View Full Version : Reconcilliations: The First Step (Sanis)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 1st, 2003, 05:21:25 PM
The table she sat at had one leg a little shorter than the others and wobbled each time she leant on it. After the third such unbalanced shift, and consequently the third spilling of her tea from its cup into its saucer, Eliessa gave up and sat with her back against her chair and her hands in her lap.
The bar tender had said the man she was looking for often came in to the bar at this time of the day, usually for a pint and sometimes to eat, but thats only if he was in town. Sanis Prent never seemed to stay in one place for too long, he'd said. Eliessa had no choice but to take a chance and sit, and hope, that perhaps she would be lucky. Sanis Prent had a reputation for knowing alot of people, who knew a lot of people, and his name had been given to her as a possible source of information. Informtation she had for a long time been, for many reasons, unwilling to seek out. But things change. She'd changed. Life was funny like that.
Watching the general buzz of the patrons around her, Eliessa saw, without really seeing. Her mind was elsewhere, another place - another time.
In a place much like this one, years ago, she met and fell in love with a handsome and brave Jedi Master. It was a beginning and an ending, all in one day. It was a day that changed her life...and that of her family..forever.
Perhaps today would be another such day. A day that began with another significant meeting - though the players and the story be a different one. A day that might change her life....and that of her family..forever.
Sanis Prent
Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:46:37 PM
(I'd dropped into Coruscant on a red-eye flight, and was waiting in the wings to refuel. How long had it been since I slept? My head felt light with insomnia, and my eyes tingled with the subliminal urges to keep them closed. As I shuffled my way to the B&G, I dipped out of my flask. I trusted myself to stay awake when I wasn't sober. Not suprisingly, between the whiskey and sleep deprivation, I didn't notice the blonde craning for attention in the corner booth.)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 2nd, 2003, 09:37:36 PM
She didnt realise it, but she was frowning. A deep line furrowed between her finely arched brows.
If that was Prent, then she probably had come all this way for nothing. He looked like he didn't even know where he was, let alone that he could know the whereabouts of someone else.
He shambled in and slumped himself into a booth, rubbing his head like one did when first waking up, making his hair poke out at odd angles.
Lifting herself out of her seat with a resignated sigh, her hand leant once again on the table, once again spilling the tea, this time splashing onto her kakhi calf-length skirt. She flicked off the tepid liquid in irritated stokes, and wiped her hands on a napkin.
Crossing over to the booth to stand infront of Sanis just as he tucked the flask into his pocket, he looked at her and she couldnt tell if he was drunk or simply exausted.
Attempting to keep her voice level and show no sign of disappointment, Eliessa asked him directly.
"Are you Sanis Prent?"
Sanis Prent
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:09:52 AM
(I snapped out of a trance, my chin nearly slipping off the perch of my right palm. Inhaling sharply, I noticed a hot cup of coffee that had been somehow delivered to me. Stretching back in my seat, I rubbed down the length of my face with both hands, mumbling in between fingers)
Yeah...what do you want?
Eliessa Corta
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:53:34 PM
She took the liberty of sitting opposite Sanis, and pushed his coffee cup over to him.
"Looks like you could use that."
She was quick to continue while she still held his attention.
"Im trying to find someone. Your name came up as a man who might be interested (she put a thick money belt on the table) in helping me."
Sanis Prent
Jan 4th, 2003, 05:27:18 PM
(I gave the stack of chits a cursory glance-over, and washed the thought down with coffee. As I took it a few levels down, I dipped into my flask, topping the cup of joe off with bourbon. Stowing that away, I looked to the eager woman.)
I've been known to find people and/or things from time to time. You have any particulars?
(Run of the mill so far, and she was paying. I couldn't dismiss her and pass out. Just not my lucky day.)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 5th, 2003, 12:11:24 AM
"Im looking for my daughter."
She took out a small disk, pressing a button on its side, and there in the palm of her hand appeared a holographic image of a woman. She was in her late twenties or early thirties, blonde and somewhat resembled the woman seated opposite him.
"This is a composite, digitally aged, from a picture I had of her when she was a child of about 7 years old."
It was the age she was when Eliessa had left.
Another press of the button and the image vanished.
"So it is not an acurate likeness, but still, is something to go by. Her name is DrenKast...or was. She could have married and taken another name. Im afraid I dont know one way or the other."
She sat forward.
"I have some more particulars, here with me."
And began to rumage through a small knapsak she wore strapped diagonally across her chest.
Sanis Prent
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:10:30 AM
(I paused, seemingly waking up a bit)
(I fished around my jacket pockets, pulling out a pack of stims)
That her last name, right?
(My brow knit in thought, as I lit up a stim, exhaling smoke into the space where the hologram was.)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 5th, 2003, 08:53:50 PM
Peering deep into her napsack, "thats right."
