss things each of us would like to improve within ourselves. "

She grinned a little now.

"...But mostly we will discuss your faults"

Estelle laughed to show she was just having a bit of fun at Aejins expense.

Aejin Rahn
Mar 7th, 2003, 09:51:33 AM
He laughed somewhat. He looked to her, still in awe of what had transpired over such a short time. He looked at the saber in his hand and then made a motion to hand it to Estelle...

.."Perhaps a trip to the Bar would do me good?..."

He looked to her curiously..

(OOC: Sorry this is so long in coming, kinda forgot. ^_^; )

Estelle Russard
Mar 17th, 2003, 03:32:55 PM
"Perhaps" she said ruefully.

She led the way toward the door and gestured for Aejin to follow.

"In fact, thats not a bad idea. I like to try and spend some social time with my padawans' and get to know them outside the training room. It helps to strengthen the bond between us, I find.

Are you hungry?"

ooc: no worries :)