She stopped as the thought dawned on her and glanced frankly at Prent, the curls of smoke disapaiting.
"......You know it?"
Sanis Prent
Jan 7th, 2003, 12:02:02 AM
Well it isn't a Smith or a Jones, so...yeah. Probably.
At least one that looks a bit like that holo.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 7th, 2003, 09:39:57 PM
Prent's casual off-hand admission that he may know her daughter shot a bolt of hope through Eliessa.
Looking at him, she concluded he was tired and not drunk as she'd first suspected. And on closer inspection, saw a shrewdness about him beyond his dishsevelled appearance.
Or maybe she was just hoping that to be so. So much was riding on his information.
Forgetting the contents of the pack, she reached across the table stopping short of clasping onto his hands. It would do no good to reveal to him how desperate she was.
"What can you tell me about the woman you think you know?"
Sanis Prent
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:31:54 PM
Not much.
(I took a sigh of air to clear my mind, leaning back.)
She's a businesswoman, and she has a few connections here and there. Mostly out of the Republic. Sector Rangers, Cizerack, and Hutts. Shrewd. She's well off...financially at least. Don't know of any place in particular she calls home, except for a space station called Shadowfaene. Never been though.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 7th, 2003, 10:56:36 PM
A business woman? Well, that was a good thing. Eliessa felt relief at Prent's words (if in fact this was the same person as her daughter). Seems she had made a way for herself. And a respectable one at that, although the Hutts were a bit dubious.
Eliessa had the naivety all mothers had concerning their daughters, and though she had feared the worse, had believed more in the hope of goodness.
Since the fall of the Zaria Tor family in Kwaylon 15 years before, the region had been constantly in chaos as the clan warlords and surviving houses fought for dominion and land holdings. Getting information on any refugees fleeing from the region was almost impossible, especially in the early stages as no records were kept let alone protected. Eliessa Corta had not heard what had happened to her daughter since the fall of the ruling house of her homeland.
"ShadowFaene..." she dwelled on that a moment.
"Is there anyway you could take me there? Or get me transport to there? I would pay you well, Mr. Prent."
Sanis Prent
Jan 8th, 2003, 12:53:49 AM
Well...not exactly sure where it is. From what I know though, its close to the Carshoulis cluster. The Pride have an interest in a trade partnership with her.
(I gulped down my gradually cooling coffee)
I'm not exactly happy with making my way out there again though. I tend to steer clear of Carshoulis, if I can.
(It was an unsaid invitation to make the trip worth the risk. I hated getting near Pride space, but I'd do it for the right price)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 8th, 2003, 10:52:35 PM
"Name your price Mr. Prent. I will have no problem matching it for you to make the trip worth your while."
She gestured to the money belt.
"There is more where that came from."
Sanis Prent
Jan 8th, 2003, 11:04:53 PM
Alright...another ten thousand. But if we run across a Pride Galleon, I'm gone. I don't want to risk getting mixed up with them again. We've got a bad history.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:25:39 PM
She didnt even blink as he named his price, but instead had to resist reaching across the table to take his hands in hers and squeeze them with happiness. As it was, her smile had spread across her face, and tears threatened to well up.
"Anything you say, Mr. Prent.
When can we leave?"
Sanis Prent
Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:39:55 PM
Whenever you're ready. My ship's on the pad and refueled. I had a trip to Ryloth, but I can bump it.
(Blinking blearily, I stood...running a hand through my hair.)
You ready?
Eliessa Corta
Jan 23rd, 2003, 11:55:30 PM
Her mouth opened and closed a few times but no words came out. She hadn't expected Sanis to move so fast. He was up and standing and half out the door before she had even collected her thoughts.
But, after a moment of this, she sprang out of her chair and followed hard on his heels, bumping now and then into him as they meandered through the crowded bar.
"Im so grateful to you Mr. Prent" she said as she once more stepped on the back of his shoes. "Is there anything I should be brining with me do you think?"
Sanis Prent
Jan 27th, 2003, 07:46:43 PM
(I shrugged as she tagged along behind me.)
Change of clothes and a toothbrush? I dunno. C'mon.
(Yawning, I shuffled my way towards the docking bay, with Eliessa in tow. Hitting my remote access device, I set Layla into warmup, dropping the gangplank as I stepped aboard.)
Guest quarters are second level, with the galley. Not much, but its a futon with sheets.
(Not waiting for a response, I climbed up the ladder well toward the pilothouse, and strapped in.)
Set vector two-seven, and activate repulsors.
(Layla shuddered very slightly as power went to feeding the engines. Slowly, the ship rose from the pad, gangplank and gear retracting.)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:06:43 AM
Eliessa was hard pressed to keep up, and listen to what Sanis was saying, and remember the intructions he was dealing out like some high-time card dealer.
She followed him up the ladder into the pilothouse, clutching her napsack a little apprehensively.
Boy, he didnt waste any time.
"Um, Mr. Prent" she laughed a little to try ward off her next comment from making any offence, "...Um, dont you need some sleep or something. I mean, you seemed tired when I first joined you tonight." Tired wasnt the word. The man was dead on his feet.
Sanis was busy working the controls, and Eliessa peered nervously over his shoulder, trying to get him to notice her. She lurched forward as the Layla lifted off.
"Can you fly when you you are so tired..?"
She couldnt hide the misgivings she felt from her voice.
Sanis Prent
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:12:12 AM
Just clearing Coruscant space, then I'll punch the hyperdrive and go on autopilot.
(Blearily, I worked the controls, angling Layla skyward, through the ascent lanes and through orbit, until the ship slowly began to clear planet-bound traffic.)
Yes, Sanis?
(The pink droid module skittered over the dashboard, visual receptors blinking. I half-yawned, scratching my face)
Eliessa, Marcus. Marcus, Eliessa. Now that you two are acquainted, I'm gonna hit the hay. Marcus, set course .2 parsecs outside of the Carshoulis Cluster. Yawwww.....
(I shook the immediate fatigue away, and shambled down the ladder from the pilot seat.)
Eliessa Corta
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:20:24 AM
As Sanis disappeared down the ladder, Eliessa took a seat in his now vacated chair.
It was quite bold of her and she felt so very daring for doing so.
She hadn't really been in a ship such as this before..She'd always had pilots and never needed to see the steering-house (or whatever it was called) up so close.
She looked over all the lights and buttons and gages, careful not to touch a thing.
The little pink droid watched her until finally Eliessa looked up at him.
"Hello...Marcus is it? Its very nice to meet you."
Marcus v4
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:26:05 AM
A pleasure to meet you as well, Eliessa.
The droid whirred for a moment, as the ship began to turn to its specified trajectory.
Are you an employer, or a personal guest?
Eliessa Corta
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:28:50 AM
"I guess I am an employer"
She smiled ruefully.
"And are you an employee, or the boss?"
Marcus v4
Jan 28th, 2003, 12:46:40 AM
Marcus paused for a moment.
I am neither, I suppose. I exist to enhance efficiency, and improve normal functions of a variety of tasks. That being said, I consider myself far too integral to successful operations to be deemed a mere employee. Yet, all true autonomical features lie solely with Sanis. I am, in this situation, an outlier.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:27:50 PM
"Well then" Eliessa acted suitably impressed and tried to supress a laugh, the little droids self-importance was so unexpected. Such units were usually so self-depracating. "It's very lucky for us that you are here."
Marcus, she was sure, was absolutely vital to the smooth running of Prent's operations, but the manner in which he delivered his job-description was so comical.
Getting hold of her mirth, she resumed her well-mannered questioning.
"Do you know how long it will take us to reach Coruscant, Marcus?"
Marcus v4
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:32:38 PM
Do you mean the Carshoulis Cluster, Eliessa? Our departure point was Coruscant. If I am in error, I can alter our course.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:49:35 PM
"Agh, where's my head."
Eliessa was more tired than she thought. She wished she could excuse her error by simple absent mindedness, but the built up tension of searching for her daughter, the constant deadends and disappointments were taking their toll and she had trouble keeping details straight.
"Of course you are right Marcus, Carshoulis Cluster."
She felt a bit embarressed to be showed so wanting of witts infront of the little pink droid.
"How long, do you think?"
Marcus v4
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:41:41 PM
At our current heading, the closest planet in the Carshoulis Cluster is Syragor. Currently, we are 5.9 parsecs from that location. At present speed, we will arrive in six hours, seventeen minutes, and forty-two seconds. However, it would be wise to proceed no further than half a parsec away from the Carshoulis Cluster. The Cizerack are quite territorial, and have a history of action against entrepeneurs of Sanis's nature.
The droid paused, its body language response algorithms hypothesizing Eliessa's unsaid communication.
You seem to be under a state of fatigue. Might I prepare an herbal stimulant tea in the galley? It is full of anti-oxidants, which should improve your mental and physical condition.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:53:16 PM
"Really? You can make tea?"
Eliessa marvelled at Marcus's versatility. What a wonderful little droid.
"That would be nice...I think I could use it.
Which way to the galley?"
Marcus v4
Jan 28th, 2003, 11:04:08 PM
Do not worry. I am preparing it as we speak. I will bring it to you shortly.
Eliessa Corta
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:07:54 AM
"Even better."
Eliessa allowed herself a stretch, extending both arms and legs and felt some of the tension release from her back. She would have some tea, and then take the opportunity to get some sleep, though she doubted it would come easily. Despite her fatigue, she was excited at the thought of making such progress in her search for her daughter.
"Tell me Marcus, what do you know about the Pride. Im afraid I dont think Ive ever encountered these beings."
Marcus v4
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:30:49 AM
Is there any particular query you wish to make?
Marcus paused, awaiting her response. In the meantime, an identical droid module skittered out an access chute by Eliessa, with a cup of tea held delicately in its manipulator appendages.
Your tea is ready. Would you wish a biological, cultural, behavioral, historical, or geopolitical analysis of the Cizerack? Or shall I present all aspects?
Eliessa Corta
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:35:22 AM
Her eyes widened, "gosh, there are two of you!"
She took the cup gratefully, and sipped from it.
"Oh, thats nice" she murmered appreciatively.
"Well Marcus, it seems you would have alot of knowledge that you could good are you at summarising?"
She was curious and very interested in what the little droid had to tell, but Eliessa wasnt certain how much detail she would absorb.
"Generalise, if you can."
Marcus v4
Jan 31st, 2003, 01:58:13 AM
Generalization without prioritization parameters is not one of my strong suits. Nevertheless, I believe I can extrapolate the more relevant entries. One moment, please.
The droid module's visual receptors blinked in a fast repetition, as its microprocessor whirred, churning the information as it sifted back and forth between Marcus's collective conciousness, present in the dozens of other modules, spread across the ship.
The Cizerack, or Felix Hominae, are a race of bipedal, feline humanoids. The species possess prehensile tails, elongated and pivoting ears, retractable claws in carpal and metacarpal extremeties, and a striped skin that makes detection in vegetation difficult. Their dental taxinomy suggests an almost exclusively carnivorous lifestyle, as does the species' unrivaled caloric metabolism, which requires a large and sustained dietary intake. Augmenting their predatory nature are keen senses of sight, hearing, and smell, as well as sustained foot speed and bodily strength easily twice that of a human at equal mass. They inhabit all thirteen hospitable worlds within the Carshoulis Cluster, including the metropolis world of Carshoulis Prime. At last reported galactic census, the Cizerack were believed to number at 200 billion, though this number is readily disputed, due to reluctance of the Cizerack government to divulge information. Various other species also coinhabit the Carshoulis Cluster, most notably humans. However, the Cizerack race maintains absolute autonomy within the star system. The Cizerack nation, also known as the Cizerack Pride, is an absolutist matriarchal empire, headed by an individual addressed as "The Pride Mother". Her power is supported by a series of subordinate governors and viceroys. The Pride is largely xenophobic in all matters except trade. Historically, they have open trade relations with many star systems, though further relations are often quite aloof. Because of the Pride's dependance on interstellar trade, the Cizerack are openly hostile to criminal elements and pirates. Numerous pirate guilds have been wiped out entirely through the efforts of the Cizerack military, which tackles the problem with disturbing zeal. Culturally, the Cizerack believe in female dominance. Males are refused education, property rights, voting rights, and other common rights bestowed upon citizens of the New Republic. Instead, they are more akin to indentured servants or slaves, and are subordinate to the mistress of their household. In addition, the Cizerack consider their own race superior to others, and a secondary caste system is evident among species as well as sex.
The droid module paused again.
Was that sufficiently concise, or shall I resolve another query?
Eliessa Corta
Jan 31st, 2003, 03:44:55 PM
She waved her hand in the negative.
"No, no. That was perfect, Marcus. You certainly know alot dont you."
Thank goodness Eliessa had used the words "summarise" and "generalise". She was sure the little droid would be able to talk non-stop from now until they arrived in Carshoulis space.
Certainly, the Pride were a unique nation. With the matriachal structure, no wonder Sanis Prent wished no further entanglements - especially if there was history there of some sort.
"Oh, one thing you could tell me, Marcus. What is Mr.Prents connection with the Pride exactly?"
Marcus v4
Feb 1st, 2003, 08:15:46 PM
Sanis was propositioned nearly a year ago by the current Pride Mother, Rourrsseerri Feessarro. It was a non-negotiable liason, and Sanis eventually escaped her palace. As I recall, it was a most unenjoyable experience, at least from my perspective.
Eliessa Corta
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:24:33 AM
Eliessa turned her head to look down the ladder where Prent had exited earlier, as if expecting to see him, though she knew he was sleeping.
Sanis must be something for the leader of the Cizerack Nation to want to own him - and for him to escape out of her hands. No wonder he wanted to steer a wide berth.
"Well, I guess it is lucky for us all around that Mr. Prent made good his escape."
This increased her confidence in his ability to make good on a connection with her daughter.
She finished her tea and set the cup down.
"You make great tea, Marcus."
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